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There are two types of people in this world, those who know, and those who are victims.
Dec 2 2024
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Back in the days of 540 meg hard drives, when you surfed the web, everything, including video, got cached and you could browse the cache. Nowadays, when everyone has terabyte drives, nothing gets cached. So when you want to go back and find something that got censored you can't, all you can click is dead links in your "history", which is not "cache". Obviously now that systems are far more capable of storing data, everything should be cached so you can go back and find stuff you "lost". If everything landed in a browsable cache when we were working with only megs, it should be automatic now that we are working with terabytes. Yet it is not. And even Google does not cache anymore, even if you knew how to get the cache after Google removed the link to the cache, you can't anymore.
Why? Censorship.
QUESTION: Why would saying that trigger a ban? YOU GUESS. Here, I will: OBVIOUSLY they don't want people thinking about that.
IN A FREE WORLD, WITH REAL TRUTH, BROWSERS CACHE IT ALL so you can go back into your own computer and rescue stuff. Unfortunately, that has not been reality since the 90's.
OK, so I went through the whole rigamarole of:
View the Stored Site Cache and Size
Chrome offers the ability to view the cache storage space of individual sites. You can also sort the cache storage based on the most visited sites. Here are the steps to follow:
Open Google Chrome on your computer.
Click on the More vertical 3-dots icon menu and select Settings from the list.
Scroll down to the Privacy and Security section and select the Site settings from the menu.
Click on the Cookies and Site Data option.
Scroll down and select, See all the cookies and Site Data to view the entire list
The result was censorship. Damn near nothing I viewed was there, especially RT which gobbled megs and megs, but only had 50K showing. BOTTOM LINE: There's no such thing as a true browser cache anymore. WHY? The answer is worth a ban!
Ron Paul: End the FED or the FED will end America
America needs to be returned to the gold standard, which made the US dollar resistant to getting wiped out by people who say: "Run the country OUR WAY OR ELSE". As it is running now, there's no hope for the future, America will simply be cashed and corrupted out.
After ending the fed, there's Israel's samson option and Magna BSP's "owl" to worry about . . . . . . I wonder how many Israeli threat nukes are dispersed throughout the United states . . . . my guess is 20 or more. That's why Israel never worried about delivery systems for it's nuclear arsenal, corruption, subversion, deception, "victim status" and more have already gotten that job done, with a few spiders to help. If you don't understand that, you're new here, I covered all of it in the past. Maybe it is time for a recap.Ahhh yes, the report "Nuclear blackmail", let's see if I can manage to dig that up after 7 or 8 server losses, 2 site shut downs, all my backups stolen and more . . . . . wait. It's a great report that explains it all.
Ending the fed is only one part of the equation. Nuclear blackmail is the other part.
Nowhere on this server, let's try the wayback machine.
OK, found it but all the documents and pictures are wiped out. But at least
I found the text. Here it is, from the glory days: UPDATE: I managed to recover some documents
Yep, we're in trouble.
Israel's nuclear deterrent method exposed.
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, Jan 8 2012
This information was discovered as part of my fukushima report
Israel is keeping a dirty little secret . . . . .
There is a reason why the U.S. government is waging war all over the world, even obviously against the good of the nation.
There is a reason why the U.S. government rapidly rolled over and did the banker bailout without question, in an amount which exceeded the value of every mortgage in the country by more than 3x, and every mortgage in default by over 15x; an amount which will seriously damage America once the ripple effect is finished.
Many of you are no doubt scratching your heads, wondering why every elected president turns back on his campaign promises the second the inaguration is complete. Believe me, the corruption of American elected officials is not that deep. You cannot elect several presidents in sequence, and have them all perfectly screw the country, ESPECIALLY the way Bush and Obama did; they had their reason, and it is called NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL.
What if all the "corrupt" politicians never wanted to renig on their promises, (at least not so completely)? What about Obama? And what about the other countries, which also screwed their people the same way? Why is it seemingly a universal truth, that all governments around the world are simultaneously going against the will of their people, in favor of the Jewish bankers and Israel?
I believe I have figured it out, and I have documented it.
Update: the documented portion has been wiped off the wayback machine but many people have already read this.
I am going to tell you the hows and whys of Israel's dirty little secret - how they got their nuclear offensive capability in place, why they decided on the chosen method, and how they ended up using it.
Israel had a serious launch dilemma. Israel is in a unique predicament. It's small land mass and hostile neighborhood have made developing a space program and ballistic missile launch system all but impossible.
Geography matters. Most nations are priviledged to have vast tracts of land suitible for space launches, or friendly neighbors who will permit the use of their airspace during a space launch. Israel is not one of them.
If a rocket is to be put to its most practical use, it must launch toward the rising sun to make use of earth's rotational velocity and add it to the speed of the rocket. If a rocket is launched towards the setting sun, it must first accelerate to the speed of the earth's rotation, and then an additional 1,000 mph just to get to where zero would have been with an eastward launch. Though it can be done, it wastes fuel and after launch another problem then presents itself - your payload will be traveling opposite to all the many thousands of other satellites and space debris in orbit and an eventual catastrophic collision is virtually assured. This has made westward launches both taboo and difficult. Westward launches are considered unacceptable, and though Israel has done it over the medeterrenean, geography has seriously hampered an Israeli space program.
Israel has been stifled in space of because of these difficulties. The prime Eastward launch direction will violate both Jordani and Saudi airspace, because a rocket has to reach an altitude of 60 miles to be formally above, and not trespassing on a nation. Though a straight up launch which then turns East after an acceptable altitude is reached is possible, it will waste so much fuel and require such a large rocket that it will be too impractical to be considered an option. This has spelled doom for a land based ballistic missile defense system in Israel because only a small east to west launch corridor is available over the mediterannean. So while the Israelis have launched satellites into orbit through this window, a ballistic nuclear weapons system which needs a full 360 degree launch direction to be fully effective is not possible. Because of the limitations of such a small land mass, Israel was forced to both explore and implement other methods of delivering an effective nuclear deterrent.
Sadly, their only affordable option outside of insufficient diesel electric submarines, which are litearlly local only, allowed Israel to screw the world
Israel resorted to smuggling nukes into foreign nations so launching them would not be needed. And Israel accomplished it recently by cornering the market on Helium 3.
Israel came up with a way to smuggle nuclear weapons into the most sensitive areas of all the developed nations - areas where if anything big goes BOOM all is lost. Could there be a clandestine reason for the supposed shortage of Helium 3, which is needed in the type of radiation detectors required to detect a nuclear weapon? You can block protons, but neutrons are difficult to shield entirely, and you can forget about neutrinos - you can't hide a nuke from the right detector, one which uses helium 3 in it's detector element. Why did America and all other nations somehow run out of Helium 3 a few years ago, which simultaneously left their borders open to nuclear weapons smuggling? Coincidence? I think not. The picture to the left appears to be a legitimate camera in a body that could also hold a nuke. It does not appear to actually be a nuke. HOWEVER
These photos got wiped off the wayback machine, but the cameras are Magna BSP owls.
This particular one in the above picture appears to be a bona fide nuke camera. Note the differences - At the top of the gun barrel, there is a reinforced area to survive the ignition of the projectile propellant. The "cameras" look superficial and appear to be mounted to the surface of the barrel with very little intruding depth. Think about the webcam in your laptop or the camera in your Iphone - Nowadays that's all the depth a very good camera needs if price is no object, so it is easy to build convincing and deceptive functionality into the unit to justify it's enormous size.
Israel's main strategy has been to smuggle nuclear weapons into sensitive areas of nations under the disguise of security contracts. These security contracts use "proprietary" equipment that is maintained only by Israelis. In this particular case, the proprietary equipment is stated to be "biscopic" cameras, which are put in place by security companies operating as front companies on behalf of the Israeli Defense Forces. Magna BSP, the company which provided "security" at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan is one of them.
Below is the Magna BSP ""camera" they got into Toronto. Note the size. It's exactly the same size as a gun nuke. In the original report I had the one they got into Washington DC in it's installed location but this will do.
