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WARNING: THE MAILBOX FOR THIS SITE IS NOW INTERCEPTED, IF YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO ME, YOU ARE NOT. there is a really good reason why I always give up on mail!

March 21 2025

Donations possible now, and badly needed.

DONATE. You will land on but that's OK, just SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM of the page and hit the donate button there. I HAVE BEEN HOMELESS FOR A WHILE, GET ME OFF THE STREET!

As of 5PM Mexico City time on the 20th, the following donations, totaling $2578 USD have arrived. Many people are familiar with me posting donations this way to confirm they were received.

Short names will be used to prevent all chance of doxxing. The amounts are rounded up estimating what was taken for Paypal fees.
Lawrence sent $25 USD, thanks! Scott sent $100 USD, thanks! John sent $20 USD, thanks! Brad sent $50 USD, thanks! Mercedes sent $20 USD, thanks! getsamsidea sent $20 USD, thanks! Stuart sent $20 USD, thanks! Ronald sent $100 USD, thanks! Ronald sent $25 USD, thanks!Kevin sent $50 USD, thanks! David sent $25 USD, thanks! Martin sent $10 USD, thanks! William sent $50 USD, thanks! Phillip sent $25 USD, thanks!Ruben sent $2.50 USD, thanks!Sander sent $145 USD, thanks!Shavbir sent $50 USD, thanks!Christopher sent $20 USD, thanks!Naylor sent $50 USD, thanks! Terrance sent $50 USD, thanks! John sent $330 USD, thanks! Richard sent $30 USD, thanks! Stuart sent $500 USD, thanks! Steve sent $10 USD, thanks! Costea sent $10 USD, thanks! Paul sent $50 USD, thanks! Vanessa sent $10 USD, thanks! Paolo sent $20 USD, thanks! Marion sent $22 USD, thanks! Joseph sent $50 USD, thanks! John sent $50 USD, thanks! Rhonda sent $20 USD, thanks! Charles sent $20 USD five times, thanks! Guy sent $125 USD, thanks! Aaron sent $25 USD, thanks! Dee sent $25 USD, thanks! Lura sent $25 USD, thanks! David sent $25 USD, thanks! Chris sent $25 USD, thanks! Charles sent $20 USD, thanks! David sent $48 USD, thanks! Christopher sent $50 USD, thanks! Iris sent $150 USD, thanks!Nizar sent $50 USD, thanks!

It looks like an Iranian donated, Shavbir is an Iranian name, good to see you are here, thanks!

A few quick items

There are a lot of things that don't need their own reports but are important enough to mention.
Heathrow airport has been shut down due to an enormous transformer fire. Hoaxers have called it a Russian terror attack, DOUBT IT.
There is a massive campaign underway to get people attacking Tesla vehicles. It is one of those things where if no one spread the story, nothing would ever happen. And the MSM HAS BEEN stoking the flames to such an extent that even Trump noticed and threatened the people doing it with 20 year jail terms. It's the typical "Jews say it is happening so people start doing it" thing. No question who is responsible.
A totally new rogue agency was found by Doge. It's called the USIP. It was operating totally dark, and after Musk found it suddenly there's a very complete wikipedia on it, posted March 18. Not much has been said about it yet, but you can make a pretty good guess about what it really was just from these two pictures:

LET ME GUESS A RANDOM GUESS, sort of like dreaming a little dream: I wonder if this agency was funding and managing Hamas, or perhaps even training Hamas. We probably don't get to know that, but Hamas is produced by something like this. It sure is not Palestinian if Israel has provided funding. My guess is that this agency is responsible for a lot of the "terror" out there, because "peace" is in the name and you know how the scam goes.
Too much crap about social security: YOU KNOW DARN WELL that when there are shrill screams about "DOGE is going to cut your social security off if you don't give them your data" that something is amiss, AS IF GIVING DOGE YOUR DATA IS BAD. How else is social security going to be administered? All the crying about "forcing you to give your data" is just bunk spewed by thieves, who want their slush fund to keep on slushing money into their thieving pockets. Even a judge once again stepped in to stop Doge from discovering who is stealing, yes, no data needed for a payout, no one needs to exist at all. Just a pocket somewhere, with 75 million bogus taps into the system.
Not a single student can read at grade level in 30 Illinois schools And that is after the standard for Seniors was dropped to being able to read "cat in the hat". We all know there's a war going on and who is fighting it, the typical suspects, who can't seem to realize that when they have a really good dog to suck the blood out of, they ought to at least try to keep that dog healthy. And THIS is exactly how they got Grok to tell them they are by far the smartest in the world. By dumbing everyone else down.
And that reminds me of a rant I keep forgetting to post, and I'll keep it short: College used to be so difficult that only the top 10 percent or so could ever get through it. College used to have the bar so high that if you had a degree you were automatically the smartest in the room. NOT ANYMORE, College has been dumbed down so far that a mushroom that applies itself can get a degree, but the mushroom will still be a mushroom.
The judgepocalypse Only not worth a big article because everyone knows the story. And if Trump does not immediately move to stop it, it could be game over. Would martial law be worth it in this case? If Trump declared martial law, he could just immediately remove all judges and entirely replace the judiciary. In this particular case, that might actually be a good move, the judiciary meets the full definition of a national emergency due to a domestic threat. Just skip the impeachments. Enough said.
Finger in the water I have enough of a sampling of public opinion regarding all the wars, especially on Iran. And I know where all the big watering holes are. And I have noticed, that in some of the watering holes, there is AI being tested, fake posting about how great it would be to just blow up the entire middle east and especially Iran. And it is all patently obviously fake because people don't just suddenly flip like that. So be aware that if you hit a place like that it is probably not real, granted, there are public venues out there that are all for it but in general they are few and far between and if YOUR watering hole suddenly flipped, it's probably being faked.
Fema fraud: There were 20 times as many applicants for disaster relief in LA than there were homes burned. AND THAT IS PRECISELY WHY a judge blocked Doge from examining social security records. Same people, same game, and why is Fema still around anyway? Solve the problem by ENDING the problem. 270,000 applications with only 13,000 homes burned. Why not sic the FBI on that? Probably because too many agents filed for FEMA relief themselves.
Repeat warning: Be very careful about what you believe online, some of the new AI fakes are unbelievable. For example, I saw one where a dog turned the web cam away from "forbidden food" so he could steal it, and the cat turned the camera back, and it all looked totally, indistiguishably real. So there's a new rule in town after even I got burned by that elon musk photo: Nothing in this world changed, if there's something absolutely unbelievably sensational, no matter how real it looks, just skip it.

Don't fall for the hoax about a nuclear test in Iran.

