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The severe weather that has been happening globally is not natural. Here is how it is done.

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A general comment about the bank failures

Silicon Valley Bank paid out huge bonuses to top people minutes before the "collapse" that was therefore obviously planned. The FDIC will protect the small people but anyone big who was there won't get enough to make a difference, they are toast. Some big companies will go down over this.
Rumor has it that the dominoes will now fall and that from the ashes a new government cryptocurrency will be born, but we will have to wait and see because before that happens everyone has to be on board, at this point we might just be looking at a lone case of corporate greed/scam/whatever. Bonuses paid minutes before the collapse???? RIGHT.

Look people, a lot of bullshit gets spewed in alt media which is something I try to avoid. I WAS RIGHT ABOUT FORT DETRIK

When have you ever seen this site push the wuhan lab theory, other than as a passing comment about what others are saying?? NEVER. The entire time I have been solid on Ft Detrik as the source of the corona virus, which was horrible at first and blamed on e-cigarettes. Fortunately it rapidly mutated to something less harmful. Now there is proof it came from Ft Detrik. WE HAVE PROOF. And as usual (not as always, AS USUAL) I was right all along.

Here it is.

China is not innocent, they knew about this which is why they had their own "vax" rtg, and a genocide rtg. But the source was Ft Detrik.

I was wrong about Jedi Shaman however, as a result of absolutely fraudulent MSM coverage. He actually was not CIA.

SURPRISE SURPRISE!! Fraudulent MSM reporting led to a huge surprise, Jedi Shaman was a good guy!!!

He was not there to raise trouble at all, he clearly conveyed the message that Trump told everyone to go home, before the capitol was even entered.

I got into the Tutanota box after not being able to access it for a while and thanks to Claudia's bug, everything changed.

All the damning mails are gone and are replaced with a whole bunch of sweetness claiming "she only wants to get along" and "I'll help you get a place to rent BACKDATED TO DAY ONE, ALL THE WAY BACK IN JULY/AUGUST. How the hell did that happen??? I have been set up to look like the worst a-hole, all she has to do is show someone the mails and "prove" she never did what she did!!! And I am not familiar with how mails can just be written over like that and changed once they are locked in, unless you have server side access, then it is easy . . . . who the hell did that??? Here is my response:
Well well, you have done a good job of editing this box. Your mail about getting Michelle MRNA vaxxed is gone. And you're so sweet, offering places to rent and to help me and so much more . . . . . bet that really helped you fake it with the church, such an angel!!! And I abandoned you, RIGHT???
Did you show the org that box, which you lied about and said I never communicated with you, EVER, somewhat of an "oops, I forgot, we WERE communicating but you can just forget that lie, he's trash anyway, look, I am obviously so sweet in the mails and the needle agrees!!!" or did you just show it to the family to "prove how good you are" and keep the org separate?
How much has your "christian friend" who's really a Jew coached you at being evil? How many alternative minds are you running in parallel so you can "cry for real" when needed, and then lie with aplomb? One thing is certain: I am sure you look good!!!
So, did you shitcan the piano? the Nikon? the projector? how about the freezers? the rifles? the microscope? the tools? the solar setup? Did I abandon all of that including Michelle without being threatened?? Why on earth would I tell everyone to stop donating if you did not steal the money for my arm? Saw your fake financial outlay, I bet you showed everyone "how generous you were" with that . . . . . and my arm is now crippled but I know you don't give a shit.
By the way, all the music you could hear me play on the piano in the park was copyrighted and registered in the library of congress in 1999. The CD said 2001, but that was to make it look current on the release date and is irrelevant anyway, barcoded and all, good luck if I hear that shit playing on the radio again with some girl singing it like I already have. Did your "christian friend" record it and steal it??? Maybe not, but it is suspicious and when I figure out who it is I'm just going to sign the copyright over to a lawyer to make it his, and tell him to "go get his money" and walk away . . . . .
The ORG was very interested in me the other day and Dany was anything but "clear". Consequences. Good job with that, (Marco is largely responsible) but your lying ass did not help ONE BIT. I hope clearwater closes that org, due to the fallout of what you did to me. They did not just drop the ball with this, Patricia is completely innocent but the rest threw that ball (and me) under a bus. WTF is going on there?

To Clearwater, and whoever else:

On Sunday, July 15 2022 at 6 AM, Claudia threw me out of the house under threat of arrest on violence charges if I did not simply walk away and abandon everything permanently. I was to never speak to her family again, speak to the scouts again, go to the org again OR ELSE. She demanded me to give her the key and never return. I refused to give her the key and ended up giving it to Marco along with an extensive write up about what happened. There is no conceivable way in hell he did not know, yet when I returned to the org months later, he claimed I never told him anything. He's obviously therefore in on what Claudia has done to me, probably with the hope of completely wiping me out because of this site.
Claudia claims I abandoned her and all my stuff. The reality is that when casting me out, she said "I am not going to give you any chance to be good, if you ever approach me for anything at all you're toast. She then went over how I "totally destroyed her credit" which did not make sense at all because we were never late for a single payment on anything in 10 years, I PAID IT ALL including a normal visa and a gold card and all the loans, I was SPOT ON PERFECT. I knew that if she was going to lie like that, she was dangerous and really would not be approachable for anything at all.
Claudia claims I abandoned, (without reason, just because I'm crazy trash): This is going to be a long list, which will prove she's lying all by itself, no one would walk away from this without a serious threat: (list not complete because it is impossible to get it complete)
This was MY STUFF, not stuff for the house, (I would have automatically given her all the stuff for the house)
1. My daughter.
2. All my backups for this web site.
3. All the computers used for this web site, including multiple laptops and desktops including a high end Ryzen.
4. All the data backups for every song I ever produced, every photo I ever took, everything I ever wrote, who the hell would just walk away from that??
5. Cameras for the site, including a Nikon P-900 and others.
6. A Kurzweil Mark Pro 3i piano that had been modded to be a fully functional DAW with a 20 inch screen on top of its already enormous value. Billy Joel toured with that one, embedded in a grand piano he took the strings out of and played the Kurzweil instead. who the hell would walk away from that, absent a serious threat??
7 An Acer X152H full HD projector that was for "business use" that did not get used.
8. A pair of Eminence Kappa Pro 15A drivers NIB.
9. A pair of Eminence Kappa 15 A drivers (American standard) NIB
10. 4 Eminence PSD 2002 drivers, NIB, labeled Prosound, by Eminence.
11. A nice DJ amplifier I built from scratch.
12. A decent set of DJ speakers that could not handle the Eminence drivers.
13. An absolutely mint condition Mendoza Nitro Safari air rifle with scope.
14. A far less expensive Beeman silver Kodiak with dual barrel setup and scope.
15. Enough high quality tools to run a fully outfitted mechanics garage including 2 scanners (an alt income plan preparation, just in case)
16. A decent arc welder.
17. A decent air compressor with impact wrenches, nail drivers, etc.
18. A 7.5 horsepower water pump purchased for gold prospecting.
19. A fully working motorized gold shaker for dry areas. This was an alt income plan I never mentioned on the site.
20. 2 freezers purchased exclusively for the sale of ice cream and popsicles, which was an alt income plan that actually made good money.
21. 2 stainless steel 40 position popsicle molds.
22. A giant 10,000 watt pure sine wave inverter purchased as part of a solar panel system to make the ice cream business cheaper to run.
23. A 60 amp MPPT solar charge controller and 1000 watts of panels plus a deep cycle battery bank. Not set up, because it was all purchased right when we got robbed so we moved and the new house was not good for accomodating it all. But it was there.
24. Two 1500 watt modified sine inverters used to make it possible to administer this web site during power outages.
25. 4 12 volt battery chargers, a 40 amp and 3 5 amp chargers for quick charging and battery maintenance without the panels in place.
26. A gasoline powered cement mixer.
27. A pressure washer.
28. An Omax laboratory quality microscope with adjustable iris, dark field, and camera.
29 A digital storage oscilloscope.
30. A collection of multimeters.
31. A 48 inch table saw. A chain saw.
32. A rotozip.
33. A digital caliper
34. An angle grinder.
35. A nice tap and die set.
36. A reciprocating saw, a drill.
37. Enough antibiotics purchased as preps to treat any infection in a survivalist community numbering approximately 100 people for at least 10 years including brain infections, bone infections, the whole 9 yards. That was a prize. How did I get that? Answer: How do I run this site, and get some of the stuff I post here? Hint: You can purchase antibiotics without a prescription damn near anywhere for a cut rate price because the elite want free access at all times, but you gotta know the secret. I (surprisingly) got the secret from a Jewish dentist.
38. A 2015 Dodge Attitude, top model, showroom condition, identical to 2022 model and no one knew the difference, top value.
39. A 2008 Fiat Palio Adventure.
40. 2 excellent mountain bikes

