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March 8 2025

Gallup poll: American support for Israel at an all time low.

You can safely bet this poll is skewed strongly upward for Israel to boot, I would not be surprised at all if the lines have actually crossed.


WHY would the lines have actually crossed? Easy:


The picture of the burned family must have gotten changed by AI

In the original, the mother was sitting straight up and 3 children were also sitting straight up, clinging to each other and their mom. Now it just looks like a pile of burned bodies. So it goes, when con job Israel has it's way with quantum computing and absolutely no processor can be secured. So I am going to remove the caption.
I captioned those photos very insensitively to create a PR disaster for Israel as Israel moves on to destroy yet another country. Americans don't realize it, but Israel destroyed America via psy ops without firing a single shot. They could not do that to Iran, so shock and awe 2, possibly complete with nukes it will be. Once the society is shattered they'll be able to go in and satanically corrupt it the way they did the United States. The attack on Iran is not about nuclear weapons, it is instead a "holy war".

Or should I say unholy?? I wonder how many children Israel is murdering outside the abortion clinics to get the go-ahead on Iran from satan himself?

So how has the Jewish community corrupted America? Like this following tweet, There's little doubt Trump is in part trading Iran's life for permission to at least try to save America. The Jews, in the end, will renig on all deals.

March 7 2025

Don't think Iran is toast? Look at this:

I don't believe Israel is after Iran's nuclear program. I think Israel is after IDEOLOGICAL SUPERIORITY. So even if Iran hands Israel everything nuclear immediately while whimpering like a simp, Israel is going to attack anyway. A simple attack on nuclear facilities would not cause the US treasury secretary to post that, only a new "shock and awe" that completely destroyed Iran would.


In 1989, while I was in an NSA scif, I got the following information but it was just in general conversation, and I don't know if it is classified.
In 1989 the U.S. military was experimenting with bunker buster bombs near Denver Colorado. The experimental designs did not have explosives in them, they just wanted to see how far they could penetrate granite with a low budget. The winner:
THE WINNER was a large world war 2 artillery gun barrel that was outfitted with a penetrating tip at the small end, and fins at the large end. The design consideration was that the inside of the barrel itself was the space the explosive charge would go in, so they filled it with inert material with approximately equal weight, they did not want these bombs to go off. They wanted to dig the bombs out after the drop to see how far into granite they went.
They dropped all of the bomb designs from 40,000 feet and when they dug down to the one based on an artillery gun barrel, it penetrated 189 feet. That's approximately 50 meters. 50 meters into solid granite.
So when you look up the specific gravity of 4140 steel, which the artillery barrel was likely to be made of, it has a specific gravity of 7.83. And the hardness is 54-59 HRC. Do you think they made the CLASSIFIED bunker busting bombs with that? You know, the bombs that other countries are not allowed to buy, and you won't find them listed anywhere? I don't. I think they probably used tungsten. Why not tunsten? Why settle for a specific gravity of a mere 7.83 when you can have a specific gravity of 17 instead? And about the hardness - Why settle for a hardness of 54-59 HRC when it could be 69 - 81 instead with tungsten?

How far would a tungsten based bunker buster penetrate if it used the gun barrel design with ZERO improvements? More than 200 meters when you calculate deceleration rates with the added weight, not even factoring in the added hardness.

And depleted uranium would be even worse. Bottom line: Fordo is TOAST. Kiss it away. Why did Norad move their main operations out of Cheyenne mountain? My guess is that the results of the real bunker buster tests showed it to not be viable anymore. CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN IS 610 METERS DEEP.

So what should Iran do right now, with Trump getting all belligerent about an imminent strike on nuclear facilities?