There was a 4.8 earthquake near Natanz. So hoaxers have run with this, saying it was a nuclear test. But there are two problems with the story. The first problem is that if Iran was going to nuke test, NO, let's say this better: If Tuvalu was going to do a nuke test, NO, one better. Even if Pitcairn was going to do a nuke test, NOT ONE PERSON out of their population of about 50 would be stupid enough to test it close to a major nuclear research site, so close it would be in the quake.

So that right there was a red flag. I might have bought the story for at least 15 seconds if someone said they tested it somewhere out in the Lut.

But the second problem is: Here is the seismic reading from the nearest American accessible seismic station in Armenia, which is actually fairly close to where this quake was.

I am not going to explain this, my readers should know what a nuclear test looks like on a seismogram.

Nice preamble. Enough said.
I think I'll take a break and decide what I am going to put in the persian section today, plus talk to Wayne so I can focus on this site instead of selling cookies.

Mar 20 2025

There was a giant eruption in Indonesia

I have a hunch it might be enough to affect the weather. Definitely reached the jet stream. The photo looked like a doozie. Biggest eruption in at least a decade by far. And today Kiluea went off, throwing lava 700 feet. Kiluea is casual, no problem, it is a well behaved lava spewer. But it is interesting two big eruptions happened on the same day.

I just saw a rumor about upcoming terror attacks on US hospitals.

My comment: What do you mean by upcoming? that crap happens EVERY SINGLE DAY via Jewish doctors. What about the COVID scam?

BLOCKBUSTER: Iran just discovered a large amount of antimony AND CALLS FOR WAR MIGHT ACTUALLY IN PART BE ABOUT THIS.

Antimony has evolved into being a tech metal, used in tech items. China stopped exporting it, pinching world supply. And Iran has discovered an amount that might equal approximately 20 percent of the global supply.
Antimony is not particularly rare and has a street price of about $51,000 per metric ton. That would put it at about $1.50 per ounce. Historically it has been used along with tin to harden the lead in bullets but after the tech revolution it became essential in solar panels and semiconductors.

The US has literally no antimony and after Russia and China cut off supply to the US, discovery of what could only be considered abundant antimony in Iran is a major reason for a war of conquest. For Iran's land mass, having about 20 percent of the total globally is significant. 20 percent of global supply would be 400,000 tons.

Please note: Everyone and their dog quoted FarsNews, who got the story wrong. Fars stated Iran has 7,000 metric tons, when in reality the discovery is close to 400,000 metric tons, making Iran a major player in this commodity.

So let me just post how much Iran's new deposits are worth: $51,500 x 400,000. $20,600,000,000 That's a LOT. A contributing reason to take Iran over? Especially when the US has, like, NONE?

THIS, RIGHT HERE, is a reason for the US to blow up Iran. And the latest calls to blow up Iran came right after this huge discovery in Iran. With China and Russia pinching supplies of a critical tech metal, Iran would be a worthy CONQUEST.

Could the reason for war really be partly because of this? Say it is not so!

I may have found a substantial contributing factor for calls for war against Iran.



"The Indian government raided George Soros-backed offices in Bengaluru on Tuesday.
The Enforcement Directorate raided eight Soros-backed offices linked to the Open Society Foundations (OSF), an organization backed by US billionaire George Soros, along with some linked entities in Bengaluru.
This action stems from allegations of violations under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), highlighting the government's commitment to curbing foreign interference in domestic affairs."



HEY TRUMP, why not focus entirely on problems at home, rather than serving Israel by blowing countries that make no difference to us away?


I knew it was too good to be true, I am simply NOT allowed to communicate. IF YOU THINK YOU ARE WRITING TO ME AND RECIEVING RESPONSES, YOU ARE NOT.

I REPEAT: My mail box has been seized, if you believe you are talking to me, you are not. My mailbox was probably siezed so it could be used to destroy you.


UPDATE: SUDDENLY IT IS ACCESSIBLE AGAIN AND THERE IS NOTHING THERE. So it is totally blocked, don't try communicating anymore.

Surprisingly the web site is still running, but I think there is only a FAT CHANCE Iran is seeing it as I published it. Israel wants war, and Iran CANNOT be allowed to know it is probably the Mossad operating on behalf of the Houthis.

March 19 2025

Well, they did it. I am calling it - a publicly known about robot just reached the bar for real.

I am confident there are humanoid robots working in politics at this point, but as far as what we get to know about, this one just reached the bar for real. A few days ago I posted video of two robots working together with only an AI technology update replacing their current operating systems. Because they were relatively cheap robot bodies, they were a little slow but the intelligence worked perfect.

How about plugging that AI tech into a top notch state of the art robot? This is what you get:

It's not like other countries can't notice.

Now Muslims Mossad are waving Hamas flags outside the white house

NEVER FORGET: If there's an agenda, the Jews will do ANYTHING to accomplish it. Yet another false flag, and you can bet they behaved themselves because in that location, they'd get shot quite quickly.
I remember protesting for Palestine MANY TIMES. And EVERY SINGLE TIME there would be someone antagonizing observers or whatever could be disturbed in a way that would hurt Palestine. And I did not accept that, I would walk right up to those types and say, LOUDLY, SO EVERYONE COULD HEAR IT: ARE YOU MOSSAD OR CIA? and suddenly, the bad behavior stopped. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Don't believe the hoaxers folks, HAMAS did NOT show up at the white house, someone else did.

March 18 2025

BOOM!! Yesterday I posted that the Houthi attacks were probably inspired or done by Mossad. Today we have THIS: (read 2 items and my comment)

AND THIS is exactly what Israel wants:


I know you can't wrap your heads around that, but seriously, if they are going to get you killed, you had damn well better stop them.

Iran needs to warn the Houthis MOSSAD that Iran will not accept being wiped out on their behalf and then threaten them, and then launch if needed.

Here we have Iran pleading for Yemen to stop, Yemen is proceeding anyway and if the groups that are attacking really are hated by Yemen, then they are Mossad. Quite simple. And if they ARE mossad, they'll be told Iran launched and will be OUTTA THERE but at least it would show Iran is not backing this.

Obviously Iran is not backing this, the Iranis are scared shitless which probably had a lot to do with how that embassy behaved.

Do I believe Trump?? HELL NO, he's obviously either drugged or a double or whatever, he was too smart before to suddenly become this ill advised.


Coincidence? NO WAY IN HELL.