Side note: I am leaving out the TV's, appliances and whatever else Claudia could remotely justify taking, including the furniture and only listing what was obvious theft, I should have gotten one of the cars.

41. ALL MY CLOTHES, except what I was wearing at the time.
42. An enormous pile of food preps.
43. A very nice commercial scale.
44. A high end short wave radio in case countries got cut off the web but could still communicate via shortwave.
45. Concrete working tools, including chisels, sledgehammers, shovels, trowels
46. A nice Nylon guitar.
47. A nice steel guitar with amplifier.
48. A decent touch sensitive Casio keyboard I loaned to her sister and don't want back.
49. An infrared temperature gun
50. A beautiful daughter who thinks I abandoned her when really I was forced out and away under life-ending threat. Claudia will definitely call the cops and fake something the second she thinks she could get away with it and how long would I last in a Mexican jail?. The pictures of the killing of that circ du soleil acrobat were shocking, but not online anymore, walls coated with blood from repeated bashing, the picture at the link was not accurate, he was white and got busted for doing a street performance . . . . . what happened to him is literally what I face with Claudia now no matter how nice she seems to play . . . . . and for as long as she remains a "beast mode" liar, I can bank on it.
There's obviously lots more stuff I lost that I can't think of right now.

Claudia has informed me that a majority of my stuff was thrown straight in the trash. She might have actually done that.

Question: How can Claudia bitch about "not being supported" when she stole and subsequently "threw away" all that shit she could have sold? To top it all off, I was supporting her very well financially, even after she did that until NOV 1, when I decided to totally cut my income off over her stealing the money for my arm surgery. She was using this site to "slave me out" and that irritated me, and after I did not get my surgery and got stuck with a crippled arm I popped. She wants to bitch about "getting nothing now" when on top of the above, she sold the land for damn near fractional value and took every last penny. That money was enough to still sustain her NOW if she was in any way careful, on top of which she received additonal support, and my entire lifetime of assets. If she blew all that, well, I at least deserve more recovery time before she has any right to bitch.
Other things Claudia got that I paid for, except for a TV she won: I won't argue about. 1. The main refrigerator, a nice whirlpool.
2. the microwave.
3. the juicer, two blenders, a slow cooker and all the other kitchen stuff.
4. A new wooden kitchen table with six chairs. Nice setup.
5. A new sofa, love seat, and chair.
6. 3 televisions, a DVD, a blu-ray and a big collection of legit movies.
7. The beds.
8. All the other furniture including a household library loaded with shit ( most of the books were hers to begin with). Her list will seem shorter but it's literally "the price is right" winnings.
9. Nice home theater speakers I had before I knew her that were still perfect, powerful enough for a block party. They were not the usual. Claudia took everything, including everything I had before I even knew her.
10. That beautiful nativity set I had pictured on the site several times during christmas plus all other christmas decorations.
11. Do I need to mention she got to keep her clothes that I paid for?
12. A decent lenovo laptop.
13. One of the cars (plus the other, which was absolutely wrong) both of which I paid for.
14. The washer.
15. All the camping stuff including several tents, a propane stove, a big tank.
16. A Umarex air rifle with scope I bought for her.
It is pointless to line item list it all, you know what I mean (I was more thorough with my stuff)

But Claudia worked too, so she paid for half of that stuff, right??? NO.

Except for the first 4 years, where Clauida paid half the rent, she paid nothing at all. Her pay got cut and after that, 100 percent of whatever she made she kept entirely for herself, PLUS received money from me for her food her food, our food was kept separate by her decree and clothes and medical, and absolutely none of it was for me, we bought our food separately as dictated by Claudia. I cooked for myself until right at the end her mom moved in and Claudia had to make a show. She pulled her move on me while her mom was on her death bed in the hospital so her mom could not defend me. Additionally, she never bought a single item for the house, everything from the pictures on the wall to the sheets on the bed to the mop were paid for by me. Everything she had prior was replaced with better stuff I bought and in the end there was one computer desk, a book shelf in the library and two tables she made as a volunteer in mexico city in the house, the rest of it was stuff I paid for. The last two years she did not work at all. She cannot make the case that "she paid for half of it", literally, she paid for NONE OF IT. It all came from the site and alt income plans that I worked and stuff I had before I met her.

To Clearwater: You have a "scientologist" that was perfectly OK with burning someone to ash, PLUS AN ORG THAT IS SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT IT NEVER CALLED HER OUT ON IT. I am angry with that org, especially Marco who received something very similar to what I just wrote here along with the key to the house and did absolutely nothing at all. And I bet he did not even file it because he's probably CIA doing a job. Policy requires all such writeups to be permanently filed, especially when handed to someone like Marco. In that writeup I even told him to get the microscope and give it to Patricia because Patricia had great ethics and was educated enough to not destroy it and perhaps her chemistry major husband might find a use for it. Upon talking to her later, NOPE Not even a mention of it. THE WRITE UP. WHERE IS IT? no where to be found I'd bet, because the org is a POS. The org was great when PePe ran it!!!

