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PENTAGON DOCUMENT: Israel to attack Iran in early March (probably the first week of Ramadan if not tomorrow)
If anyone can point Iran to this page do it, I tried and failed. They probably already found it because last month this site got hit 670 times from Iran. Also, this is and will be posted elsewhere already.
I HATE war and the best way to avoid war is to be able to kick butt and then not use that ability. Israel is not that disciplined. Iran IS that disciplined. Iran had better get it's act together PRONTO, that leaked document is proof Iran has it's butt hanging out the door and Israel WILL take advantage.
IT IS OFFICIAL: The Jews have turned against Elon Musk.
This is happening the day after Musk and Trump totally snubbed Zelensky. Who pulls out the "Nazi" moniker and then proceeds to break things when they don't get their way? The Jews.
They'd like you to think this was a grass roots protest when really it was likely discussed at the synagogue first.
Some are calling this the result of "true hate speech" fronted by the mainstream media and Congress. I call it WHINEY JEWS who are angry about their TRUE hate speech not working.
This Tesla dealer is located in Lower Manhattan, which is joined to Brooklyn by the Brooklyn bridge. Brooklyn and lower manhattan put together have a Jewish population of 950,000 so with the Nazi sign, it's a safe bet it's them. And this is why there was a protest at a Manhattan Tesla dealer:
We know DAMN WELL what happened to that money if this kind of protest is going on against DOGE in this location.
Virtually all of the EU has decided to "stand with Ukraine". A few on social media are flying the Ukriane flag and "standing with Ukraine". But the VAST MAJORITY are "standing with America".
Feb 28 2025
This web site has been shut down many times. However, has ALL OF IT stored. was shut down via coercion by the US government in 2015. Someone bought the name (I was unable to) so the current version is not mine. But 2015 and earlier is. was shut down by the US government and rescued 3 times before the final knockout in 2023. Still viewable on
Trump made English the official language via executive order
Obviously it is and always was. America started out as a colony of England.
In case anyone missed it, Ukraine was the aggressor.
At least six months before Russia went into Ukraine, I was ripping Ukraine BIGLY for mortaring and rocket attacking Russians who happened to live in the Donbas region. I posted several videos of Russians in the region being attacked by rockets and mortars. The Russians had every right to be there, they were leftovers from the past that identified as Russians. I reported it as Ukraine attacking it's own citizens for ethnic reasons.
When Russia entered the region, it was a peacekeeping mission, and Russia wanted Zelensky ousted for aggressions in Donbas. Well, Today Zelensky DID get ousted from somewhere else, BY TRUMP, for spewing total B.S. about what was really going on there. Trump did not drink the kool aid and responded appropriately.
And that reminds me -
Any nation that is peaceful and gets attacked has a right to respond and it is not aggression, the "aggression" falls exclusively on the heads of the attacker, which in this time is Israel. Let's all hope America does not get dragged into an attack on Iran, because Iran has more than a strike only while struck policy, Iran literally has a strike only when damn near struck dead first. And look at Gaza now, the official death toll is BUNK and Iran's response was so reserved Israel has got to be laughing. Gaza has over 600,000 dead at a bare minimum, this is reflected in the stats regarding how many people live there now.
The following is probably the naughtiest page I have ever posted, so let's see what happens.
Not much in the news tody, SO:
On Space Shuttle Columbia's maiden voyage, it mapped the entire middle east with ground penetrating radar to a depth of 20 meters
I am not going to link a bunch of stuff, I am just going to chat but to prove it is not BS CLICK THIS.
Now that you have read that, the real primary mission of all the space shuttles was to root out all the bunkers and underground facilities in the entire middle east, and "geology study" was the cover for it.
There's plenty of documentation for this, And the radar used literally made sand disappear and THEN show everything under the sand to a considerable depth.
How long have I known about the space shuttle and ground penetrating radar? SINCE I WAS 13 YEARS OLD. If you are under threat from the United states or Israel, please be aware of the fact that with the newer technologies (space shuttle is gone now) but that was not the end of ground penetrating radar - and EVERY bunker, EVERY missile, EVERY LAST BURIED ASSET every country in the middle east has is totally known and mapped with crystal clear detail. Resolution 50 meters? NOT TRUE, the resolution is more like the thickness of your fingernails. Even Columbia mapped it to a resolution of less than 10 meters, this was published in National Geographic in the (very) early 80's and that's where I learned about it. The detail Columbia mapped with was stunning and it was the first. It showed EVERY underground feature. Is anyone stupid enough to believe the tech would not be mastered to a pinpoint in the subsequent 40 years? PERHAPS.
Based on what I have recently seen with the lack of knowledge in a foreign government it appears to me that at least some governments get all their intelligence updates from Wired Magazine and Apple. Come on now people, if your work is important, even for a company, LEAVE YOUR ANDROID AND APPLE PHONES IN A SLOT NEAR THE DOOR, AND I MEAN EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SLOT AND FORBID ALL SUCH DEVICES ANYWHERE THAT MATTERS AND DO ALL EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS WITH LAND LINES AND IMMEDIATELY FIRE ANYONE STUPID ENOUGH TO PHOTOGRAPH OR TRANSLATE A SENSITIVE DOCUMENT WITH A CELL PHONE.. FFS. did I ever get an eye opener recently, some countries leave their butts hanging an inch above the shark tank. That's a perfect way to lose EVERYTHING.
And by the way, every INTEL processor made since sandy bridge in 2011 has a permanent NSA back door x 1000
All Intel processors made in the last 14 years cannot be secured no matter what you do. This is because ever since Sandy Bridge every processor made by Intel has 2 processors on the die, one for you, and one for the NSA. The one for the NSA has it's own memory right on the main CPU die and the processor itself is approximately as powerful as a 486 DX266. That does not sound like a lot, but when it comes to data rape, it's just perfect .This processor runs a variant of Unix called MINIX which adds an extrordinary level of efficiency that helps it work within it's limits.
Intel allowed people access to this processor with "Core Vpro" as the name for administration and "updates" while the computers were turned off for the night, the second processor never sleeps so it can always be called on to install new software and update the computers OR STEAL YOUR DATA. What administrators don't know is that the NSA has about 1,000 different back door access points that are approximately as secure as SHA256. No administrator would ever be aware that those back doors are there, I don't know of any successful attempts by ordinary people to find one. But the NSA just goes right in . . . .
And what about Microsoft? You had better not be using Microsoft for ANYTHING secure, those "updates" are not for you, curious it is that they are always a gig plus, what on earth could Microsoft possibly need to constantly do "updates" that big for? The NSA, that's what. Every document, everything done with the computer goes straight out during an "update", and after the update, nothing perceptible changes (usually) because that update was NOT to make your system better. So what operating system DOES give the NSA difficulty?
LINUX IS THE ANSWER. Knoppix 5.1 running live off CD with a drive that has the burning laser disabled. And I strongly suggest using only old pre 2010 AMD processors for ALL SENSITIVE DATA because in addition to the back doors many Intel processors also feature full time cell phone uplink that works full time, forever, ABSOLUTELY FREE. The reason origially given for that is if your computer got stolen you could wipe it out, you know, like this:
HEY, do you know what that means? It means that at YOUR most critical hour, the NSA is going to "phone" ALL your Intel processors and blow them up.
I KNOW you do not know this if you're using android phones for sensitive work, for GOD'S SAKE WAKE UP.
The linked twitter is to my best friend, who was my contact to Charles. This is mentioned in the second paragraph.
Initially I did not want to post his name because I thought people would start saying "believe it or not" and that's the only reason why it was not published 14 years ago.
Charles C Ripley specifically designed reactor 3 for Fukushima. He was blown away by my understanding of nuclear topics, especially when out of the blue I said the BWR3 was 33 percent efficient because it ran at 1,050 PSI, and I asked him why he did that. He said so that there would be excessive safety margins while still having a system that worked very well. I did not put that level of detail in the Fukushima report because it was not needed, and I said many other things that surprised him, he had many interviews with the press before and he said I was the absolute first that actually accurately understood nuclear topics.
So I went over all the technical stuff in the Fuku report and he said all of it was bang on. I then said there's no way that system can explode and he said "That's what I thought also, but I must have gotten the math wrong because it did explode." And then I told him about Israel and Stuxnet and tsunami nukes, and he rejected it completely, not believing Israel could possibly do such a thing. Too bad, he really believed his life's work was defective. Israel successfully insulted one of the greatest minds that ever lived.
A few quick items
The CDC, in defiance of Trump, met with the WHO today. Time to end the agency altogether? Please me.
It looks like the Keystone pipeline is back in the works. That does please me.