Iran should consider the fact that the (advertised) bunker busters are BULLSHIT and that's not what is going to be used. Iran should consider a place like Cheyenne mountain to not be enough protection. Iran needs to avoid a nuclear disaster by getting off it's butt RIGHT NOW AND:
1. Shut down Bushehr IMMEDIATELY and take the core out IMMEDIATELY and get it off site or at least to a location where if there is a hit on the facility, Iran does not end up with Chernobyl 4X. Lights out. Better that than a catastrope.
2. Kiss the centrifuges goodbye, they are pathetic trash anyway and get the nuclear materials to a location, you know, like YOUR DEEPEST MINE and hide them there IMMEDIATELY so they don't end up spewed all the way to the Lut. Forget procedure, you have a national emergency on your hands, and it is called: NOT DIGGING A HOLE when you had all the time in the world to do things right. Fordo is TOAST. If anyone wondered why Norad moved their main ops out of Cheyenne mountain, it's because the real bunker busters would bust that mountain.

The bottom line:

Iran needs to kiss it's nuclear projects away, at least for a time. All those materials need to be put in a mine that has tunnels MILES underground so that if they do get struck, Iran won't be a toxic wasteland.


Why would this happen right when Trump is threatening to annihilate Iran? Easy answer: Because when they show Israel burning women and children alive with gasoline, well, that's bad PR while they are wiping out a country very few Americans want to attack.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S THIS: THEY FORGOT TO WIPE THEM OFF ALL THE CYBER CAFE COMPUTERS I HAVE BEEN FORCED TO USE WHILE HOMELESS. That is what you call having a censorship effort BACKFIRE. And there are a lot more on this "totally random computer" than that. I hit the jackpot by sheer luck. Let's give these images of Jenin, which even the Arab press is afraid to post because they are afraid they will be called "anti-semites" formal names.
Left: Israeli soldiers celebrate Ramadan. I removed the caption for the image on the right because it got changed by an AI to not match the caption.
These are both obvious war crimes, it is obvious the woman and her children were not casualties of a larger military op, they were simply burned alive while the children clung to mom hoping she could save them.          


Oh, but that's ANTI-SEMITIC. Any truth that makes you hate Israel and the greater Jewish community is ANTI SEMITIC. Caveat: The truth is not antisemitic, the truth simply happens to be what it is.

After looking at that, now realize that Trump is walking in lock step with these people for THIS:

Don't think Iran is toast? Look at this:

I don't believe Israel is after Iran's nuclear program. I think Israel is after IDEOLOGICAL SUPERIORITY. So even if Iran hands Israel everything nuclear immediately while whimpering like a simp, Israel is going to attack anyway. A simple attack on nuclear facilities would not cause the US treasury secretary to post that, only a new "shock and awe" that completely destroyed Iran would. How is Trump going to reduce Iran's oil exports to a trickle? Easy: "shock and awe" the oil industry and kill everyone who could fix it by destroying civilian areas. How else could that be done?

March 5 2025

Trump needs to WAKE UP.

Hamas never took hostages without Israeli approval and funding, plus a few Mossad agents, the Israeli black op REALLY WORKED.

Israel creates the problem, stirs the pot, and gets served up FREE BOMBS. If Trump is this ignorant, Israel is going to take the terror ruse far beyond the bank.

If Israel can play Trump for a sucker that much, they will play him all the way to a wipeout of Iran and the rest of the middle east. This is actually a serious problem.

Of course this Wikipedia about Israeli support for Hamas is scheduled for deletion, because it says the truth. At least Wikipedia did not simply kill it outright.

It is easy to prove Hamas is an Israeli puppet.

Just observe. Every time peace is successfully negotiated with Palestine, Hamas attacks!!! Coincidence? Well, is that tweet from Trump what Israel wants? YES, OR NO?
By the way, I was onto this in 2002 after the Jenin massacre, I knew Palestinian terror was fake because the timing was absolutely perfect. Every time there was going to be peace the Palestinians desperately wanted, attacks from Palestine soon followed to end all hope. IT AWAYS GOES PERFECT FOR ISRAEL. Nothing has changed since.

European leaders are calling for war with Russia.