During my investigation of the Fukushima mission, I studied Magna BSP and discovered that in addition to Japan, they also got security contracts in Brazil, Germany, and the United States. UPDATE: and now at least Canada. It can be assumed Israel got nukes into all significant countries via this front company. All 4 of the countries in the original report have provided massive financial "bailouts" to zionist bankers, and though I have not proven that all of these countries were blackmailed with the threat of a nuclear armageddon, the coincidence is very suspicious and given what happened in Japan, even a little more than suspicious. In the fukushima report the reason given for the attack was that Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran. But shortly after the Fukushima disaster, Japan damaged it's economy by surrendering 1.7 trillion USD to Jewish bankers even though no prior debt was owed, and the reason given was "to end world poverty". Bullshit, you don't surrender that much to Jewish banks while you are still digging for tsunami victims. No structural collapse victims, TSUNAMI VICTIMS ONLY. Why would Japan SUDDENLY donate so much while still reeling from the horrific damage caused by a string of nuclear tsunami bombs that were pawned off as "sonobouys" that were dropped into the Japan trench 3 days before the disaster? why was there no actual significant earthquake damage to structures outside the tsunami zone? The reason is pictured to the left here folks.
This particular "camera" to the left here is a concept drawing of what the final design will look like. But don't count on it looking that way after this report or the Fukushima report, many large items which can be excused off as security devices can also house a nuke. Additionally, other types of contracts use equipment that is very suitable for housing an implosion nuke, which is often much smaller than a gun nuke.
Gun type nukes do not produce very predictable results which is a good explanation for why reactors 1 and 2 did not produce a mushroom cloud. Reactor 4, which "exploded" had been de-fueled and did not even have a core in it, this was proven with the classified photos in the Fukushima report as well as adamant insistence by TEPCO. This made the explosion at reactor four flatly impossible. The ziopress explained reactor 4 away as hydrogen leaking from reactor 3. bullshit.
The un predictability of gun nukes is a good reason to move away from them, so I expect the gun nuke camera to be a dying breed. Perhaps the Israelis wanted to get rid of old nuclear inventory, and from the crudeness of the looks of the units delivered thus far, I suspect exactly that. I strongly recommend you take the time and read the Fukushima report in full, it's all documented from official sources and took hundreds of hours to research out.
The Helium 3 "shortage" that disabled advanced nuclear weapons detection systems and made nuke smuggling possible - the elephant in the closet
With the inadequately explained and inexcusable absense of helium 3, most of the world's borders are now wide open for Israel to get it's deterrent fully in place and everything has been open for some time. Corruption and infiltration without consequence has consequences. I believe Israel has multiple nuclear weapons in place in key areas of the United States, Germany, Japan and Brazil, and has plans for or has succeeded in smuggling nukes into many other countries. Israel has been able to make hundreds of nuclear weapons from the reactor in Dimona, and has stolen enough nuclear material from America to make additional thousands. I believe Israel is holding the world nuclear hostage.
If anyone says anything, opens their mouth, they get killed. If a nation goes against the will of Israel, and does not submit financially, BOOM. And it will all be blamed on the environment, a meteor, or "terrorists" because after all, TERRORISTS smuggle nukes in through the ports, RIGHT?
The next time that guy you voted for renegs on his campaign promises IMMEDIATELY after inaguration - The next time your government forks over unbelievable cash to Jewish bankers and destroys your future; - The next time your government sends your children off to die in a war against a nation that never attacked you; - The next time a 911 happens and no legitimate investigation is done; - The next time another SOPA act passes, or some other legislation no one wants passes and directs hatred at a government that needs our support to survive: consider this article -- I NAILED IT!
Watch this threat be used to lame duck Trump, who will do absolutely nothing against Israel. I say tell Israel to screw it and absorb the consequences, America is just going to have to get over being nuked. And guess who will be blamed: RUSSIA.
I thought Magna BSP went away after Fukushima. I guess not!!!
I thought the following was going to be the big item until I went over the nuclear blackmail topic again. This is beans by comparison now.
I saw a tic tac UFO yesterday (Sunday, Dec 1)
You know, it is actually stupid to even mention this after what I found new on the nuclear blackmail topic, However, since nuclear war with Russia is suddenly on the table there have been numerous UFO sightings listed everywhere, just like they always get listed when nuclear war is on the table, and I saw one so it ought to be mentioned.
It was one of the shiny metallic Tic Tac UFO's, clearly visible during daylight. It was over Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico at 4 PM. It appeared to be at about 2,000 feet elevation, going approximately 100 mph. It was visible clearly at well over a centimeter in length to the eye, (it was wider than my pinky finger at arms length) and super clearly visible. I reset my brain about 10 times taking it in, it was visible for a long time, reset, like this:
"There is an airport nearby, there HAS TO be engine noises, wings, tail. NOPE.
"Well then it has to be a helicopter, and I just can't see the rotor." NOPE, if a helicopter is that big in the sky, it will be loud enough to hear clearly and it was absolutely silent, with no tail, no rotor, just a metallic tic tac.
"Well then, it has to be a balloon, right? NOPE. there was no wind, it was obviously too far up to be a balloon someone lost, and it was moving at an aircraft speed. Not a UFO speed, they were not in a hurry. It was far enough up for atmospheric haze to be visible, while it was clearly visible, with detail - just a shiny tic tac, like people have seen for 50 years.
The only discrepancy is exactly how far up it was, so I would know for sure how fast it was going. It was far enough up for atmospheric haze to be visible, but there was not a lot of haze, just a visible amount. I guessed 2,000 feet, which would make this tic tac larger than a city bus.
So I kept walking and turned onto a street where I could watch it for a while without obstruction. It simply skipped the airport and vanished into the distance, no sound, no sudden moves, no flashes, no darting, no nothing. Just into the horizon and gone.
There are ALL KINDS of UFO reports now. Be careful because a lot of hoaxes are getting reported to cover this up, the latest hoax I saw was where someone "shined a laser on a UFO and then others appear", that one is obvious bunk. But there is legitimacy to all of this, like the foo fighters during World War 2, Someone out there is very interested in our weapons systems and now that nukes are on the table, they are definitely watching.
On to the soft news
My comment: Quiet. Secret. Booom.
Can't get Putin any other way.
My comment: Now why would "terrorists" in Syria attack an Iranian embassy in Syria when Iran is being a problem against Israeli aggression in Syria?
I would not call this soft news.
This is simply solid gold info.
Nov 29 2024
I FIGURED OUT WHY THE US DROPPED ROE.V.WADE while Mexico legalized abortion
ANSWER: The corona shot.
The "elite" want to cover their tracks for the declining birth rates, but as you can see here, abortion had no impact on birth rates in Mexico because so few Mexican women had abortions. That's actually a nice surprise. The decline in births is uniform since 2021, indicating something other than abortion is causing it.
But the Kosher crew will happily tell any lie or slander anyone to explain a trend. "Corona shot??!!??" NO.
This is EXACTLY why Russia successfully built an entirely new missile system without the U.S. knowing.
It is called PRIORITIES.
To fill this stupid request and find the "perpetrator" with cell phone data, the NSA has to waste it's time going through records to see what kid chalked a sidewalk with normal kid's stuff. The response of the police department is absolutely intolerably stupid. Thanks for giving this a FRONT SEAT while my car gets parted out by a carjacker. $50 says this police department would not seek out cell phone records to solve a carjacking, murder, or home invasion. Agenda over usefulness. WORTHLESS.
Read this despicable statement. This is a worthless government.
COMMON SENSE says: So what.
Priorities like this result in nuclear breakfast.
My response: Troll farm quit. There are not 300,000 journalists in one place any other way. This just shows how bad the left has infiltrated and trolled social media. I'd like to know how many are on Facebook if this is only Europe.
The most RUSSIAN photo of all time.
Look at this. Russia cannot get away with re-painting an old missile because analysts would pick it apart. This is definitely a new missile. Made out of rusty pipe and all they did was paint over the rust, they did not even bother with cleaning the metal before building the missile.
To be fair, that rough appearance might just be a thermal coating similar to what went on the Space shuttle's fuel tank, a coating that lost a chunk that damaged Columbia enough to cause it to be destroyed on re-entry, but I don't think Raytheon would tolerate that appearance. American missiles might be over priced, but at least they don't look like an "Amazing junk yard build".
YEP, this is classic RUSSIAN.
Kim Jong would not tolerate that.
I can only hope Russia manages to avoid world war 3 until Trump is in power, no one needs to do battle with the Russian systems that ARE finely finished . . . . . Why does a single use device need to be finished any better than that, as long as the guidance system can handle unequal friction . . . . .
Nov 28 2024
Russia has hit the energy infrastructure of Ukraine
100 percent success with cheap outdated missiles to boot. No Oreshnik needed. Obviously the MSM is saying Putin is a tyrant and it was a "revenge attack" and yada yada so schlep those nukes into Ukraine and get it over with.