Eggs have gotten so expensive that Denny's restaurants are now adding egg surcharges. Curious: Eggs are only about $1.60 USD a dozen in Mex, medium/large (not jumbo) when bought by weight. Pre packaged, large eggs are just north of $2 per dozen. Why are prices over $8 in the US? Bird flu is the excuse, I say politics.
1,000 national park service workers fired. I don't know how that will make a difference as long as the camp sites are open.
TRUMP'S DESK BUGGED True? Well, there's a new desk there now. Probably also bugged.
American mercenaries taken out by Russian troops in Ukraine, TODAY.
There are people saying this is fake. I put it back up because the gunshots at the beginning echo in the woods properly and obviously are not fake, and at close range the last 4 shots overload the cell phone mic. Probably not fake.
I don't know how Trump is going to handle this one. Putin is definitely not going to be pleased with Americans running around fighting for Ukraine.
OK, NOW THIS is a diversity hire problem.
A jet crossed the runway when another jet was landing. This is NEVER supposed to happen and was definitely caused by un-qualified people, most definitely DEI, or DIE.
If the Southwest flight did not have enough speed left to take off again, there would have been a massive accident. Perfect camera work. I'd say there is a BIG PROBLEM in air traffic control if this type of thing happened, the last time something like this happened it was at Tenerife airport in the Canary Islands in 1977 where two jets collided just like this almost happened, killing 587 people.
If the Southwest flight did not pull up, we'd have had exactly this today:
The difference? No fog. If there was fog, the Southwest flight would not have seen it coming. Good thing the pilots were paying attention.
Last week Musk sent out e-mails to federal employees asking them to say what they did that week.
There was an uproar, and many said they were caught off guard. SO Elon sent a second mail this week, and failure to reply with an adequate response will mean an automatic resignation. Trump told Elon to give them a second chance, with THIS ATTITUDE:
My comment: FACT:
20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work in practically every work force. The rest are dead weight, unless, for example, the job is running a machine or working a cash register, where you can't slack off.
PET PEEVE: We are being hoaxed on robots.
These robots were made by Sony 20 years ago. Tell me, what is the substantive difference we are seeing in the new models now? I have a hunch that any time anyone makes anything truly great, it gets bought out and discontinued so people don't even begin to suspect or know about advanced robots that might even be playing roles as people.
Come on now, look at the date on this video and try to tell me we are STILL AT THAT LEVEL. Sony never brought these robots to market despite huge demand . Why? These were introduced in 2003 and discontinued in 2006. There would be a market for this. Yet we can't buy it. We are being hoaxed BIGLY.
NOTICE. NO WIRES ATTACHED. They are free roaming robots.
Notice, they have working hands and a little over half way into the video the two with the japanese fans throw the fans. Look at the date of the video by clicking the youtube link. THIS VIDEO IS 19 YEARS OLD. What happened to progress in robotics? It's called subversion. Keeping people ignorant.
You can surely bet that there's going to be a BIG SURPRISE on the battlefield soon. If a 12 pound robot could do that 20 years ago we have got to be at the terminator level now when expense is not considered.
Feb 24 2025
The US is now having serious air incidents every few days.
This is NOT NORMAL.  :
Though general aviation, with countless thousands of non commercial aircraft sees incidents daily, this number of incidents in such a short time in communter air travel is unprecedented and many are beginning to get suspicious. Stuxnet crash in Canada, or DEI?? Let's see how long it takes for the next incident to occur.
I am going to present a possibility:
Trump and Elon are being permitted to wipe out the deep state for ONE REASON: Universal basic income.
I have said repeatedly that the scum in government and at other levels was being allowed to run amok to bring about the destruction of America, and when their usefulness was gone, they'd be wiped out. That's probably happening now.
If America dissolves Canada, the North American Union will happen, as planned, and we all fought against that.
If there is no gold in Fort Knox, the dollar will probably collapse and the Amero, which we also fought against, will be born even if under a different name or perhaps even as the "new dollar". Either way, it will be North America's currency.
If a universal basic income, which we also fought against becomes reality, "they" cannot have all of these parasites in the government sucking the life blood out of the budget, so ADIOS. Purge that first, and use the soverign wealth fund Trump set up as a precedent for paying for the universal basic income, (in other words, communism).
This is only a guess, we don't know which end is up right now with all the activity going on in wiping out the corruption, but I think what I said is worth consideration.
PREDICTION: There will be a rash of prominent media and entertainment firings before the truth about their heinous crimes against chilren are released.
I predict Joy Reid will be one of them.
What crimes?? Do you remember THIS PHOTO from Rusty Shackleford's drone? "Making new holes" is how that blood got on those mattresses at Epstein's island. Their episodes with children were SO BAD they plastic lined the mattresses and Rusty nailed it.
Let's face it. If Dan Boningo is the deputy head of the FBI, this stuff is going to come out officially, not only on sites like this one.
How about this?
What happened on Epstein's island was worse than child sacrifice and it has been rumored that Musk has used the DOGE AI in "God mode" to root it all out. Like or hate Musk/Trump, neither were involved in any of this and both of them know about it. A lot of people know LA was burned to cover up the child slave/murder/sex ritual scandals. And the networks and entertainment industries know this and will be doing firings to get a degree of separation beforehand. JUST A PREDICTION, but I think the genie is probably out of the bottle with this one and Musk and Trump have people prepping the data now.
How about the softball version: Vicki Polin. I am surprised this was on Youtube but it looks like even a Jew re-posted it
It is not only the Jews, I personally know a Mormon girl that was involved in this as a child, and she spoke up about it when she was in her 40's. I tried to date her in my 20's but she was really distant for some reason and 20 years later I found out why. So there's no question whatsoever that it is all real, and I think Trump and Musk are going to blow this out of the water. When? Who knows, probably longer than you can hold your breath but not so long you'll hit retirement first.
For those of you who don't know, GROK is Elon Musk's AI
The doctor is absolutely right.
Grok 3 is a manipulated DISASTER that says Jews have an IQ of 117 and whites have an IQ of 100. Do you know how big of a difference that is? that's two orders of magnitude. I'd say, maybe after the Jewish vaccines ripped the brains out of all the white children and then the standards were revised to put the old average up to 117 and the new average, 83, up to 100. It has to be something like that, there's no question the Jews sought to destroy the white race and largely succeeded via the vaccine programs. How did they do that? By vaccinating whites against their own intelligence the same way the immune system is being triggered to attack the brain and cure being "too passionate" as described in this video below.
Then they hit us with idiocies, such as "conspiracy theory", "vaccine hesitancy", and "anti-semite". I knew the Jews were full of $h*t long ago, LONG LONG ago when they said the averge Persian intelligence was 80, but having them do the same thing now to America is a surprise, I never thought they'd go there. OK, let's say they are right with America now. What changed?
UPDATE: Belgian nursing homes released a peer reviewed report stating COVID vaxxed elderly are dying at an alarming rate due to immune system failure.
This genie is also going to leave the bottle.
Today is supposed to be FT Knox day
This has the potential to be yet another Jewish holiday!!!
They make holidays to commemorate all their "disasters" so the NEVER forgive, NEVER forget. Only, a disaster for them is simply being told no, whereas a disaster for the rest of us caused by them is losing multiple generations to tainted vaccines or whatever, you know - things like Gaza which is in reality a lot closer to home than any American thinks. Everyone in Gaza is waiting for Jesus to return the same way Christians are. Forget the "horrific" Hamas video, which came out of the IDF budget and was staged to cause America to invoke yet another catastrophe on the innocent. Want to cause a REAL disaster? Believe a Jew and fight for a "Jewish cause". OK, I drifted because I am mad about the GROCK of SH*T and lastingly angry about the fake Hamas celebrating dead hostages video that the IDF fronted for sympathy, back to the headline:
French president Macron showed up at the white house
Trump refused to greet him. Macron is NOT the elected president of France, he's simply the one they placed there and he did nothing but slam Trump and the American people. GOOD.
It is perfectly clear that the European leaders are stealing elections and subsequently crushing the will of their own people, as evidenced by the difference between their reactions and the public reaction to the speech given by JD Vance. It is inconceivable that the elections are not totally rigged when such a divide of sentiment exists between the people and the government, there's absolutely no question Macron is not legitimate. If you want eggs, you don't order guacamole.
Notice France put the gold fringed flag on their car. A lot of Americans know what that type of flag means but you can't successfully google it, Google claims it's for "honorable enrichment" but it's not. Is France stupid or what???
It's a Politico headline, and I won't link Politico. I won't even tolerate their cookies on a public computer. ANYWAY,
The article says America is aligning with Russia and that Europe needs to form a new military alliance with America out of the picture.
You don't say???
Well, both America AND Russia fought against Germany during world war 2, how about 20,000 nukes pointed their way next time???
America + Russia = TOTAL nuclear superiority. At least, if Politico can be trusted. NOT.