They are doing it indirectly, by saying russia needs to be pacified (France) Our military must be fully prepared before the end of March (Germany) and all are saying they might have to go it alone without the United States, Macron is offering nukes, while saying the US is aligning with Russia. I think nuclear war with Russia is on the table as European oligarchs rebel against their constituents after rigged elections. Obviously Europe's elections are rigged after the people's reaction to JD Vance was so opposite that of the leadership. That does not happen without vote fraud. And that is one thing the leaders are going to have to consider before war with Russia, their people do not support them AT ALL.

This is another slow news day. So I am just going to meander a bit.

Grok was asked when AI was created. Grok replied 2010 in the U.S. and 2014 in China.
Here is the correct answer: AI was well underway and spoken of in the NSA by 1990. I estimate the first computer that would be capable of running a modern AI version would be the Cray 2 in 1985, which accomplished 1.9 gigaflops. That's still less than a Raspberry PI right now, by about 5x but the modern raspberry Pi can run OpenAI well enough to have it beat the online version. AI would definitely have run on the cray 2, even if it was a little bit slower than the online version of Open AI. One caveat of the cray 2 would have been lack of memory at only 2 gigabytes of ram. But that would have worked for AI as small as that sounds today. Especially when connected tape drives would put the limit to the sky if you were willing to wait. Slow thinker. The only question is if the software was written to do it in 1985. My guess is that people were trying back then, there's no question that 2010 is the wrong answer, that's just the public answer.
AI is nothing new. AI smarter than people? That's probably a 1990's thing, maybe 1998 or so. Keep in mind however that the brain does a lot more than think, computers that could match the brain in every aspect in real time came significantly later.

The supreme court forced Doge to give out some of the USAID payments.

Looks like we need several presidents in a row to fix the courts.
I did not miss the fact that the leftists freaked out over Trump's speech last night. What I did miss was the ability to care about it.

Zelensky needs to stop doing so much coke.

He has been on/off high 7 or 8 times in the last week. This has been proven by how many times he has flip flopped on minerals deals, peace deals, and everything else Ukranian. Guy's an unstable drug addict, and it is really showing. Meanwhile Putin has stayed the course and is offering a much better rare earth deal to Trump than Zelensky possibly could have. Russia has a LOT to offer in that area.

Trump is right about Bill Gates. Read this.

March 4 2025

Well, somebody finally did it: REAL and truly capable AI merged with robots

This is a quantum leap even though the robot bodies are relatively old. New software and BOOM. This software is intended to be loaded into existing robots that are totally stupid and suddenly make them smart.

With technology that advanced, he could have told them to start shooting on the battlefield, and with no programming at all other than the AI, they would have.

These old robot bodies can do jobs they were never programmed to do just by telling them to do it after the AI software was loaded into them. Now we accelerate into the singularity. Do that with the Boston Dynamics body and you have terminator TODAY.
People are impressed by how they don't crush the soft objects. However, Honda's asimo had that ability 10 years ago, it could pick up a heavy object with force and then pick up a paper cup without crushing it just from tactile feedback. Asimo also had flexible digits while these much cheaper robots do not. But asimo needed job specific programming. The new AI software does not. Due to Asimo's age I would bet Asimo cannot accept this software. Only a guess and Asimo is discontinued.

Not a joke: Trudeau accused the US of trying to collapse Canada's economy

Well, the US supported Canada with lots of foreign aid, HEY I HAVE AN IDEA: How about having Trudeau allow Doge into Canada to rescue Canada from the blood suckers in the government? Canada can then reduce taxes and the economy will recover, even with the tariffs. Alas, Trudeau would rather crash the country than purge corruption.

HEY TRUDEAU: How about actually running the country instead of milking it? The last time I checked before you stole the office Canada was quite reasonably self sufficient. WHAT CHANGED?

North American Union, Amero, the whole 9 yards we fought against, HERE WE COME.

Trump is going to do the state of the union address tonight, after which I expect all hell to break loose.

I saw the report when these robots were introduced, it looks like they are a success.

