there is a line herethe banner is here

The severe weather that has been happening globally is not natural. Here is how it is done. This report cannot be linked to now but I still have it.

The new web site name is

This is an old page. For the latest page Click Here

October 30 2024

I was going to skip the whole topic of vote fraud this time around, because it is hopeless.

But this is just too much to ignore

Israeli Jews brag about stealing 30 plus presidential elections

114,545 Michigan voters have cast 279,113 ballots already

Dominion machines once again face nationwide glitch, "votes will not be properly counted">

Colorado secretary of state posts all the passwords to voting machines online where anyone can access them

BONUS: Now who would do such a thing? Pro palestine messages found at ballot box fires

My comment: HA HA HA, yep, too perfect, like that flawless and clean passport found on top of the rubble after going through the WTC in flames. THAT. Is anyone dancing near those ballot boxes too?

Elon Musk asks Twitter users to report election integrity issues.

THANKS ELON, but it probably won't make a difference.

North Carolina will allow non citizens to vote, including from Europe and other parts of the globe over the internet.

Rumor has it that Israel will cast more votes in North Carolina than the citizens of that state will.

October 28 2024

Obvious: Trump leads Kamala by a ratio of 40:1.

Trump's podcast on Youtube has had 35 million views in only 2 days while Kamala Harris has less than a million views on her most watched podcast after three weeks.
We all know who will win, the question is whether or not Kamala will "win". It appears Trump's lead over Kamala is even bigger than his lead over Biden was, because Biden at least got around 11 percent of the vote. Kamala probably won't even get the entire Jewish community because even they might be too embarassed, even in the privacy of a voting booth. Better to have a machine handle that like a shop vac in a chicken coop. Vote early and vote often, and let a little Dominion spice handle the rest. America did not rebel over the theft last time, why not be even more brazen this time?
It seems like Madison Square Garden went well, you mean he's gonna lose even if he absolutely packed a rally in New York??? I say YEP, unless an AI concludes that the theft is simply too brazen or "David" is too embarrased to vote for her enough times to do the trick.

Significant: Intelligence agencies are expecting a huge cyber attack on or near election day

Remember the warnings just before 911? Same intelligence agencies, and they aided and abetted 911.

FACT: If they are suspecting an attack, they have to know who is planning it, and if they know that, they can stop it. If they cannot stop it, it means THEY did it, because they cannot say they suspect it without knowing who might do it and where.

Anti Trump TikToker accidentally makes The best Trump ad EVER.

WOW, I cannot believe she is actually serious about people not wanting everything she says Trump will do. She talks like Trump's agenda is bad and while doing so, inadvertently creates the best Pro Trump ad EVER.

October 25 2024

Another message to the Jewish community

I found the original Jenin report. You know - the one you destroyed me for.

Background: Some of my readers might have seen the Jenin report, I will tell you what it has but I can't post it because if Orangewebsite attempted a shut down of (this eventually succeeded) but before the final shutdown they tried and direct IP saved it - anyway - on Jimstonefreelance (which also got shut down by Hostmonster) yeay! Still here after several shutdowns including one with this site (, ON JIMSTONEFREELANCE I posted the same Jenin report that I posted to my original website from the 90's. The Wayback machine allowed a way to rescue the original Jenin report (which I posted live, as Jenin happened) back in 2002.) The original site is gone now but back in 2015 the wayback machine had all of it perfectly preserved. Now, the original media portion of my original site is still there but the Jenin report is gone. IT GOT EXPUNGED.
I wanted to re-post the Jenin report as revenge for them stealing my music. And it was no where to be had. I found a tiny portion of it on another archiving site, and in my search for it even discovered that Rense (someone who absolutely hates me for the Fuku report) posted the Jenin report, but everything was dead - I was a bit panicked because the Jenin report was so valuable, especially now that the Jews are calling Jenin - where they murdered 4,500 people to get rid of them so they could move in - that report, with all of it documented was very important because it was the only report that was accurate about Jenin on the internet. "officially" the death toll was around 45 so it is obvious they divided by 100 - sort of like what they will need to do to Trump voters to "win". Anyway -
I spent the night tossing and turning, trying to strategize how on earth I could penetrate all the censorship and at least find a re-post from someone else - and the result was a near complete recovery of the jenin report, despite Google attempting to hide it. And I obviously won't say where I rescued it from -

I cannot post that report here because I am sure Orangewebsite will shut me down over it. And if I put it on Twitter, it will definitely give Elon a headache with regional twitter bans. So I don't know what to do.

Here is what the original Jenin report had:

Israeli soldiers taking the people of Jenin and laying them face down in the street 200 at a time and shooting them in the back of the head. I was not able to recover that part, which was sent to me by a man on the 3rd floor sending me small but super clear 320X240 photos from a cell phone until his battery died. However, I found plenty of other stuff, like a family huddled together burned to a crisp with the children clinging to their mom, cooked in place like a grotesque statue after Israeli troops doused them in gasoline and burned them alive. If I post that photo, Orange website will shut me down for posting child p@rn because all of their clothes were burned completely off and Orangewebsite shut me down over the most damning Hunter Biden pics.
I rescued other stuff also, people with their brains blown out in their home, Israeli soldiers posing for a photo over someone they killed, like a deer hunting photo, laughing and so much more. The Jenin report was extensive and also documented how Israel went into the public buildings and destroyed all the birth and resident records so no one could confirm anyone was ever in Jenin at all -


Not recovered: People in the streets smashed to juice by bulldozers that ran over them, horrendous photos of people still alive expressing emotion as they died while Israeli soldiers laughed, brains and blood in the streets, and a lot more, those photos were the worst ones but if I was able to recover the photo of that burned to death family and soldiers posing over a kill and several more that bad, what more do people need to see to realize Israel and the Jewish community are "other level" horrific? When I looked over the time and records, it appears Hostmonster shut down Jimstonefreelance explicitly because of the Jenin report that I re-posted there but at that time I did not realize why they shut it down, because you know my history - I post all kinds of sensitive stuff.

The Jenin report was my first great work of reporting, and I paid a heavy price, I lost an enormous pile of cash and several years of work over that report AND GUESS WHAT? Now Jenin is a "Jewish settlement" and they deny all of the past, just like they claim there's no such thing as Palestine.

Obviously they killed everyone and took the land.
I am super tempted to put some of those photos on Twitter X because there's a good chance they would not trigger a ban - Elon has ethics. But in doing so, I know damn well those photos will will do a lot of damage to Elon . . . . . some truths are simply forbidden. Thinking . . . . .

If you see the Twitter post by a girl who claims she cannot buy food in China without digital ID, IT IS B.S.

China may be going down a rat hole with social credit scores, however, ALL RETAILERS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO ACCEPT CASH, WHICH CHINA STILL ISSUES.

Now, China is not my favorite, China did, after all, use Covid as a reason to commit genocide to the tune of tens of millions, if not a hundred million, and so much more, But posts such as the one where this girl tries to get her IMPROPERLY SET UP phone to use facial recognition to see if a gift card was stolen, and then say it's tyranny causing the problem - crap like that only undermines people who actually report the truth. She even says a cousin's face was used to set up the phone and that's why it is not working - and then calls it a "digital ID failure".
I obviously don't like Forbes, but Forbes is not lying: ACCEPTANCE OF CASH IS STILL THE LAW IN CHINA, THIS POST IS B.S. HERE IT IS.

Remember my recent antidepressant post, where I prove Effexor is just an extended paint thinner high? As it turns out, another one is just Rocket fuel

I double checked the chemistry and the claims, etc, it's all true, read it and weep if you were suckered into destroying yourself with the ultimate cheap "bridge huffer" chemistry set known as an antidepressant.

October 23 2024

A North Carolina man tried to vote, only to discover someone already voted for him.

America's Intelsat 33E destroyed by foreign powers

UPDATE: Rumor has it that moments after Intelsat 33e was destroyed, Russia sank the entire Ukranian black sea fleet, 22 vessels in total.

looking for details now but NOTHING is getting through the censors. Why would this be censored? Because if Intelsat 33E is gone, a U.S. response is going to be difficult, and more importantly, it is possible that the sinking cannot be "officially" confirmed with that satellite gone.
OK, for now, Intelsat33E is definitely gone. Waiting for real confirmation on the sinking of the Ukranian navy. With today's tech and serious countries like Russia as an opponent, ships are going to look stupid. Not viable, so the story sounds convincing but more proof needed.