Now she's playing all nice and friendly, and "nothing at all happened, but I'll help you any way you want, even after you totally abandoned me while I was great." I hope she dies before she gets any chance to repent. I used every last mental and monetary resource I could possibly muster to save her from her cancer, only to get bashed to the other side of the shit basin like this. And she's still playing the victim after receiving enough assets to sustain her for years via selloff while I grovel for pesos on the street. She's one evil bitch now regardless of how it happened, and she's getting away with it.
BTW, I don't want either of the cars at this point because I am so far into the shitter I have no place to put it without it getting stripped. The rest of the stuff is probably vapor now.
When did Claudia go rogue? It all started when I spent money on better clothes for myself (I dressed like sh*t because she'd get mad when I looked good) but finally, about a year before it all exploded I bought nice clothes and that put pressure on things. I also tried to learn Spanish which put more pressure on her. But what really accelerated things is when I became more involved with the church, and built scientologyleon.org .com and .net for the org. she got so damn jealous she damn near smoked and DID NOT, under any circumstances, want me to become prominent there. I was about to, and that's when the plug got pulled. Marco probably played into that also, if he was CIA he sure as hell could not let a white hat gain influence and it was weird because that site worked perfect everywhere except inside the org, where it would not work at all. Marco???. I quit on the site after Claudia threw me out, it is not complete.

What caused me to pop, and write all that? THE TUTANOTA BOX, WHICH I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO ACCESS FOR MONTHS.

I got into it and discovered tons and tons of pillow soft mails from Claudia in the place of demands and "I got Michelle the MRNA shot". How the hell did that happen? Claudia can't do server side changes like that, she had help, from who?? and now she's got e-mail "proof" of how awesome she is. I had to speak up, I had to.

What?? Is the CIA pulling her aside for sessions with eletric brain manipulators and flashing lights or what??? then re-writing history in her favor??? I know Marco dropped the ball, but there's more to this story than that.

Google engineer fired for discovering Google's AI was actually sentient

From video of the actual test, it seems so.

Opinion: The US has crossed the line and is now bothering Russia too much.

It is clear the people who have turned the US into a zombie state carrying a chain saw want to go all the way, they are not backing off on Ukraine and now even AWACS are providing support to Ukranian forces. The war is on, there's no way to escape that reality now.

This nuclear attack warning message really was broadcast in Russia

This was supposed to have been a cyberattack now but I sort of doubt it, I think it was government sponsored to put people on edge.
An actual attack message would not look like that. Some of it might look like that with the old style televisions but with the current tech the screen shifting is not possible because there's no horizontal or vertical sync, the current screens simply dump all pixels at once. Also, if there was a glitch bad enough to show background code, that system would be down, it would not fade back in.
Conclusion: cute theatrics, and though it is significant that this happened at all, in a real attack with modern hardware everything would stay crystal clear and completely stable and then simply blink out. The new stuff either works or does not work, there's no middle ground.
I remember there used to be nuclear bomb shelters publicly available to all Americans but they started being closed in the 80's and don't exist at all anymore. Russia enhanced theirs, if a warning goes out on time and people have even five minutes to run to one, not many Russians will die. In the US you would have needed at least 15 minutes to get to one even when they were common and now there's no place to go at all. I wonder who arranged that scenario . . . .

A few quick items -

SOTN: The greatest success in the history of alt media (I agree)

The destruction of Western civilization started after the production and use of nuclear weapons. And I'd like to make a suggestion as to why.

There's probably a habitable zone set up on Saturn, and "they" don't want us visiting them with nukes.

Did I read this anywhere? NO. But for what reason would the likes of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and in general, the greater Jewish community want this civilization wiped out completely, so far gone that the ethics and education methods are eradicated as well? Seems to me that under circumstances most are aware of, excluding any outside reason, they'd want this civilization to advance as much as possible so they can go off-planet too. Why would they be doing everything they can to destroy and demonize the white race and prevent it? A POSSIBLE ANSWER: The hexagram on Saturn.
I doubt many Jews would have been told that there's a base there, but all it would take is for a few inhabitants of Saturn to come to earth, mingle with the people, manipulate things, get put in charge of the most influential groups, and then manipulate the Jews into doing their dirty work so the nuclear threat is done away with in the name of their own "global security".
Con artists have explained Saturn's hexagram as a weather anomaly, and something "natural". That's pure unadulterated bullshit, that hexagram is caused, if there was anything natural about it we'd have, at least once, seen a perfectly formed hexagram on earth also and it has never happened. The bottom line is that if anyone using Jewish symbolism, perhaps not even Jewish, simply using Jewish style symbolism set a habitable zone up that was a creation of theirs, why not have it be a hexagram? The Jews incorporate hexagrams into damn near everything they can think of, and are morally split from the rest of humanity sufficiently to destroy it with abject zeal. They'd be a natural choice for an off-world entity to use for doing dirty work.
Crazy? Or enough to make you think? If Western civilization had not been stopped, people would have been to Saturn by now, we did after all have nuclear rockets on the drawing board SINCE 1955 that would have worked well enough by expelling the propellant mass at far greater speed and force than anything we have now, many times more potent than anything we were allowed to have . . . .
This writeup on nuclear rockets is a load of hogwash that totally conceals the actual possible time line, written to pacify those who have been screaming about this for decades. It will never happen, there were the same articles in the 1960's and 1970's, "2001, a space odyssey," with HAL the computer was done in the 1960's and had a space ship with this system, a ship which could have happened easily on the time scale that movie claimed but somehow became as elusive as Iran's nuclear weapons, always "2 weeks away", never to be seen. And it won't be seen, EVER, most likely because someone off planet does not want us having that.
2001, a Space Odyssey was so accurate and forward looking that it had tablet computers IDENTICAL to what we have now, right down to the correct navigation buttons that ended up on most smartphones and all tablets. Update: the buttons have been switched to not match now, (like so many things mandela) but the concept still shows well enough, The rest of the movie was not a screw up, it should have happened and did not, why?
Now the white male is under a vicious assault and has been under that assault in earnest, in the universities, since the early 90's. Why? Because white males invented rockets. White males invented nukes. White males invented computers, cars, airplanes and damn near everything else, so if white males have the ability to threaten your world with nukes, white males must be destroyed.
It just might all be as simple as that.

Biden: "They had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain

Maybe he's not a clone, because this is not something a body double would ever say, and surprisingly, this is actually accurate. Biden has had multiple brain surgeries to remove aneurisms and is actually doing quite well considering that, however this does not excuse Hunter, Ukraine and China, the guy's dirt and no operation caused it. This is still in the viral category though.
Biden needs to be careful because he's had so many gaffes that people don't know if they should laugh at the "joke" or not.
Oldie but goodie: Ill tempered Mexican hillbilly plays "sleepy Joe Biden" game while being bothered by his mutant cat. CAUTION, loud soundtrack.