My thoughts are that Russia is proving it does not need Oreshnik missiles to do a job. It was a limited strike, only a million people without power. Russia could black out all of Ukrine in 45 minutes no sweat. The same rules apply to Ukraine that apply to the US and even Venezuela: The giant power distribution transformers are in short supply and take about a year to build after an order. If Russia struck for real, it would be long term lights out.
All communications down in Denmark.
So extensive that trains cannot operate because the system that says where they are on the tracks to avoid collisions is also down. TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS BLACKOUT.
OPINION: Russia is being nice by doing things like this to send a message rather than kill people, but "nice" can only go so far.
Doom break, watch this.
Absolutely incredible chain reaction. This took time and brains. Best one yet.
Common consensus:
When Russia takes action against Nato and the United States, it will be an action Russia cannot win with troops. Therefore, Russia will first use the Oreshnik missile system to send a clear message, and if that message is not heard, Russia will jump straight to nukes. Russia has no other choice, Russia cannot do battle against the United States and NATO combined. Most likely, Russia cannot do battle with either.
Nuclear weapons: The great equalizer.
War with Russia is going to be missiles. I wonder if 1 Oreshnik can sink an aircraft carrier? Maybe THAT is why the US got the aircraft carriers out of reach when Biden went bonkers. One thing to note however is that Oreshnik is a roadable system, which means it can simply be moved to the Pacific theater and stop the aircraft carriers from going there. Russia is a very big place, in this case, advantage.
Nov 27 2024
Russia prepping Satan 2 missiles in response to America hinting at giving nukes to Ukraine.
Until the nukes are actually delivered, there is this:
My comment: Russia needs to prove that the success of the last Oreshnik missile was not a fluke. Russia is famous for producing random results. However, the Satan 2 missile will likely not produce random results, when it really matters Russia can get it right every time. Oreshnik on the other hand is probably a rushed to production economy missile.
These are some interesting stats
These are probably accurate because Russia knows the west is watching and lying would not be good.
Enough to power everything on earth a thousand years with more being made constantly. 20 percent of global reserves are in the Northwestern United States
This is important because it can just be extracted and used like oil. There is no electrolysis or energy input needed whatsoever, just drill and take it. And it is only 10 - 20 miles down. That's quite a ways, but it is definitely achievable. Obviously no pumping needed, just drill and put a tap on it.
I am actually pro oil and fossil fuel, because a lot of the bumper crops of food we are getting now are only possible due to the fact that the industrial revolution put enough carbon dioxide into the air to help plants grow a lot quicker. The earth was, in reality, heading towards a huge die off just because the carbon dioxide was at very low levels at the start of the industrial revolution. That's not something to worry about anymore though. A positive.
If you look at the cross section of super old trees that were alive before the industrial revolution and then cut recently, you can clearly see the rings getting bigger and bigger throughout the life of the tree. And if you cut a young tree now, the rings at the center are large. They don't start out nearly microscopic and then get big, they start big and stay the same all through the tree. In my opinion, that's a very good thing.
Bet on this: If that hydrogen does get tapped, stupored down kids in future education will be fooled into believing using that hydrogen will destroy the world, the end goal of the entire climate scam is to shut technology down and return everything to the dark ages. The dark days, where an overlord or superior tribe could own and control everything without ever facing any threat. "They" don't care about tech, they can just have 500 slaves hand them luxury in a system they own, they don't want machines handing everyone luxury. They hate that because it prevents them from being "superior" enough.
Silent Prayer Prohibited in the UK
Man arrested for standing too close to an abortion clinic saying NOTHING, only praying silently.
"Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Keir Starmer's reign is akin to how America would have looked under a Kamala Harris presidency. The people have lost their ability to speak freely, and citizens are facing legal charges for speaking against Starmer's regime. The New World Order is beginning right before our eyes.
A British Army veteran was convicted of expressing "disapproval of abortion." This man spent 20 years proudly serving his nation. Yet, the Public Spaces Protection Order has deemed him a criminal for silently praying outside an abortion facility. He has been conditionally discharged and forced to pay a $12,000 (9,000 pound) fine for daring to pray in public.
The above video shows how disillusioned the authorities have become. "What is the nature of your prayer?" the police asked, to which the man replied he was praying for his deceased son. He was then told that he was praying in a "censorship zone," where even your THOUGHTS can be criminalized."
My comment: Note how cool and collected the British authorities are about trampling all decency. Solid proof that thought crimes are now an enstated reality in Britain, the enforcement of which is obviously regarded as the same as a picnic activity. That level of calm over something that resulted in a $12,000 USD fine.Smashing people means absolutely nothing to tyrants, their goons don't care one bit.
This will happen in the US eventually, it is the end game where you are simply forced into unilateral compliance, including in your thoughts.
PERMANENT DNC staffers thrown away by the DNC like used toilet paper
This is communism, exactly: You will be used until no longer useful, then simply thrown in the trash without recourse or remorse. How stupid were these staffers for believing their lives actually mattered? Or was it religion instead of stupidity? PERFECT. JUST PERFECT. Wake up call for the naieve.
This was not just temporary election workers.
Hard to feel sorry for them, I guess my tag line "There are two types of people in this world, those who know, and those who are victims" applies here. Wake up call.
This reads like the Babylon Bee, which is a fitting replacement for The Onion.
REMEMBER, RealRawNews is a satire site that masks it's comedy in real sounding reports. I posted this mostly because some other sites are posting it as real, and it needs to be pointed out as satire.
Nov 26 2024
The American missile is identifiable because it did not reach it's target. The S-400 actually works.
Any doubts? Nut Yahoo has problems. Good.
Best shot of headlines worth entire reports I have ever seen.
Just from the headlines you get the whole story.
Another O'Keefe bust. TOO GOOD.
O'Keefe busts NIH supervisor on the Covid vax. NIH people will not be getting their boosters!
I tested Togoda this morning and discovered that YES, it is indeed AI assisted and additionally, it is honest. My search term: Pfizer vax dangerous. The AI hunted out all the studies (understated studies that hide how bad the shot is but at least admit it is bad) and then it cut straight to alt media sites that covered the dangers of the shot for real. It reminded me of the good old days of AltaVista, where every response returned was HONEST.
How long will this last? Who knows, all I can say is that right now, Togoda is awesome. If there are things you can't google anymore due to censorship, try it before it gets wrecked.
I can see it already - togoda takes off, Google notices, and then becomes honest only for as long as it takes to destroy the competition. Then back to darkness . . . . . Togoda needs to run as a charity the way Elon is running Twitter.
Nov 25 2024
100 percent confirmed: Pre-emptive strikes on Russia still on the table
Look at the address bar and date. It is not rumor.
I guess they must have analyzed that missile or gotten intelligence indicating it was not doom.
That might mean they think Putin bluffed with a real ICBM and not a new missile system. I SAY: Admiral Bauer had better read Russia's new policy regarding the use of nuclear weapons. Russia has great bomb shelters and lots of spare land in relatively good areas to put survivors on.
HA HA, that idiot looks like crack pipe Hunter Biden. ROFL
I have an easy solution to the Russia "blackmail" problem: Stop shooting at Russia! What, is Bauer on crack??? from the way he's talking, probably. The Hunter pic might not only be suggestive.
Remember, Hunter Biden is the kid of the guy who said it would be cute to start shooting at Russia to block Trump. Interesting it is that such a close lookalike is tooting the war horn now.
These are actually terrifying times. WOW, they really will do World War 3 to stop Trump. Forgotten is the fact that all the people these crack heads govern are screaming NO.
ALL OF THIS to screw Trump. What are these people made of?
I expected this to get censored, but then realized it was censor safe on Twitter(X). NATO is the bad guy here, this video hits the entire history of what is going on now with Russia, starting with Gorbachev. NATO lied, lied and lied again, I remember this stuff now that this video reminded me. GET EDUCATED, WATCH.
I was skeptical of Russia actually not being cold war Russia anymore, but with that great reminder of what has gone on since Gorbachev, I think Russia is probably actually legit about not being what it once was.
Russia is in a catch-22 with the undersea internet cables. They will probably need to be cut to stifle kinetic attacks on Russia, but if they are cut, then the world won't be able to get the truth from Elon's Twitter.
HUGE MOSSAD UPDATE: I have determined that the Mossad list is probably real.
Someone did indeed release the phone numbers, E-mail addresses and home addresses of over 35,000 Israeli Mossad agents and other key Israeli intelligence assets.
Early litmus test: It vanished off the computer I used yesterday but it is still on the server if you can make a very easy guess .pdf
Mossad file Dejavu, HERE IT IS, from the days of MH370.
