This page posted August 21 2020. For the latest page, Click Here.
To support this site you can use and Paypal. Many thanks!A car bomb meant for one of Putin's top advisors killed the advisor's daughter insteadThe daughter of an influential Russian political theorist often referred to as "Putin's brain" was killed in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow, authorities said Sunday.The Moscow branch of the Russian Investigative Committee said preliminary information indicated 29-year-old TV commentator Daria Dugina was killed by an explosive planted in the SUV she was driving Saturday night. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But the bloodshed gave rise to suspicions that the intended target was her father, Alexander Dugin, a nationalist philosopher and writer. Dugin is a prominent proponent of the "Russian world" concept, a spiritual and political ideology that emphasizes traditional values, restoration of Russia's power and the unity of all ethnic Russians throughout the world. He is also a vehement supporter of Russia's sending of troops into Ukraine. The explosion took place as his daughter was returning from a cultural festival she had attended with him. Some Russian media reports cited witnesses as saying that the SUV belonged to Dugin and that he had decided at the last minute to travel in another vehicle. My comment: The US does not have problems with individuals being assassinated with car bombs, in the U.S. people think bigger, like Oklahoma city, the bombing at the WTC in the mid 90's and 9/11. If no nuclear terror attack happened on Friday -As Russia predicted could happen, nothing is going to happen on Friday because Friday is for the most part over in Ukraine. Maybe Saturday?? For the week end news cycle?? I doubt it, I don't really think anyone in Ukraine is stupid enough to blow up their own nuke facility and Russia won't do it either. They all have to breathe after all.Think Jane Goodall was a hero?The lady that spent ALL THAT TIME analyzing monkeys spoke at the WEF and said all the world's problems would be solved if the population became what it was 500 years ago - a 90 percent reduction from current levels.Yeah, she had a cute gorilla show but I don't think I like her much after seeing that. New Tik Tok challenge: Jumping in front of trucksA teenage kid gets killed in the 10 second video. Two kids jumped in front of a fast moving truck on a wet rainy street and the truck chose one of the two. And quite frankly, if I was the truck driver I would not take responsibility for that if the street was not wet the truck might have flipped and that's the whole point of this TikTok challenge - to cause big accidents and catch them on video.I also have a policy where if it looks like a group of punks is going to block the car to force me to stop, I floor it. I was in a van with a friend, and this sort of thing happened late at night and he floored it too. Some games are not worth playing. In Mexico this happens enough so that after 11 PM you can blow reds and the cops won't do anything because it is perfectly legal, but you will be responsible for any accidents you cause. If you have noticed alt news fading out . . . .Several powerful AI's have been launched that have done a good job of squelching dissenting voices, with the latest one launched yesterday by Klaus Schwab (along with an army of trolls to help it figure stuff out). A lot of alt media may not be aware of this and it appears the job of the AI's is to analyze content rather than site addresses and then kill dissent that way. I have noticed a huge decline in alt discussions, which makes my job difficult because it is much much harder to catch stuff worth posting. That said, as much as I think it has been squelched, the page still looks OK by the end of the day . . . . we'll have to wait and see what an old snapping turtle can do to squelch it even more. See this.` A few quick itemsThe FBI forgot a critical point - They can't bust Trump for having classified documents, because the president can declassify anything. It is game over. It was all just a pathetic show of wishful thinking.ALL types of crude used for gasoline are now below $100 per barrel. There is no excuse whatsoever for super high gas prices now. Mike Tyson: Covid jab put me in a wheelchair and now I am close to dying. and also see this. Add those two together. He did not take the jab willingly. He says he was forced to do it and it totally tore him up, and now he's in a wheelchair talking about dying. The scamming MSM refuses to link the two or even mention any problems at all, you have to put it together. He got the shot while in pefect health so he could travel, and now he's in a wheelchair. Nuclear false flag tomorrow? This is a culmination of 7 different reports - Russia is expecting a false flag tomorrow (Friday, August 18) and has therefore told its nuclear workers stationed at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant not to go to work