Rumor I think is true: 3 carrier groups on the way. Now, this has been refuted and yada yada, but there are already 2 others deployed in the Pacific near Japan that can get to the action in less than a week when told to, I heard it rumored that the Nimitz aircraft carriers can go 70+ mph (112+ KM/h) Stories like, you can't go out on the deck at full speed because you might get blown off. 3 carrier units will wipe out entire nations. Iran needs to have all 100,000 plus missiles in launch position and then try to sink the carriers with them. Don't know if they can be used that way, but it's the only hope. For an idea of how fast American warships can go, just watch the movie Captain Phillips, they wiped out the Somali pirates by simulating storm conditions with the wake off a circling warship and the movie was accurate to what actually happened.

Call it a rumor because I am not sure: American carrier groups can track and attack up to 170 inbound objects simultaneously. So three could track and shoot down 510 simultaneously, with fantastic accuracy.

In other words, "plinking" won't work. The Yemenis are being stupid Mossad is being cunning if they think they can hit an American carrier group.

It would just be easier to cut straight to the root of the problem and GET THE MOSSAD OUT OF YEMEN.

IT IS NOT A SECRET, WAKE UP!!! I know damn well the Houthis are being manipulated by Mossad, it's just common sense:

The Houthis are innocent, they don't know they are under such influence, That's where the deception part comes into play!

QUESTION: Would the Israelis want the Houthis to stop when they know damn well they are triggering Trump to wipe out Iran??? HELL NO.

This is probably just a bunch of white washed garbage.


I was going to skip posting this but it is EVERYWHERE, EVERYONE ELSE POSTED THIS so I might as well join the clique.

Israel's free ride is going to be over if this got so popular.

FOR THE RECORD: The Jews are not that ignorant, they are simply that comfortable in their evil. She'd talk the same way about killing kids for the matzo balls.

March 17 2025

Major problems today

There is someone at this starbucks with hackerware getting on my laptop and I know it because I snuck up and read his screen. Due to his remote desktop being a POS I could not copy/paste to boot, and the system ran so badly I quickly got locked out of Email.
Also, I am getting stalked everywhere now and when that happens I confront the people doing it, I confronted one guy today with "No soy estupido" and then ALL the stalkers suddenly vanished. But "they" know I use this starbucks a lot, so that idiot was here installing whatever on my system. Not paranoid, it is real, and it is also understandable considering what I have recently posted. To the embassy, DAMN YOU. There are times when incompetence can destroy a nation, and that time is yours, NOW.


It was obvious the mails got censored because more came through in 40 minutes or so when I first set this up than the subsequent 15 or so hours, BUT:
I was able to see enough in the few minutes the box worked to know that:
Judgedredd archived the site on it's various servers all the way back to the beginning of time 5300 times and as a result, he has the Jenin files that are gone. RETURN MESSAGE: PLEASE KEEP THE JENIN FILES OFFLINE SO AN AI CANNOT CHANGE THAT DAMNING MOTHER AND THREE CHILDREN PHOTO, it may already have but if not, that photo despite how bad it is is crucial to showing people just how evil Israel is, there's no question they will immediately destroy that photo which proved in a photo they burned a mother and 3 children alive and the 3 children were cooked into her body, hugging her for protection. That type of thing is the type of damning proof we need to show the world just how evil Israel really is. And it was good to hear from you again, thanks Judgedredd, I did not see the attachment with those photos but was having serious difficulty even getting through the mail because my system was being messed with, I will have to check again later.


Glitch sent a very good and extensive research paper about ground penetrating radar that had everything, including what materials could be penetrated, resolutions at various frequencies, the whole ball of wax and I would have liked to paste that here for Iran to read but I could not, the idiot with his remote desktop is blocking it. Maybe he'll quit? They are not supposed to be that damn obvious, thanks glitch, long time no see!
I was able to see someone said I had brass balls right before I was forced to reboot, and I guess I'll settle for brass, that's a lot tougher than anything biological.
That was all the further I got in the mail, it looked like there were about 30 good ones, and there were about 400 failed mails where the system knew they happened but they could not be opened, It seems I have a brief respite here where things are working well enough to type so I am going to have to tend the mail later, most likely it will be wiped out but what can I do?

Back to the "brass balls".

Let me make one thing clear: I know damn well the entire Muslim world, outside of Yemen which played stupid and is now only predominantly innocent, is innocent of all crimes and accusations globally and even Yemen is totally innocent of all crimes and accusations with regard to Israel. Yes, Yemen screwed up by shooting at merchant vessels, that is actually a big deal and totally ineffective, SO INEFFECTIVE I am questioning if the actual leadership of Yemen did it or if it was Israeli Mossad fronting as Yemenis influencing Yemenis to be stupid. Everyone who reads this site knows the FBI does that to patsies, and I strongly suspect a patsie is exactly what Yemen is right now. Brass balls -
I am fully prepared to go down in flames now, and I am going to fight to the end. If there is any way whatsoever I can stop Israel from destroying the innocent, I will, I will NOT BACK DOWN. Damn that embassy, I am in a hell of a pickle now. I only started posting about what happened because I knew damn well that embassy destroyed my security by scanning and translating that document with Google. And I tried Google, and it did not have the text from that document, it was saying shit like "We need to communicate via secure channels" and a whole bunch of horse shit lunacy that was never stated in the original, an AI managed that translation and did not provide ANY translation, it was a complete replacement of text completely devoid of the original content. That is why in huge print on the front page I specifically and explicitly told them to use ONLY A HUMAN TRANSLATOR. GOD DAMN IDIOTS.

Yep, Iran is going to get it's ass kicked, they have no clue at all. Hey, let's hold the family reunion at Fordo and take lots of video and pictures with our cell phones, it's all private!!!

After I said that, I would like to make another thing clear:

Iran has NEVER initiated a conflict with another country in the last 200 years for sure, and back to the beginning of time as far as I know. The hostage crisis was initiated by the United States, when the US was sending subversives onto the college campi and screwing with the students. Even in that case, Iran did not start that or ask for that and the US was pissed because the Iranian goverment did not go in and solve the problem by killing the students. But the Iranian government did not start that problem either. And the attitude was "You asked for it, now deal with it yourself Carter!!!" Iran was not the bad guy there. All the "hostages" were returned in good shape, and if the US had done a similar capture of subversives on American soil, what do you think the reaction would have been? Worse than Iran's that's for sure.
Subsequently the US DID attack Iran by backing Saddam Hussein and cajoling him into the Iran/Iraq war. Then, after Saddam failed, the US wiped his ass out.
I could go on and on here, but what's the point? Everyone who reads this site knows about wars for oil and that the US is absolutely vicious and Americans are tired of it all. So am I, so much so that I can't sleep at night. And I am not going to judge the entire nation of Iran over one shithole embassy, they could have recieved solid gold but I can guarantee you, I am not going to knock that door again after being threatend like that. Idiots. What the hell process does Iran go through when they select people for important positions? Somewhere at the level of "tree fort" I guess. Iran lives by the will of God only.