Ok, so back in the days of MH370, Philip Wood managed to send a cell phone photo out of wherever he was detained in Diego Garcia. Philip was, if I remember right a tech expert with new tech related to data security. Philip is probably why MH370 got vanished and probably shot down over Ukraine as MH-17 if I remember right (all of this is irrelevant as far as the punch line goes, so I am speeding things up by not checking details with this) ANYWAY
The ziocons - or whoever - had their undies in a bundle over Philip Wood, and especially that photo. In the original photo you could see a faint outline of a face in the dark and it had complete GPS data, pinpointing where it was sent from - the end of an aircraft runway at Diego Garcia. So I posted that and quit for the day, thinking all was well and expecting a smash hit of traffic because it was on the server. The next day I checked and the photo was replaced with flat black and no GPS data in the exif. THEREFORE,
My litmus test of checking this computer to see if the mossad list was still on it worked. Someone hit this machine and deleted that pdf
overnight, yet everything else is there. BINGO, busted. It is a sensitive file, for real. aaaaaand, I have it safely preserved, offline.
I'll carefully go through it. Remember one thing though, that list is going to be irrelevant within a week because all the agents will move and change identities very quickly. I guess what we learned from this is that even the Mossad has loyalty issues, it's difficult to get any group that large to consist of 100.00% filthy souls.
Opinion: SpaceX should replace Nasa and recieve all of NASA's funding.
Wanna make a smart move? Kill NASA and DON'T hire them into Spacex, simply give Elon all of the previous NASA funding and watch space happen. Ethics will really make a difference, that rinky dink space station would be rendered stupid in a year flat. We would have THIS instead. Notice it is under construction. Complete would take 2 years!
That movie was done in 1968. And it is an accurate prediction of where we should have been by 2001 if enemies did not take over and ruin the United States. SpaceX would definitely pull it off if Musk recieved ALL of NASA's funding.
Trump to immediately kick TRANS out of military
My comment: No one wants to get touched in the bunk by trannietom, and the trans actually will do that uninvited. Even with wokeism, having that happen after the Friday night party will lower morale bigly.
Nov 24 2024
RUMOR: List of addresses, phone numbers, names and e-mail addresses of 35,000 mossad agents released.
Credibility? Half there.
There is nothing in this PDF at all that indicates this is actually a leak of the names and addresses of mossad agents. It looks to me like what you would get out of a modern phone book. However, it is probably going to go viral, be careful of a honey trap..
I have the PDF on this server. But I won't link it here, take a guess if you really want it. I SAY: be careful. A reason to shut people down. So no linky.
Update. There is reason to doubt there is anyone in the mossad that would leak this. I say that if it is legit, Russia did it to get even. Even if you do figure out how to access it with no link, I suggest not posting it anywhere until it gets fully washed and proven to not be a honey trap.
This is literally only posted to let people know I did not miss this, fake or not.
Downloading documents the U.S. considers highly confidential, can subject you to fines and/or prison, regardless if it's available on the Internet. Just an Fyi.
Incorrect: the Mossad was directly involved in planting the bombs in the World Trade Center as well as the Oklahoma City bombing. They are a terrorist organization and anyone blocking the download of this list can be hung.
I AGREE. And from comment number 1, it appears this might be real. Don't say crap like that if you don't want people to catch on to the fact that it might be real.STILL, no linky. And I might put a link blocker on to prevent a persistent soul from finding it and then linking to it on my server from somewhere else. This is a hot potato, it HAS TO be spoken of or you're a traitor, yet if you speak too clearly you're probably doomed. DO NOT LINK THIS OUT IF YOU FIND IT, PUT IT ON YOUR OWN CRAP AND TAKE YOUR OWN RISKS.
I checked this list, and it has all legit people and addresses.
From a public post: "A lot of it is Hebrew. There are 3 agents in the US so far. One in Austin, San Fran, And NYC.
These are the people responsible for 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing."
here is the text of the article so you don't have to click if you don't want to.
Breaking: Leak of 400-Page File Exposes Mossad, IDF, and Intel Personnel
A Telegram channel has claimed to have released a 400-page PDF containing classified personal information of Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and Mossad members, along with employees of other Israeli security institutions.
A significant data leak has reportedly revealed sensitive personal information about members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF), Mossad, and other Israeli security organisations. The leak, detailed in a 400-page PDF, is said to include names, contact information, and other classified data of individuals linked to the country's security establishment.
The authenticity of the leak is claimed to have been verified by testing the details of one listed individual, identified as Moshe Tetro, the Israeli Defence Attache to Benelux, NATO, and the EU. The contact information was allegedly confirmed to be accurate, supporting the veracity of the leak.
The individuals behind the disclosure maintain that the data is publicly sourced and shared for journalistic purposes, stating that no encouragement of violence or illegal activity is intended.
From the Telegram page that posted this:
Mossad Agent list. Many are living in the US
Be careful guys make sure to check if they are in your neighborhood. They are terrorists. They are responsible for 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing.
My comment: The mossad is responsible for a lot more than just that, but is this list actually Mossad? to be confirmed. AND
I would believe this was posted by Russia via Russia's own NSA in retaliation for strikes on Russia before I would believe an Israeli actually leaked this.
Nov 23 2024
I never watched porn, but the few times I have seen it on computers it has always been sickening and perverted. I remember a long time ago some room mates rented porn on VHS and it was at least normal. Nowadays, online, it is as sick as it gets. And now, Tucker Carlson probably has the answer as to why. WHY?
As it turns out, a majority of people out there are absolutely disgusted by what porn has become, and many have started to question why it is always free, unrestricted, AND SO ABNORMAL. ANSWER: Intelligence agencies, (the CIA and other smut holes) are running the porn sites and filming the porn on US taxpayer money. REASON: Because they are making it disgusting enough to blackmail politicians that the NSA catches watching the crap.
If you watch porn, consider the fact that it is intentionally abnormal.
And the NSA is watching. Save America. Stop watching porn so the NSA might stop watching you and instead focus on Russia.
This is what the NSA should have been looking for if they were doing the job they swore to do.
A NEW russian missile drops over 30 guided (and explosive) "rods from God" on a miles long Ukranian missile facility.
Scroll down for all the details on that new and game changing Russian missile the NSA effed up on because they were focusing on YOU.
Elon Musk toys with the idea of buying MSNBC
He'll have to run it like a charity the way he's doing twitter (X) until Trump gets the anti-trust things worked out.
Elon knows what the deal is.
Hopefully more to come on that story.
People forget that the reason why Russia went into Ukraine to begin with is because Ukraine was attacking and killing it's own people, and Russia went in to stop that. So watch this video, it explains a lot about Ukraine and a whole lot of other things the American war machine did.
Nov 22 2024
Not much new in the news this morning. A few quick items.
Nut Yahoo really does have an arrest warrant out for him.
For crimes against humanity in Gaza. One from the UN and one in Holland if I remember right. These are irrelevant, even if they did arrest him somehow the samson option would put things right and don't put that past Israel. Israel will not be touched, PERIOD.
All of Europe is freaking out over Russian missile
Yep, it's a beauty and as I said, the NSA more than failed, they should be shut down for missing this. Russia has a new missile that is full on ICBM quality for conventional war use. And after Russia showed off with it yesterday, everyone in Britain is hiding under Big Ben.
Russia sent a clear message: There's something other than nukes to worry about, nuclear bombs are not the latest and greatest thing anymore. I looked over all the videos carefully and it appears to me that one missile wrecked an entire factory that was over a mile long. With this missile, there's not only approximately 60 explosive warheads to worry about, there's also the "rod from God" effect from each warhead arriving so fast it burns brightly like a meteor on arrival. So there's a kinetic explosion along with a chemical explosion in one whack.
So the question is, is Trump going to take office during World War 3?
I say no, because after THAT display by Russia, Alex Soros is hiding like a scared dog. Imagine if that missile was sent to Dimona. Imagine if that missile was sent to Parlaiment. From the English Channel. Or an aircraft carrier. In one show, Russia obsoleted the entire US navy.
Russia ended the Biden/Soros war bullshit very cheaply, even if that missile cost a lot. Rumor has it that Russia has about 50 more, with production at full tilt. That's not a lot but more are rapidly being made (they started making them last summer) and 50 of those is already too much to deal with - every US aircraft carrier could be sunk along with much of the surrounding battle groups just with what Russia already has and no anti-missile system will stop anything.
It was a bogus case overseen by a bogus judge. The "hush money" case. Only, there was no hush money.