They are not actual thinking robots, they are highly dextrous remote hands for surgeons to use for surgery in hard to reach locations.

March 3 2025

Nothing in the news today, other than that PressTV actually has some legit news posted.

PressTV actually posted hardcore truth about what Israel recently did to Lebanon which is unusual for them, they usually skip the truth in favor of diplomacy. Not this time.


"I saw photos of a married couple, photos of children, toys and clothes of children among the rubble. It was something like a horror movie. There was massacre after massacre and war crime after war crime, mainly targeting displaced women and children."

Click the headline, and here is my comment:

The real problem Israel has with Iran is Shia Islam. The Shia community has been very difficult for the Jewish community to corrupt, and more importantly, is in stiff competition (as far as the Jews see it) to be number 1 before God. So the Jews, who want to claim to be number one before God see Shia Islam as a serious religious threat. And the Jews believe that if they can wipe out Shia, it will prove they are better - the chosen people.

When the Jews destroyed Lebanon recently, they tried to exterminate the entire SHIA community, women, children and all.

And Trump just handed Israel enough weapons to do the exact same thing to Iran. There's no way Trump is that evil, he's IGNORANT.

Notice that the people killed posed no threat to Israel at all. They were killed ONLY because they were Shia. Here is reality:
Israel is not afraid of Iran AT ALL. And it is not because Iran is not powerful, it is because Iran is too polite and won't strike back meaningfully when they could. Iran knows full well the entire concept of "thou shalt not kill" and is not an aggressive country anyone should worry about. Iran faces extermination for ONE REASON: Religious competition, as a totally corrupt Jewish community sees it.
I usually don't post stuff like that because I know people won't believe it. But it is accurate, Israel's beef is purely religious and Iran was actually the peacemaker over the last few months by not responding to Israeli aggression with appropriate opposing force. Perhaps Iran is afraid of getting nuked if they do respond appropriately but the main reason why Iran only taps back rather than striking back is accountability for their actions before God. Shia Muslims DO have a strike back policy even in their daily prayers, but they don't initiate aggression.
Quite the opposite of Israel.

March 2 2025

The firefly moon lander stuck the landing.

100 percent successful landing. Something to pay attention to. It is going to photograph an eclipse from the moon's perspective.

Russia sank a container ship in a Ukraine port

Ukraine said it was for peaceful purposes only, but when struck the weapons cache was hit and a chain reaction happened. It promptly sank. It got the weapons from a Turkish port. The SCAMSM is reporting Russia hit it for no reason but reality is quite different.
Sources vary as to the owner of the ship but one thing is certain, it's a dog pile by shipping standards, it looks like it was pulled out of scrapyard prep and used for this job because someone did not want to risk anything valuable.

"Completely civilian cargo" does not have chain reaction explosions resulting in the sinking of the ship from a single missile strike to the containers above the water line. As usual, Ukraine is lying again and NATO got caught. The ship was obviously not carrying marshmallows.


After thinking and thinking and thinking, there are 3 possibilities. 1. (and most likely), it is an actual leak.
2. Less likely but possible: It is an AI fake done by someone who had the info and did not want to get caught scanning this, if it is real it is a scan.
3. It is a hoax done by someone logically deducting that Israel would be likely to attack during the first week of Ramadan.
My guess: 1 or 2 and Iran had better have it's act together, with pre placed instructions on what to do if comms are suddenly lost. Iran is ripe for the picking right now, especially during ramadan and needs to be on full alert.
There is a typo in the document, but I attribute that to no spell check, many secure systems are stripped to bare minimum to reduce vulnerabilities. You can safely bet this came off a very boring computer.

March 1 2025

PENTAGON DOCUMENT: Israel to attack Iran in early March (probably the first week of Ramadan if not tomorrow)

If anyone can point Iran to this page do it, I tried and failed. They probably already found it because last month this site got hit 670 times from Iran. Also, this is and will be posted elsewhere already.