I am getting sick of the lies about "covid escaping a wuhan lab"

Covid was developed by the Pentagon and released near Ft Detric Maryland. The first people that got the non-mutated real deal had their lungs "fill up with glass" and it all got blamed on e-cigarettes. Anyone remember that? How e-cigs got blamed??? That happened MONTHS before there was any mention at all about a lab in Wuhan, and when it was mentioned, there were 7 total variants in the U.S. with only 3 variants in China. That again proves the virus was released in the US, and the Pentagon had a "vax" ready to go. Only it was not a vax, it was the second kill wave shot.
It is obvious America's own government wanted whatever it was to spread by blaming e-cigarettes at first, and at "the right time" they were going to suddenly announce it was in fact a new virus, to scare the hell out of the public, people really were supposed to be dying in droves everywhere. But the mutations castrated the virus, it failed early on and that saved everyone who was smart enough to realize not enough people were dying to justify a shot.

MIT Professor Retsef Levi: "I got vaccinated and I regret it every day."

The vax genie is out of the bottle. He says it like it is: The vax was a con job that damaged or destroyed everyone who took it. This video was censored via this method, they don't want this spreading because this guy is level 10 credibility. If he's saying this, it's doom on.

I found a way around that via a Russian connection, the video did indeed exist but I was denied access. Here it is.

Keep in mind: This is a Jew speaking in Israel, that's why there is a translation. Either he's faking being hurt to shift the blame away from the Jews, or the Jews were not spared. I think he's shifting the blame. Wait and see I guess . . . . .

This video can be saved with a right click and re-posted, I am serving it from here.

Keep in mind that if he's being honest never forget how arrogant these types of douche bags were and how many lives they destroyed while pushing their arrogance and also consider that they are still pushing this shot where they have not been forcibly shut down. No one could ever overestimate how evil those still pushing the shot are, no one is that stupid anymore and they destroyed countless careers of people proven to be a hell of a lot more intelligent than they were, - people who gave up everything to avoid the shot.

RUMOR: Project Lazarus genocide coverup

No more "Tiffany Dovers"

There is a rumor going around, supposedly started by a facebook engineer (working via the new name Meta) who claims a new AI is in the final stages and it's sole purpose is to cover up genocide. This new AI tracks the style and frequency of posts from users, so when they vanish it can auto generate new posts that make the person indistiguishably look like they are still alive, including aging, education progression, the whole 9 yards.
People using social media will be fooled by the AI and will not notice the crowd is thinning out and they probably won't figure it out until they themselves "die suddenly" or hear a knock at the door, and they probably won't figure out what happened to everyone on Facebook even then.
Think about it - for what other reason would facebook want to fake and obscure the fact that account users have vanished? Sure, you could say it's all economics and fake accounts might be possible to convert to cash, but if fake is all they want, they would not need to go through all the trouble of imitating real people, it would be easier to simply fake up new members from scratch. In fact, it would be a LOT easier to simply generate entirely fake people than to have to deal with millions of families saying "How is my deceased loved one still posting"? Unless that won't be an issue because entire circles of association are to be wiped out, like the communists in Russia did it -
After the bolshevik revolution, Russian communists managed the vanishing of people by killing entire families and all associates, so no one asked questions. This obviously took a lot of work because they had to figure out how to delete people by killing everyone without making it obvious while still maintaining a population that could carry forward. Nowadays, AI is going to assist in carrying out such a program with precision and it will be easy to do, because nowadays all people do is flick their phones, they, outside of work, don't actually know anyone face to face. And AI, which studied them constantly, can just keep right on posting and "maintaining relationships" without the disappearance ever being noticed. An AI can also manage family communications so meeting "face to face at christmas" can be delayed forever.
The people being deleted can simply be replaced by immigrants so neighborhoods don't empty out, in the end there will be only a few non-threatening bottom feeders left, musing at how all the homes around them filled up with foreigners. Relatives who happen to drop by will be left hanging, wondering what the hell happened, like the disappearance of "wally world" and if they raise enough of a stink, they can be eliminated also.

An ai that continues posting, creating perfect fakes of people that have been vanished is now probably the biggest threat we face, I believe it will happen and genocide will never be easier.

"The AI is truly remarkable. It's able to study an individual, create and store an entire lifetime of fictional holidays, meals, relationships and anything else that individual would be expected to post. This data is all stored and deployed by the AI on a schedule that makes sense for that individual. There are some tells that insiders can see that give away if it's the AI or a real person. Some of our work has been to eliminate those tells to make the AI as convincing as possible even to the people who are closest to the subject. We've done really great work but there's still some things that exist that the AI doesn't get right. I can probably post an example or two. I guess that could be considered proof and those are well known enough that it would be difficult to trace to me.
- One of the initial live tests were to create 50 fictitious people. The goal was to make these 50 people new hires at Meta and have them interact and build online relationships with other employees who were completely unaware that these 50 people didn't actually exist. By adding them as friends and giving a few pieces of starter content it was easy to get the ball rolling for other employees outside of our project to start adding the AI generated people as friends also and start interacting with them. These 50 generated accounts were not based off of real individuals so the results were wild. The AI came up with stuff that ranged from absolutely hilarious to completely horrifying. I guess that's pretty accurate for the human experience. That's more along the lines of a traditional bot but it goes to a much deeper level than a bot just reposting the current talking point. It's when we added to it live data on real individuals that things truly took off. It's astoundingly accurate with reproducing real individuals."

An NBC reporter went to Crimea and reported the truth

Then Ukraine put him on an officially published kill list

NBC reporter Keir Simmons went to Crimea, where the people constantly told him they view themselves as Russian and support Putin, and Simmons actually had the guts to tell the truth and broadcast it repeatedly. Now Ukraine wants him dead and put him on an officially published kill list. I guess the MSM might have a few good reporters in it, fully vetted to make sure this never happens and yet it happened.
I said this repeatedly at the beginning of Russia's invasion - that Crimea was constantly attacked by Ukraine for wanting to be a part of Russia and that's the entire reason Russia went into Ukraine to begin with. Then the rest of the conflict, which had some amazingly nasty moments buried this.

East Palestine:

I told you so! This was something I nailed totally accurately from the beginning, when no one else was reporting it. If you want to read today's news, go back to what I posted weeks ago. It had to play out that way, it had to. And I am not going to repeat myself by saying what is happening now.
One thing I did not know weeks ago however, was that this attack was planned at least 8 months ago and it is easily proven. TimTruth found something absolutely damning - that 8 months ago a highly flammable railcar was parked on a side spur and left to sit exactly where the derailment happened and it went up in flames when the government intentionally lit the fires. The derailment was not a crash and burn, it was a crash with one car leaking and no flames at all until our own government intentionally blew up ALL the railcars that had the toxic stuff, PLUS lit the railcar that had been parked there for 8 months and was not on any cargo manifest. What was in it, and why on earth did the government light that one on fire too? It was still sitting there fine, nothing hit it at all but it was close enough to the derailment to look like it was part of it.
Additionally, that car was parked immediately by drain pipes that took the leaking materials and dumped them straight into a nearby reservoir that drained into waterways that led all the way to the mississippi, thus making the disaster exponentially worse. That did not happen by chance, those were the only such drain pipes for miles and miles, and they were right in the middle of the action and that car was parked perfectly aligned with them. There's no way that was coincidence

I find the way TimTruth did this video to be extremely annoying, however, it is a blockbuster anyway. You only need to watch 1 minute of this to get all the info, at least he dumped it all in the beginning. It is an awesome find, he does not need to keep repeating and repeating and repeating to convince people it's legit when it so obviously is.