Boningo heading the FBI??? HILARIOUS, that's a better choice than even Alex Jones. Can't wait to see the results.
CAVEAT: He's got a lot of shitty agents to deal with. It will take a while to sort things out when everyone there does crap like Sandy Hook and shoe bombings.
WOW, "Covid vax" and "victims" in the same headline. It's a start, may heads roll.
Interesting what tarriffs imposed by a NOT CORRUPT government can cause:
Manufacturing is coming home.
Interesting how they don't mention the tarriffs, it's just "Now we are looking out for America!!!". Typical leftists.
F* Around, Find Out - FAFO Gotta say, Elon has a sense of humor.
Feb 22 2025
A few quick items
The President of the Congo offered America 100 percent ownership of Congo's mineral assets. The deal is conditional - that Trump use America's forces to stop a war with Rwanda. Congo has good mineral reserves, including much sought after lithium. If Congo is actually inviting the US in, I can't call that a war of conquest. It's a security detail. Deal or no?
Trump is purging woke Obama officers from the military now. Almost 20 years of subversion to undo, good luck with all that.
Trump shut down ALL federal electric car chargers and will sell all the associated cars You can't tell me Elon is using his position abusively to boost his companies after that. After Doge found an enormous pile of fraud in the government EV program, including 9 chargers that cost a total of five billion dollars, Doge gave that the ax. Tesla? Good. Fraud? bad. An btw, even though Teslas have some of the highest rates of customer complaints, globally Tesla is rated as the number 2 best car in the world, after Lexus. Teslas are good enough to still rate stellar after the complaints are factored in.
The CDC has halted the flu shot campaign.
MY COMMENT: Good. Never had one, never needed one, and everyone I ever knew who was stupid enough to get a flu shot paid for it dearly with reduced health for a long time afterward. The flu shot clearly never was as advertised, it was probably somebody's experiment with a new version yearly. I suspect the flu shot is also now clandestinely MRNA based. Who needs that? Only your village idiot.
Oh, I almost forgot. The Pope is on his death bed. /remember.
Good riddance of that corrupted fraud.
Right on the heels of yesterday's post, where I ripped Israel and the Pentagon for false flag terror and proved they did it and stated that "Islamic terror" is a myth, WE HAVE THIS!!!!
Obviously not all Jews are on board with the program if they got arrested for it but enough are for one hell of a show. ENOUGH TO ORDER A MEDIA BLACKOUT ON THE TOPIC which probably means a LOT.
Feb 21 2025
Disgusting Israeli psy op
Before you get all worked up over the lastest "dead hostage" scam Israel is fronting, REMEMBER: Israel had to front this after the first 4 came back looking like they returned from an expensive resort vacation. And this time, the coffins "cannot be opened" because "Hamas" sent the "wrong keys" while Palestinians celebrate the dead hostages with loudspeakers and singing.
Trump needs to wake up, he is absolutely clueless to the fact that the Jews fake this shit and DOOM ON: He ate the bait hook line and sinker.
That was not Hamas. It was the Mossad. And it makes me angry to think back to the time I was in the NSA, giving support to the IDF with a vengeance because I believed the bullshit just like Trump ate it now. BUT NOTICE: In the videos they are all masked to hide who the hell they are. Hamas is ALWAYS MASKED when it comes to terror, where did they pull those beautiful primped and primed clothes out of a war zone from? The IDF budget, that's what.
And now, an old time rant. I have said this many times before, and will say it again:
A "Muslim suicide bomber" is exactly this:
He's a package carrier for local deliveries such as food shops and whatever else needs to be delivered, who happened to be unlucky enough to be the one from an area Israel wants to bulldoze.So he gets the package which is really an Israeli cell phone activated bomb, and on camera, walking along like nothing is unusual, suddenly goes boom on camera so Israel can post it to Youtube. Then on cue, long before any bulldozers could actually legitimately get there, Israel starts bulldozing in "retaliation".
FACT: Israel got this latest Gaza conquest going by having the IDF shoot Jews.
Obviously then, "Hamas" did not do it, what we have on camera and in the photos today with Palestinians celebrating is a fully masked Israeli sympathy show for the cameras of the world.
DISGUSTING. Makes my blood boil.
The "Islamic Terrorist" is a myth.
I have said from the beginning, well over a decade ago, that suicide bombers are not legit. Absolutely NO ONE is stupid enough to wrap explosives around themselves and blow themselves up. Instead, if the entire thing was true, "Muslims" would be placing bombs, walking at least far enough to set them off, AND SUBSEQUENTLY LIVING TO DO IT AGAIN. There's no such thing as a successful "suicide bomber", because "success" is not rewarded by the fact that you can't do it again.
I have known LOTS of Muslims and they don't have some craze about "dying for Allah", they value their lives as much as anyone else does and not a single one would opt to simply kill themselves to set a bomb off.
FACT: The ONLY place any suicide belt has EVER shown up is in Jewish productions. It is not real, they just fake it all so the world will cry for them while they commit the most heinous atrocities imaginable. Heinous, like what they just did to Gaza.
Here is the real sentiment Muslims have, they are afraid. They are defiant. Because they keep getting attacked by Israel and whoever Israel can fool into doing dirty work.
I took this photo in front of the white house quite some time ago . . . . .
Who's side am I on? Guess. God's going to crater Israel, it's in revelations. Can't wait.
Odigo. Urban Moving Systems. First world trade center blast done by FBI. Bombs going off in the parking garage as the planes hit. Building 7. Five dancing Israelis. CARL CAMERON REPORT THAT NAILS ISRAEL FOR DOING IT, BROADCAST ON FOX Pristine passport. Obvious demolition sprites. The spire vanish video. Hollowed out surrounding buildings. The hoax Pentagon video, clearly proving it was not a jet. And all the other 911 BULLSHIT. Muslims? HELL NO, but it sure worked to get Americans hating, just like this latest round of "celebrating Palestinians" worked on Trump - all BULLSHIT while real Muslims cry in fear of what will happen next.
Want to know how FAKE "Islamic terror is? It's THIS FAKE:
In this video, Russians checked American diplomatic files as they crossed borders and managed to get this cell phone video of journalist James Foley being beheaded. PROBLEM: It's in a studio, not out in the desert. I originally called the Foley videos obviously fake, and then I blew the lid off of it totally when I found the video the Russians got ahold of long ago.
Obviously these types of videos get banned so since this site is probably the last place it exists, you can right click and save it while it is playing.
When it comes to blowing the lid off fake Islamic terror, that's probably the most important video in existence.
The video is of THIS "Islamic state beheading" which obviously was staged in a studio. Cyber Berkut explains it all at the end of the video, how they got it, and they ripped McCain good.
There you have it folks, just like today's ridiculous Hamas videos, Islamic "terror" is THAT FAKE.
Of course WeakNews is not going to tell you that all Trump is doing is setting up the government cash flow the way it was intended to be by the founding fathers, "Income tax" was always unlawful, especially when "wages" are not income. Double unlawful.
Trump has officially announced he's going to Ft Knox for an audit
He will be doing a live stream so the American people can get the feed in real time, you know, - like when Geraldo broadcasted live while exploring Al Capone's vault, which had NOTHING of substance in it. I'd bet Ft Knox has a whole pile of gold plated tungsten in it, better bring the angle grinder!
Not like we did not know it, but Obama's birth certificate really was fraudulent
Obama's presidency was not legit. Be careful with this though, it could be used to kill DOGE
WTH??? Freed J6'rs who were fully exhonerated were KICKED OUT OF CPAC despite making no problems. Due to backlash in the extreme CPAC then caved and let them in.
Time to MAGA CPAC to the dust bin. CPAC needes to be BULLDOGED.
Brits are whining about the draft now that the US is out of the picture
The starlink network can be used to detect stealth aircraft
This is actually fairly old news but I seriously enhanced this news with my NSA background.
Want a good ambient radar system? Here is how.
The reason why the starlink satellite system actually works for precision targeting is because the network has precise timing so when doppler effects are accounted for you can predict where an aircraft is just by recieving the source signal from the satellite and then triangulating the reflections off the aircraft (which you are referencing perfectly with the source signal, including the doppler shift) with 3 or more ground based recievers.
Due to the doppler shift, you need 4 recievers minimum, 1 that is providing the reference and 3 that are providing the triangulation.
Starlink has to hook up with a boatload of super crappy recievers so it's output has to be fairly strong, which makes it easier to pick up the signals reflected off the aircraft.
Add to this the fact that stealth is tuned to hide from signals from the ground, and not so much to hide from signals from above and starlink works even better.
Everyone has heard of ambient radar by now, which uses ambient signals to locate objects, the problem is that if those signals are not originating from space, the aircraft remains as stealthy as it was designed to be. However, thousands of starlink satellites changed that, there is now enough radio noise originating from multiple correct angles to defeat most stealth.