tomorrow. Ukranian forces were seen (according to opinionated observation) parking "Russian equipment" packed with explosives inside the area that houses all the control systems to the reactors. One would think that if that is the case Russia would do something about it, but thus far all Russia has said is that Russian workers are not to report tomorrow. Zaporizhzhia has a total output capacity of 5.7 gigawatts and uses much safer reactors than Chernobyl. However, a large amount of explosives can really change how reliable things are. Ukraine is expanding attacks on Russia So far it is nothing serious but they are hitting more bases in the region, in an attempt to escalate the situation. It is already over and Zalensky can't seem to figure that out. The Denver Donut warriors opened fire on a suspect and ended up shooting six bystanders outside a club. "To serve and protect" does not involve shooting six additional people to get one, it looks like the keystone cops are for real. DeSantis has started arresting people for vote fraud The more the better, over 20 arrests so far. Brian Stelter got canceled by CNN. I don't even know who he is because CNN has, for decades, been a source of nausea for me. If it was not RT, I would not have believed it, Zoophile pride march in Germany People are disgusted by This armed IRS training videoDisgusted because the "gun wielding IRS agents" look like they just quit their jobs at Costco and came in off a link on Craigslist. Though the video does look bad, I will guess that such types would be a lot nicer to deal with than a well trained hardened jackboot. The video is still creepy because it still conveys the attitude of the IRS towards the american people.MONKEY POX NOW SPREADABLE IN PUBLIC??I guess they did not scare the kiddies enough with monkeypox being only a gay disease, so now they are saying Someone caught it at an outdoor event. That'l scare the kiddies into getting vaxxed!!!It appears they might be trying to undermine Trump by saying he flipped Democrat,Not confirmed but I saw a mention of it on a forum and then hit Drudge, there's a link there with a picture of Trump that says FLIPPED and when clicked it says it can't resolve AP's IP address. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS, IF TRUE? It means the FBI raid is a guaranteed bust and they decided they have to use a different tactic to destroy Trump.I don't have this confirmed yet because the ruse is too new but if it is so, it only means the FBI got NOTHING and "they" are pulling out all the stops. Alex flipped to DeSantis. I agree.On another note, Alex Jones flipped to DeSantis, saying DeSantis would be WAY better than Trump. He's right. DeSantis is not clueless. He knows there is a conspiracy and who is behind it. Trump was so "out of it" he did not even know Obama rigged both the military and the FBI while in office, and that both would be useless in defending America. Trump was so OUT OF IT he blindly trusted Jared Kushner, A JEW, and let Jared destroy him. Reality: DeSantis FTW. I agree completely.Trump probably meant well, but was simply too ignorant to be useful in any real way.Newsweek wen there: The FBI raided Trump to stop Trump from colluding with Russia with America's nuclear secretsNewsweek literally states that Russia has been examining secret nuclear weapons documents Trump had at Mar a lago, and that Russia had them before the raid.Rotting nose monkey pox guy ended up being realI blew this off yesterday as ludicrous but as it turns out, the photo is legit and that was caused by monkeypox. MY ADVICE: If you have AIDS don't go butt plowing with your nose. You know this had to have been caused by something like that.Take a look at this hoax report by AxiosIt is about self silencing and not saying what you think in public. On EVERY POINT, Americans are more pro-mask than they say, public schools are not focusing on racism enough, it is important to teach gender fluidity to three year olds, and abortion should be legal everywhere. And Americans are afraid to say any of this, so they lie in public and pretend to be more conservative!!!IF ANYTHING, Americans pretend to be more leftist than they are, this report by Axios is trash.Contrary to my prediction, Liz Cheney "lost".Since they can rig anything to perfection, all this means is they wanted the other guy more. I figured liz would take it because I find her to be very repulsive and that seems to be what "they" want in power. She back stabbed Trump on the way out by calling his statement about the raid being politlcaally motivated an "insidious lie", and behaved like the ultimate sore loser. Trump had a great response:"Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!" I believe Liz is not actually Republican, she's a dem in a red sweater. This is happening frequently now, which is why so many Republicans seem to be swinging left. Better start reading food labels, They are going to put insects in your food no matter what.They are going to grind them