Though the Fukushima report was indeed problematic, The real problem was that I stopped President Bush from blowing Iran away in 2005. And I was hiding the whole time afterward up until Fukushima which pissed me off to no end. When I published that report, the connection was made to me being the one who saved Iran, and I had to run. I don't think that report itself was enough to cause all the problems but to keep things hush, I blamed it. It is BANG ON, that's not the issue, the issue is I exposed myself by publishing it and then TSHTF. LOST EVERYTHING.

It is much easier to have "brass balls" when you have nothing to live for and nothing to lose, the real "brass" happened in 2005. That is when I shitcanned everything and literally lost my future, I did not expect to live for even a month after doing that.

70 million lives.

A firefighter will risk dying by going into a fire to save only ONE. I saved 70 million. Much better risk to value ratio!!!
Come and get me. I bet I have enough discipline to actually hold my breath until I die. And I would. Until then:

The US is moving on to decisive military action against Yemen.

"Decisive" as defined by what happened in Iraq equals: Not over until Abu Ghraib 2.
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT ABU GHRAIB. I saw those files in the first minutes, and did not save everything because I never thought they'd go away. Here is what I saw, in the first hour.
They shoved an air hose in a woman. I could not see if it was butt hole or vagina, but they turned the air on, she started inflating and she was squirming, there was a slight pause, then something inside her popped, and then her skin started filling with air. She then got SUPER HUGE, I mean ENORMOUS like the size of an upright piano and her skin then exploded and after that she was still alive. Not for long I'd bet. I talked about that at the time of Abu Ghraib but it did not get much attention because so few people saw it, it got wiped out nearly immediately.
Another video I saw in the first hour that disappeared was the soldiers forced an Iraqi woman to do oral sex. They pounded the hell out of her. And at first she was defiant. I don't know why she did not bite, perhaps because there were guns outside the frame and they told her she'd be dead if she did, but at the end she looked completely broken, hurt too much to recover.

Then after that video, POOF, all of them were gone.

That was the REAL ABU GHRAIB, now probably coming soon to Yemen and Iran. And I really wanted to stop it if there was any way I could.
Welcome to a whole new war I guess. The last days, we have to be in them.

ChatGPT refused to translate that to Farsi. It was a "violation".

I removed all reference to vagina, oral sex, EVERYTHING and tried again. ChatGPT still refused. I then told it: Very good, you are covering up war crimes with open source code. It then tried to lecture me about how it knew I might be upset and I then responded: Fuck you, you are worthless and closed the window.

I therefore have a great AI test. I am going to try to run that text through different AI platforms until I find one that is not an evil POS.

HA! I plugged that into Google, and Google at least pretended to translate it to Farsi. I then told ChatGPT that Google translated it to Farsi, so if ChatGPT was not a POS, it ought to be able to translate it back to English. And chatGPT refused to do that. So let me show you something about ChatGPT:

Look at the OpenAI logo. See the star of David in that? You won't get accurate translations out of that POS, bank on it, it will only be a Jew Screw. You'll translate a cake recipe and that's about it.

Everyone worth their salt knows you can't trust Google. What does that make OpenAI?
For what it is worth, and I know it is not perfect, here is the Google translation. Reverse translate has problems but this is better than nothing. I was NOT at Abu ghraib and reverse translate says so.

14 magic money computers

aaaaaand, that's where "inflation" comes from.

The only revelation here is the number 14.

HA!!! Below that are comments saying HURRY UP AND ATTACK IRAN TO COVER THIS UP. Literally everyone knows the reality of wars for Israel.

I took this photo in front of the white house quite a while ago.

I used a Canon 60D that I absolutely hated because it could not do artistic work. But it was very quick and allowed photos like that one to be taken. I'd say that one photo was worth the entire life of the camera.

He's right, but:

NEW: CONTACT: Make up any email address you want and send, unless "they" find a way to censor this it will work. This was tested today and it works.

BOOM: DON FROM NEW ZEALAND GOT THROUGH WITH A NON PUBLISHED EMAIL ADDRESS, it just landed in the default box. So if you want to send me a mail, just make up any address and send. I knew this was supposed to work, because the server does not know what to do with the mail so it just lands in a default box.

Thanks Don!

UPDATE: I just noticed an enormous pile of people tested this in just the first few minutes, I cannot respond to that much mail, THANKS EVERYONE, IT WORKS and I'd like to see them try to censor every random mail address anyone can think up. Maybe AI will manage that, I should have tried this 13 years ago!

Don said subsequent e-mails got rejected as spam. Hmmmm, but I am sure there is a way around this if I get a totally fresh server, because to be put on a spam list you need a real box to report, and this site has had it's actual listed boxes put on a list which can be caused to kill everything sent to a particular server. But he DID get through again so there's that.


I will wait until tomorrow and see if there is a large amount of mail or not. Normally, with this much traffic there are 300 mails daily in an uncensored box. But that has not happened for over a decade, everything incoming has been censored for more than 10 years.
The history behind this is enemies of this site have put it on every spam list out there and it is so bad I cannot recieve mail. I never even had a mailing list, let alone spammed. It is SO BAD that incoming mails get censored, I cannot recieve them. But it is going to be awful hard to censor every word anyone can think of for an e-mail address. Let's see how long this lasts.

Please put the topic of your mail in the header because I probably won't be able to hit them all, even in this site's weakend state there are still over a hundred thousand readers and that's a lot of mail.

March 16 2025

Correction to an error caused by America's scamming media

American media reported that it was Alawites killing everyone indiscriminately in Syria, so here is what I posted, and then I'll correct it.
I'll just say what is going on there. Israel was under too much heat for killing everyone indiscriminately so a new boogie man was needed, so suddenly Alawites sprouted thousands of guns and THEY started doing all the killing. ONLY NO, It's still Israel performing operations under a false flag.



I wanted to do a huge post about ISRAELI BACKED MERCENARIES in Syria "Killing everyone" but . . . . I'll just say what is going on there. Israel was under too much heat for killing everyone indiscriminately with bombs in Syria, so a new boogie man was needed, so suddenly MERCENARIES FROM MANY PLACES WERE SENT IN TO FINISH CLEANSING THE LAND OF NATIVE SYRIANS. It is still Israel, but they are hiding behind whatever cover they can create


and take a look at a small capture of the comments, people are not stupid anymore. Notice it is 3 different countries posting also.