What does this mean? EASY:
Since your radar stations are not transmitting anymore, they are invisible. An enemy can't target them. All you need for radar now is proper sync with starlink and very sensitive recievers. That's ALL.
Guess what? That's also CHEAP. And ANY nation with the technical know how to do triangulation and build super sensitive recievers ought to be able to do back pack radar, where a soldier can carry a few recievers plus the master and then detect anything that is approaching. How big would a reciever need to be? Not much bigger than a Baofeng. But your noise floor would probably have to be right around -180 DB. Since that's nearly impossible to achieve, you can simulate a lower noise floor this way:
Recieve the sync signal multiple times. Each time the signal is the same, but the noise, being random, is different. All of the signals add up on top of each other to a "bigger" signal, but the noise doesn't because each time the noise voltages aren't the same. It takes a little time to get your low noise reference, but that time will be very short when the signal is around 10 ghz, - the samples could all be taken and summed before a super sonic aircraft moves more than a few feet. You'll get your low noise samples in literally no time.
BONUS: You could (probably) forget about using sync signals and simply feed the starlink system with the exact signals you need for your custom application just by subscribing to starlink.
Here is a block diagram of a starlink recieve system that you can integrate into your own system. You need to read the linked document I pulled this out of to make sense of it, and your system probably does not need to copy this exactly.
If you can't make this go with the information I have given you here, you have a shitty defense department. But I'd bet you don't. Have at it, this is a news site so I can't waste a pile of page space by being more specific with readers who won't know what I am saying anyway.
I hope I do not look stupid for saying something that was so obvious, however, there's no telling what people actually need to be told to get something right, so there's that. The linked document is NOT obvious to say the least. You had better save that document.
I know a lot of people don't like Fulford, but that's a great report, especially the last half. He's not talking Ninjas in that report.
Feb 19 2025
The collision of two light aircraft in Arizona this morning does not qualify as a commercial air crash. The chart I posted is for commerical airline crashes.
The crash at Marana airport this morning involved two private aircraft with only the pilots aboard.
The airline company put diversity ahead of safety, and that crash was the result. Not just hearsay, super clear video of the crash proves it.
If you watch the much clearer than anything else video in this BBC report at FULL SCREEN, you can clearly see the flaps were up and a split second before the plane touched the flaps went full down. NO FLAP FAILURE, INCOMPETENT PILOTING.
I initially ignored the female pilot aspect of this even after watching the diversity video. But after a really clear look at what the flaps on the plane were doing at the time of crash it really looks like pilot incompetence. Wrong approach angle, rapid descent, wrong use of flaps.
Actually getting a clear view of what the flaps were doing changes everything, the pilots SUCKED and that is all.
And here's why.
As much as I'd like to say it was some form of tampering that caused the crash because the three previous crashes were obviously that, I have to say, NOT THIS TIME. Diversity all the way BABY.
If you did not watch the BBC video in the BBC report linked above, watch it, all the control surfaces on the plane worked. PILOT ERROR.
Maybe they did not realize make up mirrors don't belong in the cockpit.
Take a new look at this video many have seen before, after Corona it all becomes more clear.
The behavioral changes after the pfizer shot that many people noticed in family members might well have been caused by this:
Congestion tolls on federal highways were nothing but a money grab by leftists, with "climate" as a partial excuse. Interstates are federal, Trump had the power to shut the excessive tolls down.
Feb 18 2025
If you ever read my report "Tainted Nightmare" you'll understand why this autism breakthrough might be for real
It appears that childhood vaccines damage the transport pathways for folic acid uptake by the brain, and autism is caused in part by a deficiency of folic acid in the brain. Supplementing the diet with a hard hit of folic acid seems to be sufficient to flood those pathways with enough folic acid to reverse autism despite them being damaged by vaccines.
The above comment was what I concluded after reading other reports, the Daily Mail put it this way, which is a much simpler take:
According to the National Institutes of Health, about seven in 10 autistic children have folate receptor autoantibodies, a type of antibody that targets healthy areas of the body. Folate receptor autoantibodies prevents folate from reaching the brain, which could cause language delays.
Let me translate the DailyFail spin:
Autoantibodies means AUTO IMMUNE DISORDER. Auto immune disorders are literally exclusively caused by vaccinations, which trigger the immune system to attack parts of the body.
What could cause a vaccine induced auto immune disorder? EASY: Growing vaccine cultures in the tissue of aborted babies.
Unlike the description below, you DO NOT have to use human fetal cells to grow vaccines. Eggs work, lots of other stuff works, and when you grow the vaccines in fetal cells, which are human tissue you invite all sorts of problems because injecting human tissue along with a virus causes the immune system to then attack human tissue. They say they can get all the human tissue out, but they can't and autism is the result.
Interesting it is how slick and nice they make it sound when it comes from the mouth of satan. They totally skip the part about how dangerous it is to inject ANYTHING human into another human in the presense of a pathogen dead or alive, because it can trigger auto immune disorders when the immune system encounters human tissue along with the pathogen. Western medicine has lost it's ethics and autism is the result. And they know this, I have no doubt at all that the childhood vaccines contain as much human tissue as they can possibly get away with and that when they predict increases in autism as they have in the past, it only means they are planning on upping the amount.
It is hard to accept FOX as real news because FOX has betrayed us in the past, but lately FOX has exhibited improved behavior.
Zelensky is not pleased and said elections can't be held under martial law. I don't think he's going to have a say in that!!! All the negotiations took place between Russia and the United States, and no Ukranian officials were invited. Not invited = "Irrelevant".
In relation to the latest threats made against Iran:
The Western media has bragged all about how Iran has lost a lot of support in the middle east due to the annihilation of Hezbollah and now Iran is weak and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Whatever. My take:
Solid fuel boosters need little maintenence and little prep. And when they can hit targets on a dime, and the target you want to destroy has 100,000+ available, well, that's a hard target.
AAAAAND . . . . . How long has Iran been "two weeks away from a nuclear bomb?"
When Israel says Iran is "weeks away from THE BOMB, remember, it's BULLSHIT. Israel knows it's BULLSHIT, and Israel won't like eating 100,000 missiles over BULLSHIT.
Here is the real reason why Israel wants Iran destroyed:
Because Israel and Iran are the two main countries staking a possibly legitimate claim to being the true people of God. At least Israel thinks it's claim is legitimate. I disagree. Behavior matters, Iran is being far more holy and godlike than Israel is . . . . . but Israel believes that if it can destroy Iran, it will PROVE Israel's claim. One problem: KHAZARS, AND ASHKENAZI = impossible dream. KHAZARS, AND ASHKENAZI = no claim whatsoever.
And for the Christians who might think I am wrong, REMEMBER: The Jews say Jesus was a bastard, and Mary was a whore. Shia Muslims say that AFTER the Mahdi helps give directives to purify the people JESUS WILL ARRIVE TO PUT THINGS RIGHT. Who's side should you be on? I know what side I am on!!!!
The Jews have done a magnificient job of slandering Islam as some form of great Satan, when it is the Muslims who believe in the second coming of Christ and that they have to prepare for it, JUST LIKE THE CHRISTIANS BELIEVE. It's not just Shia, Sunni also believes in the second coming of Christ. I bet you did not know that.
Remember, if you support the destruction of Iran, you are supporting the people who call Jesus a bastard, and wishing destruction on those who are awaiting his return. Muslims may revere Mohammed but they live the ethics of Jesus, believe Jesus will return, and the Jews do not AT ALL.
By the way, who did 911? That perfectly clean passport said a lot, maybe Urban Moving Systems put it there after a delivery call from Odigo.How many other "terror incidents" were not really fronted by Muslims?
PROBLEM: Tel Aviv could glass Cairo in 15 minutes flat.
All of the concrete in the buildings would revert to lime. If Egypt does not want to surrender the Suez Canal and everthing between that and Israel to "Eretz Israel" Egypt had better do NOTHING.
The rumor behind the scenes during the Yom Kippur War was that if the United States did not give Israel everything it needed to win, Israel would nuke Egypt. So the US complied and gave Israel an enormous pile of military support and nuclear war was averted. If Egypt thinks the United States would not repeat that under Trump, I don't know what drugs were legalized there.
Technically Israel has no nukes, but nobody is that stupid. Israel probably has 400+ nukes. Egypt's latest threats are therefore vapid. I can understand that Egypt is more than rightfully upset about Gaza and other Israeli threats, but Israel is simply not a killable target, at least not by Egypt. Somebody's going to eat lint and it is not Israel.
