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The severe weather that has been happening globally is not natural. Here is how it is done.![]() |
This page is current as of April 27 2023. For the latest page, Click here.Do not send bitcoin until this line is removed. I am preparing things here.I bugged out.I still have my place but bugged out, the final straw is when I booted to a live OS via DVD and plugged a cell phone into the computer to show people a screen full of errors from a non-live OS where my security prevented an enormous pile of file writes, the screen went black and then filled up with text saying "cannot write file without admin permission" which obviously means someone was trying to - not all directories are protected that way so obviously someone is planting crap - - - Anyway,The cell phone had no sim which means there's no way it could call out, and when I plugged it into a LIVE OS, on DVD, which should be completely clean, when I plugged the phone into the USB port even without a sim in it it dialed out with the screen black and I could faintly hear it dial out and ring. Obviously it was "phoning home" as instructed to by my computer's UEFI bios which is obviously totally compromised. Obviously if things are that obvious there's something huge planned for me, so I bugged out and started sleeping outside. Fortunately it has been very dry and there are no mosquitos. I cannot make enough money to buy new equipment that's not bugged, so I am doing an ambush post from home on my totally compromised computer, figuring they can't arrange anything nasty on the Jewish sabbath within a short time frame. I knew it would eventually come to this as they do the final smash on alt media but I had hoped for it to be "safe enough" to do this site for a little longer. Until I get a cash infusion from somewhere, DO NOT DONATE, I WILL NOT GET IT, I have contacted someone who might be able to handle this - I will not be able to buy new hardware, and I'll need all of it, right down to the modem, all of it is compromised and one little thing will wreck it all so it all has to go. I also can't use it from home once I get it AND HERE IS WHY - this is important folks: Because whenever you get bugged to this extent, it will mean that the neighbor's equipment will have the bug also. Not to spy on them, it will be the job of their phones and laptops and routers to triangulate my location, looking for anything new that appears and the neighbor's stuff will be used to immediately plant new crap on my stuff just from where it is located, I would not need to go online or log into anything. Snowden never said this, but I was above him bigly. That is how it is done when it is "needed". I see Snowden as a limited hangout, everything he said got ignored because people need to use their phones, log in, whatever so it made no difference. However, my telling people that their neighbor's stuff can be rigged to identify when you bought something new and never went online with it, and bug it without you ever touching the web is damage they don't want, that's how it is done "when needed". You cannot go back to your "safe place" with all new equipment without internet or wifi enabled and work in private, they'll nail you anyway, you can't turn wireless off or get rid of it by ripping it out because all CPU's have it embedded now, and that connection is not for you and will never be seen, the first widely known about thing of this type was Intel CoreVpro and even the old Centrinos, from a LONG time ago had this. Your only hope is that old 486 and who has one of those now? So I will be offline until I can get all new stuff which I cannot afford to buy, I have contacted someone who can hopefully help (or at least I think I did) who knows - and I'll be bugged out. I found a great spot. I won't starve, I have that part of the equation handled.Due to an obvious problematic security situation I cannot use my main hard drive which has my mail password (yes, I forgot it) so I might change mailboxes but it will stay at Tutanota. Also, do not send large amounts of bitcoin. Smaller donations (under $200) are probably perfectly safe and will be used for keeping the sites online but there's plenty in bitcoin for that right now also. Larger donations should wait until I get my hands on a Trezor.I knew, that towards the end, I would switch this site to be more spiritual because that is what is important now. And there's no way I can update it as much as I want for security reasons. So there's this:Alex and others posted their reason for Tucker's firing. Here is mine, and all the reasons you see are probably trueMY REASON: Because we are headed into the final war period and Tucker was a loose cannon. "They", and you ought to know by now who "they" are, want to control the narrative. "They" can't have someone like him out there telling the truth from such a prominent post. "They" want everyone playing off the same sheet of music, and they know damn well it's the song of deception. "They" can't "win" with the truth constantly poking them.That's out of the way, now here is what is important at this time:Never support this war. It will not be a righteous war. And a little verse of scripture, perhaps the most important scripture in the bible now:Revelations 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Let's dissect that 1. The fearful - those who can be conned into taking a shot that contains the mark of the beast. The bible does not say it is a shot, but it does say "he causeth all, strong and weak, free and bond to receive a mark" and that's probably why the fearful are going down. They'll run and get the shot that puts the mark IN, NOT ON, the right hand or forehead. And with DNA tech a shot to the arm can do that. 2. The unbelieving - Practically all the religions have a God theme but it is going to be best to be in one of the Abrahamic faiths. That's Christianity, Islam, Jew. And the Jews are going to have trouble. But I also would not be surprised if some of the other religions qualify even though they don't quote Abrahamic scripture, I doubt God is going to trash them just because of cultural circumstance. The question might be: Do you believe in God, and are you good or bad. 3. The abomidable - This is obviously gay, trans, animal, satanism, pornographers, molesters and other things pointless to mention that don't fall in a specific category but are bad by any standard, not just cultural standard. 4. Murderers - let's be clear here - having a spirit compass so small that you'd actually draw a bead on someone and pull the trigger just because CNN said you should qualifies as murder, there are many accounts of highly spiritual people who had to fight wars seeing demons running all over the battle field and immediately taking those who killed someone and subsequently got killed straight to hell. War does not qualify unless it is on your turf and you are being attacked and actually defending your family directly. You have a right to self defense obviously but at this point I think I'd be shooting feet so they live, not blowing brains out to boot, just to stay out of a gray area. Obviously you don't go to foreign shores and kill people, even via remote. Never support a war, even if it is not you doing the killing. 5. Whoremongers needs no explanation. 6. Sorcerers and idolaters needs no explanation. 7. Liars - Seems to me a certain tribe is in a LOT OF TROUBLE. That tribe thinks it is going to skate on all the murder and abominations stuff just because they tricked others into killing each other for them and into being abomidable. Or tricked people into taking a shot that ruined them and delivered the mark of the beast. Or ruined nations by lying about who won elections. All they see is that "God will deliver and destroy all nations for them, so they can reign supreme". But the scriptures say ALL LIARS, which means ALL, go into the lake of fire. The bible does not say "But those who lied to destroy nations because they are my chosen" or "those who only lied to those who are not my chosen" will be fine. The bible does not say "those who tricked others into being abomidable will be fine because they were not partaking in those abominations. "All liars" means ALL. The tribe is not going to get to skate away from everything it caused. If you avoided the MRNA shot, KUDOS, because you were not fearful enough to be taken by evil. Seems there actually WERE big problems with CanSino (China's vax) too, most likely all the shots were tainted. Good job avoiding that. A first washing. You got past the "fearful" part, now what about the rest? Get to work. Remember that graph I posted a long time ago where I calculated how many would be dead from the covid shot??Take a look at this chart of pre covid and post covid cell phone activity. Either the chart is in error, or a massive amount of deaths have indeed happened. Looks like not many mormons went for the shot!!!THE CHART SHOWS ALL MAJOR AMERICAN CITIES, NOT JUST SAN FRANCISCO. Click to enlarge.![]() Something weird is going on - everyone is goneI waited to post this until it was simply too obvious something is amiss.Update: The dog on the balcony is completely out of food and was completely out of water until I managed to shoot some down into his pail from the roof. He was ecstatic, biting the water as it fell.It's not a big place, enough for 4 families and a business. 