I HATE war and the best way to avoid war is to be able to kick butt and then not use that ability. Israel is not that disciplined. Iran IS that disciplined. Iran had better get it's act together PRONTO, that leaked document is proof Iran has it's butt hanging out the door and Israel WILL take advantage.

IT IS OFFICIAL: The Jews have turned against Elon Musk.

This is happening the day after Musk and Trump totally snubbed Zelensky. Who pulls out the "Nazi" moniker and then proceeds to break things when they don't get their way? The Jews.

They'd like you to think this was a grass roots protest when really it was likely discussed at the synagogue first. Some are calling this the result of "true hate speech" fronted by the mainstream media and Congress. I call it WHINEY JEWS who are angry about their TRUE hate speech not working.

This Tesla dealer is located in Lower Manhattan, which is joined to Brooklyn by the Brooklyn bridge. Brooklyn and lower manhattan put together have a Jewish population of 950,000 so with the Nazi sign, it's a safe bet it's them. And this is why there was a protest at a Manhattan Tesla dealer:

We know DAMN WELL what happened to that money if this kind of protest is going on against DOGE in this location.

Virtually all of the EU has decided to "stand with Ukraine". A few on social media are flying the Ukriane flag and "standing with Ukraine". But the VAST MAJORITY are "standing with America".

Feb 28 2025

This web site has been shut down many times. However, has ALL OF IT stored. was shut down via coercion by the US government in 2015. Someone bought the name (I was unable to) so the current version is not mine. But 2015 and earlier is. was shut down by the US government and rescued 3 times before the final knockout in 2023. Still viewable on

Trump made English the official language via executive order

Obviously it is and always was. America started out as a colony of England.

In case anyone missed it, Ukraine was the aggressor.

That's why Trump kicked Zelensky's rear end out the door without signing any mineral rights contract.


At least six months before Russia went into Ukraine, I was ripping Ukraine BIGLY for mortaring and rocket attacking Russians who happened to live in the Donbas region. I posted several videos of Russians in the region being attacked by rockets and mortars. The Russians had every right to be there, they were leftovers from the past that identified as Russians. I reported it as Ukraine attacking it's own citizens for ethnic reasons.
When Russia entered the region, it was a peacekeeping mission, and Russia wanted Zelensky ousted for aggressions in Donbas. Well, Today Zelensky DID get ousted from somewhere else, BY TRUMP, for spewing total B.S. about what was really going on there. Trump did not drink the kool aid and responded appropriately.

And that reminds me -

Any nation that is peaceful and gets attacked has a right to respond and it is not aggression, the "aggression" falls exclusively on the heads of the attacker, which in this time is Israel. Let's all hope America does not get dragged into an attack on Iran, because Iran has more than a strike only while struck policy, Iran literally has a strike only when damn near struck dead first. And look at Gaza now, the official death toll is BUNK and Iran's response was so reserved Israel has got to be laughing. Gaza has over 600,000 dead at a bare minimum, this is reflected in the stats regarding how many people live there now.

The following is probably the naughtiest page I have ever posted, so let's see what happens.

Not much in the news tody, SO:

On Space Shuttle Columbia's maiden voyage, it mapped the entire middle east with ground penetrating radar to a depth of 20 meters

I am not going to link a bunch of stuff, I am just going to chat but to prove it is not BS CLICK THIS. Now that you have read that, the real primary mission of all the space shuttles was to root out all the bunkers and underground facilities in the entire middle east, and "geology study" was the cover for it.
There's plenty of documentation for this, And the radar used literally made sand disappear and THEN show everything under the sand to a considerable depth.
How long have I known about the space shuttle and ground penetrating radar? SINCE I WAS 13 YEARS OLD. If you are under threat from the United states or Israel, please be aware of the fact that with the newer technologies (space shuttle is gone now) but that was not the end of ground penetrating radar - and EVERY bunker, EVERY missile, EVERY LAST BURIED ASSET every country in the middle east has is totally known and mapped with crystal clear detail. Resolution 50 meters? NOT TRUE, the resolution is more like the thickness of your fingernails. Even Columbia mapped it to a resolution of less than 10 meters, this was published in National Geographic in the (very) early 80's and that's where I learned about it. The detail Columbia mapped with was stunning and it was the first. It showed EVERY underground feature. Is anyone stupid enough to believe the tech would not be mastered to a pinpoint in the subsequent 40 years? PERHAPS.