Feb 17 2025
Judge Chutkan, who totally railroaded us on January 6 conceded on Doge
My earlier reports were correct. Pam Bondi had Doge 100 percent secure from getting canceled by corrupt judges before Doge pulled out the big guns, THE SHOW IS ONLY STARTING.
I AM CALLING IT: TOO MANY air travel incidents lately.
It is what it looks like, an upside down Delta jet on the runway in Toronto. How in the heck did that happen? It's still in one piece!!!
The official story: The plane had a failure of the flaps. It therefore had to land at a high speed. Just before touching down it tilted hard right and ripped the right wing off. Then, the lift from the left wing caused it to roll upside down on the runway. The entire crash could have been caused by AI and it was expected to be a lot worse than it was. An AI could have caused the flaps to not respond, and then intentionally tip the right wing into the runway in the hopes of causing a cartwheel. Instead the wing ripped off and the plane stopped in one piece with no one dead. QUESTION: WHO WAS ON THAT PLANE?
What happened was the perfect formula for a total debris crash, it should have cartwheeled at high speed. That's exactly the type of crash that would be wanted to kill all aboard. But no cartwheel.
Granted, the runway is frozen, but the sky is blue. Inclement weather did not cause the flaps to freeze up.
Is AI managing plane crashes now? to get rid of inconvenient people? Super high profile crashes like the lear jet, the helicopter in DC and this happen YEARS apart, and now they are days or weeks apart. What is going on? You can bet that this delta flight being in one piece is some sort of fluke, I'd bet that was not the plan. Reportedly no fatalities with 80 aboard. No fire despite ripped off wing, that is one weird crash.
DC helicopter/Jet crash was with a Bombardier CRJ700, and this incident in Toronto was with a Bombardier CRJ900.
Coincidence? What is up with that? Whether or not that means anything will likely be clarified in a week or so, when the next one crashes if the timetable is maintained.
Rumor has it that Fort Knox was plundered in 1974 and has not held legit gold since. Look at the corruption Doge is turning up and that becomes more than plausible.
The weight of tungsten in relation to the weight of gold is so close it is why tungsten is used for fake bars. Tungsten has a specific gravity of 19.22 vs gold with a specific gravity of 19.3. It is super easy to fake gold with tungsten because you can't percieve the difference in size needed for the scales to come out right, and displacement methods are hairy at best with it being that close. 4.162/1000ths of a difference. That's less than half a percent.
To do the audit, you need to use ultrasound testing or start cutting bars at random and probably best do both. Don't test bars they hand you, go into the inventory itself and destroy thousands of bars, they can all be melted and made right after the audit. When you discover that there really is literally no gold there, QUESTION ISRAEL FIRST.
Britain just sent $9 billion worth of gold to Fort Knox, but when Ft Knox is supposed to have 425 billion in gold, well, Good luck with all that.
Here's Elon's social security doge results.
These are the "living" people in the social security database according to the recent DOGE audit. Lots over 110 years old. Some 200 years old.
Conclusion: Somebody's gravy train is going to get cut. Perhaps George Soros.
Doge fired a large number of nuclear weapons workers
Musk actually needs to Be more careful with some of the agencies, why not cut the CIA instead?
This is very true. Typically those who don't marry before 25 have something wrong with them, in America it happens to be called a "college degree" that was really just a load of brainwashing BS coupled with decades of debt.
She lays into the slut aspect PERFECTLY. She is doing this in response to all the posts on Instagram, Tik Tok and elsewere, where American women over 30 are incessantly bitching about no guys wanting them as if the guys are the problem. THEY ARE NOT. No man wants a woman who has mounted 154 stallions while leaving loving and loyal Betas high and dry and then rode a blue tooth vibe off into the sunset while being fried by a bottle of zoloft. I know for certain this is what the real world thinks, especially the Muslim world. Muslims aside, - remember, China is anti - Islamic communist and they STILL admit to this bit of reality simply because it is what it is, - the truth. Get married, American women - STRAIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL and stop listening to the POS leftist "do it all later, cavort and abort BULLSHIT..
Feb 15 2025
1. There are unconfirmed rumors that relevant portions of the judiciary are going to overturn Biden's pardons, in part because pre-emptive pardons are not legitimate and something a whole lot better captured below. Though there is not an iron clad guarantee all the pardons will be overturned, I'd say there's a 90+ chance they will be, because it makes perfect sense. SEE THIS: (and you can click it to land right on the official Congressional document in full.) It's for real folks.
The bottom line is that if Biden was officially deemed by Congress to not be competent to stand trial, he was also not competent to pardon anyone. It probably will fly.
2. A major lawsuit prosecuting Fauci for disinfo was launched, AND GUESS WHAT: HE'S BEING PROSECUTED FOR THAT DAMN FRAUDULENT PFIZER SHOT, and a whole lot more.
3. Pam Bondi did her job exceptionally well and pulled all federal documents needed to shut down all of these criminal judges who are trying to stop Trump from investigating corruption at all levels. AND
4. Obama has been called out for his criminal placement of criminal judges, and most likely those judges are going to get ousted.
WeakNews first stated it is not true, then hemmed and hawed, and then, down where no one reads, they put this second paragraph here after lying one last time:
In other words:
In response to Pam Bondi, Trump posted this:
It is becoming completely obvious Elon actually is the good guy, who bought Twitter just to stop another election steal and then take care of business.
If you look closely at that map, you can see the Potomac for reference to scale. That's a really small area in that photo to the left and to top it off, the properties in that area are very large. That has got to be 20-40 percent of total houses for sale.
Future headline: Housing prices collapse near DC, awakening memories of Baltimore. At the latest, over 16,000 homes immediately near DC have gone on sale in the last two weeks and housing values have crashed 36 percent. They will drop a LOT MORE THAN THAT once reality sets in.
Feb 14 2025
A stupid small suicide drone with a stupid small explosive hit the sarcophagus at Chernobyl
Even if the drone poked a hole in the sarcophagus, there would not be a nuclear disaster. You can walk around inside of it for a limited time.
From my memory (I am not wasting time on this) The sarcophagus was built to enclose exploded reactor 4. Reactor 4 exploded in 1986 when the staff operating it was screwing around, challenging the manual for the reactor which clearly stated that if they put the reactor rods in a certain forbidden position there would be a reactor excursion which would suddenly increase it's output to unmanageble levels and it would immediately explode.
Some idiot on the staff said "NAH", let's play with this, and BOOM. It exploded. Chernobyl was THAT SIMPLE. And it made a big mess, which was enclosed at great cost to human life, by a giant concrete sarcafagus. Being Russians, (Russians will do what Russians will do) ANYWAY, BEING RUSSIANS, they kept units 1 2 and 3 in operation during the entire disaster and they kept the other reactors which were right in the middle of the mess going until the year 2000.
Fast forward to 2025 -
Zelensky got his butt kicked and wants Europe to cry for him and for the world to be mortified. Everyone knows lots of people died at Chernobyl, and since it's just a shut down trash heap now, he figured he'd use the fame and bad memories there to false flag a Russian attack and get the world crying for him. If not, most likely Israel did it but you can damn well bet Russia did not do it, because Russia was the country that handled the mess and got it to where it was safe again and if Russia wanted to make a whole new mess they would have done a LOT BETTER JOB.
What we have at Chernobyl is a giant sympathy plea by Zelensky: "SAVE ME! SAVE ME! DOGE CUT OFF MY SLUSH MONEY AND NOW I CANNOT RETIRE TO "FIVE SWIMMING POOLS AND A LAKE!" So I need a whole new war, HMM, this little drone is good for show, but not good for action, I don't really want to poke a hole in that thing!!!
Look at this video of Zelensky. He's nonchalant and looks like a lying boy. He knew that drone would do nothing of substance to that structure, which is not just a thin skinned shed.
TOO GOOD: Maxine Waters when discussing Doge: "We don't know what all they have on us"
Longer clips confirm this is not taken out of context, this is a classic freudian slip. BETTER YET, THIS IS COMING OFF ELON MUSK'S TWITTER, DOGE KNOWS SHE SAID THAT!!!
AAAAAHHH YES: "America First", right Maxine? Doge is working against Americans, right???
JD Vance TORCHED European leaders for criminalizing free speech
European leaders were expecting a softball discussion about Ukraine. Instead, Vance roasted them:
"Europe faces many challenges, but the crisis this continent faces right now, the crisis I believe we all face together, is one of our own making.
If you're running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you, nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump."
European leaders freaked out over it, saying it was totally inappropriate and unacceptable, but the people of Europe LOVED IT.
So much for that drone strike, he did not care about Ukraine AT ALL. Obviously the drone strike on Chernobyl was to get Vance to go along with Ukraine while with European leaders. FAIL.
DID YOU WATCH THE SPEECH? GO BACK AND WATCH IT. It is history in the making.