100 percent occupied. One by one they vanished. None moved out. All their stuff is here. And no one is home, just an empty building and the lock guy. Electricity use dropped through the floor, and water use - there is literally none. Why? I noticed when the first one started going missing, every time he came back he changed a little. And I also noticed in the past that he NEVER EVER left anything on, his place was dead when he left. Now, when he's gone, the tv is left on, the lights are on - something huge changed with the way he thinks. Now it has been dead here for days. Not a soul in sight, not the familiar sound of one of the dogs barking for it's returning owner (I am feeding it now because it is on the roof so I can get to easily (and I can't get to one on a balcony that is also not getting fed or watered), not a sound from the same jingling lock every morning, no sounds of the guy downstairs in the shower - it is DEAD. And I probably know why. I bet they are getting the Claudia treatment. In some CIA hellhole getting brainwashed to say "how horrible I am" but there's nothing to go on, there was absolutely nothing wrong to be exploited in a brainwash and my reputation was five star, I was the one paying the bills for everyone so "late bills" can't be exploited, I was always spot on with all the bills, I was friendly and joked a lot so that can't be exploited so someone's work is tough. I don't know how long the usual is to get everyone totally brainwashed but I am probably in grave danger. And I can't abandon the place because I am responsible for too much. In Mexico, if they are going to bust someone things don't get cleared, or if they do, only for a half hour. What is going on here is different, it's not the Mex government, it's probably the CIA doing "cartel related" activity, against the will of the Mexican government like they have already proven they'll do and the kingpin will be ME. And like Claudia, everyone will speak up against me after swilling a little CIA cola. I caught someone writing stuff to my hard drive AGAIN also, and only caught it because they hit an unexpected read only directory which filled the screen with file write rejections while I was in the shower. The desktop vanished and got replaced with text about file write refusals in a read only directory. Not on a live CD or OS either. OOPS. On the drive I normally used, not a new one I recently set up. So most likely "they" are trying to plant "evidence" they can exploit with whatever brainwashes they are doing. They have a tough job, I never brought any girls home, never drank, never did drugs - there's nothing to exploit. But as it was with Claudia after that surgery, drugs can do a lot of magic. I wonder how much time I have. I find it more than improbable everyone vanished "just because", ONE might vanish for a while for whatever, but EVERYONE? Mister Kikelock is still here. You know - the one that probably is involved in setting all of this up. He's not in with us anyway, he's in an isolated commercial place out front not even sharing the same airspace. And the air is quiet. Why? Trudeau is trying to say he did not force anyone to get a vaccineWhat about the trucker protest? Where you jailed people for resisting? Hey, you can refuse this vax, then not pay your bills because you don't have a job, and then watch everything you have vanish, your home, your life's work EVERYTHING - I can just see it now that Trudeau has opened the gate:All the ghetto rats are going to say "I did not force her to have sex with me, she willfully did it while one of my pals held a gun to her child's head". Or, "he willfully handed me his wallet once I pulled my gun out, that was his choice, I did not rob anything!Vax not forced???? Bullshit, the trucker protest alone proves IT WAS FORCED. Hey, get vaxxed or you can't come back to Canada, to hell with your home and family and enjoy getting your truck towed because you ran out of fuel idling at the border after getting your accounts seized!!! Trudeau is more than just evil, he's abhorrent malfunctioning trash. The last of the last psychopaths that should ever be in charge of anything, and no, Canada did not vote for him, it was not the "will of the people" - I'm not buying the "election" BS anymore. DEMOCRACY: Jews hate "dictators" because "dictators" make it obvious the people are not responsible for the problems that would be caused by casting a crappy vote, "DEMOCRACY" puts the blame on the people, not a psychopath like Trudeau. You voted for it!!! NOT.QUESTION: Who would pay for enough salt to destroy a large plot of land that was being used to feed people?There's only one answer: A Jew. And this clearly shows what the agenda is going to be, "they" are going to kill us.This woman is oblivious to how evil Jews are and can't understand why anyone would do this. She just thinks it is vandals. Actually, it is war. No hood rat is going to blow money on enough salt to kill all that ground, and then do THAT MUCH work throwing it evenly to do the job. This is actual funded warfare, NO IFS OR BUTS.
Fox booted Tucker CarlsonI assumed Tucker was fake opposition, now it looks like he was "controlled" opposition that was still opposition that had to be purged.In the end, the only voice you'll be permitted to hear through satan's outlet is the voice of satan, from the mouths of posessed people. Looks like I posted the following at the correct time, because we really are going into the storm now, "they" are doing final cleanup to make sure no one can make a difference. UPDATE: On the same day, Don Lemon is out at CNN. Know what that means, considering he's a POS?? Answer: He's not enough of a POS for whatever "they" have planned next. I'm sure I'll have whatever it is front paged while I fade into final obscurity, as of now the damage is bad enough but I am sure it will get worse with this latest news, they are not going to fire those two and then fail to manage all the smaller guys with AI. Attrition, attrition, attrition until atrit to zero. They'll do it, it is stated in the scripture that in the final days, the only thing permitted and heard will be lies. I'm waiting for the final cut.The code of life will be corrupted according to scriptureAAAND, in the scriptures it specifically states the code of life itself will be corrupted by the evil and that "if those days were not shortened, nothing living would be spared". I don't want a bible bash site but considering how things are accelerating now, it is only appropriate to at least mention a few things. Look at Matthew 24:22 in the King James version, which clearly states no flesh would be saved. Other lesser translations state "no man shall be saved", however, that's an assumption, the King James IS the most accurate, spot on except for a few words according to the dead sea scrolls.Matthew 24:22 "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." No FLESH shall be saved is a far cry from no MAN shall be saved, FLESH denotes anything living, right down to cockroach flesh. They are going to corrupt it all. And considering all the "new animals" that are now showing up online, they are well underway and releasing their creations. There never was the human faced fish, lots of new discoveries of new life forms are being made and I do not believe they are natural. We did that. And I would not be surprised if a former civilization did the duck billed platypus, the capybara and the bombardier beetle also. How else would you get an egg laying mammal with a duck face and stingers? How else would you get a beetle that explosively shoots acid at above boiling temperatures? I call BS on that, someone did that, probably around the time of Noah. And we are doing that type of thing now, not focusing on cute either. Revelations 21:5 states that in the end, God will restore everything.5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. Question:Why would "all things" need to be "made new" if any of it was not as God