Based on what I have recently seen with the lack of knowledge in a foreign government it appears to me that at least some governments get all their intelligence updates from Wired Magazine and Apple. Come on now people, if your work is important, even for a company, LEAVE YOUR ANDROID AND APPLE PHONES IN A SLOT NEAR THE DOOR, AND I MEAN EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SLOT AND FORBID ALL SUCH DEVICES ANYWHERE THAT MATTERS AND DO ALL EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS WITH LAND LINES AND IMMEDIATELY FIRE ANYONE STUPID ENOUGH TO PHOTOGRAPH OR TRANSLATE A SENSITIVE DOCUMENT WITH A CELL PHONE.. FFS. did I ever get an eye opener recently, some countries leave their butts hanging an inch above the shark tank. That's a perfect way to lose EVERYTHING.

And by the way, every INTEL processor made since sandy bridge in 2011 has a permanent NSA back door x 1000

All Intel processors made in the last 14 years cannot be secured no matter what you do. This is because ever since Sandy Bridge every processor made by Intel has 2 processors on the die, one for you, and one for the NSA. The one for the NSA has it's own memory right on the main CPU die and the processor itself is approximately as powerful as a 486 DX266. That does not sound like a lot, but when it comes to data rape, it's just perfect .This processor runs a variant of Unix called MINIX which adds an extrordinary level of efficiency that helps it work within it's limits.

Intel allowed people access to this processor with "Core Vpro" as the name for administration and "updates" while the computers were turned off for the night, the second processor never sleeps so it can always be called on to install new software and update the computers OR STEAL YOUR DATA. What administrators don't know is that the NSA has about 1,000 different back door access points that are approximately as secure as SHA256. No administrator would ever be aware that those back doors are there, I don't know of any successful attempts by ordinary people to find one. But the NSA just goes right in . . . .

And what about Microsoft? You had better not be using Microsoft for ANYTHING secure, those "updates" are not for you, curious it is that they are always a gig plus, what on earth could Microsoft possibly need to constantly do "updates" that big for? The NSA, that's what. Every document, everything done with the computer goes straight out during an "update", and after the update, nothing perceptible changes (usually) because that update was NOT to make your system better. So what operating system DOES give the NSA difficulty?


LINUX IS THE ANSWER. Knoppix 5.1 running live off CD with a drive that has the burning laser disabled. And I strongly suggest using only old pre 2010 AMD processors for ALL SENSITIVE DATA because in addition to the back doors many Intel processors also feature full time cell phone uplink that works full time, forever, ABSOLUTELY FREE. The reason origially given for that is if your computer got stolen you could wipe it out, you know, like this:

HEY, do you know what that means? It means that at YOUR most critical hour, the NSA is going to "phone" ALL your Intel processors and blow them up.

I KNOW you do not know this if you're using android phones for sensitive work, for GOD'S SAKE WAKE UP.

Feb 25 2025

I keep forgetting to mention it, but Charles C Ripley was the reactor engineer I interviewed for the Fukushima report.

The linked twitter is to my best friend, who was my contact to Charles. This is mentioned in the second paragraph.

Initially I did not want to post his name because I thought people would start saying "believe it or not" and that's the only reason why it was not published 14 years ago.