Trump hung his mugshot that was in the New York Post outside the oval office.
This is grand master level trolling, it cannot be done better.
Guarantee: Once Doge is done, Maxine won't be posting her mugshot outside of ANY government office.
Obama created it to make sure corruption was not stopped. In doing so, Doge had the power to stop corruption also.
"Obama literally built the perfect administrative, read "deep state" IT back door. Trump and Musk simply hacked the system and took the admin controls"
Trump signed two significant executive orders just now
1. Ending covid vax mandates in schools
2. Establishing the Energy Dominance Council
Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, North Carolina, New Hamphire and Iowa are now creating their own doge departments
Shark selfie did not go right. people have really gotten stupid after all those disney movies.
Before the case is finished musk needs to audit her and bring criminal charges for something she did for real.
This is the first actual threat. Don't think it will go anywhere. And if she succeeds in unseating Musk, I'm sure JD Vance might like the job, with Musk as an advisor. Doge is water tight. It is staying for good. MAYBE she can attack Elon with some effect but then, someone else would just take over. Interesting it is how the left is fighting to shut down audits . . . . .
Feb 13 2025
Elon should put a gigafactory in Iran
People do not realize this, but Iran has long been a major car manufacturer that exports to 4 continents. Due to sanctions there are limits on where they can be sold, however, they are as good as the major brands we know about and are very reliable.
Americans need to know Iran is not a "shithole country", If Americans knew how advanced Iran is despite sanctions there would be a lot less support for destroying Iran.
Iranian cars are famous in foreign markets for reliability, low price, and modern features. I'll just post a few pics of exclusively Iranian cars that were engineered in Iran and are made in Iran. To know how advanced Iran actually is, there are ABSOLUTELY ZERO cars that are branded in Latin America, ZERO in the entire Arab world, ZERO in Africa - Iran even destroys Russia when it comes to making cars, Iran's brand Khodro is up there with the Japanese cars in terms of reliability as are several other brands, Iran has 13 exclusively Iranian brands total.
I have known this about Iran for 20 years, American companies were strongly considering manufacturing in Iran until the sanctions went into place, Persians are very smart and have excellent focus on quality.
Here is Iran's Cadillac equivalent made by car maker Khodro.
Here is one from a different Iranian auto maker, Saipa
Here is the top selling "cheap" Iranian car - the top selling economy model
Those just look like normal cars to me. Not third world crap.
Compare THAT to an economy car from India. The "cheap" Iranian car would be a luxury car in India.
I knew Iran had a strong domestic auto market, but when I went to look these up, I expected them to be stuck in the 80's, with carburetors and nothing advanced. I was wrong, Iran managed to do it ALL, and I mean EVERYTHING, - the top two, fuel injection, antilock brakes, EBD, keyless entry, push button start, airbags, climate control, the flat panel LCD screen, power everything, cameras, and the second one is turbocharged. They have an outstanding record of high reliability.
Question: what kind of country would be able to pull THAT off while under sanctions, where they can't get advanced parts? Answer: Germany, Britain, France, Italy, the United States, Japan, IRAN, Korea - in other words, countries that are NOT SHITHOLE COUNTRIES. the fact Iran pulled it off while being under sanctions is a real surprise, even to me.
Iran is now allowed to import cars from other countries, so cars like Kia, Toyota, and others are there now Yet the cars pictured above are the top 3 sellers, and Iranian designed and built. Not too shabby I'd say.
America's image of Iran, due to scamming media is camels, dirt roads and women who have been beaten bloody. Wake up people, when it comes to the Western press you have to look for the lie in everything.
The source article, which shows these cars plus the imports they are competing against is HERE.I gotta say, I am a lot more aware than most and even I was surprised, KUDOS.
Doge is now auditing the IRS.
That's a change of shoes.
A few quick items
A Merchant ship has apparently intentionally hit U.S. aircraft carrier Harry S Truman near the entry to the Suez canal.So far only stock photos and it happened on the Mediterrenean side as the aircraft carrier approached to go into the red sea.
RFK JR approved as HHS head
RFK Junior already stated that RICO investigations will be launched to prosecute collusion between medical boards, medical journals, and big pharmaUnlike last time around, things are MOVING this time around
NOT A HOAX: DOGE discovers almost half the budget (2.7 trillion dollars) is being stolen by the swamp
I thought "yeah, right" when I saw this, thinking it had to be a lengthy stupid video that drags you on and then gives you half a cookie. NOPE. It's just short and sweet and bang on. 2.7 trillion (discovered so far) is being stolen outright annually, a number that will probably grow. This is on Rumble because "real news" sites won't permit it. There are two video ads first that you can click past.
Pretty soon names are going to be put beside those numbers. Let the games begin.
I took this picture in front of the White House quite some time ago . . . .
I think Trump was forced by Israel to do the executive order saying Iran was to be annihilated if he got assassinated. Therefore an open invitation is in place to assassinate him. Then what?
Feb 11 2025
Not a joke: Trump to rename Greenland "Red white and blueland".
Childish. I think trump is drugged or something. Too childish, makes America look stupid.
It is the end of the 1.6 gallon toilets and crappy light bulbs, Trump just did away with them. Ditto for water restrainers in your tap. Now, rather than taking a whole minute to fill a pitcher it will take 10 seconds or less, IF you upgrade your faucets to something real. Be careful, back in the day you could empty a water heater in five minutes while showering . . . . but it was a REAL shower.
Doge is now investigating federal employees who have a high net worth without a registered income that supports that high net worth, YOU KNOW - PELOSI.
CNN bragged about how judges were stopping Trump. The results are in:
My comment: they HAVE TO be luxury hotels, because hotels in Mexico blow American hotels away, absolute luxury is accomplished in po dunk Mexico for $20 a night, it is the norm and if they got stuffed in a Motel 6 they'd be blown away that THAT happened in "much better" America and their illusions would be broken.
- that said -
It is a bit shoddy for FEMA to be doing that when hurricane victims are still displaced. Fema is nothing but a ball of worms, Musk figured that out with USAID. Pehraps in time he'll figure out the rest of it.
As Russia originally demanded, Ukraine is now turning over territories that they were attacking with mortars and rockets, killing Russians. When Russia originally went in, the demand was for Ukraine to surrender these territories to stop the shelling, which was constant but at a low level. Still, shelling is shelling and Russia had enough, that's why they went into Ukraine to begin with. AAAAAND here it is, Russia won:
You have to read the whole article for that, there's a lot in it.
I got drawn in by this headline. But there's more to the story than this. Caveat: Pravda was un-thorogh enough to say the trans pilot I had on this web site alive and talking flew the helicopter into the jet in a fit of woke rage. So there's that.
Caveat: If I can one up Pravda, which has a staff while I am in the condition I am in, I'd say Pravda is weak. So there's that. But it is enough to make one wonder why Pravda is talking proxy war with China.
A week ago I reported about how Soros owned radio stations were doxxing ice agents. This week, we find out that it was the FBI that got the information about Ice agent activities TO the Soros radio stations.
HEY ELON: "Ball of worms???"
Time for the FBI to go the way of USAID.
The corruption STARTED via executive order, and can be ENDED via executive order.
Trump knows this, but he is probably guaging just how bad it is before taking action. In the end, the FBI is probably toast.
Elon made a $90 billion bid for Open AI
I don't know why he'd do that when OpenAI's Chat GPT is so hack and slashed stupid that it told me this year's super bowl was going to be in Vegas. More on this down the page a ways, after it got "woke" to death and told to lie, Open AI is probably worth about $57.00 Elon Musk owns vastly superior GROK. Why this?
JD Vance is a GREAT vice president
He'd probably be "worse" than Trump, which is a form of life insurance.
I pointed out recently that the courts cannot stop Trump because it violates separation of powers. Today I came across this:
MY COMMENT: Of course they are "alarmed" because Vance is right, and Kushner is GONE.
Gone are the days of deception against Trump, who last time around was a political newbie that could be Kushnered on a whim. Trump did not know what his power was last time, this time Vance alone could save the whole show. Trump therefore knows the judges are irrelevant, he's simply too close to Vance to miss this.
I really wonder how Trump woke up to such an extent during the 4 years of Biden. Having the election get stolen last time around gave Trump 4 years to wake up and wise up. It's just not the same anymore. I think Vance would be "worse" than Trump, things are looking better than I thought.
It appears to me that Gaza is the sacrificial lamb
The art of the deal. Gaza is the trade Trump made with the Khazar Mafia to get the right to fix the United States. Trump had nothing to do with the genocide that happened in Gaza, and I therefore have mixed feelings about the whole deal.