This is an important item
As of 12:30 PM central, Russia was holding a secret military conference to discuss what to strike next.
Most likely more fireworks are soon to arrive.
Nov 20 2024
RUSSIA USES NEW WEAPON, Most advanced missile ever used in war
Downloadable video of missile warheads from ONE missile arriving at hypersonic speeds to eff things up, (and eff things up they did.) is toward the bottom of this report on this page.
I was skeptical so I spent some time confirming this was actually true. Since I had no knowledge of this system prior to today, I am going to post the text from a Twitter that seems to have gotten it alright.
IMPORTANT: People assumed this was the SARMAT missile system that is capable of such a strike. It was not. This is an entirely new Russian toy that went into production late last summer (2024) that is intended to be a scaled down version of the SARMAT.
This is as much as things can possibly be escalated without going nuclear. Unsaid below is that this missile releases more than 30 independent munitions from six warheads, which arrive so fast they burn in the atmosphere like meteors.The warhead design on this missile was unexpected, the US did not know Russia had such tech, let alone on this missile system. Blame that on the NSA, which got gutted of anyone who had extreme skill shortly after I left. Kikedom was nervous about having individuals in the NSA who could truly excel so the brightest were eliminated and computers took up the slack.If the NSA missed this, they suck at anything you can't accomplish with an app.
The following is from a Twitter post with some of the details.
"Russia has unveiled a new weapon system as a warning to Ukraine and the West.
Russia has apparently launched a single RS-26 Rubezh road mobile missile against a target in Dnipro, Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk).
UPDATE: Putin stated it was a new missile system named 'Oreshnik' or ('Hazel') in English.
According to Ukrainian authorities, the missile struck an unnamed industrial enterprise.
Dnipro is home to the Pivdenmash (former Yuzhmash) missile production facility.
Analysis of imagery of the attack indicates the RS-26 carried six independent warheads, each in turn deploying several submunitions.
This warhead package is exclusively for conventional attack.
Russia had not been previously assessed to outfit the RS-26 with a warhead of this design.
By unveiling the conventionally armed RS-26, Russia is changing the qualitative nature of the conflict, something promised by President Vladimir Putin.
Ukraine and its Western allies must now evaluate the destructive potential of this weapon, and understand that Russia can deliver this warhead to any target in Ukraine or Europe knowing there is no defense against it.
The RS-26 is produced in Votkinsk. It is assessed that the production of the RS-26, which was halted in 2017, was resumed this past summer. With production rates estimated at 6-8 missiles per month, Russia could have accumulated an arsenal of between 30-40 RS-26 missiles.
Although described as an intercontinental ballistic missile, the RS-26's range actually depends on the warhead package. If armed with a single warhead, it can exceed the 5,000 kilometer threshold used to differentiate between intermediate and intercontinental range missiles.
The RS-26 did not go into serial production because of this ambiguity; at the time, Russia was a signatory to the INF treaty, which prohibited intermediate range missiles.
It is assessed that the six warhead conventional warhead package used against Dnipro would have made the RS-26 used fall into the intermediate range for classification.
Donald Trump withdrew from the INF treaty in 2019.
If the United States had remained in the treaty, this version of the RS-26 would not have been available for use by Russia.
My comment: This missile system has such a high acceleration, such a high top speed, and such a high re-entry speed that there's no weapons system that can counter it. America had a single warhead system this fast in the 70's but it got canceled, probably by treasonous Carter who also banned the closed loop nuclear fuel cycle.
This missile system launches so hard and so fast that it burns like a meteor on it's way UP, not only when it is coming down.
Opinion: Better not poke the bear. This makes Raytheon look like bullshit.
A single missile did this strike. Hypersonic Warheads burn in the atmosphere like meteors.
2.Retaliation Strike:
In response to U.S. and UK-manufactured weapons being used, Russian forces launched a combined strike on a military-industrial facility in Ukraine.
A novel Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile system with a non-nuclear hypersonic payload was successfully tested and deployed.
The strike targeted a major industrial center in the Dnipropetrovsk region, known for enemy production activities.
2.Russian Policy on Missiles:
Russia has refrained from deploying intermediate and small-range missiles unilaterally. However, its stance will depend on the actions of the United States and its allies.
3.Future Actions:
Further Russian actions will be determined by emerging threats to national security. Military responses, including the use of advanced systems, will target military facilities of countries allowing their weapons to be used against Russia.
Civilians in targeted zones will be transparently warned to ensure safety.
Technological Superiority of Russian Systems:
1.Hypersonic Missiles:
The recently tested missile, capable of traveling at 10 Mach (2.5-3.0 kilometers per second), is impervious to existing anti-missile systems deployed by the United States or Europe.
These missiles cannot be intercepted, demonstrating a decisive technological advantage.
2.Defensive Position:
Russia emphasizes that it did not initiate the dismantling of international security systems.
The United States is accused of seeking to preserve its hegemony by provoking a global conflict.
Commitment to Peace and Preparedness:
Russia prefers resolving disagreements through peaceful means but remains prepared for any scenario.
Doubts about Russia's resolve are unwarranted-there will always be a response to any escalation.
Thank you.
Well, we all got our answer about what Russia could do, after many decided it was effectively nothing. not so.
Nov 19 2024
Quick headline while I get re-oriented here -
British missiles used to strike Russia.
Read down the page a ways for Russia's new nuclear strike policy.
The new policy explicitly states that if weapons are provided to be used to strike Russia directly, Russia reserves the right to use nuclear force against the nation that provided the weapons. This is in stark contrast to the old policy, which stated a nuke had to explode on Russian soil before Russia would respond with nukes.
Now, Yesterday Russia openly stated that they realized that the attacks with American missiles were due to Biden throwing a temper tantrum to wreck Trump taking office. So Russia had substantial tolerance and restraint. HOWEVER:
Britain has no such election woes going on right now. And British missiles are now being used. If Ukraine successfully threatens the existence of Russia with British missiles, there's no pre-emptive restraint in place stopping Russia from attacking Britain.
But wait, there's more.
On October 23, Russia destroyed America's Intelsat 33e with one of their hunter killer satellites. This was done to stifle America attacking Iran. Russia has a LOT of hunter killer satellites in orbit. And they take time to reach their targets at about 150 MPH. Space is a big place . . . . . and America needs satellites to wage war. What's going to happen if suddenly all the military satellites are gone?
Poking the bear is not the same thing as poking Saddam. America's military can be totally neutered without taking a single life - just kill the satellites and cut internet cables. How's that going to work for the Millenial crew once "Steam" is down? No steam = no game.
Russia is in a lot better position than anyone is giving credit for.
America posted a picture of Intelsat 33e exploding by itself. RUSSIA POSTED A PICTURE OF A HUNTER KILLER SATELLITE DESTROYING INTELSAT 33e. Why would Russia do that?
Fun times ahead.
EU parlaiment applauds missile strikes
Safe bet: If war comes to their doorstep, they will flee like roaches and let the peons get nuked.
Nov 18 2024
Highly credible: Alex Soros has ordered World War 3 to be started before Trump takes office.
This sounds like a "too much to be true" headline, but after examining it, I don't think it is.
Alex Soros Urges Biden To Ignite WW3 Before Trump Has Chance to Create Peace
Alex Soros - who just wasted $1 billion backing the biggest Democrat loser in recent history - has urged Joe Biden to start World War 3 before President-elect Donald Trump has a chance to create world peace.
"According to Soros, it is "great news" that Biden has authorized Ukrainian forces to use American-made long range weapons to bomb targets deep inside Russian territory. Soros is also urging the lame duck president to authorize US and NATO troops to join the war and invade Russian sovereign territory".
MY COMMENT: Putin has already said that if Western weapons were used to attack Russia via Ukraine, the gloves would come off.
"Kremlin top spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that this would unleash a "significant new round of escalation" in the war if it proves true, but he also cautioned that Moscow authorities had yet to see official confirmation directly from the White House.
If such a decision has indeed been formulated and communicated to the Kyiv regime, it marks a significant escalation and a fundamentally new stage in terms of U.S. involvement in this conflict, Peskov said.
Peskov further reiterated that the question of Western-backed long-range strikes was "articulated extremely clearly and unambiguously" by President Vladimir Putin earlier this year.
Putin had laid out in September that it would change the very nature of the conflict, and that it would mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries, are at war with Russia.
Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky has appeared to confirm the new authorization from Washington. He said that proof will ultimately emerge on the battlefield.