Charles C Ripley specifically designed reactor 3 for Fukushima. He was blown away by my understanding of nuclear topics, especially when out of the blue I said the BWR3 was 33 percent efficient because it ran at 1,050 PSI, and I asked him why he did that. He said so that there would be excessive safety margins while still having a system that worked very well. I did not put that level of detail in the Fukushima report because it was not needed, and I said many other things that surprised him, he had many interviews with the press before and he said I was the absolute first that actually accurately understood nuclear topics.
So I went over all the technical stuff in the Fuku report and he said all of it was bang on. I then said there's no way that system can explode and he said "That's what I thought also, but I must have gotten the math wrong because it did explode." And then I told him about Israel and Stuxnet and tsunami nukes, and he rejected it completely, not believing Israel could possibly do such a thing. Too bad, he really believed his life's work was defective. Israel successfully insulted one of the greatest minds that ever lived.

A few quick items

The CDC, in defiance of Trump, met with the WHO today. Time to end the agency altogether? Please me.
It looks like the Keystone pipeline is back in the works. That does please me.
Eggs have gotten so expensive that Denny's restaurants are now adding egg surcharges. Curious: Eggs are only about $1.60 USD a dozen in Mex, medium/large (not jumbo) when bought by weight. Pre packaged, large eggs are just north of $2 per dozen. Why are prices over $8 in the US? Bird flu is the excuse, I say politics.
1,000 national park service workers fired. I don't know how that will make a difference as long as the camp sites are open.
TRUMP'S DESK BUGGED True? Well, there's a new desk there now. Probably also bugged.


American mercenaries taken out by Russian troops in Ukraine, TODAY.

There are people saying this is fake. I put it back up because the gunshots at the beginning echo in the woods properly and obviously are not fake, and at close range the last 4 shots overload the cell phone mic. Probably not fake.
I don't know how Trump is going to handle this one. Putin is definitely not going to be pleased with Americans running around fighting for Ukraine.

OK, NOW THIS is a diversity hire problem.

A jet crossed the runway when another jet was landing. This is NEVER supposed to happen and was definitely caused by un-qualified people, most definitely DEI, or DIE.

If the Southwest flight did not have enough speed left to take off again, there would have been a massive accident. Perfect camera work. I'd say there is a BIG PROBLEM in air traffic control if this type of thing happened, the last time something like this happened it was at Tenerife airport in the Canary Islands in 1977 where two jets collided just like this almost happened, killing 587 people.

If the Southwest flight did not pull up, we'd have had exactly this today:

The difference? No fog. If there was fog, the Southwest flight would not have seen it coming. Good thing the pilots were paying attention.

Last week Musk sent out e-mails to federal employees asking them to say what they did that week.

There was an uproar, and many said they were caught off guard. SO Elon sent a second mail this week, and failure to reply with an adequate response will mean an automatic resignation. Trump told Elon to give them a second chance, with THIS ATTITUDE:

My comment: FACT:

20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work in practically every work force. The rest are dead weight, unless, for example, the job is running a machine or working a cash register, where you can't slack off.

PET PEEVE: We are being hoaxed on robots.

These robots were made by Sony 20 years ago. Tell me, what is the substantive difference we are seeing in the new models now? I have a hunch that any time anyone makes anything truly great, it gets bought out and discontinued so people don't even begin to suspect or know about advanced robots that might even be playing roles as people.

Come on now, look at the date on this video and try to tell me we are STILL AT THAT LEVEL. Sony never brought these robots to market despite huge demand . Why? These were introduced in 2003 and discontinued in 2006. There would be a market for this. Yet we can't buy it. We are being hoaxed BIGLY.

NOTICE. NO WIRES ATTACHED. They are free roaming robots.

Notice, they have working hands and a little over half way into the video the two with the japanese fans throw the fans. Look at the date of the video by clicking the youtube link. THIS VIDEO IS 19 YEARS OLD. What happened to progress in robotics? It's called subversion. Keeping people ignorant.

You can surely bet that there's going to be a BIG SURPRISE on the battlefield soon. If a 12 pound robot could do that 20 years ago we have got to be at the terminator level now when expense is not considered.

This is an old page. For the latest page Click Here


I at least got the Fukushima report working again.

Cornerstone report:
Fukushima SABOTAGE!

Fun times ahead!