UPDATE: The story is being morphed to imply Intelsat 33E was civilian. Reality: if it is not replaced, America can't attack Iran without "unacceptable" losses, Intelsat 33e was 100 percent military, the war machine needed it.

I am willing to bet however that there's a backup that will soon be active, they just need to shorten the life span of another satellite by telling it to use it's stability thrusters to reposition it where it can be used for war. So this story is not over. Let's see if the replacement suffers an untimely death also.

The US has not admitted it, but a debris field containing about 80 large pieces makes denying it stupid.

Intelsat 33E was the most important military communications satellite in the atlantic/african/European theater. Satellites don't just transform into debris fields and I think Trump's threat to strike Moscow probably had something to do with it.
Officially Intelsat 33E is a communications satellite that was deployed in 2017 for "government use". It had a throughput of about 50 gigabits per second which is 10X more than most communications satellites. And now the punch line:
Satellites are fragile, AND WITH THEM, WAR WITH ARABS IS EASY. Get my drift?
It's destruction was as big an act of war as sinking a battleship. That baby was not cheap. I wonder what the response from the Pentagon will be, when something that was definitely radar cloaked and probably Russian did it, with no way to prove it. Russia likely has assigned a toxic companion to ALL military satellites that are not theirs, how is that going to work out for a military that needs to suck data like a baby pacifier to win?

Things just got interesting.

Confirmed: Even the censors are admitting Intelsat 33E no longer exists. War with Russia is not going to be "plug and play".

Beware of the Chinese car

Michoacan has been hit with a slew of OEM Chinese car dealers, and as a result a large number of Chinese cars are on the market. Names such as BYD, Chirey, Geely, Jetour, GAC and more. Here are my observations from working in the street a lot.
First off, they appear to be OEM brands that are made to order by random retail outlets that don't know anything about cars.
Second: Though they look luxurious for the price, I am noticing that even on cars less than a year old that the headlights are already oxidizing (even on the best of them, that is not OEM - BYD. Additionally, if you look at a Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota, (whatever - a real car) the headlights seem to reject dirt, and the Chinese car headlights are always dirt magnets. Additionally, you can see scratches on the Chinese car headlights that are caused by washing and I NEVER saw that on any other car, not even Renault. Additionally, nearly all cars have black moldings, black door seals, etc and on a normal car the black stays black for at least 10 years. Not so with the Chinese cars, they fade quickly in those areas. The paint on the China cars stays good though.
THIRD: MECHANICAL ISSUES. I have now heard 2 China cars clunking loudly when new and that is the reason why I am writing this. I can ignore one, as "an unusual event", more than one, NO. They were new, with perfect paint, trim, headlights, everything, clunking like they are going to throw a rod. IMPOSSIBLE. And problems like that are like roaches. I have seen two. What about the ones I did not see?

And now a quick rant against Renault and Peugeot, bar none the PRIOR worst cars I ever saw.

Want to know how to know Renault and Peugeot are crap? Easy: They are all new. By the time they get 10 years on them, a majority have been junked. You see all kinds of old Fords, Toyotas, Dodge, pick a reputable car company, even FIAT, and you see old ones everywhere. Not so with Renault and Peugeot.
However: I have NEVER heard a Renault or Peugeot sound like it is going to throw a rod EVER, let alone when it looked new. Yes, as much as I would avoid a Renault, I'd buy it LONG before I EVER bought a China car. WTH, are people stupid? Renault and Peugeot might not be reputable, but at least they are REAL.
A broken fordchevydodgetoyotarenaultpeugeot headlight will stay SILVER inside FOREVER, it will just get dirty. But every single China car headlight flakes off inside INSTANTLY when it gets cracked or broken, folks, there's a difference, stick with something real.
I remember a GOOD Chinese car company - FAW, that Mexico rejected because FAW was too cheap. But FAW was awesome with the cars, they seemed to be in every way similar to something like a Hyundai. They lasted and lasted. The FAW work vehicles did not last, but the FAW cars did. And they were dirt cheap, about 4 - 5,000 USD.
The new China cars are EXPENSIVE. You pay top dollar for them in Mex and yes, they are luxurious inside but for how long? No, you don't get a price break, and they have to all be from the same OEM because FAW got it right, and every single chinese variant available now other than BYD has the same type of quality issues that are clearly seen. Same soft scratchable headlights, same fading door seals.
Now, to be fair I'll single out BYD. BYD is China's answer to Tesla. They are electric. And BYD seems to be better than the other chinese crap. But BYD seems to suffer at least slightly from the same soft headlight and door seal issues, I never saw one with actual problems but I will say:


How in the hell could anyone bitch about a Tesla when it looks NEW at 15 years old? They may be spartan inside compared to BYD, but it is spartan quality BYD can't match.
China can make a good, fairly priced car. FAW proved it. But it seems to me the new onslaught from China is in reality not fairly priced, I'd say they might be worth it if they are cheaper but when you can get a similarly priced equivalent from Western civilization, every China car driver is a SUCKER.

I have seen lots of Americans bitch about how American car companies are keeping the China cars out. From what I have seen America aint missing NOTHING.

October 21 2024

Trump: Not fake news, is Trump being drugged? Wisdom says, YES.

Trump threatened Russia, saying that if Russia continues to strike Ukraine, the US will strike Moscow. REAL. And Medevev responded that if the US struck Moscow, Moscow would strike Washington DC. Medevev then said that he was surprised Trump was acting this way, because Trump is "smooth as silk" and simply does not talk like that. My guess is that to avoid public backlash they might let Trump win, but he will be a drugged puppet that does whatever zion wants.

Don't expect a Trump victory to be America's salvation if it happens, don't be stupid people, if Trump wins it will be because "they" - the controllers, know they have a bagged and tagged puppet Trump that's going to take every suggestion they make, and govern as they want.

Dominion ensures Trump won't win unless allowed to and then he'll likely govern via a contract with Eli Lilly, which has in the past provided clandestine drugs for the CIA. Eli Lilly gets things right every time. Trump would appear to be PERFECTLY NORMAL while being a total order taking robot. Any way you cut it, the days of "winning" are over. Dominion, drugging, and artificial intelligence will see to it.

Highly credible: 20,000 dead after Hurricane Helene

Some people are saying dams were opened to cause a disaster. I think it is highly probable that in the midst of extreme rains, dams were opened to prevent them from being washed out, which would gravely contribute to the number of deaths. HOWEVER,

20,000 deaths is probably the real number that will never be official.

It won't be official, because dams probably were opened and the government, which is predominantly rigged and zionist now will not want to have to answer for it. Sort of like the Gaza "fractional death total" which is likely 250,000 and fractional voting, heck, we are all Goy to the zionists, our death tolls won't matter a whole lot more than in Palestine and our vote is ZERO.

WANT CREDIBLE? Here it is, this video is worth saving if you can, because I can't imagine Youtube will permit this level of truth for long. Trust Hillbilly. Hillbilly knows!

October 18 2024

The chemistry of antidepressants

Got effexor? You're on a glue high combined with huffing paint thinner. Got Prozac? You are on a fluoride high.

Ridiculous? Nope, and the guy huffing glue under the bridge is in a lot better shape than you are if you take Effexor or any other SNRI antidepressant.

I thought I was not going to be able to do this report because all of the documentation related to the actual chemistry of antidepressants and what they are actually derived from has been stripped from the internet since I last looked, but I found the way to get the info. Just read the ingredients on your product insert, enter them one by one into Google and after them type MSDS, or Material Saftety Data Sheet. All of the antidepressants are based on hostile chemicals that are restricted, unless you take them directly via a bottle of pills.

Here. We. Go. I am going to be naughty and insensitive.

Ok, to start this off, the brain resists the active chemicals in antidepressants and tries to shrug them off as much as possible. These chemicals have difficulty crossing the blood to brain barrier. However, you'll notice that with Prozac, Effexor and several others, there is a hydrochloride component, and that is what gets the active component across the barrier. Your brain cannot resist the hydrochloride component - you know - as in hydrochloric acid. Since I don't have unlimited time now, I am going to stick to Prozac and Effexor (but if you take anything else, it's the same crap, literally) this will apply to all because they all have similar characteristics in their makeup.