"Today, there's a lot of talk in the media about us receiving permission for respective actions. But strikes are not carried out with words. Such things are not announced. Missiles will speak for themselves. They certainly will," Zelensky said.
He further emphasized that the "long-range capabilities for our army" is a central part of his "Victory Plan" for winning the war, though many analysts, even some who are ardently pro-Kiev, see this new greenlight as too little, too late - and as having no real ground impact on the war (only risking runaway escalation with the West). Reuters has also said, based on Ukrainian sources, that striking Russia with long-range missiles is likely to happen soon, consistent with Zelensky's fresh remarks."
My comment: Of course Zelensky wants the entire world at war with Russia, he's bunk buddies with the most corrupt of the West and with Trump getting in, he's out to please Hillary. Too bad that old bag is still around. Hillary will not die for as long as she's doing the pedovore adrenochrome thing.
If I was to advise Putin, I would say: Tolerate as much as possible. Try to warn ahead and prep for impact from cruise missiles. Shoot as many as possible down, and wait for Trump.
Six missile strikes to a weapons depot. Six. (6). There's that number again, did it have to be SIX???
Putin knows damn well what is going on here, he's not stupid at all about what Biden is doing. That might help.
Well this is cute. Russia's previous doctrine was to respond with nukes after being hit by nukes. But with the new precision weapons, that probably needs revision.
Well well well, this gets interesting. Here is Russia's new nuclear strike policy. Russia will use nuclear force over "weapons of mass destruction" and over conventional attacks that are actually a threat.
There is a STARK difference between the new policy and the old, the old policy said nuclear strikes were only approved after a foreign nuclear bomb went off on Russian turf.
This is GOOD, from RT
Nov 17 2024
The undersea internet cable linking Finland to Germany has been cut
Finland is not strategically located so my guess is a ship anchor probably hit it. However, if another one gets cut . . . . . .
Vivek Ramaswami: "Some government agencies will be deleted outright"
Vivek Ramaswamy said on this week's broadcast of FNC's "Sunday Morning Futures" that the soon-to-be-formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) will "delete" some government agencies.
Ramaswamy said, "Over the last 40 years, even conservatives, we've talked a big game for 40 years about cutting the federal government, about reducing the scope of the federal government. Politicians haven't been able to do it. And so Elon and I, we're not politicians. We're businessmen. We're coming at it from the outside. Sometimes, if you go inside, you become native to the system."
He added, "I applaud President Trump for setting this up for success. But I come back to the principle. In the early months, score quick wins through executive the action, show what can be done, and then I think we'll lay the groundwork for Congress to have to take meaningful steps for the future. A lot of these discussions are theoretical to do - cut different entitlement programs or whatever. Let's start with the fact that there is massive waste, fraud and abuse right now. Federal contractors are really exploiting the federal government. You could take haircuts across the board, and they would be no worse off for if it."
Host Maria Bartiromo said, "Are you going to be closing down departments?"
Ramaswamy said, "We expect mass reductions. We expect certain agencies to be deleted outright. We expect mass reductions in force in areas of the federal government that are bloated. We expect massive cuts of all federal contractors and others who are overbilling the federal government. So, yes, we expect all of the above."
My comment: Plane crashes are easily done. Don't expect the secret service to protect you from a Death wish.
Beware of fake Oprah vid circulating
The tag line is "Oprah did not get 1 million from Kamala Harris, she got 2.5 million". And it has Oprah on camera, as if she's going to admit it. That does not happen.
Instead, the guy behind the camera says "I heard you got a million from Kamala Harris". Oprah, who is walking to her car responds "I got nothing".I have seen this on several forums now, and everyone is expecting her to make an admission to 2.5 million so much that they don't watch the video.
This is obviously being done to discredit alt media, or anyone who would re-post it as real without watching the video.
Nov 16 2024
Super creepy Moderna commercial, welcome to the MRNAge
Brave Trump lawyer: "Expose every democrat"
An introduction to the first post of the day yesterday
I was not absolutely certain on the details, now I am. It is for real, and done right.
"Fact checkers" are saying "not true". Fact checked for real: TRUE. and this got buried well enough so I never heard about it, it is actually old news.
OK, here it is, covered in an article published yesterday where he's also suing the New York Times (CBS is half way down the page.) Yep, it is true and CBS is dismissing it. But you simply can't dismiss it. Curiously enough, Trump filed this in a jurisdiction that has only one Judge, probably the only jurisdiction with zero corrupt judges. CBS is probably toast.
It seems to me that Trump is a hell of a lot smarter this time around.And unlike the Infowars shut down, Trump will probably make it stick.
As it turns out, there were political manipulations to cause Infowars to be bought for far, far too low of a price. So control was returned to Alex, he's back up.
That could be classified as a class 10 screw up, nothing could have helped Alex more. From this, Alex got:
1. An enormous pile of attention, which is exactly what his enemies did not want.
2. Complete verification that "they" really are serious, and will break the law to destroy him.
3. The best practice possible for coping with the dreadful day when it happens in a way that can't be reversed.
This is a classic case of "strike me down and I will become more powerful than ever", what a leftist screw up.
I am enjoying this.
FACT CHECKED: Bill Gates WAS indicted in the Netherlands for lying about the Covid vax.
Before we get started here, take a look at this Reuters report, which claims the story about Bill Gates is false. Now, this is an important lesson in the art of the MSM con job, because when they con, they first state the claim is false, who made the claim, and then slander. After that, they then go on a long cattle trail explaining how, in reality, it is actually true (but they don't expect you to read that far)
Here we go. The opening line:
"Fact Check: Bill Gates was not indicted in the Netherlands"
The supporting follow up smear:
"The narrative stems from remarks by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at a rally for Donald Trump in Georgia on Oct. 23, where he said Gates was "indicted in the Netherlands for lying to the public about the Covid vaccine".
When you read deep into the report, after several manipulative tail spins, you get this, because they want a way out if people call them out on their BS:
"Gates' attorneys had disputed the Dutch court's jurisdiction because he does not reside in the Netherlands. The plaintiffs argued that jurisdiction claim should be dismissed."
"The official decision about jurisdiction can be found on the court website, opens new tab in Dutch, which said the court does have international jurisdiction over the "American co-defendant," referred to as X."
THAT is how the MSM lies. BIG FAT LIE. Yes, Gates really was indicted for lying about the vax. If he lands in the Netherlands, he is EFFED.
What you learned from this lesson:
When you show people "conspiracy stuff" and they bounce off the headline saying it is "fact checked" and "false", make them read farther down in the report where the publication explains their stupid fake manipulation to debunk reality. They have to do this to avoid being called out for lying in the headline. This is called word play, which is used by scum bags, manipulators, and dirt bag lawyers. Not all lawyers are dirt bags, but plenty of them do this crap.
Aaaand, here is the punch line
The MSM is claiming people are leaving Twitter (X) in droves
100 plus million views on anything Trump posts beg to differ. Who cares if scammers and losers along with AI and bots make their exit, all that does is clean the platform.
60,000 professional manipulators from the state department alone made their exit. That does not mean Twitter (x) is failing.
"All of those leaving the X platform are allowed to openly express their opinions. They're leaving because YOU are allowed to express yours."
Political backlash: Cybertrucks banned from New York parking garages
The claim is that they are too expensive to repair and the insurance companies the garages use told them not to allow cybertrucks. But you can park a ferarri there that cost 5X as much, or any BMW or Mercedes that cost a lot more. SEE THIS:
Reality: This is just a political game being played against team Trump and Elon Musk, who is a part of that team in leftist sh*thole New York. Petty.
WOW, just WOW
I hope this old codger lives to do the job. He is Awesome
I don't eat ANYTHING in Mex if it is an American brand because consistently, I get sick when I do. RFK is right here, I am clean of this crap now so I really notice when I get ambushed by garbage.
Nov 14 2024
Boycott the Onion, after this the Onion is nothing but whipped cream on a cow pie.
Update: The twitter (X) is not working from where I sit. Wait for the attack to end I guess
Infowars was bought by The Onion, which I will no longer hit. As soon as they bought it, they took it offline. The Onion intends to turn it into a site that satires what Infowars once was. By the way, here are all the Sandy Hook "victims". Alex was right.
If you right click and save this, you can view it larger with more detail. I posted this years ago and found it on the Voterig server even though this was not the main server at that time. Yep, they got him. Possible revenge for the election they failed to steal.
Well, it took them a while to get alex, but it was a success in the art of the scam. Truth be damned.
After checking all of his other back up locations, I discovered ALL OF THEM are down. The Onion shut ALL OF THEM down. Twitter is the only place I can find him. He should have his back ups, which means that from Twitter he should be able to re-launch everything.