created? We all talk about how there's DNA corrupting crap in chem trails, it is well publicized GMO bugs are being released into the wild (and probably a whole lot more), we all know about even wild animals getting MRNA vaxxed, it's not just cows, they are trying to nail all of them and have already started with deer and fish, it all looks obvious to me - we are corrupting God's work NOW and anyone who speaks against it is going to be silenced.No one was trying to lie with how the scriptures were interpreted in the past, life just seemed magical and no one even considered the possibility of mankind itself corrupting life itself. But I'd bet lots of things of lore, like dragons and palladins did exist, and were someone's genetic toys. We could easily do a dragon now, just take a crocodile and cross it with an electric eel to get the sparker and have it spit a volatile oil. Electric eels hit 900 volts at over an amp. Way more than needed for a sparker and the oil part would be easy after that. Someone could do that. This time around I think we are a lot less skilled and a lot more audacious than Noah's time around - it's going to be a mess. Most likely if the corruption was not so bad AI would figure out perfect creations, but I think this time around the corruption is so much worse everything will go down the toilet before AI gets advanced enough to have a chance. This time around, mankind is probably worse. I should top post the following, because "we are going in" to the tornado now.Question: Why is there no middle ground in online discussion? Why is everyone so radicalized now?Short answer: Because the wheat is now being separated from the tares, and:Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth. I do not want to turn this site into the "bible bash" channel, but people need to be aware of this. Take a side now. Decide NOW. "radicalize" NOW. There is nothing at all wrong with being a radical, the left hates "right wing radicals" and will spew every obscenity against them, because it takes a "right wing radical" to counteract a "left wing radical" while the "lukewarm" have no impact on anything at all. Evil wants good to be "lukewarm", and not stirred to action. What is lukewarm? Most likely, as I see it anyway?"Lukewarm" on the conservative side would be anyone unwilling to suffer great hardship in the name of God, and/or die for a cause. "Lukewarm" on the leftist side would be "Anyone unwilling to do an abortion, or sex change a 10 year old who's clueless." Anyone who would not inject someone with the death shot because their morals stopped them, but they are OK with a pile of other bad things.It seems to me, from scripture, that God is most disgusted with the lukewarm who refused to take a side, floating in the middle of nowhere like a derilict waiting to be collided with and sink a ship. It is indeed the lukewarm that will sink the right, there are not enough radical leftists out there to "do the job" without mass complacency, perhaps their greatest asset. I don't know what to do at this point except preach, and that's never been what this site is about. However, we are so far down the hellhole now that news is irrelevant, because it is already well proven that no one is going to stick their neck out and stop the madness.I had hoped this web site would be my second to the last great work, but it is beginning to look like it will be my last great work (because all potential to go beyond this was destroyed) and after what I went through with security issues today I am questioning whether or not I will get what I need to rebuild and pull off one last great thing - helping people who fled the mark - providing "refuge in the wilderness". I'll probably be the one needing help at that time.DO NOT let a leftist intimidate you in day to day life. "Lukewarm" is afraid of offending someone. When anyone who's obviously serving the dark side attacks you or tries to lower you FIGHT BACK. Tell them they are a POS because they can't figure out where a cock goes, or worse, they know and enjoy putting it where they damn well know it does not belong. Ditto for many many other leftist issues, including "reparations" from those who never owed, "redistribution of wealth" from hard workers to the worthless who COULD work but choose not to - forcing the mark of the beast, the whole 9 yards, including the vax - if any of them tell you you were crap for avoiding that shot, just haul off and say "I am not spiritually dead, obviously you are." Spidey senses alone should have been enough to say NO, it should not have taken a magnet stick vid or blood clot vid. Root in deep NOW. Spend whatever time is left rooting in deeper and deeper, to make good and sure the storm, which is no longer on the horizon, will not sweep you into the ditch. The twister is approaching, and "I think we're going in". Now is NOT the time to be polite!The craziest crap I EVER sawThis can be considered a MAJOR intelligence update, remember, this is coming from former NSA and not "aunt Edna."There is someone trying to send a large amount of Bitcoin, so security is key to make sure it does not get stolen. So I have put forth a big effort into making the security part happen. Here are the results, GET A LOAD OF THIS, this is a message I sent after totally failing to generate a Bitcoin wallet in Linux, and I decided to try Windows:"You would not believe what happened. I booted to windows, installed the electrum wallet without issue, got a bitcoin address copied to a text file, went to save it to a flash drive that was totally clean, and the computer hung, taking forever to copy that less than 1k file. I gave up, rebooted, did it again. That time the computer hung for about 10 seconds and finally copied it. THEN: I turned the computer off. The shutdown proceeded apparently normal, power button off. All lights off, like a legit shutdown. But the hard drive, which in this case actually had discs, did not shut off. It kept on running with the computer completely off. This happened on a fresh boot to windows, where I never hooked up to WIFI. I generated everything "totally offline". But wait, it gets weirder . . . . . . Just for safety sake, I put the motorola phone in airplane mode, with wifi disabled and sim removed. When I booted to Linux, from the SSD I always use, Linux located the Motorola phone which was in airplane mode and nothing enabled, and connected to it via wifi. That's flat out impossible. I have therefore concluded: I did everything textbook right with the wallet in a bootable (not live) linux flash drive , and was denied having it work. Additionally, I have concluded my systems are beyond compromised, they are a playground. They really effed up, they are so desperate to stop you from sending whatever you are going to send that they are screwing up. They allowed the WIFI connection to show up when it was not supposed to show up and connected to it, and even had the phone name in the connection window while the phone was in airplane mode, they left a hard drive spinning AFTER the machine was "totally off", and even following explicit instructions I could not install the wallet on a flash drive that may have been able to keep it secure all the while my favorite internet server OS is centos, with no cpanel type interface whatsoever. I have no problems with that, and I can't generate a bitcoin wallet? bullshit. we are compromised a lot worse than even I knew we were, I tried my ass off with this and have reached one conclusion: the only way large scale Bitcoin will be possible is if I get a pre made hardware wallet. There is no other way. I actually missed a day of working that I really needed to work over this. I just want to keep repeating about how that hard drive kept running after the computer was completely off with no screen, no lights, no nothing, I NEVER saw anything like that ever. The only other time I saw anything similar is when they "woodpeckered" my hard drive while I was doing the Fuku report, it sounded like a machine gun but lived because I reacted so fast at pulling the power out, - I was running without the battery on purpose because I knew that type of attack was possible, where they slam the heads until the drive breaks. It was OK after that, I got it on time but it was LOUD, I could not believe the drive lived. I have $520 in Bitpay. I am hoping whoever has the hardware wallet when I find it will accept bitcoin. I don't know what to do other than that, and it is very safe to assume bitcoin in large amounts is a total no-go until all of this is resolved. I can easily make enough to survive here on my own but can't instantly drop $150 USD on a bitcoin wallet (yes, they cost that much