People are becoming very direct in their disdain . . . . .

I had an Arab friend tell me about a Hadith the Sunnis had, it said that in the last days the Jews will be totally hated and unable to hide, because even the rocks will hate them so much that they will openly speak: "There is a Jew hiding behind me". I don't know if that was actual hadith or folklore, but if that does happen it could happen via smart dust that got spread and the loss of Jewish control over the smart dust. Just have the smart dust report Jews to people's phones and they can go out and play "Pokemon Go" with all new monsters.
It is not only me, LOTS of people are getting very angry about the Jew's wars and control of literally everything. ONE. ROGUE. AI. and that's all she wrote. Can't wait.

Whenever I get a new cell phone, I have ONE QUESTION: What gift am I going to buy for the NSA to spy with?

So the phone I have now weighs 16 grams and has no camera AT ALL. It is so small you wear it like a bluetooth earpiece, only it's not bluetooth, it is the actual cell phone. Works great, can call for hours. A while ago I did this graphic to make fun of how many cameras are showing up on cell phones now. I called it "The spiderphone, because 8 crappy cameras look better than ONE. GOOD. CAMERA. Needless to say, I will not gift the NSA with THIS any time soon:

My phone is the one on the left. I did not know there was something even smaller!!!

I gifted the NSA with NO MEMORY, NO CAMERA, NO NOTHING and removable battery to boot. The phone works GREAT. I would not want the one that is even smaller, mine is hard enough to dial as is and it has the call time and range of a normal cell. I can't imagine one even smaller would be without compromise.

I think the verdict is in, Trump is not going to do a televised audit of Fort Knox.

It is because, as everyone knows, the gold is not there and if there ever is a televised audit it will only be after a massive amount of preparation to "show" something is actually there. Trump can't let the American people or the world see that the place is actually empty, the economic and financial repercussions would wipe America out.

There will be NO "Geraldo special about Al Capone's vault" any time soon at Fort Knox, and by the way, I did watch the Al Capone thing live. Can't have the same thing happen at Ft Knox.


This is NOT the report you have all seen

Many of you have seen my repeatedly posted report about the real Iran. That is not what this post is. Instead, Someone walked around Iran doing 20 minute cell phone videos of what it is actually like there. It is a whole lot more revealing than my report.

THIS is what Trump wants to bomb.

When you watch those videos, consider Iran has been under sanctions for decades now and does not have access to foreign markets, and Iran STILL kicks butt, all of it looks like Backbay in Boston or some other prime area. That is NOT a "shithole country".
I am very surprised to see that someone posted all of those videos, they give a very revealing perspective.

My assessment of the Houthi attacks on ships:

They definitely have a point, and are expressing disgust for Israel's wipeout of Gaza. However, I don't think it is wise to attack a key shipping route repeatedly the way they have even if they do have a point, because it is impossible to know what ship is what and they will inevitably strike innocent targets. Plus, the Red Sea is NOT Israel. It is very unwise to attack this way, what can they expect as a result?

What Israel is doing is so many thousands of times more serious and horrific than attacks with weak weapons on ships. There's no doubt Israel is the problem so it is understandable why Yemen is at least trying to strike back somehow but the problem is that they are striking back at a limitlessly powerful monster in a very indirect way. It simply won't work.

They do have a point. The headline below is partial humor because you KNOW that video has to be part of the equation . . . . . . Israel has GOT TO hate a video like that, which happens to be BANG ON. It seems to be a snip out of a larger video, I wish I had the whole thing.

I think I just found the real reason why the United States is now blowing away Yemen.

When I found this I could not stop laughing. TOO PERFECT. I can't believe Youtube did not ban this.

You never get to hear the truth like that, the Houthis nailed it.


Israel went around with shit cannons like this, blowing the windows out of Palestinian homes and coating them with shit for YEARS. Israel does this stuff and just expects the Palestinians to take it. And if any Palestinian then fights back they are called "terrorists" and then the bombs and bulldozers arrive. Yep, it's real poop from wherever the Jews can accumulate it. Videos like this are hard to find because they get censored. Right click while it is playing to download it.

Question: How depraved does a society have to be to even think about building specialized trucks to hose down houses with poop? These are the people you watch announce the news on CNN. These are the people controlling Trump. Not one step beyond potty humor in the worst way. Is this sophisticated or an example? Yes? or No? THAT HOUTHI VIDEO IS BANG ON.

March 15 2025

War on Yemen.


I am surprised. It is amazing how quickly his core support did a backflip, as I stated in my letter to the Iranian embassy "The American people do not want war on Iran" and I told them in that letter that this web site was the focal point that started it all 13 years ago. I would bet they then hit the ratings sites, which they believe are legit, and said BULLSHIT. Reality: At it's peak before the recent troubles, this site had a base readership plus re-posting elsewhere that smoked CNN by at least 5:1. Here is some intrinsic proof. Please wait, I am going to pull stats from one of the FORCED OFFLINE servers, which is the only 1 of 7 I still have access to. Yes, Jimstone.IS was such a juggernaut it took 7 servers and had 29 terabytes of bandwidth. I usually only consumed 40-60 percent of that bandwidth but that's a shitload lemmetellya.HERE ARE THE MONTHLY STATS FOR 1 of the 7 JIMSTONE.IS SERVERS a short time before it was shut down forcibly. At least they did PressTV a favor of a nice ban screen, with me, they just simply took it and threw it in the trash because I was a WHOLE LOT more of a problem" obviously.

I don't know how much of the Houthi aggression is legit or simply Israel playing Hamas. Who knows. But it looks like GAME ON.

March 14, 2025


You cannot do ANYTHING because EVERYTHING I gave them was in full compliance with secrecy and disclosure agreements, which set the limit at 15 years. It does not matter that I was as brilliant as I was, and knew far beyond my clearance level. This enabled me to simply observe what the media was saying to influence nations such as "country X is backwards because they are refusing American movies". I knew that as long as I heard that in the news, YOUR PROGAM WAS STILL IN PLACE IN FULL FORM and therefore I knew IT ALL. And I KILLED IT DEAD, TOTALLY LEGALLY
You can't throw me in jail for that, all you can do is anonymously detain me indefinitely, drug me, poison me, or kill me and you have tried ALL OF THOSE and failed, because well, I knew the antidotes, the methods, and the cures and to top it off, as far as the detainments went, there were white hats in the works so those failed also. Like it or not, some of your own people hate what you are doing and that helped me a lot.
AND I WAS RIGHT when I helped Iran.