I personally did not pay much attention to Infowars because I was doing my own thing. But infowars was important, especially for entry level truth. Lots of people got mad at him for not saying enough, but if you are going to wake others up, others who have no clue, sites like Infowars are essential. I hope he comes back like that liquid metal terminator.
That headline is not sensationalist, it is reality.
This was probably the final trigger for killing Infowars, the left just lost 60,000 artificial intelligence assisted online influencers who were getting a paycheck from the State Department
From Revolver News
REPORT: "Global Engagement Center" employs 60,000+ online influencers, journalists, drive-by media, TV stars and writers. GEC is run out of the state department.
RINO John Cornyn's favorite left-wing 'disinformation department' now facing closure...
The Deep State takes another major blow.
November 13, 2024 (15 hours ago)
If you've ever wondered if the uniparty is real, just take a look at what your GOP Senators are up to in their spare time. Take RINO Senator John Cornyn, who's been deeply involved in a left-wing "disinformation" group that uses the old Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense to run a so-called foreign disinformation department. Elon Musk suspects it's actually a front to control social media behind the scenes, and he's probably right.
This group, called the Global Engagement Center, claims to work on exposing and stopping disinformation from foreign governments like Russia and China. Too bad no one's stopping the steady stream of lies coming from our own US government, right?
The good news is that time may be up for the group. According to a new report, Cornyn's pet project is on track to close down.
My comment: The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Defense News and more confirm this story, read it in full on Revolver HERE.
Seriously - this is being done to stop 60,000 scammers from being jailed for treason when Trump takes over, no records, no agency = no evidence trail.
Kamala Harris: Musk has lost his privileges, X to be taken down
'He has lost his privileges': WATCH Kamala Harris go to war with Elon Musk, wants X 'taken down'
'They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop'
Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee for president, is now going to war with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, saying "he has lost his privileges" and that his free-speech X site, formerly Twitter, "should be taken down."
In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Harris said of Musk and X: "He has lost his privileges and it should be taken down."
Harris continued: "The bottom line is that you can't say you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed in these social media sites to understand their power.
"They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop."
My comment: "Privileges"??? What about rights? That is one rock stupid broad. How can she declare he has "lost his privileges"???? It's a damn good thing the steal failed this time around, and it is obvious Kamala is very bitter about it. Now we can see clearly exactly what would have happened if she had not failed at stealing it.
Make America great again. Buy a Tesla.
On that note: Don't buy a Dodge Journey, it is really a GAC
Dodge sold out to China on that, with the Dodge Journey and Dodge Attitude. Heed my warning, those China cars are all over Mex now and I have heard them clattering like they are going to throw a rod, and the materials are obviously garbage because the headlights are starting to cloud on cars that are not even two years old.
The GAC made Dodge Attitude has performance modes, turbo, and a dual clutch transmission. China can make a big screen TV fine because they don't have to worry about metallurgy or expansion coeficients. Cars are different, and China is new at that.
Do I believe that:
1. China can make a high stress dual clutch transmission reliable? NO.
2. Do I believe China can actually make a long life turbocharger, good for 20 years? NO.
3. Do I believe China can make a turbo that lasts even 3 years? NO.
4. Do I believe China can make a high performance engine last more than 50,000 miles? NO.
China cannot even make a one cylinder 150 CC motorcycle clone of a Honda that lasts as long as a Honda, and THAT does not even need all the sensors and emissions and computer stuff, THAT is basically just a big lawn mower as far as complexity goes. Who in China thought cars that are many times as complex were a good idea? I doubt from a reliability standpoint that China can best a Yugo. The cars sure are pretty though. When brand new.
Elon Musk is doing a LOT for the country
He just met with Iran's ambassador to the UN to help defuse tensions before Trump takes power. Question: Who on earth could handle that job better and more ethically than Elon? Things are looking good.
WOW, You can really tell Elon is worked up about something, See this.
Nov 13 2024
Tulsi Gabbard appointed Director of National Intelligence
A position that requires ethics. Ethics that currently don't exist.
I am not 100 percent on Tulsi Gabbard, however, in this role she's going to be perfect. Trump found a good use for her and it is nice he's pulling out tried and true people rather than the crap he dug through last time.
Matt Gaetz for Attorney General
Finally, what everyone wanted. Will Trump live to see inauguration day? time will tell. He's wasting no time this time.
Beware the mail in ballots.
It appears an effort is underway to post partum steal the election via fabricated mail in ballots that happen to be still arriving to be counted. And Trump is losing ground bigly. I think the National Guard needs to go to Wisconsin.
WOW!! UPLOAD DENIED ON THE IMAGE!!!!! I am being blocked from uploading this. It shows the exact same jump that put Biden "ahead" of Trump, but it is for a Wisconsin senate race. I tried uploading both a capture of this image and the actual image onto two different servers, and both got denied.
UPDATE: I got it to upload by using Microsoft Edge, Chrome denied it.
That looks perfectly real. If at first you don't succeed, steal, steal again.
That's just maddening. Absolute bullshit. Is hunting season over? Hey Trump, how about fixing the DOJ so that can actually be prosecuted this time?
The Teamsters union admitted their workers prefer Trump
The working members of the Teamsters union have flipped red. Teamsters management is wasting no time in acknowledging this and being honest about the results of internal polling of it's members. Trump for the win, RED is now the working class party. GOOD NEWS, SEE THIS.
This represents an entire new paradigm in politics, if the working class has abandoned the democrats it's absolute doom for dems in a not rigged scenario. Unfortunately, you can see the Dem's attitude towards honesty in the Wisconsin senate graph above. AS IF.
Chrome denied this one too. It's not an actual problem, other images upload fine. Thanks Google! How did Bill Gates end up being the hero? Let me guess: Unprepared.
TOOO GOOD: Elon Musk has been appointed to gut the pork out of government spending.
Considering how handily he stomped NASA with SpaceX, yeah, I'll bet on him trimming the fat quite well. If there's anyone who can eliminate waste it is Elon, Teslas are a lot better than they look for the price . . . . . . and considering how Elon can't seem to fail at anything, well, that takes business sense. Let's see what happens when the government is run competitively, like a business. I bet Elon could cut overall spending by 60 percent while delivering better results.
Nov 12 2024
Actually a real rumor:
Leftist idiots are claiming Elon Musk used Starlink to hack the election in favor of Trump. But there is a huge difference between the left and the right on this topic.
Difference: The leftist spew has 900,000 views on Twitter, alleging election fraud, and Twitter did not ban them. Other difference: If the left actually did get that many votes in for Kamala, that Tweet would have 45 million views. I'd bet Kamala definitely got less than 10 million actual votes, with all of them lacking enthusiasm.
Not rumor, actually happening: Rigging the popular vote post mortem
Votes are still being counted in Washington, Oregon and California. New ballots are popping up in droves. Why bother with continued vote rigging post mortem? Easy: The left most likely wants to report that Harris won the popular vote, and therefore the electoral college should be banned.
If they succeed in outing the electoral college, they will be able to steal after the steal failed. Just keep printing ballots in whatever states are corrupt enough and get the job done there.
That is what they are trying for if new ballots keep appearing this late in the game, BET ON IT.
Trump wants credit card interest rates capped at 10 percent.
This is that Israeli training kicking in. Trump needs to put an end to that crap. This video shows it all clearly and is beyond disturbing. Other news reported the old man's neck was broken. I say so what, he's obviously brain dead anyway after that smack.
Nov 11 2024
18 of 19 states won by Harris do not require photo ID to vote.
Sorta says it all.
Government elites planning a surge of migrants before Trump inauguration
Everything relevant is in the first two minutes of the video below
I have seen this myself. Recruiters trying to get Mexicans to go north, for a fee. HOWEVER:
Moving to another country takes planning and there simply is not enough time to sell your stuff, pack your bags, quit your job, save some money and then go to the United States before Trump becomes president. I call BS on this MSM report, which gets everything relevant said in the first two minutes.
The significant thing about this however is that it is obvious they might be planning a media circus with bogus immigrants, tears, kids, the whole 9 yards. Don't believe it if they do that, the only way migrants are going to get to the US in such a short time is via coyotes, and most coyotes are absolute scams that take money from people and then do nothing. Aint happenen.
FEMA is moving 350 semi trailers with "equipment to Wurtsmith Air Force Base in lower Michigan near Lake Huron
Look at how Wurtsmith air force base is situated in this map. It is in red near Lake Huron. Why would Fema put 350 semi trucks worth of stuff there? Paranoid me says that it's situated about as well as Fukushima was, most fallout from whatever they might plan will get absorbed into Lake Huron.