here, even for the most basic) it's a screw job. And that's mailed, which I'd never do. I wish I could tell you something different, but compromised is compromised, and there's no question I have the ultimate top level enemies. I will also try to double down and make as much as possible so I can come up with that wallet if Bitcoin is not accepted. That will take a couple weeks at least. I learned a lot today about just how screwed I am online. Hope you got new info from this - Budweiser has been banned from OktoberfestThis is confirmed, not a joke.Budweiser has been an icon at Oktoberfest for 75 years. Now, after Budweiser's trans can, the brand is banned because the organizers of Oktoberfest don't want "to mix politics with beer". FACT: If Budweiser had produced a can with Trump being thrown in jail, they would not be banned at Oktoberfest, what has really happened here is that "queer" and "beer" just is not going to cut it, "politics" is just gentle wording.RED ALERT HUGE SECURITY ITEM:"TAP TO PAY CARDS CAN BE DRAINED FROM FEET AWAY (AT LEAST)This is a daily fail report but I believe this time it is legitPeople are having "tap to pay" readers charge their cards while they are still in purses and pockets, several feet away from the reader. in most cases, no purchase was made but somehow the card readers make up purchases out of thin air and charge the card anyway. This is obviously a new form of fraud. In one case, a woman got charged three different times when she never even approached the cash register to buy anything. The readers simply look for any card and scan it. I don't know how the transactions are going through when nothing was bought, but they are. This means: Any hack can hide a "tap to pay" card reader in the flower pot next to the bench at the mall and rob you blind. I'd say a big fat NO to "tap to pay" and this does not bode well at all for scannable implanted chips also. How do we know that's not the pfizer shot subbing for the card? it probably is not at this point but what about the upcoming new and improved shots? Ominous. Chicago leaders are angry with Wal Mart "leaving people high and dry" by closing storesI kid you not. Chicago's city staff is actually mad at Wal Mart for closing stores that were being repeatedly looted and robbed after it became law that Wal Mart can't prosecute any theft under $1000. So the hood locations got closed. Because they were robbed blind. And the city does not "get it".Well, I guess the destruction of the educational system worked. Portland is having the same kinds of trouble. Soon, any Wal Mart close to a ghetto will be gone. The communist indoctrinated city staff might be stupid enough to not realize you can't just rob a capitalist enterprise and have it live. Then again, you can't just rob a Communist run store and get away with it either, just try pulling that ghetto crap in North Korea. I guarantee you won't get good results. The people ABOVE the city staff knew damn well what they were doing when they gave looting the green light, results accomplished. It's a win for evil, a win for stupidity, heck, it's a "destroy America" win all around. They could not have done it better. There's always the food pantry I guess. The MSM is reporting a global rice shortageSo wait for a rice shortage. They will create one. And they might be creating one by shipping it all to Mexico, where rice is and has been on sale everywhere for 35 cents a pound (the lowest it has EVER been,) and it has stayed stuck at that price across several low end brands for months. Even the high end brands are 50 cents a pound. There is no rice shortage. Rice manipulation? Maybe.So I looked at that rice repeatedly over the last long while and skipped it, because "With prices like that it has to be GMO. Maybe I'll take a closer look and confirm that because if it is due to manipulation, the good stuff might be cheap too. I just assumed it was a hard push to get people to accept a downgrade in safety and quality. The WEF has declared rice to be a global threat also, because rice paddies produce large amounts of methane, a "greenhouse gas". See how that goes? First it was Co2, then they moved on to cow farts and belches, which are not Co2, and now they are moving on to rice paddies with an ALL NEW "greenhouse gas" which also happens to waft off of bullshit. I'll tell you where the real methane problem is - Methane is swamp gas, which is becoming a HUGE problem after Trump failed to drain it.It is obvious what the real agenda is, just ask the farmers in Holland. There's too much food in this world I guess, and I'd like to point to the giants walking the aisles of Wal Mart, that appears to be a real example of this but I am not confident all of them are over-eaters, I think a lot of them have been poisoned and they are that big because they took on water - an explanation and diversion from the main topic -Everyone who reads this site ought to know that it is highly probable "they" sabotaged Claudia during surgery, (drugged her) so she'd be easily manipulated to destroy me. But that happened to me too, a different way years ago - I am one of those types that constantly monitors my physical reactions to food and other stuff, so I nipped this in the bud - At the beginning of the corona scam I had dental work done. The dentist ended up being a Jew, who, by the time it was done (day 3) prescribed me a special paste to rub on my teeth to "strengthen the enamel" and it was not fluoride. I went and got it, applied it, and within 2 days my shoes would not fit. Most people would just loosen them and not question anything, but by the time they did not fit again, they'd probably be doomed. I knew I did nothing to cause that problem and knew there were sabotage meds that get issued to totally screw people over. Obviously it is known by that community who I am and the first appointment might be safe, but after that all bets are off, once I get noticed in the system.I was worried about how long it would take to wear off. Answer: Just the little bit I applied took 3 months. Then my feet went back to normal. Obviously everything swelled but I noticed it in my shoes because they are a set size once tied (I never untie them).So the big question is, how many people get screwed over and never figure it out and keep getting bigger and bigger because they got the full dose? I'd say, in America, at least 40 million. A lot of the "fatties" do over eat, but there are more than 40 million and I have seen cases where all people eat is a few veggies and they are still blimps. sabotage. I kept that tube of crap to use as a weapon in the future but that's gone now, obviously. Anyway, the WEF probably gets off on destroying people and then telling them it's their fault when they know damn well a lot of it is sabotage, people did not just suddenly change and get fat, something caused it and I believe an enormous portion of the problem is direct sabotage via doctors. Take it or leave it. And remember not to fart, you'll destroy the world because that's methane too. That's exactly why there has been such a huge focus on the destruction of education - they need people to be stupid enough to think a rice paddie can destroy the world, when a swamp right next to it produces 5x the methane and is SACRED. No living thing does methane like a swamp, absolutely nothing else does. Try to get one drained now. Or better yet, try to get past the BULLSHIT. Washington State banned the sale of many semi automatic weaponsOver 50 total. Obviously the AR is one of them. People who already have them don't need to turn them in, but the next step will be exactly that. The camel's nose is in the tent, in the same state that has now ruled that if you complain about the schools arranging sex changes for your kids, they get taken away. Obviously the guns have to go, because the state goons are worried about being shot.Elon is about to launch the largest rocket ever launchedIt is carrying one of the starships, fully loaded to simulate being fully loaded for a Mars mission. I ignored the last one and was going to ignore this one, because these launches get scrubbed constantly like the last attempt to launch this exact same rocket did a couple days ago. But at t-14 it has my attention this time.Update: On hold at T-4. Probably canceled. I probably should not bother with rocket launches until they are actually lit.UPDATE, it exploded. It is hard to know if the failure was sabotage related or not, but it was detonated on purpose (scrubbed) when separation failed. Quite a few of the engines failed on launch, but 27 working was enough to get it off the ground just fine. This is a design feature, to make the entire launch