What kind of toxic crap was in that car? We won't be told that, because it was not on the shipping manifest. East Palestine might be far more poisoned than we'll ever know.

Two Iranian warships docked in Brazil

That's a surprise to me, I did not think Iran had anything that could go that far without a tow!!!

No doubt about it, Biden is the "chosenite's choice"

Banana republic ALL THE WAY.

The Pentagon knows Biden is hiding classified documents that show he made deals with the taleban that hurt US troops and put the Taleban in control. This proves that everyone was right about the Taleban being an American institution, set up to provide something to fight against, killing American troops in the process. This type of thing only happens in banana republics, the fact that the United States was strong enough to survive such corruption for a considerable time changes nothing, banana republic ALL THE WAY.

Mexican president Obrador did what needed to be done to stop Mexican elections from being stolen

I am not going to bother with what news outlets are saying because they are all corrupt. And I have (cautiously, very cautiously) said this in the past. I'll be a little less cautious now.
The INE (Mexico's electoral commission) got infiltrated a couple decades ago by the same group that steals elections in the United States. This caused Obrador to lose two previous presidential elections he rightfully won. This time around, the vote was so overwhelmingly in his favor that no matter how they tried to steal it, it could not be done, like when Trump won. The United States obviously is more advanced in corruption so they simply outright stole 2020 right out in the open and depended on corrupted courts, fluoride, and zoloft to get away with it. They succeeded, the American people are now so drugged out they just sat down and took it.
- ANYWAY -  
Obrador was concerned with the future of Mexico (especially after the Corona fraud, which he pushed back against better than any other world leader) - He was so concerned that after a probable very deep investigation of INE, he cleaned house and got rid of the portions and people who steal the elections in Mexico. Obviously the MSM is pissed, because the people who run CNN, FOX and practically all Mexican outlets are the same people who steal the elections.

FACT: An "attack on democracy" as defined by K-dom is: "any attempt to get the actual will of the general population represented, doing so is not "fair" to the ultimate superior group, one which, after undermining Egypt well enough to cause collapse, got expelled and then walked around the desert staring at a snake on a stick; mourning about what they "lost". . REAL SLAVES, AS CLAIMED would not have been released, they would have been killed, forget the "miracles", the only likely gripe they had was that they had to work for a living, like any other Egyptian.

I hate to say it, but the proof is in the eating, look at how that group acts now, they just tried to murder us with a poison shot and have literally enslaved America and Europe and totally enslaved China, I doubt Egypt was the other way around!! Word on the street is that all the top leaders in China including Xi are "them" but that might only be hearsay . . . . might.

. . . "Might, because: Why would the Chinese people be permitted to elevate Jews to such a high status in a communist country??? Why would Xi permit that??


as far as I see it, he saved Mexico from going off a cliff. Who knows if he knows who his real opponents are when the entire world is not allowed to say it without serious retribution but he might know, he's far from stupid - in fact brilliant, and I hope he cleaned house well enough to give Mexico six more good years. FACT: Obrador is the one who did not accept payoffs or sell the Mexican people out for future prowess. Obrador was the one who had the backbone plus the ethics to at least try to put things right. OBRADOR OUT-TRUMPED TRUMP, BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING TO "DRAIN THE SWAMP".
Back to exodus -

Now, don't get me wrong here, I think the old testament Bible is in fact the word of god, but it has probably been slanted very favorably towards the agendas of the most evil people on earth, who rejected the TRUE MESSAGE - what Jesus sent, because they'd rather live in the corruption their past fantasy justifies. If they did not write fantasy, what would Jesus have been needed for? He came to fix their bullshit!!!

HMMMMMMMMM . . . . . . . .

If you are from the "correct background" you don't need to be corona vaxxed!!!

Two words: Population. Replacement.

This is actually VERY IMPORTANT, watch to the end.


Take a look at this job request. Does this indicate something nefarious is afoot or what???

I got messed with while posting the following, so I know it is spot on

They locked up the browser while I was entering text, and that's the first time that has ever happened. I managed to save a portion of this by pasting a large section I had copied already into a text editor.

If you ever wanted a lesson in how Jews take people out, this is it, right here.

I have probably pieced together the final answer on Claudia and what happened

It was a multi pronged attack.
1. The Jews, knowing where we lived, decided they would set up neighborhood parties for our housing division. The parties were extremely well funded and free to attend. I wondered how on earth they could ever be done, and wondered who was paying for all that.
2. They knew Claudia was into health supplements because of the cancer, so they set up a table with a Jewish woman who pretended to be a "christian", loaded with health supplements to attract Claudia. The woman hooked Claudia right in, and soon they were "friends".
When Claudia had her over the first time, I told Claudia "That woman is evil, and if you allow her into your life, our family will be quickly destroyed. The woman started mentally coaching Claudia, and Claudia was resistant, but-
During the surgery Claudia was probably permanently drugged, and that's when she broke down and that damn kike took over her life. At this time, I think plants in the scientology org also made their move. The "christian woman" spun Claudia's head on backwards so badly that Claudia was constantly going into the org for "handlings" where most likely what I said happened there happened to support the work the Jewish woman on the outside was doing. The two main people who probably assisted in taking Claudia down were the org manager I have named here before, who, I figured out before he was assigned his role, has a Jewish wife and is probably also a Jew, and one of the auditors. From what I heard, the new manager who took over has "wealthy relatives" that take care of all his expenses and give him nice cars so he can "work for free" and I'll define "wealthy relatives" as Maryland because that's exactly how th CIA funds it's plants who have to explain where they get their money with "no job." That's a good way to recieve a fat check out of "nowhere". I don't believe his background story.
Claudia then transformed into an absolute beast mode liar, hell bent on destroying me and this web site across the board. She has to have been coached, because she was never a liar before but now she's 100 percent fabrication of everything, and so convincing, and I MEAN CONVINCING, so convincing that when, at the door on July 15 at 6AM she gave her spiel while casting me out, even to me what she said was convincing when I knew from experience it was all lies. I knew right then and there I was completely doomed because there's no way anyone who did not know the truth would ever sort things out. She spewed perfect lies and came off as absolute truth.
The Jews fake being "christian" all the time, They fooled Michael Jackson with Elizabeth Taylor, a "lifelong christian" who was promptly buried in a Jewish cemetary before her christian funeral and burial which was fronted and "planned" even happened. The entire time through all of this Claudia kept one quirk - "I need to be careful so the Jews don't take advantage of this situation". NEWS: They caused it. They paid for the parties in the park, and trapped Claudia with a pillow soft "friend" who was really a mind warping demon freak who coached her on how to be truly evil, while Claudia was drugged after a surgery, and I believe the final nail was a compromised org and probable bugged e-meter.
The takedown was so complete that every single aspect of my life was destroyed. Every single posession taken. She even tried to take this site but I never saved the passwords at the most root location so she whined and bitched to the host but failed to take it despite having all of my administration hardware. She then made sure every single contact I ever had was "informed" so they hate me, right down to the guy who cuts my hair, and even the manager of the place, all the way down to a damn shoe store. Any place I ever bought anything got informed, and more, with bugs planted in my cell phone (at first, it did not take long to figure out, Claudia took the money people sent her plus what she stole and liquidated and used it to pay for notifications sent to people on their cell phones everywhere I walked while trying to do the "welding". It was so bad that I could hear on the street from inside homes "that's HIM, BE CAREFUL" and several even ran out of their homes and screamed at me "eres mala" when I had never been in the area or even knew who the hell they were. I solved the problem by never bringing the cell phone ANYWHERE, that stopped it immediately but the areas where it happened have remained ruined. In other areas I am well liked and considered #1.