FACT: Any time Fema puts 350 trailers of crap anywhere, people had better take notice.
Fema is corrupt to the core, that number of trailers is obviously far more than the total FEMA used for Hurricane Helene relief, (that was not relief, it was a scam) but I'd bet Fema sent no more than 30 trailers total to Helene victims,What on earth is up with 350?
Anyone want to guess??
This is huge, and Trump is right.
One tactic to shut down Trump is by delaying placement of people he appointed. If they can be delayed indefinitely, Trump won't get anywhere. It seems to me that the innocent little boy Trump we had last time is now fully conspiracy aware and ready to fight. let's see where this goes, it will be essential for this to actually happen.
The department of education was totally usurped by Matzo balls and used as a weapon of destruction against the United States. All the transgender garbage, common core and more were hatched in the Department of Education. In the earlier comment I said Trump was coming back aware this time. It looks to me like he is SUPER AWARE, a total conspiracy "whack job" which is exactly what America needs as President because the conspiracies are real.
This is really starting to look good folks!!
Click the image below to see the video, trump cuts to the chase immediately, and says it all in 48 seconds.
It seems to me that we got a 12 year president out of Trump
Why 12 years? Because Trump apparently used his 4 years off to learn "conspiracy" and then return to kick @ss for real. There's no way Trump could have gone from the innocent choir boy to where he is in less than 8 years. As luck would have it, Biden merely bought Trump study time. So it seems, this time, that vote fraud backfired bigly.
All is not well however, because Trump has opened his mouth and blabbered his plans. Trump would have been far more effective if he entered silently and then ambushed the bastards. Now they have two months to delete, discard, brace and prep for an ass kicking. So it seems, Trump has more to learn about strategy but at least this time we are probably going to get somewhere.
Nov 9 2024
Historic Trump speech on free speech
Everyone involved in censorship will be jailed using already existing laws. This includes employees and owners of online platforms who were involved in censorship and government officials in the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD and more as well as fraudulent media outlets. Youtube censored this, but it already has 43 million Twitter views, SEE THIS.
Nov 8 2024
100% FEMA:
Fema ordered Hurricane Milton relief workers to skip houses with Trump signs
"A federal disaster relief official ordered workers to bypass the homes of Donald Trump's supporters as they surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida, according to internal correspondence obtained by The Daily Wire and confirmed by multiple federal employees.
A FEMA supervisor told workers in a message to "avoid homes advertising Trump" as they canvassed Lake Placid, Florida to identify residents who could qualify for federal aid, internal messages viewed by The Daily Wire reveal. The supervisor, Marni Washington, relayed this message both verbally and in a group chat used by the relief team, multiple government employees told The Daily Wire."
Creation of FEMA
President Carter signed Executive Order 12127, effective April 1, 1979, establishing FEMA. Shortly after, in signing Executive Order 12148 on July 20, 1979, President Carter gave the agency the dual mission of emergency management and civil defense.
There is much more to this story at the Daily Wire:
I was practicing another bugout so I missed the steal, oops, maybe not!
If Trump actually won this,there are only a couple possibilities as to why.
1. The steal in 2020 was too outrageous to repeat
2. Trump is going to play ball willingly
3. Trump is drugged, and won't even be playing ball. 4. UPDATE: Considering how the vote actually fell, it looks like they DID try to steal it and simply got overwhelmed.
There are plenty of Trump agendas that will actually serve the will of the "elite" while being totally Trump, all they need to do is allow a few agendas the public agrees with go unimpeded, while blocking other agendas Trump might have that go counter to what the elite want, and the "elite" will still make "progress".
Let's be real here, it does not matter at all if home schoolers get help, or if the gay agenda is stopped, or if a couple financial or economic issues get changed, or if the border gets secured. People will love Trump for that, and it won't make a difference to the elite at all other than window dressing.
If the elite get their wars, and get their foreign treaties, and keep their corruption, Trump simply won't matter, there are bigger issues to fulfil that Trump probably is not even aware of.
Conclusion: Better than Harris but cannot possibly be a real threat, with Dominion over all elections it cannot possibly be any other way.
And if Trump does step out of line, AI can now manage that without consequence. In fact, AI can probably manage Trump directly now, even better than Kushner did last time.
I knew Japan was onto it long ago and Trump being president probably gave Japan the courage to formally declare it.
BOMBSHELL: RFK Junior will recommend Trump completely ban pharmaceutical ads over TV and Radio. It's about time, there should be no such thing as pharmaceutical ads because morons "ask their doctor if Screw Me OVER is right for them" after a con job ad asks them to, and what is a doctor who gets a kick back going to say? No??
Well, at least there is no vote fraud drama circulating the toilet this time around. Or at least not a whole lot.
Interesting how the left is not making a vote fraud stink, because they know how the election went this time, just like they knew last time.
War propaganda: Iraq lowers age of consent down to 9
I am not even going to look that up, because I know Islamic law and you can't do it with someone who is not even entering puberty yet. LET ME GUESS: All of the middle eastern countries including Iraq are denying the use of their land and airspace by the US to attack Iran. So BS is getting spewed so the US can take out a target a single aircraft carrier can manage - Iraq, so Iraq can then be used as a staging ground.
This is a clear and obvious case of "too much to steal" and "vote early and often" failing. I guess having everyone who can vote actually vote makes a difference, it looks like the fraud got overwhelmed.
Reality: Harris not over 15 million, Trump well over 100 million, not that it matters though. The steal failed.
Here is some interesting perspective with regard to Trump
I disagree with some of this, but it is worth a read -
Fact checked: Leftist women going on sex strike to "punish men" for voting Trump.
True. But who wants that anyway? "Incel" in this case means "THANK GOD."
At last, it appears that the Party of Chaos got its fondest wish: it aborted itself in the 2024 election. "Joe Biden" was the coat-hanger.
My comment: Too funny, and too perfect. Give the guy a hit.
Nov 1 2024
Fake Islamic police video circulating the rounds
The Twitter video says it is Islamic police attacking an Iranian woman for not dressing properly. That does not wash. This looks like a purse snatcher or a domestic dispute. He looks like a ghetto rat, not a cop. She attacks him before he can say anything at all, as if she recognized the sound of the scooter as one that she was familiar with, and then she attacked before it even fully stopped. Additionally, people who were walking on the sidewalk helped her, which would not happen if it was any sort of cop.
AI models that are solidly stating Trump will win after they explore actual opinion online are bogus when they don't factor in vote fraud. Ignore all of them, it is inappropriate to say "game over" when there never was a game to begin with. No election = no chance.
This kind of game playing is stupid when it can be stolen out of sight. And many machines again selected Harris when a vote was cast for Trump. You are supposed to notice the machine selected wrong, right? You are not supposed to just be able to cast a vote and have it go to your candidate, you have to check the results and enter it five times to get it to select your candidate in a PROPER election, right? You are not supposed to trust it will go the way you put it and then hit enter, are you? If your vote went opposite what you said, and you missed the fact that it did, it is your fault.
"THE world's first AI hospital where robot doctors can treat 3,000 patients a day has been unveiled in China.
Dubbed "Agent Hospital", the virtual facility will have the potential to save "millions" through its autonomous interaction.
Developed by researchers from Tsinghua University in Beijing, the AI hospital is so advanced that it already aims to be operational by the second half of 2024.
Six months of research and development means the hospital is nearing readiness for practical application, where it is set to transform the way doctors diagnose and treat patients.
Research team leader of the Agent Hospital, Liu Yang, said the AI hospital will bring immense benefits to both medical professionals and the general public, Global Times report.
Thanks to its simulated environment and ability to autonomously evolve, AI doctors will be able to treat up to 10,000 patients within a matter of days.
Here is what can go wrong:
Patient number 3371 is good, we like him. Patient number 5487 has an issue with government policy 37B. Patient number 1479 is costing too much. . . . . NOPE.
Anyone who is not a doctor is subject to becoming a victim via the dictate of a beurocrat. Nice system. For tyranny.
My comment: HA HA HA, yep, too perfect, like that flawless and clean passport found on top of the rubble after going through the WTC in flames. THAT. Is anyone dancing near those ballot boxes too?
I will fix the rest when I get around to it. No files were lost, the servers at and and ALL my other sites are online and working, but are blocked by the web lords to stop my reporting. How long will this new location last? YOU GUESS. Fun times ahead!