safer, usually one failed engine means it blows up on the launch pad. That's not the case anymore with Spacex, however, blowing up at any point is not good. They are calling the mission a success because at least that huge thing took off and got to a high altitude. They were going to dump it all in the ocean anyway, this was not a for profit mission. So they got telemetry data. Not all the data they wanted, but they got a lot. Final reason for launch failure: 6 (6) SIX engines failed, (there's that magic 6 again) and it could only handle 3 failing. Enough fired to get it off the ground, but 1:20 into flight it still did not break the sound barrier and was clearly going to fail, so they killed it at 9 KM altitude. ![]() Not a bombshell: CIA recruits involved in 911More than 20 years and 100 percent damage after the fact, there is a court filing claiming the CIA was involved in 911.![]() My comment: So what. HUGE: Iran forced an American nuclear sub to surfaceHuge because it proves Iran can find something that is supposed to remain perfectly hidden at all times. This is actually a major development, because if Iran could do this, Iran could have also destroyed that sub. That does not bode well for American "military superiority". There's a chance the sub did it's job, but vaxxed out snowflakes wrecked it with poor operation also. My guess is that's exactly it. That is probably precislely what happened.A sniper rifle in the hands of a qualified shooter is a sniper rifle. A sniper rifle in the hands of an idiot is something you slip into the end of a pipe to give you more leverage to bust those lug nuts off. Ditto for a nuclear sub. That's probably what we are looking at with this, high tech toys are nothing without proper operation, a computer can only take up a certain amount of slack. What's worse about this is that the sub was not even in any pinch points when forced to surface. It was approaching the strait of Hormuz, but not yet in it. No word as to how Iran forced it to surface, but my guess is that they probably put an obstacle in the way, like one of their own subs and it could not stop on time or turn on time so it was forced to go up. This is the entire "If people don't get it by now" report linked on Rumormillnews, bumped to the top so you don't have to hunt for it.If people don't know by now to never believe the MSM;If they don't know by now to avoid all shots no matter what; If they don't know the foods are tainted; If they don't know by now that no school teacher or college professor can be trusted to even have basic morality - if they don't know by now the schools are weaponized indoctrination centers training kids to be what used to be locked up in nuthouses; If they don't know by now the elections are stolen; the courts are corrupt; pandemics are created; there is no man made global warming; If people are so ruined by weaponized schools they'll actually believe cows can destroy the world by belching and farting; and they do; If people are so far into stupid they don't realize there's nothing "smart" about a "smartphone" and that it's primary purpose is to be a weapon against them, ratting everything out every second of every day; If the masses still flock to facebook; believe Google; will consult an AI the enemy owns; and will take the mark of the beast - If people don't "get it" by now there's really nothing more I can do to save them, I ran this site to try to save a segment of society that had enough brains to call bullshit on the bullshit - and those people know, there are no "great secrets" out there anymore, either you're stupid or your not; spiritually blind or awake; vaxxed or not vaxxed -What is there to do anymore? Chase people who pursue doom clickbait? Those who do not "get it" by now are a lost cause, lacking any sort of compass that can point them to the truth, perhaps because they never cared about the truth anyway - they just cared about "what worked" even if it ate them alive.I have always had a little birdie on my shoulder saying: "Perhaps the people who run the WEF and do all this crap, perhaps the Jews in the schools teaching the kids to go trans are not bad for God's plan at all, and are only there doing what they do to finish the job of destroying the spiritually weak and stupid - the weed pullers. After all, if you grow up in a perfect system like the one we had before they tore it to pieces, even if you were an intellectual nitwit you'd make it just by looking at what everyone else was doing. It takes real moral fiber, brains and a compass in your soul to figure out where you're going now - is their job really to make sure the garbage gets bumped to the curb? and then sell the smell as something great, to see what else it can spoil and destroy? That's literally what they are doing. And that's probably why God is not stopping them.Scriptural prophecy says this will be done in the last days, and God is the master of efficiency. I would not be surprised at all if he just sat there and let satan posess the chaff the way he took so many Jews and used them as tools to fill his hell hole with whoever they could take down with them - God probably has no time for people who can accept and embellish all the bullshit.It is time to tie your shoes tight and walk the walk -Everything is going to go in the toilet now for the final flush and telling people about it is not going to make a difference at this point. Either you're going down or you are not. Don't expect some giant sign in the sky to suddenly appear telling you "this is it, the time is now" because even if such a thing does happen it's probably just "Haarp", God does not have to do another Fatima, the warnings have been given and were done when we had video to record them. I sat there in catholic christian doctrine and watched those reels, that miracle happened and got recorded. bet you can't find it on Youtube. Satan owns that.Decide who you are. Root it in deep. Don't accept the bullshit or anything you know is sourced from evil, like a shot, that last gay commercial, - whatever; even if it means eating from the trash or starving to death to avoid evil wherever it is. You will have to stand up straight until the moment of your death and if it is not obvious by now they are going to go ahead and do the purge, go back to line 1 and read again. It's probably your last chance. And a little side note here about those fatima reels - what happened on them -Our church had a good priest who was a little weird, but he held to the old ways before Vatican 2 and those reels worked like crap, constantly breaking because the church was not issuing them anymore and took them out of the course material. He kept them in the course material because they were so important. It was supposed to just be one 2 hour class but got stretched out over several because the reels kept breaking from being too old and used - here is what was on them -The main thing I remember was the three girls were in the street, walking, paused, looked sort of upwards, opened their mouths, and communion hosts appeared on their tongues from out of nowhere. There was no one there serving communion. And it was not even at a church service when they received them. The miracles at fatima did not just take place in one day, there were smaller incidents like that one happening before the big event at the end. We were all quite interested in the film but it broke so much it was piecemeal and you know how kids are when things are like that - Towards the end the main miracle happened and it was all shredded to pieces from over use. But the gist of it was that there were a lot of people, it was raining, and the sun did some weird stuff and then it was suddenly nice outside. It was too messed up at that point to just watch the miracle, it was 10 seconds and then another break. But it was at least clear that the stories about what happened there were not BS. If my talking about it helps you find your compass . . . . . you won't find it anywhere, I never did. It was that class or nothing. I wish I could go back and sit that class with all the perspective I have now but I at least remember it well enough to know it was impressive, but really messed up from too much use. The bottom line is that Fatima happened, and that church was really anti-gay when it did. Perhaps a good way forward is to go back to that old standard if you have drifted away from it. I don't think Fatima was a declaration that the catholic church had a monopoly on spirituality though.It was just the dominant voice at the time, other Abrahamic religions have their miracles - the mormons who were saved by an unbelievable swarm of birds that consumed an "end of the world" crop