To the Iranian government, THIS web site was the focal point in developing literally ALL your American support, and here is proof.
To my reader base: DO NOT hold the greater nation of Iran responsible for what a few morons at a shitty embassy did, I am sure the greater government will be mortified when they find out what that shithole embassy did.
History: My web sites have suffered a total of 5 forced shut downs which included well over 15 server shut downs, which is a lot more than PressTV survived and I am probably still more powerful than PressTV by a LOT.
These servers were the latest ones shut down forcibly. Only one is still alive and it cannot be accessed publicly. However, I was able to pull the stats from shortly before shutdown. At the time these stats were generated by ONE server in Iceland, I had a five terabyte server at Racknerd, a 20 terabyte server at Contabo, plus lower bandwidth servers in Iceland (2) one in Brazil, one in India and one in Singapore. These stats are from one of the lower bandwidth servers in Iceland. This is what your embassy in Mexico City threatened to call the police on, while it was still alive at but wait, there's more after this image. It is a WHOLE LOT worse than this.These are the stats from ONE low bandwidth server, not all 7.
Oh, and I forgot. My site always was set up for only one page per visit, it was not like a forum or fake ratings site that generates many pages per visit. These ratings are hardcore, as solid as it gets. That is why the pages are so low, and the hits are so high. It's furreal baby! Now, what happened on the other servers, especially the 2 with terabytes of bandwidth? Can't look that up, they are gone, but sufficeth to say there was a LOT more total traffic than this.

BUT WAIT, it's a LOT WORSE than this times 6 other servers that were equal or more powerful. This was just the piece of shit in Iceland. Granted, this one triggered hits on the other servers, but it was a pipsqueak.
Problem: Alex Jones at Infowars, Rense, Hal Turner, and other huge names plus thousands of smaller ones re-posted my work, which was always favorable towards Iran and even though is not that powerful anymore, the BIG NAMES are still reposting my work elsewhere because they kept track of it all through the shutdown of the servers and knew I would still be alive on Voterig. So I still have ONE HELL OF A REACH.
When I said I smoked PressTV like it did not exist, and out ranked CNN BIGLY, it is not just hype. I actually was the focal point of Iranian support in the west, and that is what your embassy just shit on.
I at least got the Fukushima report working again.
Cornerstone report: Fukushima SABOTAGE!
Fun times ahead!