Don't bother with showing this to your doctor and asking questions, because doctors nowadays are pill pushing quacks and psychologists are not even up to that level. Psychiatrists know all of this though, which is why they don't prescribe antidepressants to anyone who can function in society without them.

Here is the ingredient list for Effexor:

Effexor (venlafaxine hydrochloride) is a structurally novel antidepressant for oral administration. It is designated (R/S)-1-[2-(dimethylamine)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl] cyclohexanol hydrochloride or (±)-1-[α-[(dimethyl-amino)methyl]-p-methoxybenzyl] cyclohexanol hydrochloride and has the empirical formula of C17H27NO2 HCl.

MY GOD, that looks an awful lot like what is on a can of spray paint. And it is. Let's line item these ingredients via Pub Chem:

Description Cyclohexanol appears as a colorless liquid with a camphor-like odor. Soluble in most organic liquids. Flash point 154 Farenheit. May be toxic by inhalation or skin exposure. Vapors are narcotic in high concentrations. Irritates skin, eyes and mucus membranes. Used in making soap, lacquers, and plastics.
So why did I pick cyclohexanol first? Because the product insert mentions it twice, so it must be the primary worker in this product. What is it? A solvent used in lacquers. And it has a narcotic effect. So let's look at some of the other stuff in Effexor, we'll call cyclohexanol the chicken, and the other stuff the sauce to get the flavor of the high right.
Next up for bat: dimethylamine, a smoking gun.
From PubChem
Dimethylamine, anhydrous appears as a colorless gas smelling of fish at low concentrations and of ammonia at higher concentrations. Shipped as a liquid under its vapor pressure. Contact with the unconfined liquid can cause frostbite by evaporative cooling and chemical type burns. The gas, which is corrosive, dissolves readily in water to form flammable corrosive solutions. (WOW, it is so nasty it can make water burn when dissolved in it.) The gas is heavier than air and can asphyxiate by the displacement of air. Gas is easily ignited and produces toxic oxides of nitrogen when burned. Long-term inhalation of low concentrations or short-term inhalation of low concentrations has adverse health effects. (BUT IT IS OK IN PILL FORM I GUESS because the pill must have REALLY LOW concentrations.) Under prolonged exposure to fire or intense heat the containers may rupture violently and rocket. Used to make other chemicals and as a solvent. (There we go, with the SOLVENT theme again,) SAUCE.
From the MSDS
SGA classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS).
Flammable liquids (Category 2), H225 (quite dangerously flammable like many petroleum products)
Short-term (acute) hazard to the aquatic environment (Category 2), H401 - (good fish killer) Long-term (chronic) hazard to the aquatic environment (It hangs around for a long time, killing fish.) I omitted lots of the MSDS because PubChem covered it well enough.

This is fun, because I am insensitive. Yep, you're ingesting narcotically active paint solvent plus something that kills fish real good and stays around for a while and is toxic in small amounts plus so nasty it can make water burn in every effexor pill. I could not find the effects of dimethylamine on the brain however, but if it is in an antidepressant, it probably gets you high in a way you could NEVER buy at the hardware store. Too bad for the huffers, they are missing out. Sauce.

UPDATE: Be aware that a "flammable solution" is not oil floating on water, a solution means it goes into the water and is inseparable except through distillation or as a precipitate.
Next ingredient: OUT OF TIME. Look it up yourself. I am not taking donations at this time but will soon be accepting Bitcoin again and until then I have to work in the street to get by. It is not like the good old days now where I could just work from 7 AM to midnight but I am at least going to try to post one good thing per day. And if you take antidepressants, heed my very insensitive warning: GROW UP. QUIT. Find ways to manage your problems other than drugs, super nasty ones no less, they are lying about everything with regard to antidepressants, half of antidepressants are simply prolonged glue or solvent highs and everyone knows damn well in those terms that it will wreck you.

October 17 2024

The effect of AI on education

This report is being done by request.

AI is now touching everything, from Pokemon posts to Facebook to the deep secrets at SpaceX. If Elon Musk thinks he's keeping the NSA AI out of his business, he's not, it is not possible. In short, AI is now touching everything in the electronic medium.
A primary objective of AI is to recognize and steal secrets and creativity, filter them from what is useless, and present everything worth stealing in easy access form to those controlling the AI. But the most prominent use of AI at this time is to have AI listen to public discourse, so that discourse can be manipulated for political gain, trend setting, and profit.
So how would this affect education? The answer to this question is not found within the AI itself, the answer is found in the objectives of those who own the AI. If those who own the AI wanted everyone to be christian, they could quickly gain data that could be used to persuade the population into being more christian. However, if they wanted to use the AI to find ways to convince little boys in school that they are really girls in boy's bodies, and they therefore need to transform into being girls, it could also be easily done. So the effect of AI on education depends solely on how the AI is used.
The decisions AI makes are heavily influenced by the opinions of those who programmed the AI. And if the AI is used to tutor or teach the children, the decisions about what an individual child really needs will become inherent in the software the AI is using and the bias of those who wrote the software, rather than live human imput based in first person contact from a human teacher. In other words, because the AI is not actually able to run with the child, laugh with the child, or truly learn the child because it has no real contact with the child, education will become very generic and will carry the bias of the programmers if everything is done as the AI dictates.
Problem: that is exactly what the elite, who rule society from the top down want. The elite want a predictable population that can be manipulated predictably via the administration of uniform education with little individuality. And they will do this while they preach a never ending mantra about diversity and individuality. AI simply cannot accomplish truly diverse outcomes because the opinions of whoever programmed the AI will be evident in every child the AI touches. And if the AI teaches the children in a way that interferes with the state agenda, the AI will be re-programmed until it does not. In this way, AI threatens to give birth to an easily controlled monoculture, where everyone thinks exactly the same - the complete opposite of individuality.
Another way AI will no doubt impact education is through the use of it to do critical thinking a child should be doing rather than teaching the child to think independently. This could create a new generation of children who are followers of others - children who only do what they are told rather than children who think about what they should actually do. And this is likely a primary objective of those who intend to use AI in education.
AI will also impact education when students use it to write advanced papers, and then those students submit those papers as their own work. Teachers and profesors can, at this time, use Google to discover if the students simply took work off the internet and submitted it as their own. If an AI creates a unique paper for each student on the same topic, such searches won't work anymore, and cheating will never be discovered. In other words, AI could actually destroy education altogether.
I discovered that my opinions stated here are mainstream, here is an article that mimicks what I have said here quite perfectly, I guess a lot of people are aware of the problems AI could cause in education.
My opinion: AI is going to wreck education no matter how much teachers don't want it to. It will be a useful cheating tool for many, and an individuality destroyer for all. This will happen, it is too late to stop it.
That ends the report, and I am not surprised others are thinking the same. And I also think the extent to which AI wrecks education is going to be literally complete and short term. We have already entered an era where AI is so powerful it will accomplish anything those who control it want it to, and unfortunately, those who control it do not have our best interests in mind. Our society will only function when the interests of all are considered. If AI is used to put all outcomes in the hands of a few people, according to their will, - people who are corrupt and malignant, - our society will not last more than a decade. We are there, the shit is already in the fan.