destroying cricket swarm is one that comes to mind - the bottom line is that if you accept God and reject the bullshit you're probably OK, even in Islam, no one holds a monopoly - what matters is where your heart is. Is it with God, or is it with satan? Or is it not really with anything, just floating somewhere? That's what matters, and it definitelty will be noticed when the time comes . . . . .This is big. From CBS news to boot. I don't link hoaxers but this does not look like a hoax.Mexico's president lashed out Monday at what he called U.S. "spying" and "interference" in Mexico, days after U.S. prosecutors announced charges against 28 members of the Sinaloa cartel for smuggling massive amounts of fentanyl into the United States. The three sons of former drug lord JoaquÃn "El Chapo" Guzmán - known as the "Chapitos" - were among those charged.President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested Monday that the case had been built on information gathered by U.S. agents in Mexico, and said "foreign agents cannot be in Mexico." He called the Sinaloa investigation "abusive, arrogant interference that should not be accepted under any circumstances." A former top U.S. drug enforcement agent called the president's comments unjustified. Mike Vigil, former head of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration, said López Obrador was mistakenly assuming that U.S. agents needed to be in Mexico to collect intelligence for the case. In fact, much of the case appears to have come from trafficking suspects caught in the U.S. "He wants to completely destroy the working relationship that has taken decades to build," Vigil said. "This is going to translate into more drugs reaching the United States and more violence and corruption in Mexico." The U.S. charges announced Friday revealed the brutal and shocking methods the cartel, based in the northern state of Sinaloa, used to move massive amounts of increasingly cheap fentanyl into the United States. Federal officials on Friday detailed the Chapitos' gruesome and cruel practices aimed at extending their power and amassing greater wealth — from testing the potency of the fentanyl they allegedly produced on prisoners to feeding victims of their violence to tigers in order to intimidate civilians. Apparently eager to corner the market and build up a core market of addicts, the cartel was wholesaling counterfeit pills containing fentanyl for as little as 50 cents apiece. López Obrador own administration has acknowledged finding dozens of labs where fentanyl is produced in Mexico from Chinese precursor chemicals, mainly in the northern state of Sinaloa. Most illegal fentanyl is pressed by Mexican cartels into counterfeit pills made to look like other medications like Xanax, oxycodone or Percocet, or mixed into other drugs, including heroin and cocaine. Many people who die of overdoses in the United States do not know they are taking fentanyl. MY COMMENT:Obrador wants the agents out because he's not stupid, and realizes they are only there to keep Hillary's pipelines open, while the competition gets stomped out. IF THE U.S. AGENTS ARE NOT GOING TO DO THE WHOLE JOB he's right to tell them to stick it. Additionally, "working relations" equals "You agreed to be compromised" so they have little to no value anyway. I repeat, from past posts: Obrador is a real president who loves his country, not the slack shit America has had make corruption easy in the past. Obrador is going to insist on national soverignty as he damn well should. Kudos. As for the fentanyl accusations, they are probably as legit as whatever the spooks got planted on my hard drive. I'm skeptical to say the least. Most probably 99 percent of the fentanyl comes into the U.S. straight through the ports of LA and San Francisco, or via the Panama Canal which China now owns. Accusing Mexico reeks of agenda driven BULLSHIT. AAAAAND, the reason why the US is chatting all about Sinaloa rather than Guerro is geography, Sinaloa is closer and common core can cope with that better. HA HA, smuggling the drugs across disguised as legit drugs one backpack at a time I guess (bullshit, if it was backpack it would be fully concentrated raw material in bags) because semi trucks are too easy to catch (what would really be used once the drugs are packaged that way) it HAS TO BE BACKPACKS for the bullshit to flow right, when a yacht or cargo ship from China would really be what it took if you could not use a semi. "They" don't want you to think, how the hell would you get the drugs across, packaged "fit for pharmacy" in "fit for pharmacy" condition in "Scorpion immune Juan's backpack, immune because he's been bit so many times? And the US can't catch this shit at regular border crossings? BUULLSHIT. HEY AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE: I NEED A PAYCHECK, or at least better money than I'm making now. How about hiring me to front your bullshit so it's not so full of holes? Just kidding. Not a real offer, I don't like you. OMG, and they even summoned El Chapo back from his American prison grave. WTF over, that's bullshit as thick as frozen cake frosting. It sold before I guess, why not pick the leftovers off abandoned plates and sell them as something new? FAR MORE PROBABLE. ALL THE FENTANYL COMES INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM CHINA UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF HUNTER BIDEN.Think he would'nt??![]() A few quick itemsLots of recent reports about lights in the sky - not such a "quick item".I have seen an enormous pile of unique eyewitness accounts of "lights in the sky" recently, and have watched the videos. They all look similar - beams of light appearing to emanate from clouds. All in populated areas. The general suspicion overall is that it's a new weather mod system - understandable because even the tardigrades know about "haarp" systems, to find a class of organism that has not figured it out yet you have to move on to mushrooms - everyone knows, let's be real here -Any time you have a major portion of the population figure out something like weather mod and the effects it can cause, there's going to be a suspicion about anything new that goes on, and I can state with certainty that there IS something new going on, and it might not be related to weather mod. So what's happening? Let me guess: AFTER Corona and not before, There is a new class of LED based DJ lighting that is dirt cheap and actually hits a high percentage of the light output that the trailer based carbon arc lights have. A shocking percentage. Like, I can't believe it is legal percentage. I guess since they are not lasers they might not be all that dangerous and since they are LED they are not projecting a giant heat beam so maybe they are safe - and they only weigh a few pounds, You can just pick them up 3 at a time. I suspect, despite the lights in the sky looking very suspicious like there really is a new Haarp going on, that it is in reality people playing with these high powered lights from apartment balconies. Since they are a relatively new specialty item still you don't see them often - but they could definitely make people on the ground believe there's something funky going on because we have never had anything like those lights before. For anything that bright it has always been the obvious carbon arcs with their classic color. That's not so anymore. Now, there are obviously real weather mod lighting effects but they usually take the form of a lit up haze or a lightning bolt and that definitely is happening - the big problem or threat I see with the DJ lights being that bright now is that it's going to be possible to fake an alien invasion, no questions asked. Just put a UFO slide over that effing bright light and have at it. it's so simple now a DJ could pull it off. THAT is a big problem when you know damn well that if a DJ can afford it as an accessory, the Pentagon has it 1000X better. Alien invasion? Don't believe your eyes for even a minute, or even your ears, they can make the clouds appear to speak also.The bottom line is that anything can be faked now, the DJ's could do the world a great service by taking their toys outside when they are not working and projecting obvious fakes like cartoon drawn spaceships on the clouds, and then throw in a few real looking ones. That can be done now, don't get fooled. Heck, the chemtrail haze is so overwhelming now they could use that as a screen even when the sky looks clear with a powerful enough system. That would take more than a DJ but you can safely bet there's a budget for that somewhere.![]() Spacex is doing a full sized launch of a full sized version of their "starship". It's