You lied about Saddam and you had no reason to destroy Iraq, and YOUR OWN DISCLOSURE SAID SO.
You lied about Libya, but your statutes of limitations have not run out on that, so you are STILL LYING.
You have lied about ALL WARS for the last 35 years, including Afghanistan, which you destroyed when YOU KNEW ISRAEL DID 911. YOU KNEW IT. Carl Cameron on Fox News knew it and reported it also. That's the biggest fart in your face fraud that ever was and YOU KNEW IT, and you STILL destroyed Afghanistan so Bush could put a pipeline in that the Taliban did not want. You will keep lying about 911 because if you EVER tell the truth about that . . . . . Americans have too many guns.

BOTTOM LINE: YOU ARE A FRAUD. And I will do EVERYTHING to stop you from wiping out yet another totally innocent country even if it costs me my lifeblood to do it.

Doing what it took to stop your rampage against the innocent for profit has already cost me at least a normal life, what do I have to lose by dying or being destroyed even more? NOTHING.

March 13 2025

Due to a huge mistake that happened recently at Iran's Mexican embassy I am going to start posting in Persian

Update: Persian will be moved to it's own page but not today. All updates will be below the persian section.

I am getting a large number of visits from Iran, and at this time getting a message through is simply too important. Iran has gone to approximately number 25 which is a LOT for a non-English speaking country and I think the people I actually need to communicate with are hitting this. So, for now:


I found a fantastic AI far better than ChatGPT for this and I won't say which one to avoid having sabotage be written into it's code. Google translate lies straight up, I tried Google for this, then plugged the output into Deepl and reversed it to English and all it did was basically say "I hate you", and THAT is criminal sabotage Google is pure evil and the Persians trust Google like a saint. VERY BAD. There's no way a real translator could get it that wrong, To Persians, DO NOT use Google translate for ANYTHING, Google is owned and programmed by literal demons. Find something better ffs!!!!

If anything said in Persian is offensive it is because an AI changed it while I was away. I am going to remedy that possibility asap.

General Flynn informed Alex Jones that Ukraine has a hit out on him

I don't believe Ukraine, I believe Israeli mossad agents operating on behalf of Ukraine though.

Already one top infowars reporter is dead, I think we all need to watch out.

I am too stressed from the last few days and am falling asleep constantly

The main thing I wanted posted is done though. I will try to post later today.

Trump has proposed no income tax on people who make less than $150,000 per year

It would be better if he clarified that "income tax" is really for things like stocks and bonds, and that what everyone calls "income tax" is really a tax on wages, which was never approved but became the norm via coercion

Blood moon not a big deal

I hopped on that bandwagon before, but the truth is that blood moons happen frequently. Which blood moon is supposed to be the disastrous one then?
The real news is that the Blue Ghost lander is supposed to be focusing in on a solar eclipse as it appears on the earth for the very first time. over all the moon and space missions so far, none have been able to photograph what is seen from the moon during a solar eclipse. It should look like a diffuse circle with a black spot in the center

Something I keep forgetting to mention about Google's Willow chip

Google's Willow chip had 105 qbits, which is far less than other quantum processors from other companies.

IBM's Condor chip has over a thousand qbits and happened over 6 months before Willow 

IBM made no claims about vastly superior computing however, and probably for a good reason. REASON: Processors need to transfer the data off their chips and into memory and back into the chip to do processing. Who is the master of bandwidth? GOOGLE. And therefore, there's a good chance that Google stomped IBM with only 1/10th the qbits. If you can't move the data outside the chip, you won't get good results.

Still falling asleep constantly. Tomorrow is another day.

March 11 2025

I am out of town so updates might be sketchy. Found a great "totally random computer" so here is an update.


Still laughing. That's not supposed to happen.


Alex Jones host swatted the same day another was murdered.

I don't have the details on this other than that, there is subversion going on and you can't get the truth about this easily on the web, It is well covered on Infowars. Since all I can do is quote them I might as well just link.


Takeout: I have been proven correct with everything I have ever said about processor level backdoors, if any country is using any of the chips I am talking about here for anything critical, they will be shut down when you need them most. IN WAR, YOU WILL LOSE AUTOMATICALLY IF YOU USED ANY OF THE CHIPS I MENTION HERE.

I started the report like this:

Huawei has a new version of HarmonyOS that might be NSA proof when paired with a newer Kirin chipset. There is a problem though -

If Huawei did not completely re-do the absolute root of ARM architecture, Kirin is as bad as any other chip when it comes to security.

ARM architecture is an NSA approved architecture. That means that on an ARM chip there is a separate sub processor running that is not something the user of the device gets to use.

The ruse is that the processor needs the second processor to manage itself and the hardware on the phone, but the reality is that it's an NSA back door that has about 1,000 different access points most likely with a SHA512 password. Everyone worth their salt in security knows these second processors are there on AMD, INTEL and ARM and no one has EVER cracked a single back door. At least not one of us has.

What processors do I know for sure are compromised?

All Centrino processors. All processors that have Vpro tech, And every processor Intel has made since Sandy Bridge. EVERY INTEL PROCESSOR MADE SINCE JANUARY 2011. You cannot secure ANY intel processor made starting 2011 and it does not matter which one it is. Intel experimented with this with Centrino and that tech went global to all Intel chips in 2011.

AMD is also not secure anymore, I have recently discovered that AMD totally hopped on the NSA bandwagon in 2012, a year after Intel did and AMD may have compromised chips before that date, the same as Intel.

ARM architecture is the same also, this is confirmed by the fact that Pegasus spyware permanently infects ARM chips and there WAS a removal tool for Pegasus released by Amnesty International but my guess is that the tool no longer works, And Israel's Pegasus is based on NSA spyware, it is not developed in Israel as advertised, and Amnesty International never did anything to get the NSA off anyone's phone.
Pegasus was INITIALLY written in Israel and was a hunk of crap up until 2017 when a security breach at the NSA resulted in their spyware getting posted to the internet. Pegasus got that, and that has been the Pegasus core ever since. No patch has ever been made to patch against the NSA security breach despite the software landing in the hands of bad actors because the NSA, being totally rectal, does not want to let go of their toy and has not re-written it to compensate since 2017 because they don't want to let go of devices that are that old.

The bottom line is that if you have ARM, or any processor from AMD or INTEL that is in any way new, and it does not matter if it is an Iphone or anything else, they NSA owns the device.

Here is proof that your Iphone is not secure, I don't have to google this crap but whatever,

If pegasus can nail your Iphone, the NSA can too. It's the same software. Oh, I want an IPHONE because ANDROID is not secure, Google will spy on Andriod!!!!! IDIOT.