And that got me thinking -

I predict that usable quantum computing will not happen, but our current tech is many times adequate to cause the ruination of all without quantum computing doing it.
When I was in the NSA, a form of "quantum computing" was already tried and abandoned. The primary reason why it was abandoned is the instability of solid state electronic circuits. And in the current versions of quantum computers, even if you do have a so-called "q-bit" functioning, the the precise state of the q-bit - which conventional electronics have to discern - is completely dependent on the stability of the electronics reading it. Here is exactly why quantum computing will fail:
It will fail due to the effects of cosmic rays and other particles that originate in outer space, which we cannot control. Cosmic rays are hitting us constantly and they hit all electronics constantly. And when they strike an electronic component, they induce electrical noise and impredictability in the state of a semiconductor that defies precision at a frequency. This alone will cause a semiconductor to produce errant output and this is precisely why digital works for computing, and analog does not. Digital is all or nothing, it will ignore enormous amounts of interference that happens at a place other than 1 or 0.
It does not matter if Ton Loc's "funky cold Medina" has one nanosecond out of 500,000 be totally wrong in the song because a cosmic ray went through an amplifier's transistors, the music will sound the same to the listener. But if that same cosmic ray hits a semiconductor that is monitoring the state of a q-bit, you will likely end up with crazy results that are not compatible with computing. Ditto for when a cosmic ray strikes a q-bit directly. Multiply that by a billion or so non digital transistors. Digital works because it is all or nothing, and noise induced by a cosmic ray simply is not "heard" by a digital computer. But when you have to read the states in between 0 and 1 which a quantum computer has to do, cosmic rays matter a lot, and no matter how accurate and stable the analog electronics are, cosmic rays will tip the balance towards failure.
Shielding a quantum computer from cosmic rays is probably not going to be a viable solution either, and if it is successful it will only be in extreme and costly shelters. I built a cosmic ray detector in 2006 (to prove I could do what a friend with a PhD in Physics did) and I put it all the way down in the bottom floor of a large underground parking garage with a huge skyscraper above it and it still went off in only a few seconds, every time it was switched on. And my friend's cosmic ray detector which had many more tubes than mine had did the same thing. That alone will make quantum computing impractical for ordinary people, adequate shielding simply won't be practical.
The NSA already tried analog computing. The computers were fantastic but too finicky to be practical. Computers need literally 100 percent accuracy in all calculations. I remember back in the early 90's some of the Intel Pentium processors had a floating point error that only showed up once in a billion or so calcs. And that was enough to put an end to that revision of the Pentium. Intel had to recall them all. Quantum computers are going to have that problem a whole lot worse. They will be cool when presented as parlor tricks but in the real world they will not be viable unless a lot of sacrifices are made, such as reducing the number of states in which a q-bit can be read. I'd bet stability will never be had that is better than 7 steps because the NSA concluded even that much was not possible with good enough predictability. Even if stability could be had with twice that precision such sacrifices would put victory well within the reach of AMD and Intel. Digital is simply going to win.

That is not my normal type of report, I did it as a favor and I hope my readers are OK with it.

And by the way, I have listened to the idiots at Google define what a "q bit" is and I call bullshit. A q-bit can be at any state, because analog can be at any state. Any way you cut it, quantum computing is real world computing, not digital world computing, and in the real world, physics, atomic particles, and nature in general matter and cannot be swept aside. Digital literally gets a totally un-natural free ride that can ignore the world around it. A q-bit by contrast, can get a headache.

October 16 2024

CONFIRMED: Covid vax disaster in Mexico

Today I heard an enormous number of ambulances, so many I am fairly certain close to 100 percent were in use. It was like a scene out of the twilight zone, ambulance after ambulance after ambulance. This went on continuously from about 9 AM until 12:30 PM. Nowadays I have to work in the street, I know what is going on, and there were so many ambulances they caused significant interference. After 12:30 the number of ambulance emergencies decreased. But why the surge? On the street I thought I might know, but now I actually do know exactly why.
Yesterday was the first day Mexico started doing the Pfizer MRNA shot for the 2024 hunting season on the elderly and whoever is still stupid enough to go for it. And it is obvious, since the cacaphony of sirens and passing ambulances started at about 9 AM that people were dropping like flies as they started their day today and disturbed all the clots.

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. They are still pushing the kill shot, and people are still stupid enough to go for it, AND SOMETHING NEW, FROM SHORT WAVE:

Evidently this year there is a new corona shot formulation that acts like a virus and causes people to actually start replicating the shot within themselves. Prior to this, the shot tried to modify your DNA but it did not actually try to make more of the shot. Evidently our dark overlords got sick of people resisting boosters and came up with something new that stays boosted forever. Not only that, - you become contageous as if you have a cold. So that shot will spread like the flu among the people who never got a shot at all and they will become permanently boosted. At least according to short wave. Unfortunately, if it's bad news nowadays, it is true. An ambulance choir surely seemed to say so today.

Anyone with a lick of sense knows Corona was fake. So the reason given for this new shot is fake, just like the reasons given for the first shots was fake. They have a reason, and they are lying about what that reason is.

Back for an after bugout update, October 14

This update is thanks to Short Wave and nothing else.

Sorry for the long absense, I was in the mountains practicing a bugout.

I got far enough along to leave stuff out there long term. But it did not go well. You had better practice your bugout. Enough said.

The update

I had fantastic short wave the whole time and therefore did not need internet. I figured out over the weeks that the Link Bits RD228 can recieve hundreds of short wave stations, and do every single station consistently. If it can EVER get a station, it will ALWAYS get a station. It is good enough to plan your listening. The Tecsun was simply not.

Anyway, from around the world via short wave without any internet censorship, here's the news.

The reason why Iran attacked Israel is because Israel started bombing apartment complexes in Lebanon. The reason Israel stated was that they were going after top Hezbolla leadership. But that does not wash.
The first Israeli attack was to kill only one guy - and I don't remember his name and cannot look it up, but to get him, they used F-35 aircraft and completely flattened 8 apartment complexes in under 2 minutes, killing several hundred people.
The second Israeli attack was to get the Hezbollah leader who replaced the first guy they killed, this leader never did anything at all and Israel flattened 11 apartment complexes in a few minutes to get him, killing over a thousand. Iran then said enough is enough, and due to a mutual defense agreement with Lebanon, sent 180 high precision missiles toward Israeli military targets, accomplishing such precision that no civilian property and not a single civilian was killed.
Israel lied about the counterattack, saying no military hardware was hit, but their statement about no civilian property damage plus no civilin deaths makes it evident they need to learn to lie better because they never claimed no military deaths . . . . . and Iran is, in reality, pinpoint accurate - so pinpoint accurate that nothing civilian was hit. Iran out-classed Israel BIGLY by only hitting military targets and not having a 1000 civilian to 1 target killed ratio the way Israel was proud of.

THE PUNCH LINE, which I am sure the news did not cover -

Israel threatened to take out Iran's nuclear facilities But opted not to when the Biden administration told Israel that if Israel struck a single Iranian nuclear site, if Israel attacked anything nuclear at all, America would cut off all aid to Israel. So maybe puppet gipper is not so useless?? Somebody knows something if that was America's response.
Meanwhile the Palestinian authority has confirmed 43,000 deaths in Gaza due to Israeli attacks, but suspects over 250,000 which they cannot confirm because Israel destroyed all the rescue and excavation equipment that Gaza needed to get through the rubble to at least find bodies, let alone save anyone.

That much detail on one topic, over short wave. Awesome. Short wave is definitely viable.

Also over short wave - the hurricanes

This is probably old news because regular press would cover it, but southern Appalachia got at least a 500 year flood. What regular news probably would not cover is how much people were saying it was weather mod, but I have watched lots of weather mod, and the floods were not that.
All of the weather mod hurricanes I have seen have been dry hurricanes - dry because rather than building up due to rising hot air laden with water vapor, weather mod hurricanes build up because radio energy and ionospheric charge is dropped into them from abroad, which means they are forced upwards in catagory unnaturally, and therefore don't drop as much rain as natural hurricanes do. If Hurricane Helene dropped a 500 year flood, I think we need to throw in the towel on the weather mod theory, Helene certainly was not dry.

Fema was up to the same old tricks.

Milking the disaster like a cow that already bore 17 calves, SAME OLD YADA YADA. Except via short wave we got the real story - Fema actually admitted they stopped ALL local and regional PRIVATE efforts to help because they were awarding the "help" contracts to large corporations who were very slow moving, - and Fema wanted to guarantee those corporations huge profits by stopping civilian help.

Now, I don't know if that news came across the internet because I did not have internet. But it DID come across short wave.

GET THIS: FEMA STOPPED GOOD HEARTED AMERICANS FROM HELPING PEOPLE WHO WERE WIPED OUT BY THE FLOODS SO COMPANIES LIKE FRITO LAY COULD GO IN THERE AND CASH IN. And it would not surprise me at all if this went on with Katrina and every other disaster where civilians have been stopped from helping disaster victims, folks, I think we now have the real story behind why FEMA behaves the way it does during disasters, and it is called CORPORATE PROFIT.