supposed to go around the world and then land. We'll see how this goes, it is an absolute first for anything of this magnitude. If it succeeds, it will out-do the Apollo program hands down. Unlike the Apollo program, the Spacex program is fault resistant. There can be multiple failures during a spacex launch of this size and it will still succeed like nothing went wrong. The smaller SpaceX rockets still need to work perfect though. Update: launch scrubbed. One thing of note here is that to simulate a fully loaded mars mission, the starship will be filled with satellites that will be released. Lots of them. ![]() I am not quitting the siteIt will probably be different due to additional stress, already it was not what it was due to additional stress . . . . .And another thing - If people don't know by now to never believe the MSM; If they don't know by now to avoid all shots no matter what; If they don't know the foods are tainted; If they don't know by now that no school teacher or college professor can be trusted to even have basic morality - if they don't know by now the schools are weaponized indoctrination centers training kids to be what used to be locked up in nuthouses; If they don't know by now the elections are stolen; the courts are corrupt; pandemics are created; there is no man made global warming; If people are so ruined by weaponized schools they'll actually believe cows can destroy the world by belching and farting; and they do; If people are so far into stupid they don't realize there's nothing "smart" about a "smartphone" and that it's primary purpose is to be a weapon against them, ratting everything out every second of every day; If the masses still flock to facebook; believe Google; will consult an AI the enemy owns; and will take the mark of the beast - If people don't "get it" by now there's really nothing more I can do to save them, I ran this site to try to save a segment of society that had enough brains to call bullshit on the bullshit - and those people know, there are no "great secrets" out there anymore, either you're stupid or your not; spiritually blind or awake; vaxxed or not vaxxed -What is there to do anymore? Chase people who pursue doom clickbait? Those who do not "get it" by now are a lost cause, lacking any sort of compass that can point them to the truth, perhaps because they never cared about the truth anyway - they just cared about "what worked" even if it ate them alive.I have always had a little birdie on my shoulder saying: "Perhaps the people who run the WEF and do all this crap, perhaps the Jews in the schools teaching the kids to go trans are not bad for God's plan at all, and are only there doing what they do to finish the job of destroying the spiritually weak and stupid - the weed pullers. After all, if you grow up in a perfect system like the one we had before they tore it to pieces, even if you were an intellectual nitwit you'd make it just by looking at what everyone else was doing. It takes real moral fiber, brains and a compass in your soul to figure out where you're going now - is their job really to make sure the garbage gets bumped to the curb? and then sell the smell as something great, to see what else it can spoil and destroy? That's literally what they are doing. And that's probably why God is not stopping them.Scriptural prophecy says this will be done in the last days, and God is the master of efficiency. I would not be surprised at all if he just sat there and let satan posess the chaff the way he took so many Jews and used them as tools to fill his hell hole with whoever they could take down with them - God probably has no time for people who can accept and embellish all the bullshit.It is time to tie your shoes tight and walk the walk -Everything is going to go in the toilet now for the final flush and telling people about it is not going to make a difference at this point. Either you're going down or you are not. Don't expect some giant sign in the sky to suddenly appear telling you "this is it, the time is now" because even if such a thing does happen it's probably just "Haarp", God does not have to do another Fatima, the warnings have been given and were done when we had video to record them. I sat there in catholic christian doctrine and watched those reels, that miracle happened and got recorded. bet you can't find it on Youtube. Satan owns that.Decide who you are. Root it in deep. Don't accept the bullshit or anything you know is sourced from evil, like a shot, that last gay commercial, - whatever; even if it means eathing from the trash or starving to death to avoid evil wherever it is. You will have to stand up straight until the moment of your death and if it is not obvious by now they are going to go ahead and do the purge, go back to line 1 and read again. It's probably your last chance. And a little side note here about those fatima reels - what happened on them -Our church had a good priest who was a little weird, but he held to the old ways before Vatican 2 and those reels worked like crap, constantly breaking because the church was not issuing them anymore and took them out of the course material. He kept them in the course material because they were so important. It was supposed to just be one 2 hour class but got stretched out over several because the reels kept breaking from being too old and used - here is what was on them -The main thing I remember was the three girls were in the street, walking, paused, looked sort of upwards, opened their mouths, and communion hosts appeared on their tongues from out of nowhere. There was no one there serving communion. And it was not even at a church service when they received them. The miracles at fatima did not just take place in one day, there were smaller incidents like that one happening before the big event at the end. We were all quite interested in the film but it broke so much it was piecemeal and you know how kids are when things are like that - Towards the end the main miracle happened and it was all shredded to pieces from over use. But the gist of it was that there were a lot of people, it was raining, and the sun did some weird stuff and then it was suddenly nice outside. It was too messed up at that point to just watch the miracle, it was 10 seconds and then another break. But it was at least clear that the stories about what happened there were not BS. If my talking about it helps you find your compass . . . . . you won't find it anywhere, I never did. It was that class or nothing. I wish I could go back and sit that class with all the perspective I have now but I at least remember it well enough to know it was impressive, but really messed up from too much use. The bottom line is that Fatima happened, and that church was really anti-gay when it did. Perhaps a good way forward is to go back to that old standard if you have drifted away from it. I don't think Fatima was a declaration that the catholic church had a monopoly on spirituality though.It was just the dominant voice at the time, other Abrahamic religions have their miracles - the mormons who were saved by an unbelievable swarm of birds that consumed an "end of the world" crop destroying cricket swarm is one that comes to mind - the bottom line is that if you accept God and reject the bullshit you're probably OK, even in Islam, no one holds a monopoly - what matters is where your heart is. Is it with God, or is it with satan? Or is it not really with anything, just floating somewhere? That's what matters, and it definitelty will be noticed when the time comes . . . . .