into a powder and put them in foods that are not even meat, as an "additive". They are being as sneaky as they can possibly be. Obviously they intend to say "Food has had insects in it as planned ingredients for years, don't complain about your deep fried cricket plate."Ex FBI agent: Obama purged the FBI and Turned it into the NAZI SSIt looks like Obama did not stop with the military. Remember when Obama fired and replaced a large number of generals, which Trump missed and did not realize the military is not loyal. The FBI is not loyal to America either.Project veritas snagged a Joint intelligence bulletin regarding training for combating "extremists" after the Mar -a-lago raidIt's a nice score but did not have anything in it I did not expect - these agencies raise on busted flushes all the time and bulletins outlining the "behavior of radicals" pretty much all read the same. The big thing with this particular one is that they obviously know they overstepped their boundaries enough with this raid to cause direct action against the federal government by ordinary Americans.NEW AND IMPROVED Greta Thunberg toilet paperI have a hunch this is going to fail, after all, reusable diapers did and you know not all the stains are going to come out. Want to blow your nose into an old poop stain? It can happen, just buy this!!Offline all day due to getting internet modem wetFINALLY back online with the same modem. It scrambled the brain somehow until I reset the backup battery with a generic battery charger that did not care what the battery was. One second was all it took, but I had to find the right charger in a store somewhere. An unexpected fix, that was not planned. The charger woke the battery up somehow, it was not putting anything out even while fully charged and the modem wanted it there to work at all, even when plugged in. -------New York Post: The walls close in on Alec Baldwin as his lies fall apartA refresher: Alec is the guy who shot his camerawoman. He then started lying about everything, and it appears the lies did not hold, he is TOAST. I am surprised the New York Post is so blatant about all of this, they are not holding back AT ALL, Alec is a leftist and they are STILL hanging him. Update: It was ruled an accident but that does not excuse his behavior.Israel is the deep state. Name one part of American politics they don't own. From corrupted schools pushing the trans agenda to rigged voting machines to trillion dollar bailouts that miss the mark, THEY OWN IT ALL. When voting early and voting often and by mail and more, "six million" can get the job done. Eletions are to be "fair", not accurate.I don't like the writing style, but BANG ON: Frontpagemag: Pope francis is the antipope"It is well known that orthodox minded Catholics have felt considerable consternation with Jorge Mario Bergoglio, known to the world as Pope Francis. On issue after issue, year after year, Catholics have had no shortage of occasions to feel perplexed, alarmed, and alienated - justifiably so.There's been his positioning on the issue of remarriage and Holy Communion, for example, or his punitive attacks on the traditional liturgy. Even if non-Catholics may be indifferent to those matters, anyone of good will would also be troubled by his oblivious stance vis-a-vis Islam, his kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party, his subservience to the globalists (whose "new world order" he condones), and so forth. Let's also not forget about his accommodation of priestly pederasty during his Argentinian days and, as Pope, his calculating association with and elevation of prelates known for their own similarly egregious deviancy. It is baffling that he gets little to no bad press about this. Our society's overlords, normally keen to seize upon any occasion to attack Christianity, have rather curiously refrained from pouncing on his - the Pope's! - record on this front; that they turn a blind eye to this giant bulls-eye is worth pondering. Evidently this Pope is off limits. After all, Bergoglio is their man - not the 'Vicar of Christ', a title he himself has tellingly shelved. But cataloguing all his misdeeds and deviations from the deposit of faith, and from common sense and common decency, is not my aim here. My intent is to briefly mention a couple of reservations circulating about the legitimacy of Francis' papacy - and to share a firm conclusion I unexpectedly and belatedly reached about Bergoglio. Many Catholics have wondered: is Francis a heretic? Several well-respected scholars and religious have formally claimed so. If any Pope were indeed an explicit heretic, he would automatically forfeit the Papacy, and place himself outside the Christian fold. I have some views on the subject, but I wish to explicitly distinguish the question of heresy with the conclusion I have reached about Bergoglio - because it does not depend on any particular issue, or any of his statements or actions. There is also the matter of the St. Gallen Mafia, a