So while she cries about "not being supported" consider the fact that she's still trying to ruin me and make it impossible for me to give her anything. True, she's literally been disabled, yes, she's a victim of something but it sure as hell was not me.

Steal the money for my arm surgery??? Come on now, Claudia was not like that!!! What happened? She got "kiked" in the head, that's what.



Without question, the "tech" does indeed work and will catch a liar when people are competent!!!

A few quick items (today is a heavy work day)

Putin just canceled Start 2 and will be putting missiles back in Cuba. Ukraine is using western weapons to hit targets deep inside of Russia. Putin is warning that the United States will launch a chemical attack in Ukraine, to "justify" sending troops, while NATO is now under pressure because it has been revealed they intended to accept Ukraine all along . . . .
China has warned Elon Musk to stop promoting the Wuhan lab leak theory. I already tracked the actual leak to FT Detrick and had all the proof published 2 years ago. Covid was made in the USA and the first infections (before it mutated to something far less harmful) were blamed on e-cigarettes. Elon might be smart enough to launch rockets but that does not make him universally smart, the "wuhan lab leak" is a deflection.
Palestine Ohio update - Seems like the real gravity of the situation has not gone mainstream. A farm 2 miles from where the tanks were detonated lost 23 cows, 30 pigs, and just short of 100 springer spaniel puppies that were being breeded for sale. A beekeeper (the only one somewhat close) lost half his bees, with total hive deaths occurring five miles UPWIND from where the tanks were set off. So there's going to be a big dead zone.


People have become suspicious that the government blew the tanks to get the railroad company off the hook, after all, Norfolk Southern can now say they are not to blame for what happened because it was all under control until the government stepped in and messed things up, and that is exactly the angle Norfolk Southern is taking. How convenient. Sounds like a manufactured crisis, and the train company said "We will play" as long as YOU take the rap, and "Sandy Hook" played out again, with totally different parameters. All false flags lead back to Maryland.
It has now been determined that Nature based artificial sweeteners and not the vax are causing extremely elevated numbers of heart attacks and strokes. SO GET BACK ON ASPARTAME DAMMIT, WE NEED OUR DAMAGING MIND CONTROL CRAP RETURNED TO DOMINANCE, you can do without your "monk fruit" and WE can do without all the accountability associated with that shot. Did you know that just ONE taste of monk fruit based sweetener can trigger heart attacks and strokes for life? We did not either, until we got tired of lowered aspartame sales and needed a scapegoat.

Ukranian refugee wants to go back home after discovering how bad American schools are

She watched the crap on American television, dreaming about how great school must be in the U.S. and was blown away when she arrived to kids jumping like monkeys on desks. Yes, American schools are indeed now trash, just exactly what k-dom wants when they seek to destroy a country by destroying the youth. Took them 4 generations to make it this bad, most nations don't survive the third generation of this type of assault. They expect the dirty work to be completely destructive within 60 years. America lasted longer than that.

RUMOR: All biting parasites that feed on blood die after feeding on the vaxxed

This rumor is being boosted by this video of a Japanese guy who tried this on leeches

Our media reported that bird populations are down sharply this year, they do the who what when and where well but now seem to always leave out the why and how on purpose, two items key to responsible reporting. But if MRNA vaxxed blood wrecks the gene pool for mosquitoes, that would cause a big drop in bird and fish populations.
I don't like mosquitos but it cannot be denied that they are a cornerstone of the food chain, obviously there are not enough people available to be bitten for a direct die off to be caused by vaxxed blood (animals like squirrels and birds take the brunt of the mosquito wrath) but if the vax somehow wrote bad code into the mosquito gene pool that could wipe them out, then adios to many species of birds and fish . . . . . . we'd probably keep the pigeons.


The new take the MSM is spinning is that they were going to Ohio to investigate a metals factory. However, if you look up the details shown below, that company was sending people to Palestine Ohio, a "coincidence" I am not inclined to accept. Overwhelming probability is that the Palestine team was offed, probably because the people on the team were "not with the program".

You can't make this stuff up, and it was the "clinton airport" to boot

That is not just a "social media post", I confirmed this legit. Elon had better get his sh*t together with Twitter because his saboteur staff is not allowing this to be posted. He needed to fire ALL the leftists, ALL OF THEM and did not. And censoring this just proves what kind of crap American style leftists really are (I had to single out "American" because Obrador is considered "leftist" when he's really a Ron Paul:-)

Due to the "keystone cops" "secretively making things look normal," work on this site is stifled today and probably will be tomorrow.

So, a few quick items -

There is a rumor that the mediterranean has receeded 30 meters (98 feet) on the Israeli end. Opinion: The rumor does not wash. Because if that be the case either the land increased in elevation or the water dropped. If the elevation increased, all the navigation systems would malfunction at Ben Gurion airport and I have not heard anything about that. If the water level dropped that much, there would be a malestrom of unprecedented proportions in the strait of Gibraltar, and I have not seen anything about that either.
The only way this could be legit is if someone is going to trigger a massive earthquake somehwere, and the earthquake machine is pulling the water back in preparation for the big slam. If that is what is going on, the center of the mediterranean ought to be 100 feet higher than normal, which would trigger an epic tsunami when they "let go". They won't do that to Israel, bank on it! That's one Jewish bet I'd happily "bank on".
Not rumor: Hundreds of the same type of chemical cars that did Palestine Ohio have been parked in the middle of the San Joaquin valley, which is something farmers there have never seen before. The claim is that they don't know what is in the cars, however, such cars are always clearly labeled so someone is being stupid. It could just be tar. We don't know that yet.
The anomaly is that they don't get parked where they are, it is a prime agricultural zone, perhaps the best in the nation, and what would happen if the people who promised us famine and food shortages and a "dark winter" put them there? I'd bet the story would be "Someone shot them with an AR". Always milk your scenarios in more useful ways than one.