The perfect age to harvest chickens for meat

Also on short wave I learned the perfect age to harvest chickens - 43 days, because the Vegans were all up in arms bitching about killing the chickens so young. Here is why 43 days is the ideal age - All meat animals have what is called a conversion ratio. The conversion ratio is how much meat you get per pound of food eaten. The type of chickens used for broiling grow very rapidly in their early days, so rapidly that they weigh betwen 4 and 5 pounds at only six weeks. Obviously it has to be the right type of chicken to grow that fast and yield that much weight but it can be done. That was very useful info, thanks Vegans!!!
How could you possibly get information more valuable in a bugout situation than a chicken being harvestable at 43 days? You have to get the right ones, obviously but simply knowing they will average 4 pounds at that age is super valuable info because it shows you just how great a surival asset chickens are. Obviously you'll need egg laying hens that are full adults and also will brood (sit and hatch the eggs they lay, some hens won't,) eat those and keep the ones that will brood, and remember, 100 chickens will absolutely moonscape an acre, chickens do need substantial ground to pick food from. However, if they grow that fast, you'll probably only need 50 or so chicks growing up at all times to feed several people. You'll also get eggs from the hens.
I also learned that Slovakia has been completely dissolved in leftist acid via Radio Slovakia, OMG how pathetic, I cannot describe that program past "pathetic". Job well done, Slovakia is toast. I caught the tail end of one of their broadcasts and reliably hit it at the beginning the first time I tried, and believe me, it was not worth much. Absolute leftist trash.
So if the bugout accomplished anything, it accomplished showing me how valuable short wave can actually be. If you have a decent short wave you will definitely get anything you really need to know. Tecsun is a good brand, the fact that the RD228 ate my Tecsun like a twinkie is sort of irrelevant if you can't find one. Tecsun will do.

The ULTIMATE short wave radio - the Link Bits RD228

You are going to have to get lucky to find this in the US, it will probably be under a different name. The link has good enough pictures to help you recognize it if you ever see one.
I have had a lot of short wave radios, including ones with externally mounted antennas. Up until now, the best one I ever had was National Panasonic GX400. I have to say the RD-228 beats even that fantastic radio. WARNING: THE RD-228 IS A FLUKE, I checked ALL the other Link Bits radios and they are absolute crap. Why the golden gem mixed in with total duds? It's called Chinese OEM manufacturing, all the Link Bits radios are obviously OEM with Link Bits stamped on them, and one of the OEM's, the one that makes the RD-228 got it right.

Short wave on the GX 400 is slightly better. However, AM on the RD228 smashes the GX-400, I can reliably listen to the US on CRYSTAL CLEAR AM all the way down in Michoacan Mexico every single day. It is downright weird. And FM is better on the RD228 also. Overall I hand the win to the RD228 even though the GX-400 is an absolute monster when it is working right and it is a bit better on short wave. Those are old now, 1970's vintage. If you can find a GX400 in good condition, KUDOS, and to work properly it has to have a perfect condition original antenna, which will probably be hard to get. Without that original antenna, the Link Bits will definitely beat it.

Sep 27 2024

BOOOM: I discovered exactly WHY the hate rhetoric against Iran hit full steam yesterday

The lie factory hit full steam against Iran when Iran, along with Russia rejected the U.N. Pact for the future.
The beef against Iran went like this: Iran got caught smuggling SAMS across the border between Mexico and New Mexico, 9 SAMS are now in the US, and their target is Trump's airplane. OK After too many people called BS and it got fully debunked, THEN Trump was immediately briefed and told Iran started making direct threats against him, and Here is his response.

Here is why the lie about Iran threatening Trump was hatched (AlJazeera link because no one else told the truth - Because Iran opposed the all new UN's new pact for the future. Suddenly, Voila! Iran gets belligerent against Trump. Only, no. Doubt it, the timing is all too perfect.

There's little doubt the UN is mad at Iran for rejecting the pact. And there's no doubt the corrupted FED is literally a zombie state for the UN at this time. So since it appears possible they might not be able to avoid admitting Trump won the election this time, they are priming Trump for war on Iran by making him believe Iran is threatening him, when in reality, Iran has done no such thing. Trump fell for it obviously, even though the missile story died from a fatal lack of credibility.

OK, so what is in the UN pact for the future?

I went over it fairly well and it was quite evident that the UN was going to use AI to enforce global governance. You have to read the add-ons to pick that out though, the base document is loaded with fluff about responsible use of AI and regulating AI for the greater good yada yada endless fluff you know is BS. The devil is in the revision documents where reality is made quite clear.

Doctor Sherri Tenpenny exploded over this.

I am sure you have heard of Doctor Sherri Tenpenny who wrecked her career by rightfully opposing the Corona vax. GOOD NEWS, her license recently got re-instated because there was no legit beef against her, and they probably want her to shut up. WELL, SHE DID NOT SHUT UP. And she's exploding over the new UN pact for the future, stating it has biometric ID and a whole lot more, including AI automated deletion of bank accounts for disseminating mis-information.

In other words, if the AI catches you "lying" you're toast, including bank account deletion, denial of flying, denial of public transit, denial of driving, the whole 9 yards. Social credit system on steroids.
I went over the documents fairly well and could not find some of what she is talking about. However, her credibility is so high I am going to embed her video on the topic here, This is probably legit. WATCH OUT, I know governance by AI is part of the picture from what I read in the documents directly so I at least found part of what she's talking about which means it is probably all true. She was not wrong last time.

There's a good chance I did not find exactly what she is referencing also because this is all so new. And the document could be hidden now due to backlash and the silence procedure she speaks of. I linked what I found.

Sep 26 2024

Nothing is going to happen to Alex Jones that could possibly keep him offline. Yes, his studio gear and Infowars will be gone, but he can easily change show names, get new gear, and be back to ranting in NO TIME. The big problem I see with this is the timing, he's going to get toasted right in the middle of a communist revolution. Timing is everything, it all fits. Consider the TIMING of the takedown as more confirmation of us being at the actual doom date, timing that coincides so perfectly with Scheinbaum it is downright chilling.

If ANYTHING bad happens to Alex, remember, Alex Jones is NOT SUICIDAL.


"Americans rightfully doubt election integrity, but it is their job to vote anyway. ARM YOURSELVES - Contact 3 or 4 friends in your neighborhood and make an agreement to protect each other, and have at least 3 - 4 months of food available and PRAY.

My comment: Yep. Scheinbaum is going to have overspill into the U.S., don't believe the bullshitters who say arrests of the corrupt are being made now, this FBI agent killed his carreer to say this in court, THIS IS NOT OLD, THIS IS TODAY on schedule, as I have stated below in the next posts, IT IS SHOWTIME.

Twitter won't allow me to embed without signing in, (a stupid move) so Click here.

We are all going down at once, if there is anything that can prove to me that something huge is going down in Mexico when Scheinbaum gets in, this testimony by the FBI agent is it. Like I say below in the following two posts, it's GAME ON, RIGHT NOW. Mexico will go down at the exact same time the United States goes down. And that happens to be NOW.

This FBI agent is a man of faith who knows what is going on, I would not take this warning lightly.


To help the revolution along, George Soros is buying up hundreds of radio stations right before the election.

And he convinced the FCC to do away with all the rules involving this, Soros is not allowed to do this yet he got the green light anyway. So that proves America is a failed country when laws are simply not followed by agencies like the FCC.

And surprisingly, Glenn Beck is the one who broke this story.

Hurricane Helene is actually a hurricane, but upon checking from real sources, it's only a cat 1 as of 2 PM Sep 26.

OK, this is good. AP posted the following in a report about Hurricane John:

"As a result, surprise surges in hurricanes' strength have become increasingly common, Benz said.
"These are storms that we haven't really experienced before," he said. "Rapid intensification has occurred more frequently in modern times as opposed to back in the historical record. So that's telling us there's something going on there." AP then blames "climate change" instead of this:

This is the image of a Haarp type system clipping the ionosphere to ground, taken from the space station.

Question: How many years behind the US is China??

Sep 25 2024

Continuation of No Ben, the Khazarian Mafia is not on the run

Scheinbaum is intentionally mis-spelled for a reason.
NOT PUBLISHED BUT HARD FACT: Obrador HATES Scheinbaum and is already working to try to stop her at a sub-national level.