group of high-ranking cardinals vehemently opposed to Benedict XVI, named for the town in Switzerland where they regularly met. According to a recent autobiography by the late Belgian Cardinal Daneels, one of its members, they maneuvered in advance to install Bergoglio. Such manipulative scheming, if true, would automatically invalidate the outcome of the conclave. Both these issues do appear to be massive red flags but even they may be cast aside, because there is a more germane consideration - one that led me to believe, with moral certainty, that Bergoglio is not really the pope. He is an anti-pope because Benedict XVI did not validly renounce the Papal office as required by Canon Law - the most recent 1983 version of which he himself helped craft. Therefore there should never have been a conclave following his surprising February 11, 2013 announcement known as the Declaratio. This would be the case even if someone other than Bergoglio had been chosen, and even if Bergoglio hadn't done and said all the things he's done and said. My xomment: I have said similar things many times. Glad to see others are catching on. Capri sun recallHeinz is recalling over 5,000 cases of Capri sun because an employee screwed up and got claning solution in them. This type of thing happens on occasion in Mexico. Usually when there is something not 100 perent right with a produt in Mexico, they'll do a buy one get one and sell it off anyway, IF it is not a hazardous problem. No oregano in the spagetti sauce? BUY ONE GET ONE. I have figured this out, usually it is worth it. a lot of kids drink capri sun, if they get one of those pouches and the kid is young enough, the kid is likely to drink it anyway and then the potty won.t stop, soap will clean you RIGHT OUT.The FBI found SO MUCH that to get it up to a large number of boxes, they took stuff like Trump's passports and personal demanding the FBI retrun items they never should hae taken. Yes, this was far worse than watergate. Trump has pointed out what I have said frequently all along - there is so little respect for law and order in Aerica now at the government level that the United States now defines the term "banana republic, and Trump did not miss that, he is saying it openly.Liz Cheney is set to lose the primary 70-30But she will "win" because she's the "candidate!" Trump took that area 70-30 and probably by more. How can Liz win by stating she stands against everything Trump stood for? Easy answer: She cannot. If she "wins" it will only prove just how synthetic everything is, the will of the people WILL NOT be heard.By actual stats, as of August 15, Liz has 28 percent support, while her opponent has 57 percent support with 10 percent undecided and 5 percent missing. So to make it "plausible" "they" will give Liz ALL of that 10 +5 percent, bringing her up to 42 percent, and then they'll steal 8.5 percent from the other guy to squeak her a win. WATCH IT HAPPEN. You don't get your satanic looking mug shot on the front page of Drudge, only to lose!!1995 video of Bill Deagle (not Deagel) saying exactly what is going to happen with vaccines in the future, with accuracy.In this 1 minute 30 second video, he efficiently states exactly how doctors are going to be forced to comply with corrupted medical orders, AND exactly what the Pfizer shot will do.I never heard of this guy, but he's BANG ON. It is very surprising to see someone nail the current situation with such accuracy. Con job Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: I have four shots of my sh*t and still got Covid!"And that means the shots are like Iphones, you'll need an update every year."You know what a scheister is, and Albert Bourla has it written all over his face. You know damn well he never got a SINGLE real shot, but heck, the idiots out there will gobble this up and go in for the all new and improved clot. And bluetooth update. And the next update probably includes WIFI as well. And after that comes the CPU and full integration.We all know the guidestones said. 8 billion people down to 500 million. Know what that means? It means the full round of shots can have approximately a 93 percent fatality rate and still be perfectly "acceptable". What will I believe? What was written on the guidestones, or what Bourla says about his shots? the problem with natural immunity is it's free!New supersonic passenger plane?Well, it would be nice to have the Concorde replaced, however, if they already spent THAT MUCH money and time, and are only now deciding on four engines instead of two, this thing is a cash grab that will fade into the sunset like vaporware. Who spends years and thousands of hours and a pile of cash on s plane and still does not know hw many engines? Engines are a key item for aerodynamics, especially supersonic, if they don't have that answer they are at square one after claiming to have done so much. This plane will never exist. Why rant? Because the leftists missed that entirely, and did a nice report prasing it