there is a line herethe banner is here

A message to the IDIOT at the DOD

There you are, sitting at your workstation totally ignorant about what you are really doing. Do you know what an SCI clearance really is? You obviously don't so let me tell you.
An SCI clearance is one that keeps you ignorant of what the work you are doing is actually used for. The SCI system is specifically intended to enable corrupted people to use GOOD people with GOOD souls to do the work of evil. All they do is tell you it is for "national security", wave the flag, and you are on board, not even considering what your work actually means. It just comes to you on your console, you do the work and that is it. Let me tell you something:
The world is not as bad as you have been told. And when I was assigned to Iran, I knew the government lied about Iran because Iran was a target. What I did not realize is that the government lies about EVERYONE, so people like you sit there and destroy while copping a huge superiority complex. After all, it is just a "shithole country" you are destroying, RIGHT?
I got a HUGE wake up call when I went down to Mexico. I expected to see shit in the streets, dust everywhere, half collapsed mud houses, only 1 1972 Toyota as the ONLY car in EVERY town, and abject poverty. I expected to be constantly interrogated, robbed and beaten by the police. Ditto for the locals. Garbage everywhere. NOT SO. Mexico is NOT THAT WAY AT ALL.
In reality, Mexico is much cleaner than averageville USA, the homes are built FAR BETTER than American homes, and I mean OUT OF THIS WORLD BETTER, American homes look fancier but they are tinder box pieces of shit that need constant maintenance, the nice areas of Mexico match the nice areas of the United States exactly, EVERYONE PLUS THEIR DOG AND IT'S FLEAS HAS A CAR OR AT LEAST A MOTORCYCLE and the food quality throws America straight in the trash. You eat BULLSHIT and don't even know it. Mexico is not "beans and tortillas", the food is quality.

I could go on and on here, the bottom line is you have been lied to. HOW DEEP is the lie? I'll tell you:

The lie is so deep that even Google street view lies. If you hit an American street, the bit depth on the photos is different. The colors are absolutely vibrant. Everything looks totally awesome. And when you street view Mexico, all the colors are tweaked and desaturated to make Mexico look like a desert shithole. Mexico is NOT THAT. And you will never know.
Mexican police are AWESOME. In the U.S., you don't dare talk to a cop and you damn well know it, senior ignorant, there at the console. In Mexico, the police are actually decent, polite and non threatening. I got pulled over many times for traffic violations and it's just not the same. And though there are many walking the streets, they don't harass anyone. American cops constantly go out of their way to harass people. I'll give you an example:
I was WAY THE HELL out in the desert in California and I had to piss. So I pulled over and the first thing I thought was "Is a cop going to see me". So I walked FAR out into the desert to piss, and when I got back to the road, sure enough, there was a cop there. And sure enough, the first thing the cop said was "what were you doing out there? Did you pee?" He said he KNEW I took a piss and that I was going to jail. He literally said that. I had a fancy camera I took out there with me and I told him I only took photos And I did snap a few of a butterfly for an alibi in case of trouble. He told me he had all my info and then he was going to go out there and find where I pissed and that I had to wait. Fortunately he did not find where I pissed. And when he got back, he gave me a huge interrogation and cross examination looking for ANYTHING he could arrest me for. He found nothing.

That damn cop was hell bent on destroying my life for merely taking a piss.


Wake up dude. What the hell are you doing for a job, effing with other people's countries when America acts like that?

Mexican cop? NO WAY. Mexico does not chase people for BULLSHIT. WAKE UP.
I could go on and on here, I wanted to send you to a page from one of my web sites YOUR ILK SHUT DOWN that is preserved on the Wayback machine so you could look at it and see what Iran is actually like, it is actually a beautiful clean place that is cosmoplitan in appearance with great roads and huge shopping malls and beautiful houses and streets full of cars but for some reason the wayback machine is blocked (obviously because someone knows I use it that way) so you won't see that, perhaps I'll be able to link it later -
I know you are a decent person. I was there. All the people were good. But I can guarantee you, you have been kept ignorant and are completely unaware of what you are really being used for. Your understanding of Iran is that it is such a shithole that a 5.0 earthquake will kill thousands of people because the houses collapse. And in Iran, that can happen but not for any reason you have been told, That can happen because Iran is an ancient country and some of the houses are a thousand years old. Yet they are still perfectly fine to live in. So people do. Until there's an earthquake. "Why does my family need to move? Everything has been fine here for a thousand years!!!" But Modern areas are not that way at all.
Iran is an ancient country with an ancient heritage and many ancient legacy structures. So you can't expect everything there to be to modern standards when "modern" is 1/10th of Iran's history. That does not mean Iran is a shithole!!!

I at least got the Fukushima report working again.

Cornerstone report:
Fukushima SABOTAGE!

Fun times ahead!