Here is what Obrador is trying to stop:

1. Scheinbaum is going to try to get the American armed forces to enforce her will in Mexico. This is openly stated. Right now she's in holdout mode saying it will only be the CIA and NSA, loosely blanketed in terms like "cooperation with American intelligence activities and law enforcement" but the meta talk is definitely armed forces involvement in Mexico.
The reason why she's going to do this is because the Mexican armed forces (who are on the streets everywhere, and I MEAN EVERYWHERE, they come through with sirens blaring every day and everyone respects and loves them because they don't do jack to the Mexican people, they actually are legitimate Mexican loving security -
The reason why she's bringing in foreign law enforcement is because the entire law enforcement infrastructure in Mexico is hell bent on enforcing MEXICAN LAW, and not foreign will. Right now, the National Guard and police forces are perhaps the greatest freedom asset Mexico has, and the greatest opposition to the tyranny she wishes to impose.

What will the tyranny she wishes to impose accomplish? POINT BLANK:

She's going to shut down the free economy in Mexico, and replace it with American corporatism. In order to do this, she's going to have to destroy approximately 60 percent of the Mexican economy. This portion of the economy is off the books, cash only. This economy includes taco carts, street vendors, countless small stores, an endless number of small private restaurants, all kinds of other things like mechanics, tree trimmers, electricians, a lot of construction, you know - whatever could add up to 60 percent of the total. And the Mexican armed forces won't go for that, because their whole damn family outside the forces lives that way. So she's going to try to bring in foreigners who could not tell the difference between freedom and a bowl of shit to shut down actual freedom in Mexico. She already knows she does not have cooperation here, she already stated American corporations are coming in, in force, she already stated she's using American defense infrastructure to accomplish her agendas -

And now I am going for the next shut down: Scheinbaum stole the election by stealing the primary away from Marcela, who in reality had 55 percent of the vote, while Scheinbaum had 35 percent. I was not overly concerned about Scheinbaum then because I knew Marcela had that. Thanks Dominion!!! Partido Morena was so popular because of Obrador that if you stole the primary, you automatically won the presidency. And now a trojan horse who absolutely IS NOT MORENA is inside the gates.

So what will happen? It's hard to say, but the good news is that Obrador is already moving behind the scenes to try to stop the Great Mexican Wipeout. Partido Morena is overwhelmingly in charge, and rumor has it that Obrador is going to remain the de-facto president behind the scenes just because of where loyalties land. The problem is that much of Morena this time around was put in by Dominion voting systems that could be accessed and voted on via your computer at home.


Yes, your home computer or cell phone is a secure election system!!!

"For the first time in a Mexican general election, it will be possible to vote through the Internet. This system will be implemented for voters abroad and seeks to increase participation." And you can safely bet participation increased by A LOT, like 37.2 million Mexicans living in the U.S, including those who were in jail and had no internet access. That is a GUARANTEED STEAL
So pure blooded Morena dominance might only be illusion. If that be the case, Obrador will be toothless.
Scheinbam makes me sick. I can't watch. Hand heart signs saying "I love Mexico" plastered everywhere. Fact: Mexico is probably the most free country on earth at this time, and it is CATHOLIC. Mexico is PRO FAMILY. Only a simpleton would believe a hand heart when it is signed by a Khazarian Mafia Jew who hates Catholocism by default, when abortion was legalized at a national level the exact same hour that Khazar was announced the winner of the primary - only the blind would believe Scheinbaum loves Mexico when I have personally heard her run an ad telling Mexican women to divorce their husbands - that went over like a lead balloon and she pulled those ads immediately after enormous backlash -

The Mexican people voted for that???? BULLSHIT.

Actually, vote by cell phone or home computer x37.2 million Mexicans in the US has just one upped the stupid, that's a guaranteed steal.

Adios Mexico, every nation falls.

This site got shut down while I was posting the following today, Sep 23, and I got it back up again. The following post is NOT COMPLETE


No Ben, the Khazarian mafia is NOT on the run

I totally disagree with Ben Fulford's latest report, and am going to put a bit of reality here that I have been meaning to post anyway.
The "Khazarian Mafia" is faking a retreat, and doing a good job of it because the "Khazarian Mafia" has trained AI so well that it is now doing all of their dirty work for them. They don't need to do anything anymore, the game is set, the trap has closed.

The "Khazarian Mafia" , as Ben calls them, is perfectly named by that. It is exactly what they are. So I will borrow that term in stating what is actually going on.

The Khazarian Mafia has retreated to gated communities and is waiting out the storm while their automated systems finish decimating society. The only reason why immigration is being questioned in Europe now is because the automated systems have probed public opinion at the speed of light, parallelled 50 million times and it has determined it can do the most damage by gaining public favor by at least paying lip service to the idea of stopping immigration. Why not? the tool has been used, the damage is done, why not appease the public while something else more awful is pulled? The Khazarian Mafia just completely ram rodded Mexico into oblivion. This was accomplished most likely by drugging and or fooling Obrador into "improving Mexican election security" by implementing mail in voting and Dominion machines. Suddenly, in only one election, Mexico got a woman president for the first time, who happens to be the first Jewish president ever, and in 17 other states communist women were also elected as governors, for the first time ever. I did not confirm they are all Jewish, but I bet they are. How did that happen? ANSWER:

Khazarian Mafia Victory.

With such a victory by the Khazarian Mafia, I might as well quit this site even after getting it running again after the KHAZARIAN MAFIA shut it down. That's why it was down.

Here is what is really going to happen:

With AI perfectly managing the defeat of mankind, the dominos are going to fall so rapidly it will make people's brains glitch out. It's going to be a literal soup of confusion while people try to get a grip on what is going on. The exact doom date is known. I know exactly the week it is not all going to be in earnest anymore.

The ultimate doom date is October 1 2024 when Scheinbaum gets inaugurated. They needed Scheinbaum in to complete the North American Union. Scheinbaum IS KHAZARIAN MAFIA. She's not Morena as advertised, she's 100% pureblood Khazar. If you overlay her face with Zukerberg's, it is an exact match, male/female differences irrelevant. There are none.

In the first months of Scheinbaum, Mexico will be turned over to U.N. rule. In fact, I'd bet America and Canada already are, but it was not advertised. Mexico was the last holdout. Mexico's election system caused Mexico to last the longest, and the nanosecond it got changed for an exact duplicate of America's, it was game over. Profoundly different "will of the people" instantly.
In the very first days of Scheinbaum, nothing will be noticeable. Then, in a couple weeks, there will be policy "wiggles" and by the time we hit 2025, even if it is not published, the North American Union will be complete and AI is going to manage the takedown of all legitimate discussion. They'll have to either wait with Alex Jones or replace him with AI which will fake it all perfect and he'll still be yelling, but it will be for things that are irrelevant and won't make a difference. Alex will be the last to go, they already destroyed this site.

To be continued, I can't finish this from where I am right now

Goin Kilroy. It is happening.

Mexican 4th of July stopped me from posting for days

All the cyber cafe's were closed. And that is all I can use now.

Russia has claimed the U.S. now has the third largest military, behind Russia and China.

I did not look it up, but it might be true. The US armed forces used to have 3 million in the Army alone but I know that has shrunk drastically and that all five branches of the military might now add up to less than Russia's stated 2.4 million. That don't matter.
It does not matter when the US has at least 20 aircraft carriers that are all superior to Russia's ONE aircraft carrier, with many the US has that are superior in mothball. America MOTHBALLS stuff that would make Russia drool. It's just not the same playing field. Until the nukes fly at least, that's different, Russia is at least equal once that happens.

Putin can talk all he wants about conventional superiority, but the reality is Russia has nukes, and that's all.

Just look up the simulations that show what one modern platoon could do to a medieval army of 50,000. Yes. THAT. The medieval army will turn into a pile of bodies the ones who are not dead have to exert enormous effort just to climb over, and when they reach the top of the pile, they are immediately shot and only add to the pile. Nowadays we are not fighting with swords, manpower is irrelevant. Yes Russia is not that desperately inept but numbers simply don't matter when actual US military shows up and it's not just a proxy war.