because they are too stupid to ever realize this thing is DOA. It is the responsibility of a legitimate media to catch crap like this and never let it see the light of day and they failed and got funded for being screwups when they are supposed to be credible. Garbage reports, where you know they just published what the company sent annoy me.THEY GOT NOTHING!!!They are resorting to investigating the chain of custody for the materials Trump had, to "confirm" that when they were classified materials, no one who was not authorized got to see them.Read around the wordplay, all they are saying with this is they got NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL, and are now trying to bust Trump on "chain of custody issues" rather than whether or not he actually had anything they could nail him for. They word this like they already nailed him in a crime, but that's not the case if they are going after "chain of custody", or the HISTORY of whoever handled the documents. They are DONE.And all the talk about a "plea bargain' is wishful thinking, Don won't need to do that!!! The FBI is ALL IN on the "poor me" con jobThey already suffered a "terror attack", and are now being confronted by "trump supporters" who all showed up in identical matching tactical gear they crapped up out of nowhere, and did I hear DIRTY BOMB THREAT?The problem with an agency that makes most of it's hay by setting up patsies is that when it comes to times like these, the sympathy ploy ends up being so ridiculous it reads like a 9 year old's "spy story" class assignment that gets turned in at the end of class. $34 toll to enter and leave ManhattanAll being done to fight climate change, and line someone's pockets!!I knew it was something like this:The FBI did find documents with "classified" written on them. However, they, since recieving the label, were declassified and the FBI did not know that when they took them. They got NOTHING!!!! HA HA HA HA HA and all the pundits who are saying "Trump is doomed" are nothing but blathering idiots. Trump ought to sue the FBI for stealing his souveniers!You can bet that the documents will all be carefully scrutinized 900 times each for anything, ANYTHING AT ALL they can use, but Trump is not stupid, he got it right and the FBI will go home YET AGAIN with nothing but a big fish story about the one that got away. OMG!! Rense posted a video of a clotted heartYou could see the heart was struggling badly. They stopped it for the surgery and pulled out clots that were EXACTLY THE SAME as what the undertakers are pulling out of people's legs after the Pfizer shot. This is a horrifying video.The heart was beating. They stopped it. They cut an artery. They found the clot. They pulled it out and it is EXACTLY the same as what is coming out during emblaming sessons, The heart keeps beating even when these clots are obviously stuck in the valves, it just works harder to make up for it until it fails. This is BY FAR the most shocking video ever posted yet. It is hosted by Rense because there's no way Youtube or any other con job would ever allow it. Someone really hated this next post, my laptop rebooted over it and that has never happened before. They were too late with that, I only had to go back and type a sentence I lost.It appears the FBI came up empty handedOne of the things they took was a cocktail napkin! It is obvious this FBI probe is going to go as far as the golden shower prostitutes!!! that is, of course, if they did not fabricate "evidence" and there is a good chance they did. Salman Rushdie is, however, a good indication of how this will play out, he's there to dilute the news cycle. And by the way, I have read the Koran cover to cover several times and there's nothing satanic in it, Rushdie is full of sh***The Koran is a system of law mixed with less detailed versions of the stories in the old testament. I'd say it is more efficient than the bible (by a lot) and it is not long, the entire thing in 8 point type can fit on 88 5.5 x 8.5 inch single column, which fits more into less space pages. And I mean the ENTIRE Yusuf Ali translation (the most widely recognized translation) can fit on 44 sheets of 8.5 x 11 paper, double side printed and folded into 88 pages in readable 8 point type (small type, but readable type) I hate a liar, and Rushdie can KMA. The Koran is not some enormous mythical work it takes forever to read through, it can damn near be distributed in pamphlet form. "They" want people to think the Koran is an inaccessible work due to it's size. This is so they can lie up anything they want about it and then not worry about people reading it because "That would take forever." The reality is that it is approximately the same length as the new testament. Anyone can get through the new testament!!! A two hour read if you don't fall asleep and have a good education. My problem is I fall asleep. Takes me a year. Not really, but you know what I mean. Rushdie galls me. No, I would not be sad if such a liar got stabbed, but I AM MAD because odds are he did not and they lied about it, somehow that was faked. I don't believe it for a minute. Now we have a sympathy siphoning Jew in the spotlight to quell the outrage of the FBI raid. They can just eff off, and I mean TOTALLY. Trump: FBI raid was a HOAXWASHINGTON (Sputnik)Former US President Donald Trump dismissed on Friday a report that the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago residence in order to search for classified nuclear weapons documents."Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Muller investigation was a Hoax and much more. Same sleazy people," Trump wrote. He also questioned why the FBI would not allow his lawyers to be present during the agency's inspection, suggesting that they "planted" evidence. Former Russian President: "Nuclear accidents can happen in Europe too!Notice the source is AlJzeera because the American media will not be this honest. That particular "veiled threat" is so out in the open there really is no veil at all. I would take that seriously,Massive number of new graves in One small New Zealand town with a population of 13,000It is actually a lot of graves, more fitting for a city with a population of about 300,000. Doctors are baffled.Canadian premier Doug Ford swallows a bee while speaking on cameraHe handled it like a champ. He had to have been stung and did not react at all. That is a professional politician who can really keep his cool.That reminds me - a few days ago I knocked over a wild bees nest and got them chasing me. Due to a strong wind I ran straight into, I only got stung once though three managed to land on me and try. It ended up being a non incident. I think they were probably killer bees though because they followed for a very long way. If I did not have a strong wind in my favor I might have been toast. OAN pokes fun at the FBI raid.A lot of people were surprised OAN had the audacity to do that but all I can say is the truth hurts, and where are Melania's panties? OAN did not mention that the FBI did indeed dig through them.Gay couple screws their dog and gives it monkeypoxMSM subseuently says dogs are carriers of monkeypox I was surprised the article admitted the gay couple both "slept with the dog" because that hits the bar of honesty more than I would expect. I figured that is what happened before I clicked it.Stolen nuke documents?Drudge has a huge headline: Stolen nuke docs, 11 recovered and it goes to a paid article that fades before mentioning the 11 recovered documents. I do know however that a while ago Trump got subpoenaed to turn in some nuke documents (which he did already, long ago) and I am guessing that is what is really beyond the paywall.New twist on electric cars: Copper thieves are stealing the charging cablesThat could kill the electric car all by itself. All it takes is the audacity to steal the charging cables, strip them down to the copper, and sell the copper. And there would be a LOT of copper in one of those cables, those cannot be made cheaply.Now, I'd like to make a point: It takes a LOT of work to steal copper wire, strip it and sell it. As much work as a job would. Why not just get a job?? UPDATE TO THE FOLLOWING MERRICK GARLAND POST: SALMAN RUSHDIE "ATTACKED" ON STAGEThe Jewish community knew the FBI raid pointed a lot of rage their way, so they pulled the sympathy ploy of "being attacked" to play the victim AGAIN.... AGAIN!!!Salman Rushdie is the one who penned "the satanic verses", stating that the Koran was the "work of the devil". Doubt that, but that's his main claim to fame. Muslims everywhere labeled the book blasphemous and Iran put a $3 million tag on his head. I thought he died long ago, but I'll chalk that up the the Mandela effect.CAUSE AND EFFECT: Piss off America with a stupid raid, and Salmon Rushdie will just HAVE TO be stabbed to generate the sympathy needed to make up for it. What's going to be in the news today? The raid, or this sympathy ploy??? NO WAY: MERRICK GARLAND WENT THERE: HE STARTED SAYING PEOPLE WHO WERE AGAINST THE RAID ARE ANTI-SEMITES BECAUSE THAT BASTARD IS A JEW.If you don't like having your kids vax damaged, you are an ANTI SEMITE.If you don't like being pressured by 87,000 new IRS agents who are hiring on as "criminal investigators" you are an ANTI SEMITE. If you don't like schools pushing the trans agenda, you are an ANTI SEMITE. If you think the news is slanted, you are an ANTI SEMITE. If you are smart enough to know 2020 was stolen, you are an ANTI SEMITE. If you don't like politically motivated FBI raids, YOU ARE AN ANTI SEMITE!!! See how that works? Want to know who did something? Just look at who's screaming ANTI SEMITE. Due to only 6-7 people knowing where the safe the FBI raided was, there is a question floating around.Who could possibly be the FBI informant?Sometimes a question is just too stupid. Here is the answer: JARED KUSHNER.Drudge headline: "Republicans scramble as "red wave"
Cornerstone report: Fukushima SABOTAGE! ![]()