___________________ ___________________ I am obviously in deep trouble. So I am going to post my "fuckit page" that I have been thinking about doing, ALL OF US are done for if "they" pulled the shit they just pulled, it won't just be me. I don't know how far I will get with this, "they" keep shutting the USB ports off now which is why this is going up piecemeal. No USB ports equals dead text with no keyboard or mouse to post it with. So piece by piece. Here goes.What do you do when . . . .1. "They" break an impressive lock to get into your place2. They rob nothing but it is obvious the computer has been messed with because it has been moved and the case is half cracked open 3. You find an extra folder in the root directory on the computer (where no one ever goes unless you are like me) that was not there before (found by the way the icons lined up, I did not dig the directory yet because the root directory is a bastard) 4. Then the folder disappears when you post about it being put there? They might have only hidden it and I did not check for that, because there's probably other hidden folders anyway so the mess would be deep and I wanted that hard drive outta here . . . . . because that's a frameup baby. 5. What do you do when your ISP is DHCP and suddenly your IP is static because it's compliments of a stinger? What do you do? when you know the end is near? You say fuckit.Now, before I get into the "fuckit" part, I am going to point out that "they" have something huge planned and have probably done this to ALL dissenting media voices, a "necessary step" when whatever they have planned requires the lie to remain supreme. There's no doubt I am in trouble if they have pulled this sh*t but the trap has not been sprung yet, there's still a chance to say something at least.There is going to be either an all new pandemic and forced shot campaign, or a huge war, and framing and eliminating alt voices will be part and parcel with that. Historically it has been that way with war, but this is the first time they pulled the forced shot BS and it's going to be one, the other, or both.Now that's out of the way, so fuckit.I am now going to talk about what has really gone on behind the scenes in my life. This is not one of those "confessions" because I am a biblical level hero and have never said it, now I will and I can prove it. Henry Makow, with "Jim Stone is the real deal" And David Icke with "Remember who you are", here is your vindication after all the horrific slander I have received which no doubt made you doubt, and Merit, you can stick it up your *ss,. You were not the only one, but the fact you hung out on the forum the way you did pretending to actually have "merit" still galls me to this day.I will start by saying no one I have ever been married to has ever posted fuck all about me. Where did all the slander come from? It came from the same A-holes that are trying to put Trump in prison now. No one who ever posted any sort of slander had anything official against me or anything to bitch about, it was simply targeting an "enemy" to destroy it. Thus far I have prevailed. So what really happened? Why did I shitcan my life before 2005? That actually did happen, but why? Because in the winter of 2004/2005 President Bush was going to destroy Iran and I disagreed. I saw "shock and awe" like the rest of us did, and I did not agree. In the NSA I was assigned Iran as my main mission and though I was biased against Iran, I was not stupid either. I knew they were at least, for the most part good people. As long as they were kept in check as far as I saw it, there was no reason to destroy them and I was a serious bastard at keeping them in check, NUMBER EFFING ONE. I handled all the systems that intercepted their communications, talked to the people in the mountains of Iran, THE WHOLE BALL OF SHIT. I knew the entire American intelligence mission in Iran from top to bottom, and was one of those champions who knew stuff far outside my clearance level (like how all the data was smuggled out disguised as film rolls for movie theaters) something I was not supposed to know but I did - and it was all cool because I worked so hard to keep everything in top notch shape. I am going to just throw an insult out to Kieffer here - you are a prick extreme. When Chewy cut those cables in wideband while I was not even on shift and you stood there with Chewy right in front of me days later and told me to my face right in front of him that I was going to take the rap for it you proved how much you sucked you rotten kike and I did not even hate Jews then. It may have gone down in lore but on an official level I was totally unscathed, everyone knew the truth. Eff you. Now back to the main story - I knew EVERYTHING about Iran and quite a bit about China, Iran was primary for me, China was secondary and Russia was third. But even with Russia as my third official assignment, I was also #1 at reparing the systems used against Russia, I burned and installed all the hardened operating system chips used against Russia simply because no one else who was "equally qualified" could and knew those systems like the back of my hand, I'd get back after a "weekend break" and there'd be 7 or so offline because "no one could fix them" and I'd have them all up and running before my first break just by watching how the function keys flashed (those damn computers would TELL YOU what was wrong if you could just watch the function keys and understand, (there were 6 rows of 15 function keys on each keyboard that all could light up and those computers would communicate their problems through those keys.) They were dual keyboards with Russian on one side and English on the other, they were HUGE - I'd solve the problem before the boot was even complete just by watching how they flashed. Fix all of the computers attached to them (giant thousand pounders) before my first break, All the time was spent getting parts, not solving problems. I was absolutely #1, all the operators loved me and requested me even in the submarine tracking systems . . . . THAT is the level I was at when I stopped President Bush from destroying Iran, here's how I did it.I knew the intelligence mission from top to bottom, obviously. I also knew that without good intelligence, the Pentagon would not do jack. The Pentagon is full of pansies now who don't want to write out letters to countless mommies wondering what happened to their kid - they now want pushbutton wars that go as smoothly as a trip to the mall - and I knew that if I could wreck that they'd do NOTHING. And I could wreck that, I was the CHAMP.At that time, I was out of the NSA, even past the point of limitations for prosecution (but that won't keep you alive, I expected to die for this) - I also knew the psy op side of the mission and by listening to the news knew the mission did not change. They were still using the same hardware and the same method - smuggling data disguised as film rolls for movie theaters - it was the same as when I left (those systems kicked ass and were modern, they would not retire them quickly) for example - if some guy in Russia keyed a mic, the system would have him pinpointed on screen in 3 seconds saying "He's right here, at the end of this bridge" and it was all mapped and instant, it did not need satellite confirmation. There were more than 70 of those systems running, they could do a lot - anyway, a big budget item obviously still in use in 2005 - By the time 2005 came around that was post 9/11 which did not fool me, I was onto 911 right away - and my eyes were fully open about how innocent Iran was by then. I did not regret my mission against them because nothing was done against them when I was working against them, it was all just "national security" for real, the mission was not "stuff Soros pockets" pre WEF bullshit - But I knew it would become that if I let it happen and "shock and awe" in Iran would be an absolute atrocity - worse than Iraq which was plenty bad and also totally unjustified for the second post-911 go around - I first checked the consulate in Washington DC (Iran is not allowed an embassy in the U.S.) and deemed it unsuitable. I at least got to see how horrible Iranian movies are, if you ever sat through a Mexican baptism prep class for a kid, you'd know what boring is. That. Anyway - So I headed to Ottawa Canada K2P 2K2, a real embassy Iran had there. I spent DAYS at Starbucks with a brand new laptop typing up everything about the mission against Iran, knowing damn well it was still 100 percent completely relevant, told them how to find American intelligence assets on their soil, told them all the data was smuggled disguised as film rolls for movie theaters, told them all the intelligence equipment would be located in shipping container boxes in the mountains disguised as cell phone equipment installations hidden in with the antenna stubble all mountains that have a clear line of sight get adorned with - told them to look for tourist hikers in the mountains because that's how the people that manned all that shit got in and out of there - I blew that bastard TO THE MOON, even how "America would just sit there playing war with them like it was a video game" and "How to install communications systems America can't intercept," and "Get your drone program going because that's how you are going to find all this shit and the "hikers" without a whole lot of work" THE WHOLE 9 YARDS IRAN DID ALL OF IT. ALL OF IT. Including banning American movies, arresting the hikers, ALL OF IT.AND THERE WAS NO WAR AS A RESULT.And I was RIGHT. 100 percent platinum certified RIGHT. Iran, which was "2 weeks away from a fictitious bullshit nuclear bomb" in 2004 is now, in 2023, "2 weeks away" from a fictitious nuclear bomb.
Cornerstone report: Fukushima SABOTAGE! ![]()