Second Trump assassination attempt

I heard about it on the radio in Mex, and thought they must have been talking about the first attempt. Nope. It was the second, and the behavior of the left with regard to Trump might mean something. If they are afraid, where does Dominion play into this? Is the left just playing a game with their so called "panic" to make it look like they really can lose when everything about the American electoral process is rigged like a pirate ship?
Bank on it, that's all it is, However, it actually would be convenient to have Trump be gone. But the rigging is so pervasive and easy that I believe the left is "freaking out" over Trump possibly winning the election just to provide a smoke screen for the next theft. They can't lose and they know it.

2025 prediction:

2025 is going to be the year of the robot in China. It will be the year it all hits critical mass. Watch for eye popping cheap prices on super high value goods as robots spew out stuff unbelievably fast, with unbelievably high quality.
What does this mean? It means that the end, right before the mark, is near. Many assume that when the mark of the beast hits it will be fire in the sky, death in the air and mayhem. Not so. The scriptures are perfectly clear that when the mark happens, individual luxury and the ability to buy things will be at an all time high. Here is how it will go:

Accept the mark, and you will get a new car and everything else you could possibly imagine, all made possible by robots in China making things. If you choose to not participate in the system, you will eat from the trash plus whatever pigeons you can cook while you watch everyone around you enjoy the most immense luxury imaginable. You will be called the idiot, who was too stupid to accept something great. The pressure to accept the mark will be enormous.

I am guaging when the mark will hit by watching Claudia Scheinbaum. Mexico has an overwhelmingly cash economy. That cash economy has to be destroyed before anyone will accept the mark. How could such a change be accomplished? I don't know what the plan is but it is going to have to be a nasty plan to bring Mexico under control. At this point I don't know what to guess but maybe it involves smallpox or something similar. A case will need to be made that cash money is too dangerous to handle. A case will have to be made that cash can kill you.
the change could simply be rammed down everyone's throat in very unfriendly terms. Latin America has a history of serious and immediate communist crackdowns in countries that were only weeks prior totally free. Would Scheinbaum be up to that task? You bet! But I don't think the Mexican military would play ball. She might try, but enforcement might be damn difficult. Then again, with the right crisis - (coronavirus) they DID play ball last time. Very uncertain times ahead.
9/13 2024

As far as I see it, all is lost.

We cannot escape the vortex of evil at this point. One of the reasons why I even ran any of the web sites to begin with was to delay "progress" (that's what "they" call it,) and buy people more time to repent or change their ways or ripen into a perfect hell demon - whatever direction they chose, and now I believe it is showtime. Is it even worth posting anything anymore now that it is so obvious we can't stop anything?

We're going cashless, which will mean pigeon soup for anyone who has any Bible brains

Mexico has a literal 100 percent cash economy. That's probably why the pocket credit card readers I mention below are so cheap and available, you can get them at gas stations and convenience stores now, the pressure is on to go cashless but despite my rather dismal report about those devices, Mexico is still damn near all cash, those devices are still, in reality, for the "snobs" who have VISA. Yes, you can transact right on the street with them but they are not yet mainstream.
The big threat I see with these readers is that they are available EVERYWHERE. Sams. Office Depot. Gas stations. OXXO (Mexico's 7-11) and more. There's a gajillion of these available and in inventory, waiting for . . . . . what?? The next corona scare? They tried to ban cash with the last Corona scare but that played about as well as a record that was lost on the interstate, not one piece of that tune actually got played. Not one piece, because Obrador kept things normal. But Scheinbaum??? Guaranteed different outcome. I can't wait.

Bank on it, something big is going to happen that will ram cashless down everyone's throat, pronto.

And those credit card readers simply bluetooth with the cell phone and put everything on the phone screen, and the phone does it all. So why would you even need a reader? All you really need is a bluetooth compatible credit card protected by a strong PIN. All you really need is an ultraviolet readable tattoo barcode on your forehead that's not visible under normal light but the phones could be equipped with a special light that reads your barcode with the camera and only needs your pin approval to work, misbehave and OOOOOPS, someone must have scanned you and guessed your PIN, too bad hungry Joe!

Only guesses, but the credit card readers are here, and priced well enough for every country on earth, even the poor sections of Zimbabwe. And even people that poor have cell phones. The card readers are cheaper than phones.

I am not even going to guess at what disaster they'll try for cashless. But it will be awful, bank on it.

9/12 2024

Kamala will be the next "president"

Face it. There are no elections anywhere in North America anymore, Mexico has mail in voting and Dominion now (this election including the latest Mex primaries were mail in and Dominion for the first time ever, and gosh what a difference in leadership the Mexican people suddenly "asked for".) The US has mail in voting and Dominion now. Canada has mail in voting and dominion now. Checkmate, mail in plus Dominion equals there's no point to voting, you can't hope, vote, or steal your way to anything other than the predetermined outcome.

I am seriously questioning if I should bother with rebooting this site because if I can't make a difference, why bother with doing this? Dominion plus mail in equals ALL IS LOST.

Interestingly enough I tried hitting Farsnews and Tasnim news and I can hit the persian versions, but the English versions are blocked. And that is exactly what I would expect in the days prior to TSHTF, how about - Let's say TSHTF 8 months after the first takedown of Voterig. That'll put TSHTF about three months after Scheinbaum takes power in Mex.

Yes, in the land of Garcia, Cortez and Guzman A "SCHEINBAUM" took the presidency. Legitimately. . . .

Hold onto your hats, Chicken Little will soon get his day.

Watch this and then scroll down to my credit card reader post

You can get peronal cell phone based pocket credit card readers for less than $10 in mex now and that's the stepping stone to doing away with cash completely. There's a reason why they are so cheap.
In this video, the WEF admits cash will soon be illegal. Action starts at 1:14 Wow, this is really good.

9/11 2024 -

Let's make it a holiday like sukkot and passover!!!

The precursor to the mark of the beast is now well entrenched in Mexico - cell phone based credit card readers that fit in your pocket and cost less than $10

You need to prepare for the mark of the beast NOW, the dominos will fall in 2025 - 2027 but I am betting most will fall before July 2025. Then it's the mark, baby.

Now it is crystal clear how the mark will function. Your cell phone will interface with it, and at this time, in Mex, they are selling cheap credit card readers that are cell phone addons for less than $10 and it is dirt simple to set up an account and get going with them. These devices are so simple and cheap that everyone can have one personally and use it for all transactions with individual people. Want to sell your used speaker? Easy - no cash needed, just have the guy put his ID card in your slot and approve it with the chip in his hand. It is going to be that simple, people walking on the street are already able to do VISA transactions with each other for mundane things, like having someone wash your car in the store parking lot while you shop, or for a taco at a taco stand.

This cell phone linked credit card reader costs 149 pesos, which is less than $7.50 USD. Practically free. Click the image to go to the buy page. I am not making this stuff up folks, these are taking off by storm in Mex and they are obviously the final stepping stone before showtime.

When you click the image, you'll go to Mercadolibre where there are a whole bunch of different models listed Remember, the prices are in pesos. Divide by 20 for USD. Some people are still asking up to $75 USD but when CLIP is available at Office Depot, Sams and more for less than $10 and clip is not the only one, lots of others are that cheap the writing is on the wall folks, cashless cell phone transactions are going to be the way it is done, no ifs or buts.

The mark is coming, the writing is on the wall, this is the type of simplicity that will be needed to have the mark actually be viable for everyone, even the poorest. Some of these now attach to your phone like a protective cover. So you can accept Visa just by carrying your cell phone the way you normally would.

Everyone is oblivious to the potential abuse of this system. For now, it is only making people capable of being walking ATM's, there is no mark associated with it. But I can just see it - Hey, you are used to doing transactions via your cell phone with that little reader, cash is gone now because everyone started doing that to be "cool" and now, why even use a reader? We can just put a chip in everyone's hand that the cell phones can read via bluetooth and you can do away with that stupid inconvenient card reader!!! You still need to use your PIN via the cell phone screen so everything is safe, the PIN will simply allow access to the chip on your hand! How many idiots will go for it, especially if it is "cool?" A lot I'd bet.