Idiocy from the MSM

Scientists baffled by decline in bird population "Baffled" as the results from the MRNA vax to boot! Here is the obvious answer: Roundup is killing their weed based food supplies out in the farm fields, plus they probably react badly to GMO crops AND roundup, plus improved pesticides have gotten rid of the bugs. Mosquito abatement programs also play into this, as also (obviously) higher levels of 4g and 5g emissions.
"Scientists are baffled" when someone does not want an answer put out.

Putin is going to nuke us.

Just like Iran has been "2 weeks away from having the bomb" for the last 20 years. If anyone starts a nuclear war, it will be the WEF. Oops, Putin is WEF, only he did not get invited last time. Theatrics?? There is a persistent rumor WW3 kicks off on March 28. But that seems odd when it was supposed to happen in February, January, and (whatever else).
Reality: We are already in World War 3, don't tell me Corona, Nordstream, the "earthquake" in Turkey and the ongoing war in Ukraine is not enough. We are just waiting for the big pop.

"They" switched their stinger over to DHCP

To the spooks: FACE IT, You can't fake it. Telcel's DHCP switches IP an average of once every 90 seconds, so it's usable. Having yours be totally dynamic and switching it every second or so still makes it obvious you are there, especially since I mentioned it. Your static IP intercept is much nicer, and either way, I know you are there.

Actually, that's just a prepared message in the software. This is the reason the token is "invalid"

They started changing the IP so rapidly after I told them how I knew they were there that I get those messages as quickly as I can click a mouse. How much more obvious can that be???

This is not something I just figured out, it was the reason for me setting up "combat mode" long ago, which I stopped because the page looks nicer without using it. I know you are there, KNOCK IT OFF!!!

Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill to criminalize the administration of any MRNA vax

It probably won't go anywhere due to rampant corruption, but at least it's a start.

Note the snake speak. It "assists your body in making proteins". Like hell it does, there's a difference between "assistance" and FORCE. Still quoting the fraudulent Johns Hopkins to boot, while mis-spelling it John.

A pipe bomb made of PVC pipe was found on the train tracks in Philly

In other words, a stage prop. No PVC pipe bomb is going to blow the train tracks, all you'd have is a big firecracker. The FBI comes to mind . . . . .

To the people who are routing all my internet through their crap:

I'll let you in on a little secret. I did not give this out before, but I will now. Telcel uses DHCP. So when you route all my shit through your static IP, it is obvious. It actually makes things run better when you do that, however, NO THANKS.

Things only an NSA guy would know.

How much sh*t are you doing "in my name" to "build a case"? Hopefully you are not like the owl trying to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Do you like my new arrangement, with no photo editor available for you to exploit, "in my name"???

VERY SPOOKY: Tons of people with eyes that don't point straight

This happened in Central Mexico. As many people probably know, I am doing an alt income plan that has me out in public a lot. And I tried similar alt income plans a long time ago (pre covid) just in case I stopped receiving donations. I have a good feel for things and know what goes on out there, going back at least 7 or 8 years. Something new and very strange is going on, possibly vax related.
What I am noticing is an extremely high percentage of the population with eyes that have disassociated positioning. It's something you "never see" and last Friday I kept count and saw 17 in one day. Not druggies. Normal people trying to live normal lives who own houses and could not have possibly made it in life like that. Three total cross eyes and 14 that had eyes that did not look straight, such as, one is left and up, the other is pointed outward, super weird, like a serious brain injury happened. Normally I'll see one or two like that per year.
At first I thought "it has to just be this zone". But then I saw the same thing in other zones, where something local could not possibly have been the cause. What is it? some wierd mosquito disease? Bad water? (definitely not likely when it's multiple zones) Or is vax damage coming home to roost?
When I first saw this, it was a mid 50's couple that both had the same problem, I was like "what the hell is that? I'm gonna GTFO and NEVER return to this street, there might be something funky in the air here." And then I noticed it in another zone, and it was many many people. And I thought "I'm not returning to this zone, there's something weird here. And then I noticed it started happening right in the center of my most prime zone. What?? Is this sh*t happening most right where the vaccination centers were?
A bad batch of drugs from China???
And it was obvious that whatever it was seriously reduced mental capacity to boot, they were still functional but not in a way that you'd ever get a drivers license . . . . . clots breaking loose? stroke damage?
Obviously I'll be keeping an eye on this. I sure hope it does not happen to me.

The damage done by the Ohio train derailment is done. THERE WILL BE NO MORE.

IMPORTANT: Hoax reports are now surfacing about "chemical rain" in various places due to the derailment and burn, And they are really good for clicks.. REALITY: as soon as the wind blew it all off the east coast, the threat was gone and likely totally dispersed over the Atlantic to completely harmless levels, never to be seen or heard of again. How long did that take? 2.5 days. How long ago was the derailment? About two weeks now.

It is evident hoaxers are trying to milk the story out now far beyond what is justified. Justified: 288 square miles significantly damaged, with undamaged areas dispersed throughout it and the 288 overlapping outside the 10 mile zone. 400 square miles is only 20x20 miles. I'd be willing to bet that over 1000 square miles total got some notable degree of contamination that won't totally wreck them, and that's only a total of about 31.6x31.6 miles on a side. That won't be a perfect square, there will be contaminated areas 50+ miles away and clean areas 5 miles away, depending on how the wind carried things.
Bottom line: The damage is done. It's not going to keep expanding like a hollywood monster, there was no rain anywhere to wash that crap out of the air during a relevant time frame, it simply floated over the land and blew out to sea. The ocean can take care of it. By the time it hits Europe it will be far more diluted than the many crimes China commits that blow over the US a while later. Before I knew what chemtrails were, I just chalked the haze up to "chinese economic activity". Some of it is exactly that, even still.

What is done is done. And it was SO BAD FEMA told Biden they would not get involved because it was too much for them to handle. Animals dying everywhere, Wildlife fleeing or dropping dead. Rivers with water turned a discolored blue. Yep, it's bad, but it will now fade, it's not going to get any worse.

What makes me mad is the governor calling the DOD to get advice on what to do, rather than the EPA and THAT is where instructions to blow the cars came from. All but one of them were fine. ONE was leaking. The others presented no threat at all. And what did they do? they placed explosives on the ones that could simply be put back on the tracks and blew them up. Even if they could not be put back on the tracks, they could have been offloaded onto trucks. The one that was leaking could have been offloaded too, with the ground around it needing cleanup. Whoever decided to blow it up and create a chemical weather system needs to go directly to jail.
Now we know the MRNA vax was DOD too. I suspected that all along when Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNtech all had basically the same shot all at once. How did that happen? A formula sheet was handed over, that's how. Would a DOD that did that vax to the American people set off a chemical disaster in the heartland on purpose? OBVIOUSLY YES.
Also, the train wheel bearing story is dubious. Train wheel bearings use a continuously lubricated system like engine oil, and the bearing surfaces are huge, over 100 square inches. They are literally identical to the bearings on a car's crank shaft. They are super reliable, however, if you want one to fail when desired, all you have to do is take the oil out of the bearing and it will fail, and I believe this train derailment was done on purpose exactly that way. I believe this derailment was done on purpose, and the release of the chemicals was planned. How else would it have been managed so stupidly, who would blow up perfectly sealed not leaking cars that were not going to have problems ON PURPOSE? Who? An enemy, that's who.