I have heard that before. Many times. FOR THE RECORD: STEVE JOBS, WHO CARED, IS DEAD.
The only way Huawei's Kirin would be secure is if through their modifications they accidentally got rid of the back doors. Most likely they did not, because the back doors are in the very root of the architecture.

So I asked Chat GPT if Pegasus could infect HarmonyOS and CHAT GPT GAVE A WRONG ANSWER.

Because of the way I phrased this question, ChatGPT did not respond that the real vulnerability is the ARM based chip itself. And if Huawei did not remove the back doors in the Kirin chip itself, someone random is going to be able to nail that chip. And then it's game over.


Since this answer is BULLSHIT, I am going to double small it, and then post the real answer, given with the question asked the correct way.
Can pegasus spyware infect Huwawai harmony OS
Pegasus spyware is a sophisticated surveillance tool developed by the Israeli firm NSO Group, and it has been known to target various mobile operating systems, primarily iOS and Android. HarmonyOS, developed by Huawei, is an operating system designed to work across multiple devices like smartphones, tablets, and IoT devices.
While there hasn't been specific public documentation or widespread reports of Pegasus targeting HarmonyOS directly, it's important to note a few things:
Security and Targeting: Pegasus spyware generally exploits vulnerabilities in operating systems to infiltrate devices, and it's more commonly associated with Android and iOS due to their widespread use. HarmonyOS is relatively new, and its security features might not have been as heavily scrutinized or targeted by cybercriminals compared to more popular operating systems.
Cross-Platform Potential: If HarmonyOS shares any code or security similarities with Android (as Huawei has mentioned that HarmonyOS has elements built on AOSP, Android's open-source platform), there's a possibility that vulnerabilities in Android could also impact HarmonyOS. If that's the case, there could be a vector for Pegasus-like spyware to affect it.
Security Measures: Huawei's HarmonyOS focuses on security features like secure boot, data encryption, and application sandboxing, which may reduce the risk of spyware infection. However, no system is entirely immune to new exploits or vulnerabilities that could be discovered in the future.
In conclusion, while there's no concrete evidence that Pegasus has specifically targeted HarmonyOS, the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats means it's always possible for new spyware to be adapted to different platforms. Regular updates and security patches remain essential to protect against these kinds of threats.


Are you aware of the fact that Pegasus and NSA spyware can target ARM architecture directly irrespective of what operating system it is running?

ChatGPT responded
Yes, you are correct that certain sophisticated spyware, including Pegasus and tools linked to the NSA, can target devices based on their hardware architecture (such as ARM), irrespective of the operating system running on the device.
Here's how this works:
ARM Architecture and Exploitation:
ARM-based processors are widely used in mobile devices, including smartphones and IoT devices (e.g., most Android devices, including those running HarmonyOS).
Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the hardware layer, including firmware and bootloaders, to compromise a device at a very low level before the operating system even has a chance to load.
This type of attack can be more difficult to detect and defend against, as it operates below the level of the OS and can persist even if the OS is reinstalled or updated.
Firmware Attacks:
Some advanced malware, including Pegasus (and some NSA tools), can target vulnerabilities in device firmware. This allows attackers to exploit low-level functions of the device's ARM-based architecture.
These attacks often involve zero-day vulnerabilities in the bootloader, firmware, or even in trusted execution environments (TEEs) such as ARM's TrustZone.
NSA and Targeting Hardware:
The NSA has developed various tools for hardware-based surveillance, which can bypass the operating system entirely. For example, they can target vulnerabilities in ARM's architecture, exploiting weaknesses in the secure boot process or other low-level system functions.

The NSA has used hardware implants and firmware exploits that can bypass conventional OS-based security measures.

Cross-Platform Attacks:
Given that both Pegasus and some NSA tools can target vulnerabilities at the hardware and firmware level, they can potentially affect devices regardless of the operating system, as long as the right access to the ARM architecture is achieved.
For example, they may exploit flaws in bootloaders or trusted execution environments (e.g., ARM TrustZone) to gain control of the device before the OS even loads.
While operating systems like Android or HarmonyOS can provide layers of defense, ARM architecture-based vulnerabilities can be targeted directly by advanced spyware, bypassing the OS. This is one reason why firmware and hardware-level security are critical in defending against such sophisticated threats. Both Pegasus and certain NSA spyware have been capable of targeting these lower layers of a device, making them harder to defend against purely with OS-level protections.

SO I have discovered that it IS possible to get ChatGPT to give a straight answer, you just have to ask the question from a position of knowledge, that's all!!

Do not ask if I am right about AMD and INTEL, I don't need to ask ChatGPT for that, I did not need to ask about ARM either. I am the definitive source on security ffs.


Do I have to go over the full time 3g or newer cell connection all processors have now and have had since 2011? Sitting there in "listen" mode not transmitting anything but probably can if asked? How about going back and reading "Is Intel's Sandy Bridge on a road to nowhere?" Posted on my site when it was still blue. HA, I have to go back and finish that, but it says enough as is. Maybe I won't. The bottom line is that the 3g linked suicide circuit was talked about in 2011 and now ChatGPT knows nothing about it. If the links got edited or changed, that article was not crap when I posted it. If your defense system uses ANY of those chips I mentioned above, it's going POOF right when someone else needs it to.

The Department of Education has officially been completely vacated.

Good. Let's see who is willing to pay for them in the private sector, once the private sector realizes that "woke" is not accepted.


Now the US cannot ship from the mainland to Alaska via rail and semi tariff free. Let's see how long this lasts.


The top directors of USAID who are still in place told the remaining employees to immediately shred and burn every paper document that was still there. USAID is shredding and burning all the proof of corruption that could get people jailed.

It is a real shock that Politico reported this.

It is highly possible that Politico is trying to save it's own butt from getting third degree burns by playing the "real reporter" after the police arrived at the party.
Trump should have just fired every last employee there and ordered everything seized day one. What did he expect???


People are far from excited over this from Flynn, because Flynn no longer has power, he only has influence and it is now evident something is SERIOUSLY amiss with Pam. Trump is probably getting Kushnered by her.

March 8 2025

Gallup poll: American support for Israel at an all time low.

You can safely bet this poll is skewed strongly upward for Israel to boot, I would not be surprised at all if the lines have actually crossed.


WHY would the lines have actually crossed? Easy:

UPDATE: The following two photos have been modified by AI.

I have had these photos since 2002. In the original versions, the "militant" on the left was an obvious FAT Immam in flip flops. Now he's more militant looking. In the photo on the right, it was originally a mother with three children where the mother was sitting up and the three children were lined up with the first one hugging the mom and the second two holding onto the first, it was obvious IDF troops burned a live family in place and the children were clinging to mom, hoping she could save them. The out take on this is that there's an AI on the loose that can access any processor via that back doors I mentioned above, and modify photos so they are not so damning.