If Trump actually approved and oversaw the atrocity Israel committed in Gaza, I would hate him for it. But that was a Biden thing, when Trump took power the shooting and bombing suddenly stopped. And all the hoaxers returned from "brutal captivity" as "hostages" totally unhurt, well fed, - you know, like it was an extended stay on the riviera or something. Israel is such a filthy ball of smut that they did not even bother with giving the girls a rough appearance to make it a little more real, K-dom just expects to tell any lie and recieve approval with cream and sugar on top.
My conclusion: The way Gaza was wiped out is absolutely galling. Approximately 1.6 million got raptured. What to do with the rest? Well, sometimes people lose. And God will remember it all for later. Israel already did the big dirty. Where to put the pieces is the big question, it appears Gaza is lost.
Gaza is now "a land without people, for a people without land"
- one of the most filthy lies ever told.
Gaza is ALL THAT now, how that was accomplished will long be "a matter of contention".
Trump did not kill the penny
Trump killed production of the penny. With 200 billion pennies in circulation, every American can still have about 600 each. People are talking about melting down the copper pennies because it is "canceled". Most are zinc now, good luck with that, and you can still spend them anyway.
I do not regret skipping the corona shot
I imagine brainless leftists are still getting them but the level of brainless needed is growing by the day..
That reminds me, The Smart Fortwo is the most wasteful venture into leftism EVER MADE. When first released they got about 18 miles per gallon. For half a car. Nowadays they are getting about 38 miles per gallon because even leftists questioned that, which is still not as good as a Ford Maverick Pickup truck that has FOUR DOORS plus a bed, and the truck is too close to the same price as a "smart" at $21,490 for "going spartan to save the world" to hold water. /rant.
The only reason why people buy half a car for NONE of the savings is sheer stupidity, you know - the feel good left. If they drive HALF a car, they must be better than people who opt for twice the seats, twice the doors, twice the comfort, four times the saftety, 10 times the utility whatever.
Want to see the real reality of a car that's not so "smart"? Scenario: Get 4 people PLUS some cargo somewhere. The Smart will move two people at a time, and practically zero cargo. If you wanted to use a Smart to move the same amount that Ford can, you'd have to sacrifice a seat plus pack it to the max and make 4 trips to accomplish what the Ford Truck could do in ONE trip. 38 MPG/4 = 9.5 MPG. Actually, you'd have to make return trips, so drop that to 4.75 MPG. For that MPG, you could drive a semi.
WOW, in trying to make a joke, I discovered something amazing.
Semi trucks in the past got about 4 MPG. If the new freightliners are getting 10 MPG, we were right about getting robbed on fuel economy all along. Where's the similar mileage boost for cars?
On Saturday I asked ChatGPT where the super bowl was going to be held. ChatGPT said Las Vegas.
I accepted the answer, because I pay zero attention to sports. But I found it strange that the super bowl would be held there. I asked ChatGPT why the super bowl was going to be there, and it said that Las Vegas was trying to attract major sports venues and had a huge domed stadium, plus all the hotels and accomodations that would be needed to host the super bowl. I found it odd that the super bowl would not be out east somewhere, Las Vegas made no sense. Fortunately I did not post anything about Vegas, or I would have looked stupid.
I am actually surprised Trump managed to pull this off without getting shot.
And that is the end of me using AI, which has consistently returned rock stupid answers. If an AI can't get the super bowl right, what good is it?
Feb 8 2025
A judge is trying desperately to get Customs out of the space, but it is official, Customs now owns it.
Black Sunday? We are going to find out.
I am worried for Trump, because he has really stirred the pot. Now is not a good time to be taking a jet to Vegas.
All the judges hopping on the bandwagon to stop Trump now are forgetting something - the agencies Trump is going after were all created by executive order and can be ended by one also, if a lawsuit gets in the way trump can just kill them in 10 minutes with the pen. No union can stop that, and neither can any judge. Quite literally, the only way to stop Trump is with a "helicopter crash".
Iran has purchased 52 Russian Su-35 fighter jets
I don't know how much good that will do, but at least they are quite a bit better than the F-4's and F-14's Iran currently has. The bottom line is that the SU-35 is not as good as what the West has. It goes a lot faster than the F-35 but the F-35 will nail the SU-35 from so far away it won't know what hit it or where it came from. Are they a deterrent? Good question, I think $75 million a pop is a pretty expensive practice target. Granted, in a dog fight the Su-35 would demolish the F-35 but dogfighting is a 1990's thing. It is not done that way anymore.
Feb 7 2025
If lawsuits stop Trump, remember, all of the departments he's dissing now were created via executive order, and can be ended via executive order also. As bad as it looks for the corrupt, Trump is playing nice.
This is cool and all, but how is Trump going to avoid assassination?
There is no such thing as "audit the pentagon". Trump is dead. Game over. Who was flying that PENTAGON helicopter anyway, if the trans is still alive?
The Pentagon has failed five audits in a row, with the last one only tracking 39 percent of total spending. That means, the audit could not uncover 61 percent of what the Pentagon actually did with the money. If Elon gets to work on this, he'll find it all, and won't survive. I have a bad feeling about this.
Another reminder: Trump is STUPIDLY going to attend the Super Bowl, after penning an executive order to wipe out Iran if he gets assassinated.
If Israel is not up to the job on such short notice, the Pentagon is likely equally excited about the prospect.
If something like "Black Sunday" happens, there are 2 probable culprits far above Iran!
First president to ever attend the super bowl for good reason: Security is a btch.
ISRAELI TANKS, HELICOPTERS AND DRONES OPENED FIRE ON ISRAELI CITIZENS TO SET A PRECEDENT FOR BLAMING HAMAS, which is why, when the "hostages" were returned, it looked like they returned from a resort, which they obviously did.
Look at the last paragraph in the capture below - Israel attacked the Israeli Nova festival out of the blue to rack up casualties to blame on Hamas.
An Israeli minor, probably age 11 or so, threw a rock or piece of brick at an Israeli "settlement" if it was even that, and then the IDF opened fire and started killing it's own people to make a scene. Considering the extent to which Israel wiped out Gaza, if we have Israel's own military admitting it killed Israelis, including even attacking a festival just outside the base which got blamed on "hamas", then this was all planned ahead of time and Hamas in reality did nothing. And that is why the "hostages" returned with full makeup, finely finished eyebrows, like they came out of a beauty salon from devastated Gaza - an impossible feat unless they really were at a resort hiding out.
So to make a scene, Israel is claiming Hamas killed 1,100. However, the IDF definitely would not have done that, in this case rather than fractional death totals, we are looking at multiplied death totals and the IDF probably killed a total of 11 people while Hamas killed ZERO.
Any way you cut it, we got the story from the exact same people who have a monopoly on America's scamming media. Tell the truth? how about a news story. They told a STORY.
Chelsea, Hillary and Bill Clinton recieved 83 million from USAID OUTSIDE the Clinton Foundation
It's just direct money going straight to them. "If that bastard gets elected we'll all hang from nooses!" THIS TIME AROUND, MAYBE but last time Trump got Kushnered. Where is Kushner this time? Hard lesson learned. This time around, Kushner stays in the dugout.
Salient point: Everyone knew the Clintons were so corrupt that this won't be a surprise to anyone, we all know there's a lot more than just this . . . . BORING.
Now, Imagine what the Clintons were thinking at the time they did Haiti for several bil. At that time, the Clintons were not even considering the possibility that AI would be smoking out stuff like this . . . . . SURPRISE!!! There's a lengthy prison term for all 3 right there. And I am sure if you mapped all the Clinton black holes, it would look like a star mesh model. I tried to find a bigger one, the one to the left here is only a suggestive representation of the Clinton crime money network, which would no doubt be more than a whole screen. It will definitely take AI to smoke it all out, and notice I said WILL, not WOULD.
USAID was the tip of the iceberg, coming in at under 60 billion total.
Doge finds 100 billion in fraud in the Medicare system
No surprise, and Trump just fired EVERY EMPLOYEE at USAID, which when combined with the previous firings, totals just north of 10,000
Hmmm . . . an amount equal to a small city, you know, like the one that got obliterated in the movie Outbreak. Nice victory, but there is a long way to go. The disease is much deeper than just USAID.
Feb 6 2025
Hopefully what I point out here nips this sham in the bud.
FORGET THE REASONS STATED BY AL GREEN, WHO RECIEVED $25,000 FROM AIPAC, PROVING HE'S A SLEEPER. THE REAL REASON FOR IMPEACHEMENT IS THIS: Trump wants Gaza to be taken over by America, probably to stop Israel from attacking so much after he witnessed the horror there. Trump can't come right out and say that because it would be political suicide. HOWEVER, THAT WOULD BLOW ERETZ ISRAEL, THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF THE JEWS, OUT OF THE WATER. With Gaza as an American territory, America would investigate all attacks and Israel does not want this, hence this impeachment action by fake "Pro Palestine" in reality zionist sleeper agent AL GREEN in congress.