Roseanne Barr went full blown anti-vax

Watch for this to continue and more *Jewish* celebrities to come on board because they know if they don't their whole communities are going to get smashed, they stood behind it all and rammed it down our throats and now that things are not going smoothly - now that they know the jig is up and heads are going to roll they have to shout from the rooftops "IT WAS NOT US!!!" Never forget who caused the catastrophe. It was not the nuns of Notre Dame!!

Pfizer legal defense: We delivered the fraud the government ordered

It is a long video, the most relevant part where the judge is asked to dismiss is at the 24 minute mark.
It is not our fault, the government TOLD US to do it - The difference between a first world country and a "banana republic" these days is how well the face is polished and how well corruption is implemented as a functional working infrastructure. And lack of ethics piled on top of intent to do harm to everyone, at least banana republics know they need their citizens alive and in good health.

I usually avoid posting stuff like this because it is usually BS.

Looks like this time it is not BS. I never felt good about Miscavige, and was very skeptical after he let all the e-meter mark 8's sit in a warehouse for more than 10 years, only to release them as "the golden age of tech". Why would he do that? Did he know they were a security nightmare and then release them anyway???
So here it is:

Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige is 'actively concealing his whereabouts' to avoid federal human trafficking lawsuit and is now officially considered served, judge rules

  • A U.S. judge has ruled that the Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige is officially served in a federal trafficking lawsuit
  • Judge Julie S. Sneed ruled Miscavige was 'actively concealing his whereabouts' and that attorneys had attempted to track him down and serve him 27 times
  • The lawsuit was filed by three former Church of Scientology members who claim they were trafficked in as kids and forced to work as adults
My comment: I actually doubt the premise but he's as good as served, that church is not hurting for volunteers, it has an overabundance available in fact so the entire premise does not wash. But whatever, he's served.
The real truth about scientology volunteers is that they are literally family and simply like the guaranteed security the church provides them, as long as they are not considered freeloaders. And it is highly unusual for them to be considered that. They'd have to be freeloaders before being considered that. They are not locked down, they go out any time they want and do whatever they want, which puts laughter on all the stories about how they get trapped and can't just get up and leave. They can walk right out the door any time they want. A high number of them have their own homes and apartments, well over half anyway to boot. The stories about them can't be real.

But Miscavige is toast. And I never felt he should be in charge, the mishandling of the Mark 8 alone was enough for me to think that.

My opinion is that Miscavige looks so bad during conferences that it is baffling it would ever be accepted. But it flew anyway. I guess he's better than the current Mormon First Presidency, at least he told everyone to avoid the MRNA vax.
And yes it would be possible to freeload that church, it treats people excellent. The pay is not the best because you are a de-facto volunteer like a nun in the catholic church but there are those that will go in and then only take. Reality is opposite what the MSM says, I'd bet they are THRILLED about this story. I can't say I like Miscavige, but this accusation stinks like manure in the spin cycle.
I am not a scientologist but I at least know the reality of what goes on there, there's nothing amiss at all, just an organization functioning like any other and doing as stated quite well. There may be org level problems like what I went through, but that's the fault of an individual sh&thead, not the greater organization, every place you go you find those. I bet there's a few where you work.

The Palestine Ohio vinyl chloride burn off is getting more attention now

You heard it here first!

I have already said everything that needs to be said, however, the information surrounding what happened is escaping containment to such an extent that now Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttgieg took it upon himself to blame Trump for the disaster. I think we are too far into Biden by now for that, but whatever.
Ok, so Pete is secretary of transportation, and there's a disaster related to policy. Did Pete ever mention the policy needed to be changed? Yes or no. Did he? When are leftists finally going to be able to take responsibility for anything?

Robert Kennedy Jr: The Pentagon developed the Covid vax

I believe it. How could Pfizer, Moderna and BioNtech all come up with literally the same formulation that had the same refrigeration requirements and did the same damage all at the same time in an "emergency scenario" that required them to have it NOW?? Answer: It was handed to them, they came up with nothing and the only differences were in manufacturing, - like one brand of fake flavor producing the same chemical formula as another fake flavor brand. The differences in manufacturing produce similar flavors that are not exact. That's the ONLY difference between the MRNA shot variants.
Anyone ever wonder why all other variants of the vax, including even Johnson&Johnson faded into obscurity, with the only one left available being the death shot? Is that not curious? How did they have such "technowizardry" ready to go immediately, with lots of doses dated 2019? How did they get away with all the damage the shots did, with the damage coming into the open now yet the shots are still pushed and no one is in jail?? Answer:
You're not going to jail a five star general who was assigned to a black op. Sure, I'd believe the Pentagon was the root source of it all, in conjunction with the IDF of course.

Remember: The fake alien invasion is the final step in the NWO takeover plan

Lots of "shoot downs" and other activities related to "unidentified craft" lately, and though I don't think they are doing this to the level needed to hoax their final solution - "They" saved us and we need biometric ID to keep the alien invasion at bay - Your DNA proves you are human - give up freedom to save yourself from the aliens and if you don't submit, we'll just call you one and you won't be able to buy food -
Anyway, that's probably the final plan but I don't think they were ready for it yet but it got accelerated when O'Keefe did the pfizer bust and they needed to run cover stories, first with balloons and then aliens - Never forget this because it is not being said a lot: It is highly probable they will implement biometric ID as a savior to "keep the aliens out of the system" - "we need to know who's who now to prevent an alien infiltration and takeover, get your damn positive DNA ID or you are an ENEMY OF THE PLANET.
Would they do it? Hell yes!!!

WEF troll at the WEF: The vax failed to get everyone on board, but a water crisis will do the trick!

Well Well Well. Seems like only a bullet will stop the madness. No one dragged anyone through the streets and lynched them yet, so why not just keep plugging along until something works???

Is that what the train derailment in Ohio was about? Will there be more chemical spills "poisoning the water" so suddenly there's a shortage that will get everyone under control??

Things that make you go Hmmm. Today a massive zone spanning portions of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia is being considered for a massive evacuation over "dioxin hot spots". From burning all that vinyl chloride. Nothing official yet . . . . . residents of Palestine say the place smells like it has been seriously poisoned as animals continue to die - .
One thing I'd like to point out is how robust humans are. People can go into areas where everything else is dead and live because our kidneys and livers can filter out poisons far better than anything any animal has. That's why old timers would bring canaries into the coal mines - they would die long before people would and give adequate warning of toxic hot spots. People are more robust and that's the only reason why people are not dead yet, but time will take it's toll other ways, like cancer and disabilities. ____________________________

Cornerstone report:
Fukushima SABOTAGE!

Remote controlled Germanwings Airbus A320 crash? All evidence points to this.

California drought: DAMS DRAINED ON PURPOSE