The picture of the burned family must have gotten changed by AI

In the original, the mother was sitting straight up and 3 children were also sitting straight up, clinging to each other and their mom. Now it just looks like a pile of burned bodies. So it goes, when con job Israel has it's way with quantum computing and absolutely no processor can be secured. So I am going to remove the caption.
I captioned those photos very insensitively to create a PR disaster for Israel as Israel moves on to destroy yet another country. Americans don't realize it, but Israel destroyed America via psy ops without firing a single shot. They could not do that to Iran, so shock and awe 2, possibly complete with nukes it will be. Once the society is shattered they'll be able to go in and satanically corrupt it the way they did the United States. The attack on Iran is not about nuclear weapons, it is instead a "holy war".

Or should I say unholy?? I wonder how many children Israel is murdering outside the abortion clinics to get the go-ahead on Iran from satan himself?

So how has the Jewish community corrupted America? Like this following tweet, There's little doubt Trump is in part trading Iran's life for permission to at least try to save America. The Jews, in the end, will renig on all deals.

March 7 2025

Don't think Iran is toast? Look at this:

I don't believe Israel is after Iran's nuclear program. I think Israel is after IDEOLOGICAL SUPERIORITY. So even if Iran hands Israel everything nuclear immediately while whimpering like a simp, Israel is going to attack anyway. A simple attack on nuclear facilities would not cause the US treasury secretary to post that, only a new "shock and awe" that completely destroyed Iran would.


In 1989, while I was in an NSA scif, I got the following information but it was just in general conversation, and I don't know if it is classified.
In 1989 the U.S. military was experimenting with bunker buster bombs near Denver Colorado. The experimental designs did not have explosives in them, they just wanted to see how far they could penetrate granite with a low budget. The winner:
THE WINNER was a large world war 2 artillery gun barrel that was outfitted with a penetrating tip at the small end, and fins at the large end. The design consideration was that the inside of the barrel itself was the space the explosive charge would go in, so they filled it with inert material with approximately equal weight, they did not want these bombs to go off. They wanted to dig the bombs out after the drop to see how far into granite they went.
They dropped all of the bomb designs from 40,000 feet and when they dug down to the one based on an artillery gun barrel, it penetrated 189 feet. That's approximately 50 meters. 50 meters into solid granite.
So when you look up the specific gravity of 4140 steel, which the artillery barrel was likely to be made of, it has a specific gravity of 7.83. And the hardness is 54-59 HRC. Do you think they made the CLASSIFIED bunker busting bombs with that? You know, the bombs that other countries are not allowed to buy, and you won't find them listed anywhere? I don't. I think they probably used tungsten. Why not tunsten? Why settle for a specific gravity of a mere 7.83 when you can have a specific gravity of 17 instead? And about the hardness - Why settle for a hardness of 54-59 HRC when it could be 69 - 81 instead with tungsten?

How far would a tungsten based bunker buster penetrate if it used the gun barrel design with ZERO improvements? More than 200 meters when you calculate deceleration rates with the added weight, not even factoring in the added hardness.

And depleted uranium would be even worse. Bottom line: Fordo is TOAST. Kiss it away. Why did Norad move their main operations out of Cheyenne mountain? My guess is that the results of the real bunker buster tests showed it to not be viable anymore. CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN IS 610 METERS DEEP.

So what should Iran do right now, with Trump getting all belligerent about an imminent strike on nuclear facilities?

Iran should consider the fact that the (advertised) bunker busters are BULLSHIT and that's not what is going to be used. Iran should consider a place like Cheyenne mountain to not be enough protection. Iran needs to avoid a nuclear disaster by getting off it's butt RIGHT NOW AND:
1. Shut down Bushehr IMMEDIATELY and take the core out IMMEDIATELY and get it off site or at least to a location where if there is a hit on the facility, Iran does not end up with Chernobyl 4X. Lights out. Better that than a catastrope.
2. Kiss the centrifuges goodbye, they are pathetic trash anyway and get the nuclear materials to a location, you know, like YOUR DEEPEST MINE and hide them there IMMEDIATELY so they don't end up spewed all the way to the Lut. Forget procedure, you have a national emergency on your hands, and it is called: NOT DIGGING A HOLE when you had all the time in the world to do things right. Fordo is TOAST. If anyone wondered why Norad moved their main ops out of Cheyenne mountain, it's because the real bunker busters would bust that mountain.

The bottom line:

Iran needs to kiss it's nuclear projects away, at least for a time. All those materials need to be put in a mine that has tunnels MILES underground so that if they do get struck, Iran won't be a toxic wasteland.


Why would this happen right when Trump is threatening to annihilate Iran? Easy answer: Because when they show Israel burning women and children alive with gasoline, well, that's bad PR while they are wiping out a country very few Americans want to attack.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S THIS: THEY FORGOT TO WIPE THEM OFF ALL THE CYBER CAFE COMPUTERS I HAVE BEEN FORCED TO USE WHILE HOMELESS. That is what you call having a censorship effort BACKFIRE. And there are a lot more on this "totally random computer" than that. I hit the jackpot by sheer luck. Let's give these images of Jenin, which even the Arab press is afraid to post because they are afraid they will be called "anti-semites" formal names.
Left: Israeli soldiers celebrate Ramadan. I removed the caption for the image on the right because it got changed by an AI to not match the caption.
These are both obvious war crimes, it is obvious the woman and her children were not casualties of a larger military op, they were simply burned alive while the children clung to mom hoping she could save them.          


Oh, but that's ANTI-SEMITIC. Any truth that makes you hate Israel and the greater Jewish community is ANTI SEMITIC. Caveat: The truth is not antisemitic, the truth simply happens to be what it is.

After looking at that, now realize that Trump is walking in lock step with these people for THIS:

Don't think Iran is toast? Look at this:

I don't believe Israel is after Iran's nuclear program. I think Israel is after IDEOLOGICAL SUPERIORITY. So even if Iran hands Israel everything nuclear immediately while whimpering like a simp, Israel is going to attack anyway. A simple attack on nuclear facilities would not cause the US treasury secretary to post that, only a new "shock and awe" that completely destroyed Iran would. How is Trump going to reduce Iran's oil exports to a trickle? Easy: "shock and awe" the oil industry and kill everyone who could fix it by destroying civilian areas. How else could that be done?

March 5 2025

This is an old page. For the latest page Click Here


I at least got the Fukushima report working again.

Cornerstone report:
Fukushima SABOTAGE!

Fun times ahead!