NAUGHTY TRUMP suggested Gaza become American turf, which would blow all hope for Eretz Israel out of the water.
No matter how it is framed, this impeachement is JEWISH ALL THE WAY.
Trump clearly does not understand the geopolitics of this region and has been bamboozled into oblivion by Jewish hipocracy. Trump just thinks Gaza is a wild zone that could be tamed down by American influence,
he's totally clueless that the reason the Jews killed half the population of Gaza was to get rid of the inhabitants so they could just go down and take it. Heck, Trump probably does not even realize Israel demolished the place, he probably figures the Palestinians did it to themselves with suicide bombers.
The scamming deception Jewry has foisted upon the world is so complete that ignorance reigns supreme, and it has been that way for a very long time, like, remember the movie "airplane" where the suicide bomber bought a bomb right at the airport to use on the plane? Yep, he was Arab, and that was how many decades ago? Trump grew up bathing in this crap and as a result, he's absolutely clueless about the religious war being fought by Israel against Palestine, because Palestine is the very first step toward the greater Israel, if Palestine is still in the way NOTHING can proceed. And if America takes over the territory, it's even WORSE
Nut Yahoo does not like Trump's statement to the left here.
1. He sees US takeover as undermining Israel's sovereignty claims over Gaza.
2. He fears losing direct control after decades seeking absolute regional dominance.
3. He distrusts external forces meddling in security operations and policy decisions.
4. He objects to US intervention overshadowing Israeli leadership on Palestinian negotiations.
5. He resents Trump's unilateral approach, challenging Israeli autonomy and regional authority.
6. He views proposed oversight as diluting Israel's justification for military action.
7. He believes foreign administration undermines national security goals and territorial consolidation.
8. He anticipates domestic backlash questioning his strength under American military presence.
9. He expects future diplomatic complications if Washington dictates Gaza-related policy parameters.
10. He sees this move stifling Israel's objective: unilateral control over Gaza.
And most importantly: 11. It would be the end of Eretz Israel.
How long did Trump's second term last? I'd give it less than 4 weeks if he's threatening Eretz Israel and that helicopter "crashed" the way it did.
This is interesting. Notice the Masonic symbol has six points, just like the Jewish star.
The JEWISH star, the 666 star as seen here is NOT the star of David. Hmm, complete with UN wreath. Lots said in this pic.
President Trump announced plans Thursday to establish a task force and a presidential commission to protect Christians from religious discrimination.
Trump addressed the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, where he laid out multiple steps he planned to take to address what he described as attacks on religious liberty and on Christians in particular.
Deep staters are all worked up about Trump's PUBLIC shadow government (Doge) dismantling their COVERT shadow government.
The same state department that called American patriots, Christians, Home schoolers, conservatives and especially WHITE CONSERVATIVE MALES and more TERRORISTS is now flying the flag upside down due to "national distress" under Trump.
THAT ought to help DOGE sort things out. Quite the opposite of how the flag should be, especially when the state department was allowed to be totally rogue. Remember, this is the same state department that would have, if possible, put Those who refused the pfizer shot in jail.
Remember that nasty skaggy looking female "bishop" who ridiculed Trump during his inauguration? As it turns out, DOGE revealed that her "church" recieved 53 million to resettle 3,600 illegals.
Now, at just north of 14,000 per illegal, that's much better use of money than the federal government would accomplish but it just goes to show that her outburst was not impartial. SEE THIS.
Feb 5 2025
Trump should NOT attend the Super Bowl
Considering treasury employees plus FBI employees threatened to kill him already, PLUS the helicopter incident, the super bowl ought to be a no-go. And what about the CIA? Probably NOT SAFE.
Look at the news anchor. He does not seem to be sad. He knows. Trump should definitely skip the super bowl after this.
China import update
Yesterday the USPS announced no packages would be accepted from China and Hong Kong. This has been updated with the following in case this concerned you.
The reason the FBI gave for arresting the people who released the crystal clear helicopter impact was that they were guilty of "digital trespass on federal computers". HOWEVER - When you watch the video, it is obvious both takes are from private cameras that were hand held, because there's tons of hand held movement in both takes. Government cameras which are simply mounted don't move like that, which means the FBI gave a false pretext for the arrests, they just wanted the people who took them shut up once and for all.
Additionally, the people they presented as the ones they arrested are probably not the actual people they arrested, nor the actual people who posted those videos. I have a hunch that the FBI went for "low credibility people released the video" for public impact, so racists would go hog wild in discrediting them (I have seen that) when really the videos were shot by "Phil and Aunt Edna" who happened to be at the airport. Unfortunately, "Phil" got "drunk" and crashed his car he was not really driving while the speedometer was pegged, though he wanted to be in control, quite desperately and is now dead, while "Aunt Edna" "had a stroke" and is gone now too.
What if it was airport personnell taking cell phone footage off a video display? It does not look like that is the case and the copy I found had no audio for clues about this, However, even if they did, how would that amount to digital trespass? It's their cell phone, there probably are no rules about taking video at the office. That said, we all know what video taken from monitors looks like, and it is not that. That just looks like lens to sky, not lens to monitor. My guess is the first one was taken by an aircraft enthusiast with good equipment just outside the airport near the river, and the other was taken from the air traffic control tower, which would have no window glare. In either case, it's private video. The FBI had no grounds for arresting anyone, other than a coverup.
Nationwide ANTIFA protests planned for all 50 states for today
Yeah, the disruptors are at it again. However, my gut feeling is that the protests were planned by low hanging fruit who have no clue USAID and other NGO funding is gone and that the fake boyz won't show up. And if they don't show up, there might be ONE reportable protest at ONE state capitol somewhere and it will all dissipate like a fart in a wind storm. A weak fart to boot. Guaranteed: If anything DOES become of the protests the way they were before, Trump will not play around. So there's that too.
He is suggesting they leave, while it is turned into a resort.
Trump said "I don't know how they can want to stay, after Israel finished there it looks like a demolition site".
Gaza is not Trump's fault, he was not prez when all of it started, in fact, right when he became prez the "hostages" were suddenly home from "five swimming pools and a lake" and the killing stopped. So Israel obviously got the heebie jeebies with Trump in power and called off more killings. Then they probably AI backdated all the stats, to reduce the number of actual dead by a million while they reduced the remainder by 90 percent to hit 61,000.
I looked at the stats about Gaza now and they appear to be altered. I have been watching Palestine closely for 25 years and Gaza always had around 3 million people, not the 2.1 million now claimed, a number now enforced likely by a web scouring revisionist AI. And even if it was 2.1 million, and now 1.5 million need to be relocated while through the entire assault on Gaza everyone was contained like fish in a barrel, where did that 61,709 math come from? Probably fractional deaths (sort of like fractional voting, only more real), 2.1 million minus 1.5 million is 600,000.
At any rate, they totally bamboozled Trump who, while scripting "the art of the deal" is willing to support eviction of all survivors so Israel can have Gaza as a resort.
Is it worth it?
Well, compared to the destruction of America Trump appears to be stopping, that's a good question. Ethically? Good question, who gets wiped out, America, or Gaza? A deal has to be made somewhere, I'd prefer it not go this way but Trump had nothing to do with the killing of an actual 1,600,000 so he would not be guilty of much, other than relocating survivors so Israel can take it.
A payoff to J-dom. Is it worth it to save America?
Pam Bondi confirmed as Attorney General
She surprisingly got the position because quite unexpectedly, Fetterman pulled the lynch pin on the corrupted legal system.
"Politics has to be taken out of this system, Pam Bondi told Senators. "This department has been weaponized for years and years and years, and it has to stop."
There you have it - THE ART OF THE DEAL. Another win. Probably compliments of Trump sucking up to Israel with Gaza. Fetterman, a A TOTAL ZIONIST, made the difference.
The FBI is corrupt. What good is it going to do to use, as Elon put it - that "ball of worms"?
Any way, it is in relation to the treasury workers who doxxed and threatened DOGE employees who rooted out corruption there. This could end up being good. Because everyone is on the chopping block now, and if the FBI, as usual, drops the ball on anything "incovenient" proceeds to do so again, they'll do it under enormous and consequential scrutiny this time.
The SCAM news web site Politico, predictably A-rated by the MSM was funded by USAID.
And when Musk killed USAID, Politico's paychecks bounced. GOOD RIDDANCE. And when everything comes out in the wash, I'd bet ALL of the MSM is getting federal funding one way or another. Their numbers don't match, their views cannot support their staffs.
Doge is auditing NOAA
Let's hope it is more than a financial audit, and let's hope Musk goes through ALL THEIR DATA and uncovers the climate scam. Could happen.
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I at least got the Fukushima report working again.