If you are behind in making your final decisions with regard to the mark, it is time to do some soul searching. The obvious precursor is reality folks. How fast does tech move and how quickly will these get abandoned with the mark replacing them? No one is going to cry about moving on from a "clunky device that cost $7.50!"

The most fantastic survival radio on planet earth

UPDATE: I tried short wave on this thing. It has 4 bands, but for some reason the switch only hits 3. HOWEVER - Even with a missing band, it totally destroyed my PL660. I had my PL660 set up with an external antenna going up to the roof, and the best it ever did was 17 different short wave stations, during prime time, at night. All I did with the Link Bits radio was pull up the antenna and stand out in the street in the middle of the day, and even though it was missing a band, it still got 19 short wave stations, and they were stable. That's more than a win against the PL660, it's a grand slam win. Also, I bought c-cells for it and with them discovered it takes D cells. ANOTHER WIN. It runs on solar, rechargable 18650, USB power, AND D cells. I can forgive the missing band. I find that odd considering how good the radio is but whatever, that thing is not getting returned.
End update, the original report follows.

I never thought I'd see the day when such a device would be only $20!

It's the Link Bits RD-228. I bought this yesterday. It blows away every other "survival radio" you can get at any price, hands down. I have had the Tecsun PL660 that cost much more (Claudia got that), and this blows it away like a semi going over a toad patch. It has a nice tight highly selective analog dial. It has a mind blowingly clear and loud speaker. It has awesome flood and flash lights. And most importantly, the solar panel totally kicks butt and can play the radio very loud when there are clouds, with no battery in the radio.
The first time I tried it solar only I got confused for a minute because even when the solar panel was folded all the way back, totally away from the sun, the radio kept going like normal. I thought I must have forgotten to take the battery out. I had to put my hand over the panel to get it to quit, even when it was facing 180 degrees away from the sun. Never saw anything perform that well, EVER.
It takes both an 18650 battery AND normal C-cells. It is a dual battery system that can function via the solar panel with no battery at all. The batteries are obviously only for the night. It charges via solar AND USB. It can accept flash drives and for that there is no power stealing display, which is proper for a true survival radio..
The tuner has excellent selectivity and sensitivity. The radio is built like a tank. It is heavy for it's size, unlike the PL-660. I also had several super radios (those are famous) and I would now choose this instead. Never thought I'd see the day.

Everyone is probably familiar with Link Bits making cheap lightweight stuff that works pretty good. That's not what this radio is, they obviously gave this one special consideration as a survival radio. It is AWESOME. Finally someone did a survival radio RIGHT.

It totally destroys the stupid crank radios.

I guess got shut down by the US government or whatever else -

I am homeless after the second phase of the disaster with the cartel via a probably drugged Claudia and I have been ignoring the site completely. Low and behold, when I tried to hit it, it is completely blocked. I am getting an SSL message but I generated all new keys and NO GO, that's not the problem. Whatever uses SSL is broke and I am having difficulties fixing it when I have very little time. I went over all the server details and everything is working, the files are there and it does not expire until October 2025 so that means it got shut down. If you find this page, try to get someone with another alt news site to point out where it is.
This new domain is Let's see how long it takes for bans to kick in. This was paid for with leftover bitcoin.
OK, so it is clear we are crossing the River Styx and entering hell now. I am not going to focus on the Trump assassination attempt or anything else you might have heard of, I am instead going to mention some unique points I know no one else has published because I have a unique perspective from here, in Mex.

The news

No bluff: The shit will hit the fan globally literally now - When Scheinbaum takes over Mexico in early 2025.

First of all, Obrador completely re-did Mexican election security and he was either ill advised or drugged, because Mexico, which had a very secure election process now has the exact same crap format and machines the US has. In other words, everything is rigged and that's how Marcel lost the primaries and Scheinbaum won. I was tracking things fairly well for the primary election, and Marcel was set to take it with approximately a 55 percent vote despite Scheinbaum plastering her name on every wall this side of the Rio Grande. That made her popular, but I did some fairly extensive investigation and concluded she would get about 35 percent of the primary vote. Rig the primary, and you get Scheinbaum as the only option because Partido Morena was the insurmountably overwhelming champion due to how great Obrador was.
I am guessing Obrador got drugged the same way I am guessing Trump got drugged - thus leading to Trump's failure to get anything done. Trump openly stated he ate at places like McDonalds to avoid getting drugged. Obrador did the same by eating at the local taco carts. The problem with that plan is there are only so many McDonald's and taco carts, all the enemy needed to do was plant a few hundred people across all the McDonalds Trump might eat at, and a few hundred people at whatever taco carts Obrador might eat at, and drugging becomes easy. Then they are owned, and my guess is that is what got Obrador to accept mail in voting and Dominion type machines. Game over for Mexico.
Now, rather than a populist and relatively conservative Partido Morena, there is a radical communist president coming in who is already pushing women's studies and many other things the Mexican people have always hated in Mex. She even had the audacity to run a commercial saying "if you are not happy with your husband, just divorce him, don't work things out. Just divorce. That aired in Leon GTO earlier this year, only once, because it created such a backlash and her reputation could not support it. So she's in stealth mode with that now.
Additionally, she's already going to turn Mexican law over to UN domination and courts. There are huge protests over it constantly every day in front of the judicial legislation building here in Morelia Michoacan (I had to leave Leon Guanajuato over the cartel problems) and I see these protests every day.Due to the "election reforms" Obrador approved, Now, no matter what, all votes are going to go the way J-dom wants in Mex. Scheinbaum is radical communist Jew. How did that happen in totally Catholic Mexico when previously Mexico had the populist Obrador? YOU GUESS. In case you can't guess, it's called "totally secure mail in voting" and DOMINION.
It is a popular notion in the US that America was the country holding global world tyranny in check. Reality: Mexico was the one holding everything back because the globalists need a completely unified North America to pull it off. Mexico was not playing ball, and up until today still is not playing ball. That is going to change when Scheinbaum takes over in a few months, I am expecting a Bolshevik style crackdown enforced by foreigners once Schinebaum divorces Mexican "poder Judicial" which will happen in the very first days of her whatever you want to call it. I am not buying the election story. Let's call it her usurpation.
What does this mean for the US and rest of the world? Easy: 2025 is going to be a domino spill. All will fall. Things are going to accelerate so rapidly once Mexico is out of the way it will make your head spin. It's showtime.

My pre vatican 2 Catholic bible

When I was an 8 year old kid, I bought an old pre vatican 2 catholic bible at a garage sale for five cents. It was my bible for many years and I did not know what a treasure it was. It had 88 books. Modern Catholic bibles don't have that many, they got pruned way down after Vatican 2. And I think there was a reason for it. To end perspective and guidance with regard to what actually creates our reality. However, there's enough left over in the public conscience for me to (probably) get away with posting this:
Let me mention the possibility of us living in a simulated reality. And let me tell you what that bible said on the topic. It said (Paraphrase) "everything we experience is a product of the mind of God and nothing at all happens unless god thinks it and wills it to happen first. There is absolutely nothing God is not aware of, and not in control of".

And I thought to myself, "This bible seems to be pretty good, but I think that cannot be true. There is no way God knows what I am thinking now, and absolutely no way he knows there are snow beetles living under the snow on the sliding hill."

I thought: "God might know a lot, but he does not know or care about every single bacteria, fly, or snow beetle!!! There is absolutely no way he knows my every thought . . . . "
But what if he does?
That bible was crystal clear about every last thing we think, see, feel and touch existing only in the conscience of God and that God could will it all away in an instant if he wished. So what is God? According to that bible, God was the conscience every last thing needed to exist, without that conscience everything would vanish. Apply that to the simulated reality theory. How about giving the "simulated reality theory" some perspective from a Bible that was done the way we were supposed to have it. Nowadays we are running on incomplete information. Information the Catholic church preserved up until Vatican 2. Yes, we are all indeed living inside a great conscience, known as the mind of God. It is up to you to decide what God is.

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I at least got the Fukushima report working again.

Cornerstone report:
Fukushima SABOTAGE!

I will fix the rest when I get around to it. No files were lost, the servers at and and ALL my other sites are online and working, but are blocked by the web lords to stop my reporting. How long will this new location last? YOU GUESS. Fun times ahead!
I pasted the following here to help if I have problems logging in.